• last month


00:02Four of you are gone and eight of you are left.
00:12Just to keep things a little interesting around here, I'll let you choose your model first
00:16and then I'll give you a challenge second.
00:19Let's bring out the models.
00:33There are eight designers, but nine models on the runway.
00:37At the end, there will be one model left and that model will be out.
00:40Kevin, you won the last challenge, so you will be first to choose.
00:45It's going to be Olga.
00:46Next one is Karasan.
00:54So, Nara, you choose which model would stay and which model will be out.
01:10It's between Audrey and Melissa.
01:17I'm going to choose Melissa.
01:25Sorry, that means you're out.
01:31Auf Wiedersehen.
01:34Everything happens for a reason, but I had to go back home and, you know, I'm still a
01:45senior in high school, so I still got a little bit of stuff to do, you know, before I can
01:49really go out and, you know, fulfill this career.
01:54You've chosen your model.
01:56We'll take a good look at her because she's your new client.
02:08I'll give you a hint.
02:14This challenge is all about the designer-client relationship.
02:18You need to work with your model to create the wedding dress of her dreams, whether it's
02:22a classic white or a red mini dress.
02:26I was really glad that I had picked Jenny.
02:28She's not high-strung.
02:30She's not a lot of drama.
02:32She's just, she's perfect for, you know, the wedding dress.
02:35She's perfect.
02:36I hope you've been good to them because now they're in charge.
02:44Morganza, she's been difficult.
02:47Is this what a nine-to-five job is like?
02:49Dramatic, moody, and crazy.
02:55I just picked Morganza because she walks great.
03:00And if I knew the challenge, I might have picked a different model.
03:03You have one half hour to meet with them and two days to complete your mission.
03:07Good luck, and I'll see you on the runway.
03:14We have an exciting new challenge, this wedding dress.
03:17The one thing that I just want to assert is I hope that each of you is confident about
03:22bringing your own design philosophy and sensibility into this challenge and not completely abdicating
03:29creative thinking to the model.
03:31You want to win this.
03:33And if you're feeling really uneasy about what's going to be presented on the judging
03:37runway, don't do it.
03:39Because you don't want to end up with your design in the fashion cemetery over there.
03:43Da-da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da-da.
03:47Oh, God.
03:49They're excited.
03:51Da-da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da-da.
03:55Da-da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da-da.
04:02The black Versace dress that Cameron Diaz wore to the first Charlie's Angels thing.
04:06I don't remember it.
04:07It's tight.
04:08Tight like this.
04:09Butt is coming down right here.
04:10Bangs into, like, the room, and she's like, ah.
04:14For this to be, like, a lycra, almost a little bit see-through sheer.
04:19I'm so excited about this.
04:22This is the best whatever, what do you call it, challenge.
04:28This is the best challenge so far.
04:29I'll just draw a bunch of sketches, and you can pick out whatever you want.
04:32Yeah, do whatever.
04:33Like, I don't know the difference between the fabrics.
04:35Whatever you use in all your clothes, because I like them all.
04:38I'm really happy I chose Erin, because Erin has let me do, like, whatever I want, basically.
04:43I could make a lace out of leather, and, like, you know, put the pieces of leather on top.
04:49Thank God.
04:50I mean, it is your wedding day.
04:51Like, I mean, no one has to do it.
04:53You're traditional.
04:54Like she was saying, you could be a red miniskirt, you know?
04:56I'm taking it, like, listen, this is my client, and I want to make her look beautiful.
05:00I want to make her feel beautiful on the most important day of her life, and it's my job to do that.
05:05Like, my favorite colors are, like, silver, gray, slash, like, leopard.
05:09Um, like, I want leopard for some reason.
05:13Take this material here, going over it with the roses under it.
05:18That would be pretty.
05:19Melissa kept on saying, this is the dress that I've been imagining since I was a little girl.
05:25And I go, wait a minute.
05:27Aren't you 16?
05:29So you want flowers on the train.
05:31Oh, the roses.
05:32The roses.
05:33I wanted a red rose, and I have to have roses in my dress.
05:36The dress that she came to me with was, like, cheesy and very princessy.
05:40She doesn't know.
05:41She's not a designer.
05:42You're a good designer.
05:44Everybody else is trying to make, like, a model dress.
05:47And it's all white, no?
05:48Yeah, it's all white.
05:49Yeah, because we have to put a lot of jewels and jewelry.
05:53You have to.
05:55All over this thing.
05:56I got a little girl with the diamonds packed all over it, and it's kind of a little gaudy.
06:00She's Russian.
06:02Like a car seat, right?
06:04Car seat?
06:06Yeah, like, yeah.
06:08Of course.
06:09Yes, sir.
06:10She's a little too opinionated.
06:11I just have to make sure that she's really satisfied and happy, like a regular customer would be.
06:16I have to work hard?
06:17Yes, very hard, baby.
06:19So I'm going to make him work.
06:20I'm going to crack the whip.
06:23And we're going to do this.
06:24But I'm just concerned, in comparison, they're going to think mine's, like, a cop-out and simple because it's other people.
06:29But they know that we're making you do this.
06:31What if Morganza wanted me to make a see-through tank dress for the beach with flip-flops and dirty hair?
06:37So I'm like, oh my God, I don't want to get eliminated right now because of Morganza.
06:43Bye, Morganza.
06:45Today's going to be my bitch.
06:49I'm so excited about this.
06:51She's like, I want it sheer, a sheer wedding dress.
06:56Because I know there's going to be princesses in this group of, like, bells and bodices and poof.
07:01And then here comes Morgan.
07:03Her nipples are showing in her wedding gown, you know?
07:05I don't know.
07:07I'm going to go out this week because Morgan's sabotaging me.
07:11Olga wants his diamonds only.
07:14Poor thing.
07:15They're not designers, they're models.
07:17The consensus with all of us is that these girls are just, like, clueless, kind of.
07:21And they just want to look like a Disney character for this challenge.
07:24Was she difficult?
07:26You cool?
07:27Baby, I know what I want.
07:28Baby, oh God.
07:29Because you've got a lot of work to do.
07:31You've got to work hard.
07:33Oh my God.
07:34I'm making a wedding dress in two days.
07:36Usually people do it, take months.
07:47All right, everyone.
07:48We're here at Mood.
07:49You're shopping for fabric for a wedding dress.
07:51We have $300 and 45 minutes.
07:54Go for it.
07:55Make it work.
08:03She wanted a leopard print and I thought this was really awesome.
08:06And since it was the teal, I thought it would be really beautiful.
08:09It was $50 a yard, though, but I think it's worth it because it was just so fabulous.
08:15It's funny, I have a different tint on my glasses.
08:17So this looks like really, like, egg color.
08:19I actually did design my ex-wife a wedding gown.
08:22I kind of take it close to heart and I understand how important it is for a woman.
08:26Here's the sequins that I picked.
08:27It's very pretty.
08:31Do you know how much these are a piece?
08:32I need a lot of them.
08:34Melissa asked for roses in her hair, wanted the roses in her hands.
08:38It's just tacky and it's not me.
08:40Whatever I can buy, how many roses, $135, I want bags of them.
08:45We need you to wrap it up.
08:46Just get in line to pay.
09:01This time, we have two days for this challenge.
09:05I just wish we could have a little more time with these challenges
09:07so we could actually finish these things properly.
09:17It's Jay!
09:18No, listen.
09:21No, no, no, let me explain.
09:23It's not going to be like...
09:25No, no, no.
09:26It's not going to be like...
09:33Believe me, Morgan, I told...
09:42Let me talk.
09:44I found myself getting caught up in the emotional wrath of Morgan.
09:48And I thought she'd just be fun.
09:50But now I'm getting worried.
09:53And now, the biggest day of her life, I'm the one who has to make the f***ing dress for it!
09:58I'm going to die! I hate this!
10:02I hate this project!
10:04So, now that I'm thinking, I kind of want to sabotage her.
10:08Now, if I was doing that, I'd be doing what Nora's making.
10:13I'd be like, Morgan, I covered your dress in roses.
10:16Hey, listen, okay?
10:18This is not my design, okay?
10:21This is, this pageant, you were saying something.
10:25I want to be a big, poofy princess with diamonds and roses!
10:30She's got everything planned out to a T, let me tell you.
10:33She came in here last night and was like, boom, this is what I want it to look like.
10:36And I'm like, alright.
10:38They put on so many clothes in their job that they have to put on.
10:42Like, here's your garment, you're number 64.
10:45Get on the runway.
10:47But in this case, it's like, they really want it to be the way that they want it to be.
10:52So, when you're trying to execute that for them, and they're in more power, like, it's definitely stressful.
10:59This is the French.
11:02Ooh, I love it.
11:03Do you?
11:05Okay, good.
11:06I saw it and I was like, it's fabulous!
11:07No, it is.
11:09I feel that Austin is a little bit off his game now.
11:13When you work with a client, you know, you have to tune your energies to your client.
11:18Austin has one frequency that he operates on.
11:21We'll see how that plays out in terms of their collaboration.
11:25I think it will suffer.
11:27The front and that client is sort of almost follow, like, the natural trait of how this chain works.
11:32Julia's sense of style is so very different than mine.
11:36You know, I'm sure all the judges are just expecting, you know, Austin Scarlett to come out with, like, the biggest, widest,
11:40roughliest, most romantic, like, white wedding gown that ever was.
11:45But that's not what they're going to get.
11:48I bought this dye.
11:50It's called wine.
11:52Because for a small amount of money, I was able to get hundreds of roses.
11:56White wine?
11:57Which are all going to get dyed.
11:59So, everything that we do is going to be in the construction and the design of the gown.
12:03Basically, she just wants something very simple.
12:05Low cut in the front, low cut in the back.
12:08I do want to show that I can be very versatile.
12:11So, I was glad that you chose that type of a wedding dress.
12:14We don't need diamonds, we don't need pearls.
12:16I just don't feel that you should jeopardize your standing here because, you know, any of the models want diamonds and flowers.
12:23Let them know that, you know, you're going to give them the perfect design that's going to make them look beautiful.
12:38Martin, you just have a very nice, beautiful figure.
12:41So, we definitely both decided that it has to be very form-fitting on her.
12:45And then we're going to have a big, poofy, like, silk organza skirt that's going to be removable.
12:51I'm really happy about this challenge because I've designed a lot of wedding dresses and formal dresses.
12:56So, I feel really comfortable.
12:58This color is just not what I thought it was going to be.
13:01The dye is, of course, the wrong color of red.
13:04But I'm just going to take everything with a grain of salt and just keep going no matter what happens.
13:09I learned my lesson last night.
13:11I came here to compete and not to be f***ed around with by somebody.
13:16I'm not going to freak out.
13:18They're still pretty, though.
13:20But they're not the color that they're supposed to be.
13:23I'm not going to freak out.
13:24I'm not going to freak out.
13:26They're still pretty, though.
13:28But they're not the color that they're supposed to be.
13:32I really felt that I came up with a good design for Joy.
13:36And I expect that it will win.
13:40Wendy, her things have always been just, like, gimmicky, silly, not flattering.
13:46She just doesn't understand, you know, the basics of design.
13:50In addition to the fact of being completely out of tune with the world.
13:54We have been wanting, just once, to all go out all together.
13:59It's our once chance to, like, get dressed up and go out on the town and just really have fun.
14:06What are you wearing?
14:08I'm going to wear this studded thong tonight.
14:12I love to go out.
14:14I love to go dancing.
14:16I love to get all dressed up.
14:18I love to go out.
14:20I love to go out.
14:22I love to go dancing.
14:24I love to get all dressed up.
14:26And, you know, it's just, you know, some of my favorite things to do.
14:28We're here at the cutting room, an apropos-ly named night spot.
14:34I am extremely sexually frustrated.
14:37Robbio talks about sex 24 hours a day.
14:41And, like, he is so checking out Alexandra.
14:43Well, Alexandra, I mean, she's an attractive looking little specimen.
14:47There's, like, this, uh, an innocent flirtation.
14:51It's this kind of fun that I have, you know, with her.
14:54This innocent, you know, innocent fun that we have.
14:59Me and Robert are just friends, you know.
15:01I don't see him, like, in, like, a romantic kind of way.
15:04We're just, like, friends, you know.
15:06We all go outside, and then Robb starts doing pull-ups on the scaffold.
15:12At first, I started laughing because I thought it was hilarious.
15:14I think that's maybe what fueled Robb, you know, that he was, like, next to her.
15:17And he's fueled by women, fueled by sex.
15:21I see him pulling his legs up.
15:23I'm, like, trying to get up there, so I kind of, like, looked away
15:25because I didn't think he was going to even get his legs up.
15:27And the next thing I hear is a big boom.
15:32I think we're all really worried that, you know, he might be seriously hurt.
15:36Get a napkin.
15:38Water, napkin, ice.
15:40We're going to take care of it tonight.
15:42Get some rest, and then you'll be fine.
15:44Drink, you son of a bitch.
15:46Robbio, Robbio, you broke your head open
15:49because you were showing off
15:51because you wanted to get off with Alexandra.
15:56Oh, it's so true.
15:59If they shave my head, I am leaving the place.
16:02The only thing he's worried about is his hair.
16:05He doesn't care about the blood.
16:07He doesn't care if he has to get stitches.
16:09All he cares about is that they don't cut his hair.
16:12But we went to the emergency room,
16:13so they put, like, two staples in the back of my head.
16:15I feel fine.
16:17I could have done that pole vault a little better, though.
16:19The landing kind of sucked.
16:38How's your design progressing?
16:40It might just be simple and pretty.
16:41It's very Calvin Klein.
16:43Very Calvin.
16:45But she wanted these weird circles.
16:47They just look like eggs on the hips, ribs.
16:50Jay, listen to your own voice
16:52and tell her there's a reason why she's a model
16:54and you're the designer.
16:56And the one thing you don't want to utter
16:58on that runway during the judging
17:00is Morgan made me do it.
17:02Oh, hell no.
17:04I mean, she's already labeled as a kook.
17:08So, anyway, you're in charge.
17:10Here are my roses.
17:12Let's see one of her roses.
17:20It's so frosty. I love it.
17:22Yeah. Frosty's the right word.
17:24Yeah. So that's it.
17:26I'm gonna keep going.
17:29So I have some things in my head
17:31of what I want to do.
17:33And we're gonna discuss.
17:35I want to put another layer of mesh,
17:37but I just want it to be kind of this, like...
17:38It's too simple.
17:40I like it, you know, the side things.
17:42That's fine for me to be going out,
17:44but for a wedding guest, I think it's just too different.
17:46These cutouts that she wanted me to make
17:48ended up looking like fried eggs,
17:50which is good because then I don't have to use them.
17:52I just need these people, these judges,
17:54to understand this, you know,
17:56and not be like, why does she have eggs on her hips?
17:58Yeah, no, no, no, no.
18:00I'm good you didn't put them on.
18:02I have to just put my faith in her
18:04for the next 20 hours to keep it under control
18:06because I do not want to go home.
18:08She comes in and she brings her boyfriend
18:10and then everybody's like,
18:12who is this guy, you know?
18:14So you said, like, you wanted to make diamonds, right?
18:16That's her big request, diamonds.
18:20All over.
18:22Maybe fill up a little bit more.
18:24If you take the small ones
18:26and fill up the spaces, it'll look better.
18:28He's like, walks in and like,
18:30why don't you put this here?
18:32And he starts taking the diamonds off
18:34and rearranging them and stuff.
18:36And I'm like, they don't know that I'm supposed to do it.
18:38They're designing the dress.
18:40Hey, how are you?
18:42Nice to meet you.
18:44Is this your fiance?
18:46This is my boyfriend.
18:48You want to get your dress?
18:52You would think that at least three or four of them
18:54are really getting married.
18:56They're bringing their boyfriends,
18:58their fiancés to look at the dress.
19:02OK, beautiful couple.
19:04Well, I'm so happy to be working with both of you.
19:10You like the color?
19:14Look at you, sweetie.
19:16And then the chain's gonna be really big
19:18and poofy with all these different colors.
19:22I don't particularly like the dress Austin is making.
19:24Now, who's responsible for that?
19:26I, how could I know?
19:28It's really pretty.
19:30He is such a, such a talent.
19:32No, it was her completion.
19:34A talent.
19:36It really looks old lady.
19:37Do you want it in the mirror?
19:39It kind of looks like an old lady to me.
19:41She doesn't understand the procedure
19:43from the idea that she has into the actual garment.
19:45And I think like in between there,
19:47she gets a little upset.
19:49No, I mean, obviously.
19:51It was an expensive place, wasn't it, Rob?
19:54Yeah, it was.
19:56Yeah, it was really expensive.
19:5850 bucks a yard.
20:02All you have to do is tell him the fabric is expensive
20:04and he'll automatically like it.
20:06All right, I think we got it.
20:08Yeah, so you'll be nice and tight.
20:10Nice, sexy.
20:12This is the color issue.
20:14It was fake.
20:16It was fake.
20:18I love it.
20:20Flowers came out more of a purple color.
20:22I'm actually happier with it now
20:24because I think that red roses are really literal.
20:26But this is looking really good.
20:36I'm really going crazy.
20:38You guys don't understand.
20:40I'm worried about finishing the dress, period.
21:00God only knows what's going to happen
21:02at this elimination.
21:04Someone's going to get left at the aisle
21:06on their wedding day.
21:08I mean, there's always a possibility that I'm out,
21:10but my dress is well put together
21:12and it's, you know,
21:14as close to what Melissa wanted as possible
21:17with a couple of minor adjustments.
21:19My whole thing since I've been here
21:21is I take each challenge at a time,
21:23but the only thing that's in the back of my head
21:25is that runway show.
21:30Today you have until 4.30 to work
21:32and to get ready
21:34before we have our runway judging
21:35and you all have a lot to do.
21:37Your models need to go to the L'Oreal hair
21:39and makeup rooms to get prepped for the show.
21:52I'm trucking along as fast as I can.
21:54I mean, this train is just basically
21:56like puffings and frillings out,
21:58so it's not like it has to be
22:00this like perfectly pattern-made thing.
22:02With me, it usually all comes together
22:03at like the last minute.
22:05Oh, it's so beautiful.
22:07I can't believe I'm looking at my, like,
22:09future wedding dress.
22:14It's beautiful.
22:16Don't cry.
22:18It's so pretty.
22:20It feels great.
22:22It does.
22:28I have to take it off.
22:32I like it on.
22:34No, I have to take it off a little bit.
22:36I don't want to see my shoes.
22:38The wedding dress and Olga
22:40were kind of like worrisome.
22:42I'm not really sure if she was happy with it.
22:44It was going to fit.
22:46Maybe do something about the itchy part.
22:48Yeah, that's nice.
22:50It was just itchy inside
22:52because I didn't put a lining in it.
22:54And most girls could handle it.
22:56You guys have a lot of work to do.
23:00And again, about an hour and ten minutes.
23:02My tits are huge now.
23:04Yeah, I don't want the left or the right one
23:06to fall out.
23:08Everybody, you have ten minutes.
23:10Good night.
23:12It's time to go.
23:14Okay, we'll pin it backstage.
23:16I'm so nervous.
23:18I'm so nervous.
23:20I'm so nervous.
23:22I'm so nervous.
23:24I'm so nervous.
23:26I'm so nervous.
23:28I'm so nervous.
23:30I'm so nervous.
23:32I'm so nervous.
23:34I'm so nervous.
24:00Can you take this off me, please?
24:01If the time has come we have to stop
24:05Okay, I'm really serious
24:12Welcome back to the runway so eight of you are left and at the end of tonight one of you will be out
24:22The winner of this challenge will have a guaranteed in which means you're immune for the next challenge and cannot be eliminated
24:29This week's challenge was about the designer client relationship you needed to keep your client happy
24:35Why maintaining your own design philosophies and you will be judged on that?
24:41Now let's meet the judges men who we all love Michael Kors
24:48This week from Elle magazine. We have fashion news director and slowly and we also have I'm Salah
24:55highly sought-after wedding dress designer
24:59Our judges will be scoring your designs as they come down the runway, okay, let's start the show
25:16The model who was my client it was very inspiring to me
25:20And I really felt that I came up with a good design for her and I executed it well
25:39Look at the dress and I I do get a little bit worried
25:43It's definitely more of her than me in the dress
25:47And I was like damn
25:49You know, I really created this thing more for her than I did for myself
25:59When my wedding dress went down the runway she looked beautiful
26:04You could tell by her face she was happy with it we work together very well
26:21I'm not really sure if she was happy with it. She wanted more diamonds and I kind of held back on those
26:28I wanted to keep it a little more minimal. I don't know. It's my job to make her look her best
26:40I felt really good about the dress. I think I thought Jenny looked beautiful in it
26:46When she said she wanted something very simplistic. The first thing I thought is, you know, like a little society girl
27:03Julia came out in this
27:05Wedding gown. I know that they're really like what the hell is that because it's nothing like a wedding gown in the traditional sense
27:11It's certainly not a typical thing that I would have designed
27:26Love designing wedding dresses. I don't know there's something about it. There's a lot more meaning in a wedding dress than just an everyday dress
27:46It's hard to work with her
27:49She's just high maintenance and high drama
27:52Start off with her idea, but I kind of took it in my own direction
28:12Want to ask all the designers to please come onto the runway
28:20Designers we've tallied your scores when I read your name, please step forward
28:39Kevin you have a guaranteed in because you won last week's challenge. Thank you
28:45the four of you
28:47None of you have won
28:49But also none of you are out
28:51Your work has qualified you to stay in for the next round
28:55You can eat the runway. I was a little disappointed that I was safe of course. I thought I had the best dress
29:04The four of you remain
29:06Represent the best and the worst
29:09I'm gonna ask to bring out your model again, and you can justify to the judges
29:13your design
29:21Designers you're being judged today on your design
29:23But also you're being judged on if the model really got what she wanted the wedding dress of her dreams
29:30Jenny do you like your dress?
29:32I'm like the least emotional person
29:34And I literally thought I was gonna cry like when I thought it's like what I wanted and then like 50 times more
29:39How about you Lauren? I wanted something comfortable sporty classy. He did exactly what I wanted
29:45Melissa this is exactly what I wanted. It's so close to what I dreamed of as a little girl
29:50Julia is this the dress you've always wanted. Yeah, I mean I wanted to go for something a little unusual
29:57I didn't want to go for the classic white wedding dress. I just feel like that doesn't express me
30:03So we really have four happy brides
30:09Saw Michael Carson
30:12I've got to tell you the dress fits her
30:15Really gorgeously, and I think that you know fit fabric all together. It's it's it's just terrific
30:22Thank you, Michael. That is a huge compliment. Thank you so much
30:26What do you like and what do you not like about your design I of course love the bottom
30:32It's very me. I try to really collaborate with her on this
30:36She wanted helmet Lang and this is kind of my okay Calvin Klein
30:42My only concern is that she can't move in the dress. That is my only concern
30:48There's not enough. There's not enough leg room and sweet. Oh, it's a nice dress
30:53There's not enough leg room and sweet. Oh, it's a very tough tough design issue because standing still you've got a beautiful column
31:00I'm not doing a runway walk down my aisle you weren't doing runway here
31:10Austin yes, what would you have done differently probably not too much differently she had sort of a
31:18Slightly more
31:19Dramatic sort of straight back neckline that I thought would be a little more flattering if it was sort of this
31:25Asymmetrical V thing that we have going on. It's interesting
31:29But I'm having a hard time imagining it where she's wearing it. It's very different, but to the points too different
31:38Where do you wear this it really is your job as a professional to be responsible in the end for your own vision?
31:49What was her brief when you spoke? She came to me and said I want something very classic and traditional and I
31:57Think it was pretty successful
31:58My reaction looking at the dress is it's so traditional bridal
32:04I think if she went shopping she could probably find this dress
32:07I'm not getting you at all the challenge was give them exactly what they want. I think in this instance
32:15You you you tip the scale too much to the client
32:18And I think you've always got to hold on to you plus make the client happy. It should be both
32:25Designers models, thank you. You can use a runway, and we will call you back shortly
32:36Think first let's talk about Jay's dress
32:38It was very youthful and very sensual and there was a little bit of an intellectuality to it
32:44But it didn't overwhelm the simplicity and again
32:47You know she looked radiant and comfortable and also what I really noticed on him although
32:52She was very specific of what she wants. She wants Calvin client, and he tried to give her, but he didn't compromise
32:58I think he learned
33:00One thing that we all know as designers and editors
33:03You know the same thing when you watch a show if something doesn't move great it can kill the dress
33:14Cara's on
33:16Gorgeous, and you can see her model her face
33:19Just lit up and isn't that what a wedding dress is supposed to do plus
33:22It looked like something that I know Cara really loved herself
33:26You know it wasn't that she was trying to turn into another designer just to please the customer
33:31I think that's and that's that was a big part of this challenge
33:37Let's talk about Nora stress I
33:40Did not care for it at all. I have to say the model
33:43You know she's very young and that's what a young girl dreams of the big poofy drag
33:47There are ways to interpret the idea of a traditional romantic bride in a much more interesting way than that and I
33:55Really think that she really just turned into a dressmaker in this situation as a designer bottom line
34:01You have to have the maturity and focus to figure out how to communicate and convey your vision
34:06So that the client understands that you really do have their best interest
34:13How about awesome stress it's disappointing
34:15I mean to see talented people get steamroller by the client, but if you're gonna get steamrolled by a young girl
34:22Yeah, and I understand like a non-traditional wedding
34:25But I don't care if you're getting married in Williamsburg in a in a loft you're not wearing that
34:31They don't like the design they judge you on your design. No, I like that sign
34:35It was too weird
34:37Okay, I think we made up our mind
34:40Let's bring out the designers
34:56We've seen the runway show we've heard what you and your models had to say and we made our decision
35:07You're the winner of the wedding dress challenge
35:09You have a guaranteed in which means you're immune for the next challenge and cannot be eliminated
35:14You can leave the runway. Thank you. Thank you so much. I
35:19Was excited to get the win. I really was I'd love the dress and my focus right now. It's just get to the final three
35:26Jay you're still in please leave the runway
35:57Austin and Nora one of you is in and one of you is out
36:08While your client was happy with her dress you compromise too much on your own design philosophies
36:15And Austin your model liked her dress as well, but it looks nothing like a wedding gown
36:32Austin you're in Austin you may leave the runway
36:44That means now are you out?
36:46Thank you. We felt like we couldn't find Nora in your wedding dress at all and you cannot forget Nora when you design
36:54Thank you, thank you very much
36:58You're out
37:07I think my downfall was just the fact that that dress is just not me and it's kind of a shame to me because I'm
37:15Embarrassed that like I have to leave this show with that being my last piece
37:24I really I'm gonna miss everybody here and I really want to show so much of myself
37:30So much more and I I can't do that now
37:38I just hate the fact that
37:40I'm gonna miss the challenges that I that are gonna come in the future that I really think I could have done a number on