• last month


00:01What are we going to do this time?
00:02Welcome to Banana Republic.
00:04Two of you are gone and ten of you are left still to compete.
00:09And now we're here at Banana Republic and I'm going to give you a new challenge.
00:14This week it's all about commercial appeal.
00:17Your challenge is to design a holiday party dress that would appeal to the Banana Republic customer.
00:25I want to introduce you to Deborah Lloyd.
00:27She's the head of design for Banana Republic and she will tell you all the details.
00:32Thank you, Heidi. Well, welcome to our design studios. I'm so happy to have you here.
00:37Now, when you're working for a big brand like Banana Republic, you have to think about many different things.
00:42It has to work for the customer.
00:44It has to be sexy but yet sophisticated.
00:48We have two major themes this season and you can see them reflected on the walls.
00:52One is this beautiful yellow and pink story and it's called sort of sexy secretary, my grandmother's attic.
01:00And our second story this season is really inspired by art deco.
01:05I don't want you to lose your personality in this challenge but remember you are designing for Banana Republic so please try and reflect that.
01:12I've got fabrics for you to take with you.
01:14Good luck and happy designing.
01:17They're my favorite fabrics. It's my favorite store.
01:20And I'm a Banana Republic customer so I have too many ideas and I can't concentrate. I'm so excited.
01:33I immediately was like drawn to this fabric. I love it.
01:37It's just like a rich rosebud.
01:40So I'm thinking the dress is just going to be like a rose.
01:44I'm frightened. I really am.
01:48What I did for the second challenge was like quintessential Jay. You know, crazy, over the top, social message.
01:55And then going to Banana Republic and it's like the totally opposite.
01:58Oh, I have to tell you that it is just not me at all.
02:03We'll see what comes out of my fingertips.
02:06Designers, now that you know your challenge, I want to bring you back to the runway so you can choose your model.
02:12And don't forget your fabrics. Let's go.
02:20And now comes the fun part.
02:21You've seen the models already twice in action and you know it's crucial to pick the right model.
02:25Let's bring out the models.
02:34I just want to remind our models that this is a competition for you as well.
02:38The spread in Elle magazine is up for grabs.
02:41There are now 11 of you left on the runway and only 10 designers are left.
02:46So I'm going to bring you back to the runway.
02:49The spread in Elle magazine is up for grabs.
02:52There are now 11 of you left on the runway and only 10 designers.
02:56The designers will now choose and one of you will be out.
03:00I really want to be the last model here and I really want that spread in Elle.
03:04I hope I get the chance to work with all of them.
03:07Their styles are all so different and I really want to wear all their clothes.
03:12Karasun, you won the last challenge. You get to pick first.
03:18This week I think I'm going to go with a very strong Walker Martini.
03:32I got the one that I wanted.
03:35Next one is Vanessa.
03:37Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.
03:53The old guy.
04:06Allison. It's been awesome but you know I like to change it up.
04:11This time I'm going to go with Jenny.
04:16This week I'm going to go with the Jolly Green Julia.
04:22As it got down to the ninth button and my name was not called, I realized I am the last one.
04:28It's pretty tough when you have to pick the last model, eliminating the other model.
04:35Oh my god, it's Allison and Josie.
04:38I was saying oh s***, oh s***, oh s***.
04:42There's only one button left in my bag and that belongs to Robert.
04:47There's two models left on the stage.
04:50Allison and Josie Yen.
04:54The model you choose will be in.
04:56The other model will be out.
05:02I have to think about what's best for the runway.
05:07So I have to pick Josie.
05:15I was fine and then I saw Nora started crying and then I was like oh crap.
05:19My eyes got watery.
05:21I was for sure that if I didn't pick her, somebody would have picked her.
05:26I'm sorry.
05:28You're out.
05:30She doesn't.
05:32You're out.
05:40I send you off to your challenge.
05:43You have two days to complete it.
05:45Good luck and I'll see you on the runway.
05:48This is actually the first project where we all had to sit down and draw and come up with a scheme and a plan.
06:07We have two days for this challenge so I think we'll all be able to focus on our designs and the construction and make it as good as it can be.
06:15My design is to take this rose print on cream satin and make a sort of afternoon party dress.
06:25I know a lot of other designers just have completely conflicting styles with what Banana's all about.
06:34We're going to do a really, really sh**ty bias.
06:38The way the challenge has been set up, it doesn't feel to me that there's any room for my brand of creativity to come through.
06:45I wonder how hard I would fall to the ground if I jumped through the window right now.
06:50I get stressed out. I go through patterns with this stuff.
06:53So then I start being boisterous and loud and obnoxious.
06:57Jesus Christ Rob, how long are you going to take?
07:00It's going to take me as long as damn possible.
07:02Sick of your sh**.
07:03I think a lot of what these people do is just really annoying.
07:08I don't need any of this crap.
07:15If you get to be 40 years old, you know an opportunity when you see it.
07:19I just got a different agenda while I'm here.
07:22I f***** heard that b**ch. I'm going to come over here and f***** you up.
07:29It's very childish. A lot of the screaming and running around. It's annoying me.
07:37I wonder if Banana would let any of these people work in their studio.
07:41I will always be a goofball, but I'm still going to get my sh** done.
07:52Put it in the trash can, please. Please.
08:00I don't want to interrupt you, but can I get everyone to gather around, please?
08:06A letter has been delivered from Banana Republic.
08:11We didn't know there was going to be a twist, but now it's just like, okay, what's the twist this week?
08:16And I want Vanessa to read it.
08:22Deborah Lloyd and Banana Republic have some very exciting news.
08:26After having the opportunity to meet all of you face-to-face, she feels so confident you would do a fabulous job with this challenge
08:32that Banana Republic is pleased to announce that the winning holiday party dress will be manufactured and sold in select stores nationwide and online as part of Banana Republic's winter line.
08:44Best of luck.
08:51The stakes rose a million percent.
08:54There's another aspect, though, and it has to do with how big this reward is for this challenge.
09:00That is that moving forward into the next challenge, the winner of this does not have immunity, so there's no guaranteed in in the following challenge.
09:09Being safe is great. Having your design reach millions of people is better to me.
09:16Any woman who could walk in and buy an Austin Scarlett original at Banana Republic, this would be just a dream come true.
09:23I hope you're really thrilled with this opportunity because chances are greater that all ten of you would be struck by lightning than that this would happen for you.
09:31All right, back to work.
09:38That's what we need here, Cap. We need a mud wrestling match. Or jello.
09:45How come everyone got quiet all of a sudden? Huh?
09:49Stop trying to distract me, Rob.
09:51The whole room got a lot more intense. Like, everybody I could tell, you know, their eyes just, like, lit up and everybody was like, let's get to work, you know?
10:01I had a strategy when I first came into the competition. After two weeks, I wasn't doing very well.
10:07I just wish I would have seen more clothes. Not well executed.
10:13I decided to basically stop worrying about other people and start thinking about what I could do and do it.
10:22With this design, it's quite different than what I've done for the past two challenges. It's very conservative.
10:27Obviously, I need to produce a very strong piece for me to get myself out of this hole.
10:31There couldn't have been a challenge that was better suited for my creative abilities because our inspiration is art deco.
10:39That's my favorite, favorite stuff. So, I think I have an original design that is really nice looking.
10:47I like this dress. It's going to be a good one, I think. I think they'll like it. It's what's going on right now. I think there's going to be a lot of black.
10:53With this Banana Republic project, I had to place myself as a designer for the Banana Republic people.
10:58I wanted to make a subtle dress. It's going to make a nice clean princess with an A-line skirt.
11:03And then I kind of said, you know what, no, I want to change it around. Let me make it all leopard.
11:08I started making three dresses. I think I need to sleep on it.
11:13You're going to sleep on it?
11:15It's almost 12 o'clock and Robert still has a lot of work to do.
11:18And I think he could be in jeopardy of not finishing.
11:21All right, I'm going to sleep on it.
11:33Star is doing a black. Black and red. Is that bad? It's going to be more subtle than that.
11:38I overheard him say, Star is also doing a black and red.
11:41Black and red. Is that bad? It's going to be more subtle than that.
11:45I overheard him say, Star is also doing a black dress but it's not so subtle, you know, for the Banana Republic style.
11:53Say it to my face, Kevin.
11:55Say what? Say what?
11:57Whatever you have to say. There's no reason for people to play petty games and like try and make people feel bad.
12:03So if you want to say that kind of stuff, fine, but it's rude to stand over there and say it and earshot at me.
12:08If you want to know, I'll tell you. But I don't think you want to know what I think.
12:14On that note, it's time to get a drink.
12:23We all went out to a bar for the first time. Definitely, definitely needed it.
12:27I should say all of us. Wendy and Austin didn't go home. They didn't want to come with us.
12:30Good night, guys.
12:32See you tomorrow.
12:34Fresh, compacted socks.
12:37I'm here to work and to prove myself as a designer. I'm not here to party.
12:44We went out to a bar with no people in it.
12:56I can handle my liquor and some people can't.
13:09Nora, not a good, not a good drunk.
13:19I hope that my parents are proud of me for where I am.
13:23You're right on the f***ing ground.
13:34Last night, I knew I had a whole day of work ahead of us.
13:38And I didn't want to go get trashed and come in hungover the next day when I had a dress to make.
13:45Project Runway is not about partying for me. It's about working.
13:51I think a lot of the designers this morning were a bit hungover.
13:57So, I'm definitely going to get a drink.
14:00I'm over.
14:02So, I'm definitely glad I didn't go out.
14:12Today is our second full day of work on Banana Republic, but it just seems like we have a lot of work left to do.
14:19So, it's kind of funny actually this morning. I'm like, you know what?
14:22I gotta just make this my decision and I couldn't be any more happier than what I'm working on right now.
14:26So, I took back my little subtle ice blue and added a little leopard into the mixture.
14:31I love the leopard.
14:33I know. I'm not doing it though. I can't. Not for Banana.
14:38I'm very happy with my dress. It's not simple.
14:41The dress as a whole I find to be as simplistic as your explanation.
14:46It's very Banana Republic. It's sexy and it has the sophistication that they want.
14:51But at the same time, it's like me. I see myself in that dress.
14:57My dress is more of like a resort holiday thing. I was thinking more like the Hamptons or St. Barth.
15:07From how I feel right now to how I felt when I got the challenge are two different things because I was like sweating balls.
15:15I've been having these moments in this process that something will pop up cosmically.
15:19When I was sketching and I literally look up and there's a picture of the Chrysler building.
15:24And I'm like, the Chrysler building is Art Deco.
15:28So, I'm kind of working off of that. These kind of sun shapes, rays, fleeting.
15:33Now, I am on my way.
15:37Star, how are you doing?
15:39It'll be a miracle if I finish this thing. It's a lot more complicated than I expected.
15:43It took forever and ever and ever and ever.
15:47I've been completely lamblasted by these judges twice now.
15:51And I'm still here and I have to go through it a third time.
15:55I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that I don't mess up.
15:59I'm going to do my best.
16:01I've been completely lamblasted by these judges twice now.
16:05And I'm still here and I have to go through it a third time.
16:08I'm going to do everything I can to really play it safe.
16:11Are you concerned about the time?
16:14That remains?
16:16Do you have a plan for how to use it?
16:17I'm just going to do everything I can and save the trim for last.
16:20Okay, thank you Star.
16:23Robert, what's going on?
16:25Last night I had a lot of thoughts going through my head.
16:28I was just figuring out, flip a coin and pick one.
16:30But then I was thinking more of this and debating.
16:33I like this and this.
16:34And then I just, you know what?
16:35I think I'm just going to put the little accent of the leopard with the ice blue.
16:40Like safari meets the ice cap.
16:45You're taking risks.
16:46I'll say that to you.
16:47You're taking risks with this.
16:49But I did combine all the three dresses and made it into one.
16:53And then I kind of over did it.
16:55Good, good, good.
16:58I am going to leave you until tomorrow.
17:01You have about an hour tonight.
17:04You'll have two hours tomorrow.
17:05Bye bye.
17:07Have a good evening.
17:18I went to iron my dress and the second I picked up the iron,
17:21this brown liquid of rusty water just oozed right out.
17:26It sucks these things drip.
17:30Nora, how do you get steams out?
17:32Baby powder.
17:33The silk that I picked out wasn't the best silk.
17:35The sewing machine that I had made all my seams puffy.
17:38Just everything was kind of going wrong for me with this project.
17:41Oh my god.
17:47There was nothing I could do.
17:48Nora helped me with a little baby powder to wipe it, but that didn't do anything.
17:52So I'm like, you know what?
17:53I'm going to save that problem for the morning.
17:57The next day
18:06The whole judging process is one big ball of stress.
18:10It's really horrible to speculate about who's going to leave.
18:13I mean, it could be me.
18:15It could be anyone really.
18:17We don't really know.
18:21It was kind of a chaotic night last night.
18:23It was a little tough for me to go to sleep.
18:25And I'm not thinking negatively about it.
18:27I just know what I have to do right now.
18:29I'm going in there, focused, and just, you know, do the job I have to do.
18:32I'm figuring I'm going a different route.
18:34I'm going to present myself a little bit more, you know, just to fit with Banana Republic.
18:38Also, I got to transform myself into, like, you know, a Banana Republican.
18:43I'm really happy for Wendy this week.
18:45I'm really actually rooting for her a lot.
18:47So I got up early this morning, went up to Wendy's,
18:49and we just had a little fun, extreme makeover.
18:54Do you have a curling iron, or do you just have this flat iron?
18:56I feel that how she's dressed the last two weeks contributes to how the judges view her.
19:03Does that look like the face of a 40-year-old woman?
19:06I say no.
19:07I have almost no sense of my own physical appearance to the world.
19:13I feel so grateful to her, and we're going to see if it changes the way the judges respond to me.
19:19You know, when she goes up there and she talks to Nina, it can be like,
19:21yeah, Nina, you know, bring it on.
19:25Okay, see you in a few.
19:35I did feel good about my dress today.
19:38I am, you know, as always, cautiously optimistic and hoping for the best.
19:50I'm good.
19:52I'm comfortable with my dress.
19:53I can't believe I pulled it off.
19:54Julia, I'm trying to give that girl some hips because, God, you know, you didn't give her any.
20:03Of all the dresses I've ever made, this is the one I'm most proud of.
20:07I think it turned out really well.
20:08I'm sort of amazed I was able to pull it off because it was kind of beyond my technical skills.
20:15I saw a little bit of stars, and I looked at it for a second, and I was like, ooh.
20:23Maybe I'm wrong, man.
20:24She's going to kick my ass.
20:27Is there a dot right there?
20:28Is that 30?
20:29Yeah, I meant to put that there.
20:31We're going to cover this baby up right now.
20:33I'm going to put a brooch on here.
20:35Possibly something like this.
20:38That's exactly what we're doing, let's say.
20:41I don't see a stain no more.
20:43I think we got ourselves a glamorous holiday dress.
20:48All right, everybody.
20:49It's challenge number three.
20:51And I have to tell you, this is going to be one difficult set of designs to judge because you all look sensational.
20:57So, look, let's give each other a hug and a cheer and good luck.
21:09Welcome to the runway.
21:10Ten of you are left.
21:12As you know, fashion is cutthroat, and either you're in or you're out.
21:19At the end of the fashion show, one of you will be out.
21:25Your challenge was to design a holiday party dress for Banana Republic.
21:29You will be judged on the style of your outfit and how well it fits the Banana Republic aesthetic.
21:35On behalf of the winning dress, a donation will be made by Banana Republic to Dress for Success,
21:41a not-for-profit organization that helps low-income women with career development.
21:48The winner's dress will be sold in select Banana Republic stores nationwide and online.
21:57I want to introduce you to the judges.
21:59We have Michael Kors, fashion designer extraordinaire.
22:02Nina Garcia, fashion director of Elle Magazine.
22:05And Deborah Lloyd, head of design for Banana Republic.
22:09Let's start the show.
22:14On this particular challenge, I really felt that things had to be finished in a certain way because it's a Banana Republic clientele.
22:21Working women who want a lot for their money but don't want to spend a lot of money.
22:25So, I mean, you have to keep all these things in mind.
22:33Just the incentive of having my dress in every town in the United States, if not all over the world, that's just incredibly exciting.
22:55I feel like I accomplished the task that was put out for us.
22:59And I think I came out with a nice-looking, wearable dress.
23:05I'm really hoping that the judges are going to like it.
23:17I definitely think it was a challenge update to my strength.
23:20Banana Republic, you know, it's more like ready-to-wear, which is more of what I like to design.
23:29When I saw my dress go down the runway, I just can't have any better feeling as a designer than to see your work on the perfect girl and it just looks beautiful.
24:00I guess somewhere in my soul I knew I could do something that was pretty.
24:07I don't know why I got so pent up about it.
24:20I knew my idea was good and I knew it was strong.
24:24I felt like it was going to appeal to the judges.
24:30The dress that I did for Banana Republic was, I think it was the prettiest one and I think it fitted the theme the best.
24:48I would love to have my piece manufactured because everybody in my town and home shops at Banana Republic and I'm really excited and I think it's an amazing honor.
25:05I always watch the reaction of the judges when my model walks by and I'm like, oh boy, I am definitely the bottom of the barrel.
25:29I want to ask all the designers to please come onto the runway.
25:35We've tallied your scores.
25:38If I say your name, please step forward.
26:06The designers who haven't called, your scores have qualified you to stay in for the next challenge.
26:13You haven't won, but you're not out.
26:16You can leave the runway.
26:31Now we're down to six.
26:34The six of you represent the best and the worst.
26:42Let's bring out the models.
26:52I want to start with Austin's dress.
26:55Do you want to tell us a little bit about it?
26:57I really love the whole idea of sort of a winter floral.
27:01I really tried to emphasize a sort of diagonal idea that sort of crisscrosses in the front and then again terminates in the back and then flowing into the drapery of the skirt.
27:14Is it attached or is it part of the dress?
27:17This actually is not, I didn't have time.
27:27I love the look of your dress. I think you really captured the inspiration.
27:31You've come up with the perfect sort of 30s inspired party dress.
27:35And then it's very wearable, it's refined yet very sophisticated. I love what you did.
27:40And it's very comfortable too.
27:45Do you want to explain your holiday dress?
27:47This basically for me is the ideal dress for a young professional woman who is going to a cocktail party in the holiday time.
27:56And this of course was inspired by the fact that your holiday 2004 collection has capes.
28:03So I wanted to do a variation so that it would fit in with your collection.
28:07Wendy always I found in the past, we always kind of agreed on that the dresses were never really looking like they were complete.
28:15And I think this time it looks completely complete to me.
28:21Star, let's talk about this dress.
28:24I have a hard time imagining that dress at Banana Republic.
28:28It's a little costumey. Why did you take it this far? I mean what was your thought?
28:33I'm actually an avid customer of Banana Republic. It is something that I could see hanging there.
28:39Is it really the customer?
28:41Yeah, the design sensibility. I think it's sort of moved on. It's got a little bit of a hard edge. I think it's sort of, there's almost that jester statement.
28:50We haven't talked about Jay's dress yet. I mean this was very complicated to do.
28:54Very. It fits her like a dream.
28:59This is happening to me.
29:02No, it really fits her beautifully.
29:04Robert, this doesn't look like you.
29:08I feel like this is a little bit of a pastiche of too much of what's happening out there right now.
29:14Did you get bogged down with the fabric or?
29:17The concept of my idea was I have this like flowing, you know like the chiffon flowing into the dress like a basic solid color.
29:23I have to agree with Michael. I don't feel I know what your style is.
29:26It has to be what's going to happen next in fashion. How far can I push it without going too far?
29:33It's got a brooch, which there's a thousand brooches out there now. We're dancing on the lip of the volcano.
29:39Into the volcano I think, a little bit.
29:42Thank you. You may leave the runway and we're going to call you out shortly.
29:49Okay, first I want to talk about Austin.
29:52He gets really vintage.
29:53I'm just trying to get him to do something a little more realistic. This dress has to sell.
29:58I can see that dress and guess really his personality came straight out.
30:03And then it was so him, maybe he didn't listen to the aesthetic enough.
30:07At the end of the day, is the real woman really going to go and shop and wear that, you know, frou-frou? I don't know.
30:13I was all about Wendy.
30:15I think Alexandra.
30:17I disagree on Alexandra, but I have seen her past.
30:20I've seen too many of those slip dresses.
30:21It's just too simple.
30:23I think that it's so wearable in her dress.
30:25Yes, it was. It covers many different figures, but I thought it was a beautiful dress for Banana, as it was Wendy's as well.
30:31Wendy's was more our typical aesthetic, very clean, very pure, but I also love the whimsy that Alexandra brought to it.
30:43I don't like the whole, the color theme. I don't see that in the mix-up because I remember the color board that you had, it was all flowing.
30:49We kept the black away from the pink, and basically she managed to put the two extremes together.
30:55We kept apart, and I just thought, it really pushed it. For me, it was a jester dress.
30:59I think for her, she had a preconceived about what art deco meant to her, and she drove that through.
31:07Jay was a surprise to me. All of a sudden, he went from Mr. Punk to this.
31:12To like immaculate dress.
31:14I was shocked.
31:16I have to say, that top was exquisite.
31:17It was beautiful.
31:19And I think he was surprised.
31:21I think he could believe we liked it.
31:23He couldn't believe it.
31:25I mean, that top was beautiful, and when you give an art deco an inspiration, it's like, that's surprisable.
31:37Robert's dress was so overly designed.
31:40Color combination.
31:42And he had the sequins on the leopard. Did you see that?
31:44So we pretty much are the same in agreement.
31:47I think so.
31:49Let's bring him back out.
32:05We've heard what you had to say, and we made our decision.
32:09One of you will win the Madonna Republic Challenge, and one of you will be out.
32:14Jay, you're in. You can leave the runway.
32:50You're in.
32:52You can leave the runway.
33:01You are the winner of the Madonna Republic Challenge, and your dress will be in select stores nationwide and online.
33:08Wendy, you really surprised me in such a good way.
33:11I so did on you the last time.
33:14I think this was impeccable. It looks beautiful.
33:18I think you did an amazing job. Congratulations.
33:21You can leave the runway.
33:25It's huge for me that I won the Banana Republic Challenge.
33:28What that means for my life, I don't, you know, that.
33:37I didn't see it.
33:39You didn't?
33:40I didn't see it.
33:43Obviously, it changed my life. I mean, of course, how could it not?
33:54You're in.
33:56You can leave the runway.
34:07Robert and Star.
34:14Your design seems pieced together and lacks direction.
34:18Star, your style is too broad, and your designs have consistently been very over the top.
34:28You're in.
34:56You're in.
35:10I'm with you.
35:16She's kind of nervous right now.
35:21We all really think that you have a lot of talent.
35:24But we're looking for someone who is more versatile.
35:27I'm sorry. You're out.
35:33Peter said.
35:48I'm sorry.
35:53I didn't think that this was going to be my time to go.
36:07The thing I've learned is just, when I have a passion about something, I just have to go for it.
36:12I don't know what's going to happen, but it was just a really incredible opportunity for me.