• last month


00:01Are you all ready for your next challenge?
00:05This challenge is all about vision.
00:08You will all start from the same place.
00:10Plain, white, cotton.
00:13The official fabric of Project Runway.
00:16You will each work with a bolt of white cotton fabric to design an outfit.
00:20Your guiding inspiration for the design is one word.
00:27Of course, I immediately started to rack my brain for what on earth I should come up with
00:31or what envy meant to me.
00:33And your outfit must reflect this theme.
00:36You now know the challenge.
00:38Let's move on to the models.
00:40You know how important the model is.
00:42So you should pick the right model to get you through the next challenge.
00:46Let's bring out the models.
00:48It's really getting more important for Heidi to pull your name out of the bag first
00:53because everybody wants the same models.
00:55Martinique, Olga, and Melissa.
00:58But I would never choose Morgan again.
01:01I don't care how great she walks.
01:04She was three hours late.
01:06Morgan, this is really bad.
01:10I just want to say to the models that this is a competition for you as well.
01:13There's 12 models on stage now and there are 11 designers left.
01:18One model will have to go.
01:21In the end, the model paired with the winner of Project Runway
01:25will receive an exclusive fashion spread in Elle magazine.
01:29Elle magazine is a huge magazine.
01:32That would be like a dream to be in it.
01:34Our last challenge was won by Austin.
01:37So Austin gets to pick his model first.
01:40This time, I think I would like to work with Martinique.
01:47I got Austin. I got Austin.
01:51The next one is Mario.
01:56She has this don't with me kind of attitude that I just love.
02:01That would be you, Melissa.
02:03I'm nervous. I was late.
02:05So, you know, if the designers think that I'm not going to be professional,
02:08then they probably won't want to work with me.
02:10The next one is Wendy.
02:16Next one to choose their model is Vanessa.
02:24I pick my big strong walker, Morgan.
02:32I chose Morgan.
02:34I don't care if she's late.
02:36She's really good on the runway.
02:38And she only has to get there two minutes before I need her.
02:43Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.
02:46Catch a model by the toe.
02:50Rock on.
02:55There's only one button left, and that is Cara.
02:58And there's two models left on the stage.
03:03And Mary.
03:05One will get eliminated.
03:12Josianne, baby.
03:15Good job, girl.
03:20I felt awkward standing up there.
03:22And I just let it go and say I just wasn't right for that person.
03:27You're out.
03:29Auf Wiedersehen.
03:30Good luck to all of you.
03:33Auf Wiedersehen.
03:34Good luck to all of you.
03:41It's okay, it's okay.
03:43You were amazing.
03:45Oh, my God, y'all are making me cry.
03:47It's rough.
03:50Okay, I gave you a challenge.
03:52I wish you good luck.
03:54And I'll see you on the runway.
03:58Good morning, everyone, and welcome to your second challenge.
04:04What you see roaming around the room and wrapped around everything is cotton jersey.
04:09This fiber is your blank canvas.
04:12Heidi gave you the word envy.
04:14You need to be creative and think about how you can project envy into that canvas.
04:19We are very, very pleased to have Linda DeFranco,
04:22who is the director of the trend forecasting for Cotton Incorporated, here with us today.
04:26Linda, come in.
04:28Good morning, everybody.
04:30Cotton is the perfect fiber to dye for color.
04:33So you can really morph it into anything that you choose.
04:36So I would definitely say good luck, and I look forward to seeing the end product.
04:42All right, everyone, grab your scissors, start cutting.
04:47I know everybody wants to do an equal amount of fabric.
04:50I have a small business in a small town in Virginia.
04:53I just don't have that many opportunities that are going to come to me like this.
04:57I think we should agree that everybody gets at least 4 1⁄2 yards.
05:02Wendy's our den mother.
05:04If you have that calming agent in a group, it makes the whole group dynamic.
05:06A lot more unified.
05:08But we should get the people with short dresses to cut first.
05:12It's 57 yards.
05:14Everything I do in this competition is strategic.
05:19I know that exploiting my role as a mother, it's kind of evil, truly.
05:24But if it's going to help me get to the end, you can believe that I'm going to do it.
05:29I'm going to use as much as I can get.
05:34You have until midnight tonight, and you have two hours tomorrow.
05:40You've got to be kidding me.
05:41Can I have a few pages?
05:43After Tim met with us, he then said we were going to go on a little field trip,
05:47and we had $50 and one hour to buy everything we needed for this dress.
05:55I'll take two yards.
05:56I need a light brown.
05:59My goal in Project Runway is to do the best that I can.
06:04Everybody wants to win, you know?
06:06I mean, it's a dream come true, really.
06:08All right, you know what?
06:09I'm going to buy more of this.
06:10What I want most, other than doing really well in the competition,
06:14is to gain respect from the fashion world in the future.
06:17I'm trying to make, like, a blood splatter.
06:19A lot of us got dyes with which to dye the white cotton.
06:25Good luck.
06:31Dyeing the fabric took a very long time.
06:35I need to get my fabric in there.
06:38You have to carry it back.
06:39It's the same thing.
06:40No, it isn't, because then you just cut your chances.
06:42No, you have to.
06:43Yes, you did.
06:44You cut your chances in that.
06:45Since the elimination, everyone's been really competitive.
06:49The stakes right now are really high,
06:51and I think that's one of the reasons that people are starting to get paranoid
06:55and delusional.
06:58Oh, strange.
07:00Kevin was running around.
07:01Someone told him to get out of the way.
07:06Kevin was running around.
07:07Someone took my black dye.
07:09That's Jay.
07:10Jay just saw my dye, and he kind of, like, just blew me off.
07:12I didn't use it.
07:13I got my own black.
07:15If I used your black dye, my stuff would be black right now, not purple.
07:19It's impossible for me to have stolen your dye, you f***ing bitch.
07:24I didn't take the bitch's dye.
07:26That's for sure.
07:27All right.
07:34My dye seemed to, like, mysteriously disappear.
07:37It was pretty stressful.
07:39Things are fine when, you know, when there's no pressure on
07:42or, like, when nothing's happening.
07:43Everybody's, like, the nicest person,
07:45but then when you're given a mission,
07:47people's true colors start to shine, you know, to come through.
07:52Mario, he's, like, the one I go to to kind of chill me out.
07:56He's very affectionate, very supportive.
07:58I kind of had a bond with him since the beginning.
08:01For you, bitch.
08:05He's convinced that I stole his dye.
08:08I'm not a liar, I'm not a stealer,
08:10but I want to be, and I want to play one on TV.
08:17Sweetie, it's right here.
08:19Awesome. Thank you.
08:22I just found it right here on the corner.
08:26He found it, yeah.
08:28Sorry, I...
08:31You're an asswipe.
08:37The challenge was to take white cotton
08:40and make anything we wanted to under the title of Envy.
08:45I try to dig deeper and really think of something
08:47that would be relevant to women,
08:49and so I chose pregnant Envy.
08:51I'm making a maternity gown.
08:54I would love to win. I think I deserve to win.
08:57I'm very skilled and I have everything that it takes
09:00to be one of the top designers in America today.
09:08The first thing that rose to my mind
09:10was the idea of the evil queen from Snow White.
09:13I think there is a little evil queen in all of us.
09:16I think I have a little evil queen inside me.
09:20I chose long, sleek, somewhat severe silhouette.
09:28I went a little bit abstract,
09:30and I strategically placed cutouts
09:32in order to highlight little areas
09:35that people would be envious of.
09:38I'm really happy with this design
09:40because the point comes across
09:42without writing Envy across the front of it.
09:47I'm making, like, a jumpsuit.
09:49It's actually inspired by these models we're working with.
09:52It's going to have things handwritten all over it,
09:54like, um, my agent told me I need to lose
09:56a sixteenth of an inch on my hip,
09:58and it's going to say, like, bitch.
10:00It's going to be, like, this walking social commentary
10:02on how these girls feel about themselves.
10:08I'm just going to have a plain white dupe dress,
10:11keep it simple.
10:12I don't dwell on things too much.
10:14I don't premeditate.
10:15I just think, you know, what would be fun,
10:17what would be interesting.
10:18Some people are too serious about fashion.
10:21I struggle with Envy a lot.
10:24I often find myself looking at other people
10:27who I think are more successful than me
10:29or that have skills that I don't have.
10:32Wendy told me the other night
10:34that when she thought of the word of Envy,
10:36she thought of me.
10:37She has said to me,
10:39I have so many more chances in my life,
10:42and this is her last chance.
10:47All right, guys.
10:49I'm done for tonight.
10:50I'll see you guys at the apartment.
10:54Bye, guys.
10:55Mauro's garment is really simple.
10:57It's, like, one of the very first things you learn to make
11:00when you become a designer.
11:02If he doesn't pump it up a little bit,
11:05I don't think he's going to be here.
11:19Kara, how are you doing?
11:21So it's going to be long.
11:22So the bottom's going to be skirt-shredded,
11:25like, deconstructed, very Civilized War.
11:29My father spent his whole career in the Air Force.
11:32That's how I came up with my theme for Envy.
11:36Envy, it's destructive,
11:38and it turns into, eventually, war.
11:40How are you feeling about the time constraint?
11:42I have to put a move on it, actually.
11:44Okay, all right.
11:45Everyone, you have about an hour and a half
11:49You'll have two hours tomorrow.
11:53See you tomorrow.
11:59The physical act of sewing is extremely stressful,
12:03and we had to have the stroke of midnight
12:05until we had to finish,
12:07and I just think that factor put everything on edge.
12:12Chill out.
12:13We're negative energy.
12:15I can't chill.
12:17All right?
12:18Even myself was so rushed and frazzled
12:21that I ended up wounding myself.
12:23Are you okay?
12:24No, I think I, like, sewed right through my finger.
12:27The first day, he broke the needle and everything.
12:29I've never, ever, ever had an accident like that,
12:32but I sewed right through.
12:33It was horrible.
12:44What the f***?
12:46Does anybody have anything to fill this with?
13:01Being here, it's not easy at all.
13:04Okay, it's a competition, but it's being televised.
13:08It's like an out-of-body experience.
13:11I'm not amused by this.
13:14It's not fun. It's stupid.
13:18Are you sorry you came on?
13:21Wendy, don't interview me for the camera, please.
13:26I have been unfolding a strategy.
13:29I was going to get people to confide in me,
13:32and I would make sure to be there
13:34if they seemed to be in a weak spot.
13:36Anything that I thought later in the game
13:38I could use to my advantage
13:40if I needed to get them out of my way.
13:45Vanessa, why is it you've decided not to be nice to me anymore?
13:49Just piss me off, Vanessa.
13:51You don't think I'm worthy of you being nice to me?
13:54What have I done to you?
13:56I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, I'll say.
13:59You just dismissed me.
14:02I've never said anything to you except kind and caring,
14:05and how are you, and what can I do for you?
14:07And you say, don't interview me.
14:10Why are you laughing? I'm not laughing.
14:15I think things are changing
14:17because Wendy really believes
14:19that this is her only crack at fashion.
14:23If you can't be strong, you cannot be a fashion designer.
14:33Wow, after a day of sewing, it's nice to come home.
14:37Is this supposed to harden a little bit?
14:39Yeah, it'll dry, and yeah, sort of harden.
14:41Feels like my face is shrinking.
14:43Austin is a unique, unique individual.
14:45I feel like I'm looking into a mirror right now.
14:52He's a great, great, great individual, great guy and stuff,
14:55so there's no way your opposites attract.
15:07Today's the day.
15:09I'm not insecure about my design.
15:11I'm insecure because you really don't know
15:13what the judges are looking for this week
15:15and what their moods are.
15:17I feel very strong about my garment,
15:19but everyone always gets uneasy on the day of elimination
15:22because you just never know.
15:29I like the way the design's coming along.
15:31I'm just pressed for time.
15:33Everything's stitched on.
15:35To me, envy is saying something that you don't have, but you want.
15:39I barely made it last time,
15:41so for me, when I look around at the other contestants
15:44that are doing things that I'm envious of,
15:46to me, that drives me
15:48because I want to stay in the running till the very end.
15:56Everybody, get your garments
15:59and meet me outside right now.
16:04We thought we were supposed to be showing these designs
16:07on the runway in, like, an hour,
16:09and now we don't know what's about to happen.
16:16We weren't told where we were being taken.
16:18We were just told to bring our garments.
16:27We're sitting in the van and we're all guessing,
16:30like, what are we going to do here?
16:32None of the designers had any idea what was going on.
16:46I know you're all wondering what we're doing here today.
16:49Well, fashion is a business.
16:51It's about communicating your vision
16:53and, more specifically, about selling your vision,
16:56and that's why we're here today.
16:58Our first guest is Paul Berman.
17:00He's going to tell you more about it.
17:02Hi, everyone. Welcome to Teddy Van Damme.
17:04It's New York's most exclusive retail store
17:06dedicated to selling the work
17:08of America's best up-and-coming designers.
17:10Today, we'll be participating in a silent auction.
17:12So shortly, some of New York's most fashionable people
17:14will be coming to the store
17:16and they'll be bidding in your garments in the silent auction.
17:19So let's hope they bid a lot.
17:21Tomorrow, on the runway,
17:23we will learn which garment received the highest bid.
17:26That designer will be the winner of this challenge.
17:32The rest of you will be judged on the runway
17:35according to the quality of your work,
17:37and one of you will be out.
17:43When it was revealed to market yourself
17:46and explain your vision,
17:48I was looking for the exit.
17:51I was kind of horrified at that
17:53because, you know, I'm making a maternity gown,
17:55so unless somebody walks in who's bloody pregnant,
17:58I'm completely screwed.
18:00So good luck, everybody. Come forward and find your name tag.
18:09Marketing yourself is extremely important.
18:12If you can't sell yourself like you believe it,
18:15who else is going to believe you?
18:17I used to sell cars. I wasn't very good,
18:19but I used to do that, believe it or not.
18:21So selling a dress shouldn't be a problem.
18:23I'm Jesus. I couldn't have picked a better day to be,
18:25like, the king of the world.
18:27I'm going to just rock on and be Jesus, you know,
18:30and freak out these, like, ladies with twin sets on.
18:33I can't wait for that part.
18:39Where are my designers?
18:45Well, this is a real store,
18:47and there are some real people out there,
18:49so let's let them in.
18:51The store is open.
19:00I don't think that they can see it properly.
19:03People just walk straight past,
19:05so I have to start grabbing them.
19:07Can I show you mine?
19:09Come with me.
19:11Who wants to talk to Jesus?
19:14OK, fashion people,
19:16put out the dollars, the checks, the credit cards,
19:18and bid for your favourite designer.
19:21You got to use your smile, you know?
19:25Me and Alexandra, she would draw all the men in,
19:27and I would try to draw all the women in,
19:29and we would try to exchange them.
19:31And your name? Nikki.
19:32Nikki. Pleasure to meet you.
19:34Rob had about 20 women over at his outfit,
19:36and none of them were looking at the outfit.
19:38What you see is what you get.
19:40That could be arranged.
19:43Well, it was funny that today's challenge was about envy,
19:46because I felt like I was experiencing a lot of envy today.
19:49When I was looking around,
19:51and I was seeing Alexandra and Rob,
19:53you know, they're very young, and they're very attractive,
19:56and they seem to have a way about them
19:58that is very magnetic.
20:00I became really anxious.
20:05You're your favourite bidder, and how did you get this dress?
20:08I know, I hope you get it, seriously.
20:11A lot of the designers chose to do sort of the object of envy.
20:15I wanted to do sort of envy personified.
20:18This is a wonderful piece.
20:20Thank you so much.
20:22Number one.
20:24Oh, wow, gosh. I really appreciate that.
20:29The concept is envy, so what I'm trying to convey
20:32is that they're sort of like tumours.
20:41Where are these ladies?
20:46Why are you people looking at this stuff?
20:55I think this is just wonderful. Very, very creative.
20:58Thank you very much.
21:00Vote for James's. Vote for James's.
21:02OK, vote for James's.
21:09Hi, everybody. I just want to let you know
21:12that we've got about a minute left.
21:14Put in those bids and support these fabulous designers.
21:28This showed up my weakness, OK?
21:30Marketing and promotion is my weakness,
21:33and I don't like my weaknesses to be on display.
21:37I don't...
21:39None of us do, but that's...
21:41...barren all here.
21:45I just know not to ever dress as Jesus
21:48for something like this again,
21:50because people are thrown off by religious icons.
21:53They do not want to talk to Jesus.
21:55I should have at least come as one of the apostles.
22:04Good morning, everyone.
22:06Good morning.
22:08We have just a few hours ahead of us
22:10before we have our runway judging,
22:12and you all have a lot to do.
22:14Your models need to go to the L'Oreal hair and makeup rooms
22:17to get prepped for the show.
22:19Do any alterations that you need on your clothes,
22:21and get everything ready.
22:23There are 11 of you now.
22:25This evening, there will be 10.
22:27So good luck to all of you,
22:29and I'll see you on the runway.
22:55And then when you give the finger at the end,
22:57give them your tongue ring.
22:59Go like... and then walk off.
23:01Can I have everyone's attention?
23:03All right, you ready to rock?
23:07Welcome back, everyone, to the runway.
23:09As you all know,
23:11fashion can be a real bitch sometimes.
23:13And really, it's all about being in
23:15or being out.
23:17Austin, you won last week's challenge,
23:19so you will not be out this week.
23:21But you're still eligible
23:23to win this challenge.
23:25Your challenge was to take plain white cotton
23:27and use the word envy
23:29as a theme for your design.
23:31Then we asked you to sell that vision,
23:33and the winner of this last challenge
23:35is the one who had the highest bid
23:37at our silent auction.
23:39The winner then also will have an automatic in
23:41on the next challenge.
23:43And one of you will be out.
23:47And the judges for today are...
23:49We have Nina Garcia.
23:51She's the fashion director of Elle magazine.
23:53We have Paul Berman from 30 Van Damme.
23:55And also we have Constance White.
23:57She's a fashion journalist
23:59and the style director for eBay.
24:01Our judges will be scoring you
24:03on the originality of your design,
24:05its wearability, and the concept.
24:07Let's start the show.
24:21I don't feel I'll be eliminated,
24:23but you never know.
24:25It could be different.
24:37My envy was leg envy.
24:39I looked at Heidi.
24:41She was a supermodel,
24:43and she has great legs.
24:55I wanted the dress
24:57to exude envy.
24:59You have a snake
25:01coming right down
25:03at the base of her back
25:05to symbolize that envy
25:07will always bite you in the ass.
25:19I mean, I did what I wanted,
25:21and at the end of the day, I'm happy.
25:23All the other people seem
25:25to like what I've done.
25:27I don't think I'll get eliminated.
25:33I worked a little bit with Martinique
25:35to get the slinky,
25:37liquid walk.
25:39She got it.
25:49I really liked my concept
25:51and what I chose,
25:53because it's so dear to me.
25:55I would love for my family to see it
25:57and know that I'm thinking of them.
26:07I really love my idea,
26:09but, you know, on a runway,
26:11the judges might be instantly put off
26:13by the fact it's for a pregnant woman.
26:15I'm not sure.
26:21My confidence
26:23in the garment that I've made
26:25has escalated to a point
26:27where I think that I could win.
26:37My inspiration
26:39was Venus,
26:41the goddess of beauty,
26:43and the colors green and gold,
26:45because those colors
26:47signify envy.
26:51And this time,
26:53I feel like I was able
26:55to take the concept
26:57and work with it
26:59and make it into something
27:01that has the concept
27:03but is also wearable.
27:17Nina gave a shocked
27:19and somewhat offended
27:21facial expression.
27:23I'm not going to apologize for it.
27:25I never apologize for my work.
27:27Will the designers
27:29please take the stage?
27:35We've tallied your scores.
27:37When I do say your name,
27:39please step forward.
28:19The designers' names
28:21I did not call.
28:23Your scores have qualified you
28:25to stay in for the next challenge.
28:27Please leave the runway.
28:29You're in.
28:35All remaining designers
28:37here on the stage
28:39represent the worst
28:41and the best.
28:43Let's bring out
28:45the models.
28:53can I ask you, how does this
28:55represent envy for you?
28:57Getting to know each one of these models,
28:59they're very nice to each other,
29:01but at times, they can also be
29:03very catty, calculated,
29:05and competitive.
29:07I was with one of the girls backstage.
29:09I won't say which one,
29:11but we were flipping
29:13through a magazine,
29:15and she was commenting,
29:17oh, I slept with this one's boyfriend.
29:19Oh, this one has bad acne.
29:21So that's why I incorporated
29:23the red beading.
29:25Like, you know,
29:27they were envious of her beauty,
29:29so they killed her.
29:35She wears the pants in the family.
29:37She actually has the balls in the family.
29:39I like your detailing, I like your cut
29:41and the fit, and I think that's very important.
29:45Wendy, I was wondering if part of your design
29:47was this unfinished
29:51I felt your work
29:53looks a little unfinished to me.
29:55And I didn't understand whether this was
29:57part of your design process,
29:59or this is just the way it is.
30:01Because the previous challenge, I also felt
30:03a little
30:05bare, so...
30:07She, for me, represents the goddess of
30:09envy. And so wherever she
30:11goes, she spreads envy
30:13because of the bareness
30:15of the dress in the back.
30:17For me, you're like talking a good game,
30:21I don't see it realized.
30:23This just feels not
30:25well executed.
30:31that's where the envy is in your dress.
30:33I see you've used a lot of green.
30:35I started thinking about it in a very negative way,
30:37like as if it's a cancer, that once it gets in you,
30:39it sort of goes to your blood,
30:41to where you're almost like taken over
30:43by the disease.
30:45Now did you think that that was going to be
30:47possibly difficult to sell at the silent auction
30:49when you started describing cancer to people?
30:51This is something
30:53that needs to be something beautiful,
30:55because that's ultimately
30:57your goal.
30:59Kara, I want to know
31:01what you were thinking.
31:03What is envious about this?
31:05Envy turns into greed,
31:07and greed turns into destruction
31:09and war. And so that's
31:11how I came up with the
31:13sort of military theme.
31:19Tell me about
31:21envy here. Basically,
31:23I wanted to show through the sheerness
31:25some parts of the body
31:27in which people envy.
31:29The dress as a whole I find to be
31:31as simplistic as your explanation.
31:33I don't know, I was expecting
31:35more from you.
31:39models and designers, you can leave the runway.
31:47And we have
31:49a little chat.
31:53Who do we hate?
31:55Well, there was
31:59Star I felt had, you know,
32:01I really felt the emotion in those clothes.
32:03It definitely looked like cancer.
32:05Yes, it did look
32:07like cancer.
32:11Wendy's felt
32:13unfinished to me.
32:15An unacceptable work. Unacceptable.
32:17I felt the first time
32:19that she delivered no clothes.
32:21You know, just a bikini bottom.
32:23I felt like she didn't really put
32:25work in there.
32:27She made mention that she didn't like my thing last week.
32:29And she said she didn't like it this week.
32:33I think Nora's dress,
32:35I think it lacked a bit of personality.
32:41Mario's got this small little outfit
32:43and there's not much substance there.
32:45He only made this tube that was from here
32:47to here. The dress was not sexy.
32:49Mario's dress was not sexy. The girl was sexy.
32:51No, but seriously, I need
32:53everybody's numbers because I'm scared that I might be like
32:57Hopefully they'll give me like a second to see you guys
32:59and not just f***ing like take me away from the herd.
33:01Like really quick.
33:03Did you shave your lines?
33:05So you guys want to know who had the highest bid?
33:07Please tell us.
33:09It doesn't matter what the check would say. The winner's the person
33:11who got the highest bid.
33:13So it could be anybody.
33:15Someone could be safe out there because someone dropped
33:17a lot of money.
33:21And do you want to know who had the lowest bid?
33:23Yes, tell us.
33:29I'm not surprised.
33:31I'm not surprised either.
33:35At least we know we're in the right track.
33:37We weren't that far off.
33:39So let's spread the news.
33:51this is the hardest part.
33:53In fashion you're either in
33:55or you're out.
33:57There are
33:59six of you left.
34:01One of you will be the winner
34:03and one of you will be out.
34:09you're in.
34:11You can leave the runway.
34:15you're in.
34:17You can leave the runway.
34:21I'm hit.
34:27And now the winner.
34:29The winner of the silent auction
34:31is Cara San.
34:35Your dress received a bid
34:37of $405.
34:39Your dress received a bid
34:41of $405.
34:45You have an automatic in
34:47for the next challenge.
34:49You can leave the runway.
34:51I was ecstatic. I was happy.
34:53I really was because I love the dress
34:55and I feel great about winning the challenge
34:57because of course you get the in for the next challenge
34:59and it puts you one step
35:01closer to the final three.
35:09It's down to three
35:11and the judges felt that you three were the weakest.
35:21you're in.
35:23For them to tell me
35:25that I was one of the weakest after going
35:27from one of the best the week before,
35:29that was rough.
35:41my bowels
35:43are churning.
35:51while your design had vision,
35:53it looked completely unfinished.
35:57you didn't put in
35:59enough effort and your design
36:01was too simple and you received
36:03the lowest bid at the silent auction.
36:09you're in.
36:15That means Mario out.
36:23It was
36:25an amazing experience for me.
36:27It was definitely
36:29a test of strength
36:31and I think I'll take that with me.
36:33That and my
36:35eleven roommates.
36:41I couldn't believe my little buddy
36:43was gone.
36:45I have not cried like that
36:47in years,
36:49decades even.
36:51It kind of felt like a death in the family.
37:01gotta return to the work room,
37:03gotta clean up your space.
37:05Bye now?
37:07Let's go right now.
37:09My rebel Mario.
37:11Bye guys, good luck.
37:13Bye sweetie.
37:21I do what I like.
37:23I like to be outrageous, I like to be crazy
37:25and I think that
37:27had a lot to do with my elimination.
37:29But I feel that
37:31everybody should stand firm in what
37:33they do. Good or bad, they're your
37:35choices and you have to deal with that.