• last month


00:00Designers, next to you are looks I'm sure you never wanted to see again.
00:05Leaving you guys asking the question,
00:08what would you have done differently if you had the chance?
00:12Your challenge, reinvent the look that got you eliminated,
00:17or almost got you eliminated,
00:18and turn it into a high fashion moment for the runways of today.
00:23You don't have to use the same fabrics,
00:25you don't have to keep the same silhouette,
00:28but the judges are going to want to see the spirit of the look in your reinventions.
00:33You guys are going to have new models for your challenge.
00:35I left their model cards over here with sketchbooks.
00:38You'll have 30 minutes to sketch up here,
00:40and designers, there's a twist.
00:43Look at how much she looks, I bet you.
00:45Oh, my God.
00:47Just say it.
00:50I'm going to hyperventilate.
00:53Okay, I'll see you at mood.
00:58Oh, my God.
01:00God, what the f***?
01:02Oh, my God.
01:04You guys are serious.
01:06Oh, my God.
01:08You're crazy.
01:10Yes, I got loose.
01:12Did you get the one you wanted?
01:13I got the only other model I really wanted who has a buzz cut.
01:15So you are in a world of trouble, I'm sorry.
01:17No, that's all right.
01:18In future though, if you get a plus model and you want to change, I love that.
01:20Oh, really?
01:22But I also really want an androgynous non-binary model.
01:25You have loose?
01:27Exactly what I wanted to do to make a difference.
01:29Going to go with the lace again?
01:30Oh, God, no.
01:31F*** that.
01:33Oh, no, honey.
01:34You're taking this to a whole different direction.
01:36That dress was a problem for me.
01:38You know, I had to go to therapy after that.
01:42I want to do some color blocking, the same original idea that I had before.
01:46But to have the opportunity to recreate the dress with real fabric is a treat.
01:51Who did you get for your model?
01:52I got Ren.
01:53As I start sketching, I'm thinking, how can I redeem myself?
01:56How can I change this?
01:57I should make this like my original idea, do the futurism that I like.
02:01So I'm going to focus on the stills.
02:03She seems like she's an easy, fun person to work with.
02:05Oh, perfect.
02:09Looking at this thing, it's making me feel extremely uneasy.
02:14And it's reminding me of the feeling and the worriness I had during the time.
02:19And at that moment, my biggest fear was my sister passing away,
02:23especially with it only being a month and some change since my sister passed.
02:28So I am just trying to not get in my head about
02:32how this design is triggering me at the moment.
02:34How are you feeling after you make like a wedding?
02:36Um, I'm a little anxious about it.
02:39I haven't done a lot of sewing in a long time.
02:43It's not muscle memory.
02:44Once you get to it, it's muscle memory.
02:45That's not really, I like that.
02:47I didn't want it to take away from the moment that I'm experiencing now.
02:51So for me, the best thing I can do is just sketch until I fall into a design I don't like.
03:03I think I'm ready to go to Mood now.
03:10Time for us to go to Mood.
03:16Hi, everybody.
03:18All right, guys, well, we're here at Mood.
03:19The only thing that's been in all 20 seasons, right?
03:23Besides Nina, you know.
03:24All right, so you have $600 and 45 minutes to shop.
03:28You guys ready?
03:30All right, go.
03:32Where's a basket?
03:33I'm gonna be comfortable for this.
03:37You got your sneaks on?
03:38You ready?
03:40Hurry up.
03:40I know, I know.
03:41Where's the boning?
03:43This is kind of cool, right?
03:44Doing 3D work on top of that.
03:47Love it.
03:48For the look that we're using as our redemption,
03:50Brandon absolutely hated it.
03:52I would have rather you just put it with a pair of jeans.
03:54He would have used that dress as campfire material.
03:59I think I'm going to make a dress that is t-linked,
04:02has side cutouts, shows off my model's curves.
04:05Really kind of shows the judges who I've evolved to.
04:08All's good.
04:09Everything's fine.
04:09Everything's great.
04:14How are you already at zippers?
04:15I'm not at zipper.
04:16I'm picking zipper and somebody's cutting my fabric.
04:18You're already at fabric?
04:19It's been five minutes.
04:20It's been five minutes.
04:21That dress haunt me for an entire year.
04:23You think I don't know what I need to fix it?
04:25Well, you got orange zipper, so I was just concerned.
04:27Okay, I swear I wasn't going to do gray, but...
04:30A pink print?
04:31I'm black.
04:32I'm black.
04:32I'm black.
04:33I'm black.
04:34Oh, I'm black.
04:35So black.
04:36I'm very happy that I get to reinvent this look.
04:40The judges said they didn't see me in my design
04:44and I even lost my signature.
04:46I'm keeping the original shape, the powerful shoulder,
04:49and also the hourglass body.
04:51I want to find some beautiful floral print.
04:54This one is $5 a yard.
04:57That wasn't this expensive.
04:58Guys, we have 15 minutes.
05:00Run, run, run, run, run, run, run.
05:04You of all people, I did not think would be running around still.
05:07Of all people.
05:08I'm not my fabric.
05:09I got backup.
05:09I'm a mama.
05:11Of course they're fabric.
05:12Like this kind of stuff?
05:14Two inch, right?
05:15Two inch.
05:17The thought process with my black and white challenge was
05:20the judges just kept saying I was too much.
05:22The front is so elegant and it's like Jekyll and Hyde.
05:25This challenge was about black and white and she only gave us half.
05:28And I get kicked off.
05:29So I was like, I'm going to tone it down.
05:31I'm going to show them sophisticated.
05:32I'm going to do a little black dress,
05:33but I'm going to have a little cane pizzazz in the back.
05:36The bounce that I'm kind of going for.
05:38So my inspiration to pull the spirit of my original black and white dress
05:42is a very full ruffled high-low skirt in white.
05:46It's going to give me the structure and the volume to like really slay that runway.
05:50How much was that, Gazar?
05:52Oh, 40.
05:53She told me 35.
05:55Can we do 35 since it's got a stain on it?
05:57This is silk.
05:58Get out of this aisle.
06:00And if you're going to go in this aisle,
06:01you better be the best seamstress I've ever seen.
06:03And I bet you, you're not.
06:05I think Christian knows it's been a long time, but this is what I'm here for.
06:09I mean, I'm here to challenge myself and reopen the book on what I used to do.
06:17I'm looking for stuff with structure to make the shape of the flower.
06:21I'm planning to keep the spirit of my challenge alive
06:25by incorporating the concept of flower,
06:28but I'm taking it to a place a little bit more wearable for some other occasion.
06:32Taking off the jacket.
06:34Two minutes and you have to be in line, bitch me.
06:41In line, everybody.
06:42If you're not in line, you don't get it.
06:46One minute.
06:49All right, designers, that's it.
06:50What's up?
06:51I'm excited.
06:53All right.
06:55All right, designers, feeling good?
06:58All right, guys.
06:59So you're going to head to your workroom now,
07:00and then later tonight, you will check in the fabulous Hotel Indigo in Williamsburg.
07:08I'm already exhausted.
07:14Let's go.
07:19That was exhausting.
07:20Yeah, I'm going to cut my fabric.
07:24I need a tape measure.
07:25I have one.
07:26Hold on.
07:26Where's my...
07:29Oh, my God.
07:30Nora has not changed in 18 years.
07:36I will always be a goofball, you know, but I'm still going to get my shit done.
07:40OG Season 1 Project Runway designers, we're going to stay together.
07:44This makes me so happy.
07:45So that's what we did.
07:46We went and we found a table off to ourselves in the back.
07:50This is the draping's what's going to be the magic.
07:53Yeah, I love that.
07:54Oh, I hope.
07:55Oh, wait.
07:56Hold on.
07:58Hold on.
07:59I'm missing fabric.
08:00What are you missing?
08:01The hard mesh.
08:02Are you serious?
08:03You have it.
08:04Yeah, I had it.
08:04It was the whole thing.
08:06Yeah, I'm missing a fabric.
08:08Coming up.
08:09I'm missing a key fabric.
08:10So I don't know if it's out or what.
08:13Maybe next time.
08:14I also lost my calculator.
08:16This competition is getting serious.
08:19I'm going to bed.
08:20Sucks for that.
08:26I'm missing a fabric.
08:27I have zero horsehair fabric.
08:29That is the whole structure of my skirt.
08:31And I am freaking out.
08:33But you have it.
08:34You have it.
08:34You have it.
08:34Yeah, I had it.
08:35It was the whole thing.
08:36Thanks, baby.
08:38I'm right.
08:40I'm wondering if it fell out in the van.
08:41Who do I talk to about checking a van?
08:43I don't know.
08:45I will go.
08:50How long have you been draping for?
08:52So I actually got really into draping because of you.
08:55Like on your season.
08:56I was like, ooh.
08:56I never draped before until I came on the show.
08:58That humbles me.
09:01People are watching.
09:04I know exactly what I'm doing with the pants.
09:06I'm going to drape those.
09:09I'm going to drape a second leg wider than this.
09:13And give myself options so I can sleep on it for a little bit.
09:15And Nina loves a pant.
09:17Oh, I know that.
09:17It's so hard to be proud of something that you made.
09:20And then you can actually look at it today and be like, oh my god.
09:24I was so far off.
09:25Some of her coats are full flop.
09:28A grandma house coat.
09:29She should have Kleenex in her pocket.
09:31It just hangs.
09:32It's so sad.
09:33It had no tailoring to it.
09:34And I agree.
09:36What's coming to me right now is a ponty knit dress.
09:39Long with silhouettes at the side.
09:40Overlayed sleeves so they look like they're part of the design.
09:43And then really, really wide pants.
09:47You heard about the twist?
09:49I was waiting.
09:49I'm like, what is it going to be?
09:50I thought it was going to be something bad.
09:54Are you using this?
09:55Not right now.
09:55I just wanted to measure it.
09:56You can.
09:56You can.
09:58When I saw my outfit come out, literally I wanted to hide.
10:02I don't want to say it's ugly.
10:03But I learned my lesson.
10:04So I'm just going to remake this look how it should have been.
10:07With what I'm known for, my leather jackets.
10:10It would have the same opening in the back.
10:12A little hoodie and the pants.
10:14But everything will be built around the jacket.
10:16So the jacket better be fly.
10:18I think there's blood on this mannequin.
10:19It's a dangerous game we're playing.
10:23My design from the Circus Challenge from Season 7
10:26brings back some memories that I don't really want to revisit.
10:30I tried to dig deep, but it was kind of costumey.
10:34Not really my style.
10:35So this time around, there needs to be also a little bit of an edge.
10:39And so I'm going to try to convey that this time.
10:42I know this is a redemption.
10:43But they want to see who we are and what we are about now.
10:46And so I had something in my head.
10:49Do you know what I mean?
10:50And it was literally like my mom and just this whole outfit.
10:55So when I got my model, and she's lovely.
10:58And she's lovely.
11:00But it just threw me off a little bit.
11:02I just really wanted like this African-American to represent Barbara Saunders.
11:10You know what I mean?
11:11You know, my mom was from Cape May, New Jersey.
11:14We lived at the beach.
11:15She's always been my biggest inspiration.
11:17Everything that I am and that I've done in life has come from my mom.
11:22From Barbara.
11:24Barbara by the sea.
11:26I know that this is really important to you.
11:28If you want to change, we can switch.
11:31Because I want it for you.
11:34I'm serious.
11:39I don't think you do.
11:41I don't think you know how happy that just made me.
11:44Do it.
11:46Season one.
11:48The originals.
11:50I like literally started to cry.
11:52I'm just so happy.
11:54It just changed everything.
11:56Now I have my model.
11:57I can bring my vision to the runway.
12:00I really appreciate it.
12:02Guys, we got 10 minutes.
12:06We just got here.
12:07That was an hour.
12:08I want one of those too.
12:09What size is your model?
12:10Everyone's talking about our shot to redeem our worst, our worst look.
12:15The original challenge was creating a look that embraces elegance.
12:19So I decided to finally put my pasties on the runway.
12:22And to be honest, this is now a look that is currently quite in style.
12:25I am trying to make something new and weird and really make people stop and think.
12:30This time I want to elevate a skirt to my modern aesthetic.
12:34Add drawstring so that someone can ruch or unruch their skirt and have little bows at the end.
12:38All right, y'all.
12:39Time's up.
12:40Let's head to the hotel.
12:41You got to drag me from this piece of muslin.
12:44Try it from my hands.
12:45Adios, amigo.
12:50I need a drinky drink.
12:52Oh, we're here.
12:52Oh, we're here.
12:58Welcome to my house.
13:00After a long day of work, it is so nice to finally be in this hotel.
13:04Now it starts to really feel real.
13:07So nice to meet you guys.
13:09How did you recognize her from the beginning?
13:11Oh, I'm a super fan.
13:13She's the original black girl on Project Runway.
13:16Hey, so I'm missing like a key, fabric.
13:19You know how they take your bag?
13:20Sometimes they put stuff in it.
13:22So I don't know if it's an out or what.
13:26No, I don't have it.
13:27It's four yards.
13:29It was going to be really voluminous in like this moment.
13:31Maybe next time, you know.
13:33But I also lost my calculator.
13:36Holy cow.
13:38Okay, this competition is getting serious.
13:42Bye, guys.
13:43It's been real.
13:44I'm going to bed.
13:47I don't have my horsehair fabric.
13:48It is what it is.
13:49And you got to make a new plan.
13:50I'm a pirate.
13:53I am going to fill this up real quick, though.
13:55Oh, take one for the road, literally.
13:57I'm going to dream up something tonight when I sleep
14:00that is going to be just as fabulous as my original design.
14:04A challenge is about to be served.
14:13Let's go.
14:16Work time.
14:18Here we are.
14:19Look like Ralph Macchio, Karate Kid over here.
14:22Are you going to be okay without that mesh?
14:24I don't know until I drape those ruffles,
14:26but I actually think it's going to be better.
14:28Everything happens for a reason.
14:29I don't know if my mama is up in heaven just being like,
14:32no, honey, you don't need that horsehair fabric.
14:34But I'm actually thinking this is going to be a positive
14:37because when I'm draping this gazar,
14:39it is so beautiful flowing on its own.
14:42I think I can make that work.
14:44This is my Barber by the Sea fabric.
14:46Oh, that's the fabric you brought?
14:48Yeah, this is what I brought.
14:49Season one, we did not bring any fabric from home.
14:52So imagine my delight when I was told I could bring
14:56any fabric that I want.
14:57That blue is stunning.
14:59And like with your hair, you need to go buy that
15:01and make yourself something out of it.
15:03This challenge is about reinvention of your original design.
15:08Season one had this asymmetrical look.
15:11I went to still gave that form.
15:13I am making a beautiful award-winning Barber by the Sea.
15:19Nora, I'm going to have to name one of my puppies after you.
15:22For you trading models with me.
15:24Hey, guys, two minutes before Christian comes.
15:26Do not, don't not.
15:28Oh, like that literally gave me anxiety, girl.
15:30Yeah, I just had a panic attack.
15:32I need like a step stool.
15:36Hi, designers.
15:39Guys, it's our first walkthrough.
15:41Oh, Lord.
15:42How's it going?
15:43Good. Can't wait for feedback.
15:44All right.
15:45I'm coming to see you all.
15:48Hi, how are you?
15:52How are you doing?
15:52You look great.
15:54It's great.
15:55You know, what have you been making?
15:57After the pandemic, the brand kind of went into like a little more of a swim,
16:01active wear and ready to wear direction, which has been great.
16:04I think that would be really cool to show the judges like a new aesthetic.
16:07Now that you do active wear, which was harder before because
16:11I think you were trying to find yourself a little bit and what you wanted to do.
16:14And what I thought that I should do.
16:15I loved a lot of elements of that.
16:17The coat, felt couture.
16:19I love the butterflies.
16:20Finding a way to marry the two is going to be an advantage that I have.
16:24I found this and I think it's absolutely beautiful.
16:26And then did you buy anything sporty or like any spandex at all or anything?
16:32Like this is what I did the bandeau with.
16:34And then I have this nude fleshy thing.
16:38Well, I just I don't know if this looks cheap underneath.
16:41You have no elements of you and what you do.
16:43Why are you making like a Duchess satin skirt dress?
16:46What are you talking about?
16:48Why isn't it sheer and flowy and gorgeous?
16:50And she's in this amazing workout or bathing suit or thing underneath.
16:55Yeah, I'm not mad about that.
16:55It's sexy and amazing.
16:56That's cool.
16:57All over it.
16:57Like something like that.
16:59The dimension and the sex appeal combined.
17:00Yes, because that was the difference.
17:01You had something that was super covered up, not sexy, very oversized.
17:06And this is a more beautiful, sexy, gorgeous.
17:08Showing off the body.
17:09Showing off the body.
17:10That's the new you.
17:11That's what you do.
17:12And don't be making me use my save on you again.
17:14So there's a save.
17:17There's always a Seriano save.
17:19Brittany, you are out.
17:21I'm so sorry.
17:22You're going to have to endure this a little bit longer.
17:25Just got the Seriano save.
17:27First one in history.
17:28You think I'm letting anything happen without my say-so?
17:31You guys are nuts.
17:33All right, let's go.
17:42Harrison, I'm coming to you.
17:44How are you?
17:45Good, how are you?
17:45I'm sure you were just in shock that you're back here.
17:48I hope it's like riding a bike.
17:49Like, I'm a costume designer for the past 20 years.
17:52Oh my God.
17:52In LA.
17:54So you have a team.
17:55You know what I'm saying?
17:56Of course.
17:56I haven't been sewing.
17:58I imagine.
17:59I was like, can you sew anymore?
18:01I kinda can't.
18:02I think me and Nora are using the home machines.
18:04Don't judge us.
18:04I know.
18:05Oh my gosh.
18:05They still work.
18:06But now this is what you're going with, right?
18:08This is your fabric.
18:09But what's it going to be?
18:10What are you going to keep?
18:11The thing that I'm not crazy about keeping is the pants.
18:15I mean, I will say right now, big tunic things over pants is a moment.
18:20So I don't think you should throw it away.
18:22Think about it.
18:22Because maybe it's not a skinny taper pant.
18:24Maybe it's a super cool wide pant, which could be super chic.
18:28This is so funny, you guys.
18:30You guys began it all.
18:31I mean, I'll take the credit.
18:32Did you go to the table together?
18:35You did?
18:36We saw each other.
18:37It was just like...
18:38Have you...
18:39That was from season one.
18:40She has it.
18:41And her key to the apartment.
18:42And I have the key to the apartment.
18:44You kept this.
18:46I kept my check.
18:48Oh, Nora, tell me everything.
18:50What's happening?
18:51So I have an underdress that's in this stretchier fabric.
18:54And you picked the hardest fabrics in the world to sew.
18:56Yes, I did.
18:57So we'll see what happens.
18:59Not bridal-y.
19:00It's not white.
19:01But you're taking the petal element, right?
19:03My idea is you can wear it anywhere.
19:05Have you sewn any of the petal pieces yet?
19:07I need to.
19:07Because this flower needs to be incredible.
19:10So I think you should start cutting.
19:11Flowers, hour four.
19:13Here we go.
19:13Hour four.
19:15We did it.
19:16Thank you, Christian.
19:23You know, this redemption moment.
19:25I mean, listen.
19:26Baby, you ain't even got to say it to me.
19:30All I remember from this challenge was Michael Kory saying,
19:32like, she looks like she has shark fins in her hips.
19:35Even curvy girls, they don't want fins off their butt.
19:38What I'm making now is something that my girl will wear to a party.
19:42I'm thinking it'll be a jumpsuit.
19:43So, like, the strapless look.
19:45With the texture.
19:45Like, these are actually working pockets.
19:47I think you should go the most extreme it can be.
19:50The most.
19:50Baby, but that's why I went here.
19:52And I ended up having trauma from these pleats.
19:54Look, those in the right way can be incredible.
20:05How are you?
20:06I'm good.
20:06How are you?
20:06Isn't it so nice to see each other?
20:08It's bizarre.
20:08And hilarious.
20:09They're bizarre.
20:09During Project Runway Season 4, I mean, I lived with Christian.
20:13We went through that whole journey together.
20:15Why couldn't they just wear to Christian?
20:16Nobody would have cried.
20:17Did you hear that, Christian?
20:18You know, we got to bond off of the stress of the competition.
20:22You went full on this color now.
20:24I wanted to go opposite of where I was.
20:26That color was too subdued.
20:28So I wanted to do a sexy backless dress that's draped off of the necklace.
20:32Love it.
20:33I'm not going to take risks that I'm thinking, why should I even be here?
20:35Yeah, yeah.
20:36Like, I want to expand here.
20:37And I think that this is the space for it.
20:39We'll see how it goes.
20:40I know.
20:40I'm not expecting any niceties.
20:42Trust me.
20:46This is cute.
20:47What's up?
20:48How are you?
20:48I'm good.
20:49You feeling good?
20:49I'm feeling good.
20:50I'm glad you're here.
20:51I have a clear vision of my brand and how I want it to be.
20:54So I'm just back to do that.
20:55And also for my sister too, so.
20:56I love that.
20:58Do it for her.
21:00This is cool.
21:01What is that?
21:01That's kind of cool too.
21:02It's like a hoodie dress.
21:04I just want to add pants because I don't want to just send her down with nothing underneath of it.
21:08You sure you're all right?
21:09And do you need anything from me?
21:11A kiss would probably help.
21:13Like a hug?
21:14I said a kiss, not a hug.
21:15You're not listening.
21:17You still get what you want.
21:18Kiss next week.
21:25Wow, guys.
21:26It's so exciting in here.
21:27I can't wait for my twists.
21:31Oh my.
21:39I can't wait for my twists.
21:43Oh my.
21:44Stop it.
21:45I'm gonna have a heart attack.
21:46Oh no.
21:46Let me prop myself up.
21:47This season, there is no immunity.
21:51Are you serious?
21:52Anybody can go home on any challenge.
21:54Wait, are you serious though?
21:55Now, the good news.
22:00There are going to be prizes and advantages for the winners of each challenge along the way.
22:05All right.
22:06So the winner of this challenge is going to get $10,000.
22:11It is money.
22:12You're welcome.
22:13That's a good twist.
22:14So good luck.
22:16I'll see you at mop sittings.
22:21I'd really like to win this challenge now.
22:23Let's do it.
22:25All right.
22:26Let's see what is going on.
22:28Please work.
22:30Oh my God.
22:32Last time I sewed a gown was for my 30th birthday.
22:36Which was about nine years ago.
22:39So it's been a while.
22:43I am winging it on these pants.
22:45Victor, what are you working on?
22:46My stilts or the idea of stilts.
22:49Look at you giving spirits.
22:52You know, I'm giving spirits and the soul and the Holy Ghost.
22:56Let me tell you that.
22:57For my redemption look, I want to get inspired by something that is tragic to me.
23:02When I was in LA, I got attacked.
23:04This guy on the street had a machete.
23:07And he cut my boyfriend's hand.
23:09And he cut my leg.
23:11I couldn't walk for six months.
23:13Being not able to walk.
23:15The only thing I could do is sew slowly and sketch a lot and get a lot of ideas.
23:19I wanted to have an outlet to release that.
23:22And so the leg harnesses came about in that sense.
23:25Where I was thinking, how can I put that into fashion?
23:28Trust me.
23:30I know what I'm doing.
23:32It's leg harnesses.
23:35Hi, everybody.
23:38Are we feeling good?
23:41Who wants a model?
23:44Let's get them in.
23:50Hi, how are you?
23:51Good to meet you.
23:54Easy to get in.
23:56So you don't mind holding that up for one second.
23:57You probably won't see the top of the pant.
23:59But just in case we do, I might go a skosh higher.
24:02Let me know if anything is too tight or anything.
24:05Is this the pant?
24:07But what's the top?
24:08It's going to be a pink corseted hoodie like I showed you.
24:11It's going to be?
24:12Well, the pants are fab.
24:14I hope the jacket is as fabulous.
24:17I'm realizing that I'm not inspired by this redemption dress at all.
24:21It's literally triggering me, making me feel uneasy at the moment.
24:26Do you have any siblings?
24:28One older sister, five months of a nephew.
24:32How about you?
24:33My sister passed away.
24:36She was like my second mom.
24:37Aw, you got a win for her.
24:39Appreciate it.
24:40See, that's all I need.
24:41That's all I need.
24:44Did you make a paddle?
24:46Oh, yeah, they're here.
24:47They're going to be so awesome.
24:49I really like it.
24:50Can I hold it for you?
24:54I'm going to put this here.
24:56So it's still going to cover you.
24:58It's really cute.
24:59Victor's look is very complicated.
25:02Bodycon, all these straps that have to stay up.
25:04It's not my style at all.
25:06And it's not something I would ever do.
25:09I love this so much.
25:10Can you just come over here?
25:10I just want to see.
25:11You love it so much?
25:14Because right now, it looks like you picked the fabric and stuck it on.
25:17I could work on it more and like make it look more like organic.
25:20I think you should try.
25:24Try to put your hand in your pocket.
25:25Roger, you love that pocket.
25:27The pocket makes it young, fresh.
25:29And when she walks, I do have a little problem.
25:32Oh, what's the little fit problem in the back?
25:34That her full booty is out?
25:36Her booty looks good, though.
25:37I mean, it looks great.
25:38There you go.
25:39So let's fix it.
25:40The dress fit the model to an extent.
25:43But half her butt cheeks are out.
25:45That's not bad.
25:46I'll figure it out.
25:47That looks like a little diaper in the back.
25:49You got to fix that.
25:50I am going to fix it.
25:51But I need to see what I need to fix, though.
25:54It's going to look like this really fabulous coat.
25:57And then you're going to drop it.
26:00And it's going to go into a train.
26:01Do you love how this does this?
26:03I haven't pressed it yet.
26:04Once it's pressed.
26:05Once it's flat.
26:06Yeah, it will sit flat.
26:07They're really cool.
26:08So it'll be cool to see them a little bit.
26:10You know, you see the shape.
26:11The butt looks great.
26:12You know, whatever.
26:14Have fun.
26:15You, I mean, I'm not going to let this stump me.
26:19It just means that it can be pushed further.
26:21And that's what I'm going to do.
26:22I flip the top around.
26:24So what was once the back is now the front.
26:27And the front is the back.
26:28I am in love with this.
26:33And then I'm going to take the length of the pants.
26:36I want to cover the whole thing like butterflies.
26:39I think my family, when they see this, they're going to freeze.
26:43All right, designers.
26:44That's it.
26:44That's time.
26:45Say goodbye to your models.
26:47Thank you so much.
26:51All right, designers.
26:53Tomorrow's your first runway.
26:57Good luck.
27:07This ain't the jam, guys.
27:11I spent so much time trying to use the dress as inspiration
27:15that I fell into like a rabbit hole.
27:18Scents, colors, anything.
27:20When you're grieving, it triggers you.
27:27This was too soon, this challenge.
27:30Creative-wise, it's kind of like blocking.
27:33Tomorrow will make two months.
27:35And I'm like, I ain't put in my mind that I would have to relive something.
27:38I didn't know it was going to be a gone time.
27:40That drama, that garment.
27:41Now I'm reliving it through a dress is very triggering.
27:48You know I had to quit, but who knows?
27:56Coming up.
27:57You chose a fabric that easily puckers.
28:00It feels too in your face.
28:01Was it a successful design?
28:03I don't think so.
28:04We know who needs to go home.
28:05Do we want to see you next time?
28:08a successful design, I don't think so.
28:10We know who needs to go home.
28:17I think my emotions from there being two months to my own.
28:23When we spoke, you were doing this
28:25in honor of your sister.
28:27You were doing this because she wanted you to do it.
28:29Is there a way to focus on turning that
28:31into a positive for her?
28:34Yeah, and I apologize because I ain't trying to.
28:36You don't have to apologize for a thing.
28:39I'm going to make something work.
28:41I know my sister is looking down,
28:45and I need to utilize that and turn it into strength.
28:49The only way I can do that is by fueling myself
28:52with positive vibes and remembering
28:54that I'm here for my sister.
28:56I'm just going to keep doing what I have to do
28:57and create something that we both
28:59will be extremely proud about.
29:07All right, guys.
29:08Let's wrap it up.
29:10Let's go.
29:11Let's go.
29:12What a day.
29:18Hey, guys.
29:19Y'all ready to get started for our first runway show?
29:22Show day is always one of those days where you're just like,
29:26am I going to finish this?
29:27Happy runway day.
29:28I know.
29:29Happy runway day.
29:30Happy runway day.
29:36Have you worked with these judges before?
29:38Just Nina.
29:39That's it.
29:41Nina is familiar, but then there are two other judges
29:42that I knew, so I really don't know what to expect.
29:45Here we go.
29:46It's time.
29:50Victor, your model, Ren, hasn't showed up.
29:55So we have an alternate for you.
29:58No, she's fantastic.
29:59She's very similar in size.
30:00Same hip, same waist.
30:01I need a heir.
30:03She's fantastic.
30:04Trust me.
30:05What hair?
30:07It's changing my whole thing.
30:10Ren didn't show up, so this is our option.
30:12My heart rate?
30:13We haven't been able to get in touch with her.
30:15Ren didn't show up, and I fitted this dress and the leg
30:19harness specifically for her body, so I'm panicking.
30:29I hope that gentleman is kicking it.
30:31I'm in better spirits this morning.
30:33I realize that I have to guide myself
30:35and be OK with feeling my feelings and continuing on.
30:39There's no way for me to change my look,
30:41so I'm just trying to bang this thing out.
30:44It's a last minute fun stuff.
30:47Hi, everybody.
30:48Hi, Christian.
30:49Hi, Christian.
30:50Hi, Christian.
30:51First runway.
30:52How fabulous.
30:54Do we need models?
30:55Yes, definitely.
30:57Let's bring them in.
30:58It's perfect.
30:59That's what I'm talking about.
31:01Hi, mama.
31:03Hi, are you with me?
31:04How are you?
31:05Hi, I'm Victor.
31:06Nice to meet you.
31:07Now I have Jessica, and she's definitely taller than Ren.
31:11How are you feeling?
31:13I'm loving her look, but I'm just worried
31:15that it's not going to fit.
31:17I have to make another adjustment.
31:21She's too tall, so I have to alter all of this right now.
31:26See, I know you like a lot of jewelry,
31:28but I don't know if she needs all of the jewelry.
31:31There's a lot happening.
31:32You got to take one thing off, please.
31:35How's that feel?
31:36The dress is really pretty, though.
31:39You have a new model.
31:40Yeah, she's stunning.
31:42The only thing is my other model was shorter,
31:45so now I'm worried about this.
31:46Oh, like the shorts are short.
31:47Could you add a quick band on the bottom, like a leather band?
31:50I'm going to do elastic here.
31:52Yeah, something.
31:53I mean, I love it, but that's all so much booty.
32:00All right, designers, take your models to the makeup studio
32:02and the TRESemme hair salon.
32:04I can't wait to see these looks.
32:09Nice to meet you.
32:10This eye, you want it to be very dramatic?
32:12Yeah, like I would prefer sexy and like down kind of thing.
32:15So obviously, I want like a full set, curls, you know,
32:17the nine.
32:20Models have to be dressed in literally 12 minutes.
32:23I'm going to have to shorten it really quick.
32:25I forgot my tools.
32:30Hester, what is happening?
32:31Oh, I know, the back looks like shit,
32:33but I'm going to unintentionally rip the front, I think.
32:36I love that these became sexy garters now.
32:37This is as best as it's going to get
32:39in the middle of a mental crisis.
32:41Just don't do too much movement until runway time.
32:44One minute.
32:45I fixed the back.
32:46There's no diapers happening there.
32:49Hold this, come over here.
32:50Yep, I'm going to stitch that.
32:52Actually, I'm going to go ahead and cut this, because it
32:53just doesn't need to be this long.
32:55What happened with this hand?
32:57I did my best.
33:00All right, designers, time is up.
33:04Your first runway.
33:06Let's go.
33:07Let's go.
33:08Come on.
33:09Bring what you need.
33:10Oh my gosh.
33:11Let's go, let's go, let's go.
33:14Last looks, it's sort of like rush hour before the runway.
33:18Some people are on their knees, hand sewing and tacking.
33:21I need hair, please.
33:22All right, designers, less than five minutes.
33:24Gloss, can we get some gloss?
33:26I'm a little nervous.
33:27It's the first challenge.
33:28Anything could happen.
33:29Is all that going to fall off?
33:30Stay right there.
33:31You are cutting?
33:33Judges are taking their seats.
33:34We're going to leave that arm exposed.
33:36One minute.
33:36Now it's time to just showcase.
33:38And I'm just, like, freaking the hell out.
33:40Thread, I see a lot.
33:42Cut them.
33:43Don't move, or I might stab you in the ass.
33:45All right, designers, that's time.
33:47Let's head to the runway.
33:48Let's do this.
33:58All right, welcome back, designers.
34:02It is so good to see so many familiar faces
34:06and some new ones to me.
34:08And we cannot wait to get to know all of you guys
34:11and see what you're up to today.
34:13I know that we have the best of the best,
34:15and so I'm ready to see the best of the best.
34:18All right, you all, please welcome actress, activist,
34:23totally fabulous, Alicia Silverstone.
34:30Oh, my god.
34:31It's Alicia.
34:32Clueless was the first movie that I saw in theater
34:34back when I was in high school.
34:35So it's not only, like, a core memory being unlocked.
34:38It's the fact that she is an icon.
34:41You all look so amazing.
34:43I'm so excited to meet all of you
34:45and see everything you're creating.
34:46And it's so much fun to be here.
34:50And today, I'm Dionne.
34:51I'm her Dionne today.
34:56Redemption looks, here we go.
34:59Let's start the show.
35:01Good job, everybody.
35:06Seeing my look walking down the runway,
35:09this is exactly what I want.
35:11I kept the original shape, the power from the shoulder.
35:16But I added drama into the look.
35:19The sparkles from the petals, the edginess,
35:23to really show to the judges who I am
35:25as a person and a designer.
35:37I love the dress.
35:38I love the way the dress is looking
35:39right now on the runway.
35:40I've already redeemed myself from that horrible look.
35:42But to have the opportunity to actually do it,
35:44creating it the right way, with the right materials,
35:47is a great feeling.
35:48I would like to sign my petition to burn the old dress
35:51and replace it with this one.
35:58Since I've been on Project Runway six years ago,
36:00my DNA is still the same.
36:02It just has evolved.
36:04My model looked beautiful.
36:05She has this little tomboyish look, so that was perfect.
36:09Everything came out exactly how I wanted it to come out.
36:12I'm happy with what I've done, and I've done my job.
36:15The rest is out of my hands.
36:22I'm proud of what I've accomplished.
36:23Draping is not an easy process, and handling
36:27a fabric that's this delicate requires
36:29experience and passion.
36:31I love the way the silk is just kind
36:33of like dancing around her body.
36:35There are peaks and moments where her legs show.
36:38It's romantic.
36:40I hope that the judges understand and can see
36:43the timeless quality of this design.
36:45Redemption, sir.
36:51It has been 10 years since I've sent
36:53a look down a Project Runway runway,
36:55and my look just walked in.
36:57Let me tell you, I could not be more proud.
36:59I have absolutely created a new, fresh, modern look,
37:03inspired by the spirit of my dress
37:05that I was eliminated from.
37:07The reveal of it being an actual skirt from a coat
37:09was perfect, so I think I understood this assignment.
37:18I feel like I overcame a hurdle of fitting something
37:22like this, especially after it's been such a long time.
37:25Maybe it wasn't the most perfectly constructed garments,
37:30but with her makeup and hair and everything,
37:33I think she just looks beautiful.
37:35Ooh, Nora.
37:43I feel like I'm having an out-of-body experience,
37:45to be honest with you.
37:48Seeing the look come down the runway, I feel super proud.
37:52I started with something drab, ill-fitting,
37:55and now I'm presenting an original idea made really well,
37:58but it also has details that compares to no one else's.
38:02I can only hope that judges see my true creative expression
38:08Yes, Deedee.
38:09Yes, Deedee.
38:11I really feel like the look going down the runway this time
38:13shows a much more mature cut to Mama Lou.
38:17It shows a designer that has a point of view
38:19that's very clear.
38:23And I really want to just slow-mo it
38:25so I can just see it glide and get all the goodies.
38:32It just goes really quickly, and I'm like, oh my god,
38:34I hope that they saw me, because I see myself.
38:43My look is definitely way different than everybody else,
38:46but that's a good thing.
38:47Mine is very distinct, and it has a clear point of view.
38:50The model change was stressful, but I
38:52don't think anybody's going to know,
38:54because my model looks fantastic, so beautiful,
38:57and so powerful, exactly how I envisioned it.
38:59Ah, but it looks so good.
39:02Ah, face to face.
39:05This was a definite roller coaster
39:07to get this garment completed.
39:09But I feel like I successfully captured
39:12the essence of the challenge.
39:14I'm just thankful that I'm able to create here and use
39:17the hurt and pain as inspiration to showcase
39:21to the world the type of designer that I am
39:23and how you get over hard times.
39:25Oh, OK.
39:29I feel like I've created a look that, for me,
39:32is inspired by the spirit of my first design.
39:37It's not like a direct interpretation,
39:39so I don't know if the judges will see it,
39:42but I'm happy with my work.
39:48My design came out just the way I wanted it to come out.
39:55My model has her bangs.
39:57She has her bouffant.
39:58She has the red lip, the black liner.
40:01I'm not going to lie.
40:02I think I strayed from the challenge,
40:03but my whole purpose of being here
40:05was to pay homage to my mother.
40:07And I think my mom would have loved it.
40:13I'm definitely proud.
40:15Hard to say if I redeemed myself or not,
40:16because, again, I don't think I had anything
40:18to redeem myself from.
40:20But I think I did a good, solid evolution of the look
40:22that I had before.
40:25And I think I really showed how I've grown.
40:32Hello, butterfly.
40:34I am living as Mariel walks down the runway.
40:37It is feminine.
40:38It's got movement.
40:40And I figured out how to incorporate that active wear.
40:43I have taken the essence of the look I was eliminated for.
40:48The pink, the butterflies, the shoulders, the draping.
40:50It's me.
40:51Come on, first buddy.
40:55Well, I know we can't wait to hear all about these looks,
40:58so will you all step up to the runway?
41:02Let's go.
41:06All right, designers.
41:08We have scored your designs.
41:10And now we would like to speak with Victor, Nora, Bishme,
41:17Kane, Fabio, and Karasun.
41:22If I did not call your name, you are in.
41:25The rest of you can leave the runway.
41:32So the six of you had the highest
41:34and lowest scores today.
41:36One of you will be the winner.
41:38And one of you will be out.
41:49So the six of you had the highest
41:51and lowest scores today.
41:53One of you will be the winner.
41:55And one of you will be out.
42:01All right, let's start off positive, shall we?
42:03Let's bring out one of our favorite looks of the night.
42:09Congratulations, Bishme.
42:11OK, tell us about your look.
42:12I was trying to make something that was inspired
42:14by a girl that's on a run, that's doing what you have
42:16to do, and an elevated version of the hoodie dress.
42:19I tried to put myself in a happy place,
42:20because the picture that I was inspired by
42:23triggered something for me that I didn't expect for it to do.
42:26So it was very difficult for me to continue on and make it.
42:29So it's literally been two months and probably like a day
42:31since my sister passed away.
42:33I know that grieving is difficult,
42:37but I didn't know that my grieving process would
42:39take place from something that was like,
42:42that got me eliminated.
42:43Well, you did a beautiful job.
42:45And you can consider this a tribute to her.
42:47Thank you, Elaine.
42:49Give yourself a lot of time.
42:50It takes a long time.
42:53So you don't have to rush.
42:56You never disappoint as a designer.
42:59And you delivered a look that is very fashion forward.
43:04I wrote in all caps, this is what today's challenge
43:07is all about, turning a negative into a positive.
43:11And when I looked back at this look
43:13that you put down the runway, it was a little tragic.
43:17And then I look at what you put down the runway today,
43:19this is a happy, cheerful, joyful look.
43:22It's a true elevation of whatever
43:24this initial vision was that you had.
43:26The first look was just not at all you.
43:28And this was nice to see something so assured from you.
43:31All of the details are such signatures of yours.
43:34And I can see that over the time since we've seen you
43:37that you've really refined those.
43:38It feels very modern and really just joyful.
43:42And the color is so fantastic.
43:44The ruffles are so playful.
43:45It's really fun.
43:48All right, let's bring out another one
43:50of our favorite looks of the night.
43:51Kane, how does it feel to be in the top three?
43:54I'm appreciative and humbled, so thank you.
43:56Well, I want to wear that dress.
43:58We can make that happen.
44:00It's just really elegant and sexy and chic.
44:04So I wasn't clueless on this challenge.
44:08Somebody had to.
44:09I know.
44:10I know it was so cliche, but my boyfriend
44:11would kill me if I didn't do that.
44:13I remember the challenge for you.
44:16I remember the challenge for you.
44:18I remember the challenge for you was
44:22incorporating that bit of white.
44:25And now, the piece de resistance is the white.
44:30Well, I'll just jump right in here
44:31and say that I love that you gave us some drama.
44:35I just loved the feminine kind of softness
44:38of the bottom half and how kind of cool and edgy the top is.
44:42The styling was very fresh.
44:44It felt very easy.
44:45You had a lot going on in the skirt.
44:47And I think you chose to take everything
44:49down everywhere else.
44:50It's very successful.
44:54Thank you, Keynes.
44:54Nice to meet you.
44:55Switching gears, the next look received one of our lowest
44:58scores, unfortunately.
45:00It's OK.
45:04You're with me.
45:05Nora, what were you thinking going into this?
45:08My challenge was difficult for me
45:10because it was a wedding dress challenge the first time.
45:13I am not a wedding dress designer.
45:15But this time, I wanted to create
45:17something kind of structural.
45:19So I wanted to create this 70s kind of flower.
45:23You chose a fabric that easily puckers,
45:25if not seamed perfectly.
45:27And you chose a color that really highlights
45:30any sort of imperfection.
45:31I didn't want to go white like last time.
45:34I wanted to do kind of like a different color.
45:37I remember the wedding dress.
45:39I understand the problem you're having.
45:43I see the choice of fabric.
45:44I see that that's not something that you do all the time.
45:47All the time.
45:49Your model is very close to the color of this fabric.
45:52So she kind of disappears.
45:54I wish I would have seen a little more bold from you.
45:59Actually, I wasn't as crazy about it
46:01when you first came down.
46:02But now that I've been staring at it,
46:04I think it's kind of pretty.
46:06I appreciate that.
46:07Thank you, Nora.
46:08Emily, you can leave the runway.
46:10OK, let's bring out one of the bottom scores of the night.
46:18Unfortunately, Victor, you had one of our least favorite
46:21designs of the night.
46:22Do you want to tell us about it?
46:24The challenge at that time, it was a team challenge.
46:27So I took the opportunity to change it
46:29into something that I do now.
46:31So I really wanted to focus on the stilts
46:33by creating these kind of leg harnesses
46:35to give her that length.
46:37I also wanted to use some of that color.
46:39I'll be honest, it wasn't immediately clear
46:40what the connection was.
46:42Creative, indeed.
46:44But fashion is subjective.
46:46And for me, this didn't translate.
46:49I think this lattice work on the shoulders is very creative.
46:53Is it costumey?
46:55It is.
46:55But there's something very creative
46:57of taking this concept of the stilt
47:00and narrowing it down to this.
47:03I'm going to ask you a technical question about the leggings.
47:05About how you put them together.
47:07It's attached to the waist.
47:09But did you cut and then grommet all of those?
47:11Because I can't see it.
47:12Everything's grommeted.
47:13Everything is snapped.
47:14Is that you wanted to give us the whole kitten caboodle.
47:17You wanted to give us a cheese board
47:19of all of your talons, right?
47:21And the thing is, the brie, which was the legs,
47:25was the tastiest cheese.
47:26And I could have just had a whole plate of brie.
47:29But I also would have loved to see
47:31a pairing back of something to really let
47:33that one idea, or whatever idea it was of your choosing,
47:37really, really sing.
47:39Thank you, Victor.
47:39Jessica, you can leave the runway.
47:43The next design received one of the lowest scores.
47:46Here comes the model.
47:54The next design received one of the lowest scores.
47:57Here comes the model.
48:04All right, Karasun, tell us about your look.
48:07The challenge was a Emmy gown for Nancy O'Dell.
48:11I changed it in many ways.
48:13I still kept the asymmetrical.
48:15It's inspired by my mother, Barbara Saunders.
48:18And I call this kind of Barbara by the sea.
48:20I do remember the Nancy O'Dell challenge.
48:24There is a fine line when you're working with costumes
48:28and translating that.
48:30It just needed to be a little more subdued.
48:33It feels too in your face.
48:35Can you turn around?
48:37You picked the fabric.
48:39But where it goes off the rails for me is in the beading.
48:44It just needed editing.
48:46This feels a bit formal and stiff,
48:49and dare I say, a little dated.
48:53Thank you, Karasun.
48:54Yes, you can leave the runway.
48:56Thank you, Karasun.
49:00Karasun, you can leave the runway.
49:01The next look got one of our highest scores of the night.
49:14Fabio, tell us about your look.
49:16It was a challenge about outerwear.
49:18So I feel like I wanted to create something
49:20that was mid-seasonal.
49:22So hence, the arms are out, but she has sleeves on.
49:26And I kept this idea in my mind of flipping it around,
49:28flipping it around.
49:29So that's what I did.
49:30All of the textiles, except this one,
49:31because it's, you know, it's double-faced,
49:33they're all the wrong side.
49:35So right side.
49:37So I felt like it was really about flipping
49:39everything around, giving you something that's exciting.
49:42It's very chic.
49:43And I really like the back.
49:44It's very modern and creative.
49:47Yeah, congratulations.
49:50I love the combination of textures
49:54that shine with the mat, the top, which is a cape.
49:57Very confident outfit.
50:00Fabio, Fabio, Fabio.
50:01I mean, this is an improvement off the charts.
50:04So chic.
50:05My favorite look of the day.
50:06I would buy it right off your body.
50:08I don't give it to you.
50:09Thank you, Fabio.
50:10I love it.
50:11Thanks, designers.
50:12Please exit stage left.
50:14We'll call you back soon.
50:25You know what?
50:26I find it to be very difficult to send
50:29one of these designers home.
50:30I think you both should do it.
50:33Nina's relinquishing veto power?
50:35I don't think so.
50:36I don't send people home.
50:37That's not in my.
50:38It's just, it's very hard.
50:40But why don't we just talk about who we think should win?
50:44Kane, for sure, for me, was glamorous and runway, exciting.
50:50This was such a lovely introduction
50:52to him and his work.
50:54If I go back and remember what he did,
50:57it was always very gilded and very overly designed.
51:01To see the restraint that he had in designing this,
51:05that's all he needed.
51:06I think we have to give credit to Bishme, though.
51:08He took a look that really did not do well at all
51:13and completely reinvented it while staying true
51:16to the elements of that design.
51:18It was glamour, but at the same time, practicality.
51:22But also Fabio, really great.
51:25I loved Fabio.
51:27I really did.
51:27I admire the elegance and maturity of it.
51:31It's really sophisticated.
51:32Fabio's was straight up American sportswear
51:35that you see on the runways.
51:37It had a very fresh perspective.
51:40Well, should we talk about who's going home?
51:42Not easy, but let's do it.
51:44What did you guys think about Karazhan?
51:46You're talking about the mermaid?
51:49That stressed me out to no end.
51:53The cut of that slit was not right.
51:55I could see everything under the dress.
51:57I have to say I was surprised that that was from Karazhan.
52:00I think had she taken out all that beading,
52:03shortened the gown, and kept the train long,
52:08it would have been spectacular.
52:10Should we move to Nora?
52:12Well, when she walked out the runway the first time,
52:14I went, ooh.
52:15And then when it was in front of me
52:16and I was looking at it for a long time,
52:18I went, oh, it's kind of pretty as a bridesmaid's dress.
52:21That girl looks great.
52:22I didn't mind Nora's dress.
52:24She brings such a different perspective.
52:27But it was just executed so poorly.
52:29I think it was the right idea that needed more time.
52:31And it just needed an expert hand.
52:33Sewing is a core part of this competition.
52:37This is a sink or swim environment.
52:38And unfortunately, I don't think she has
52:41the fins to stay afloat.
52:43I think that Victor really has a lane.
52:45I think he was just trying to show us tonight how many lanes
52:47he can go down.
52:48And we got the message loud and clear.
52:50I have to say, the longer I looked at it up close,
52:54the more I appreciated his skill level.
52:56When I first saw it go down the runway, I didn't like it.
52:58But did you connect the stilts to the?
53:00I didn't.
53:00Sorry, guys.
53:01That was over my head.
53:02So that was the first thing I connected.
53:05I saw legs.
53:07And I thought, that's really smart.
53:08Wow, I can immediately tell it's connected.
53:11And then I got to the skirt.
53:12It just looked like it was just randomly basted on.
53:16It was sitting right below all of this gorgeous handwork.
53:19And we just didn't need it.
53:21It never gets easier doing this.
53:23But I guess we know who needs to go home.
53:39Fabio, Bishme, and Kane, the three of you
53:44redeemed yourselves tonight.
53:46But unfortunately, only one of you
53:48can win the $10,000 that's on the table tonight.
53:51You want to split it?
53:52We can split it.
53:54I'm good with that.
53:55I'm good with that.
53:56The winner of this challenge successfully changed history.
54:01Their look was modern, dramatic, and a successful reinvention.
54:09The winner is Kane.
54:16Oh, no!
54:19You get the whole booty, baby.
54:24Your design was definitely my favorite.
54:26Sophisticated, chic, feminine, but strong and powerful
54:31all at the same time.
54:32It was just wonderful.
54:33See, good old Southern boy from Nashville
54:35can do some fashion stuff.
54:37Dang it.
54:38Congratulations, Kane.
54:41I mean, hey!
54:43Thank you so much.
54:45I think I absolutely got the redemption that I needed.
54:50Call me.
54:52Bishme and Fabio, you are also in.
54:55You can all leave the runway.
54:57Well done, guys.
54:58I just won this challenge, but I cannot rest on my laurels.
55:00I want to win multiple challenges here.
55:08Karasun, Victor, and Nora, unfortunately, none of you
55:14were able to redeem your original look.
55:18And one of you will be out.
55:23Whatever happens, I just want to commend the three of you
55:26for coming back and for trying again.
55:30It's really inspiring to see.
55:31And you should all feel good, regardless of the outcome.
55:36Victor, you're in.
55:40Thank you so much.
55:43You can leave the runway.
55:47I love you.
55:48I love you, too.
55:50Thank you, guys.
55:54Karasun and Nora, it pains me to say one of you will be out.
56:02Karasun, we love that you honored your mother,
56:07but your look needed editing.
56:11Nora, we really appreciate the unique point of view
56:15that you bring to this competition.
56:17But unfortunately, your execution fell short.
56:25Nora, I'm sorry you're out.
56:32No problem.
56:33Nora, I'm so sorry.
56:34I really would have loved to see more of your point of view.
56:39And I wish you much luck.
56:40Thank you so much for this opportunity to come back
56:43and, of course, to be a part of the Project Runway family.
56:47So thank you.
56:52You're doing it.
56:53Karasun, you are in.
56:56You can both leave the runway.
56:59Thank you so much.
57:00Good luck.
57:01Oh, gee.
57:03In the short time that I've been here,
57:05I've reconnected with an old friend.
57:09I've made new friends.
57:11You both get to stay?
57:12I'm going home.
57:13I'm going home.
57:15I'm going home.
57:16I'm going home.
57:17But I just wanted to say that you guys
57:19are all going to just kill it.
57:21And I can't wait to see what you do.
57:23I've been inspired by other people.