Weird Doctrines: Be Kind to the Cult ... or ELSE!!! - Episode 168 Branham Research

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James and John discuss the unusual doctrine about non-cult members, and how that doctrine is intended to bypass the plan of salvation. They critically examine the bizarre and harmful doctrines propagated by these Latter Rain / NAR movements, such as the notion that true Christians are identifiable by their adherence to specific cult practices, like dress codes or loyalty to particular leaders. This elitist ideology creates a sense of spiritual arrogance and judgmental attitudes among followers, leading to a closed-off, insular community. The hosts also discuss the historical roots of these beliefs, tracing back to the early Pentecostal and Latter Rain revivals, and how these ideas have evolved and persisted over time. By analyzing sermons and teachings from various leaders within the movement, John and James reveal the contradictions and manipulations used to maintain control over members, ultimately calling for a return to a more inclusive and biblically sound understanding of Christianity.
00:31Hello and welcome to another episode of the William Branham historical research
00:35podcast. I'm your host John Collins, the author and founder of William Branham
00:40historical research at and with me I have my co-host
00:45researcher and friend James Goad and together we're discussing the very weird
00:50things that preachers say, why they say them, and how they relate back to the
00:55latter rain healing revivals of the late 1940s through the 1960s. James you
01:01picked a doozy of a topic today and we've got a couple of parts but one part
01:06you'll be pointing fingers directly at the old me so it'll be like you're you
01:11know like you're digging up dead dead dry bones but part of this you know it
01:17feels so awkward because I grew up as cult royalty and we were the kings and
01:23queens of our castles and if you if you knew one of the leaders of your whatever
01:29is your splinter group of of the latter rain or they called it the message the
01:34people who knew the central figures they were cult royalty and they you know they
01:41they had a dignity that other people didn't have and I had this weird this
01:47weird thing and I'll never forget I came to Jeffersonville and I was you know with
01:52a bunch of other kids and these were normal cult kids quote-unquote normal
01:57and when people would ask me who I was because of the cult royalty I would say
02:03I'm Willard Collins grandson and I never forget this one girl looked at me and
02:08she just she kind of laughed and she said well hi Willard Collins grandson do
02:12you have a name and I realized at that moment that's not right I should have
02:18said John Collins and I felt like a fool and rightly so I should have but
02:23there's this cult royalty that you try to maintain while you're in it and you
02:27want that connection you want to be connected to the guy who knew the guy
02:31and the whole thing is just so absurd that it um you know it builds the cult
02:38structure and I think today we're gonna get into how that structure gets built a
02:42bit yeah and this these topics that we were gonna kind of take a look at here
02:47it's it's something that oh man it's so destructive and it's put out in a way to
02:54make it seem like some of these doctrines that they're talking about to
03:00where they don't seem on their face so evil but the way that you end up having
03:06to talk about other people that are outside your group and the way that
03:11you're sort of you know giving them an in into heaven but it's still not the
03:18kind of in that you have you know you're still special you have something more
03:22than they do and and and they're just lucky to be in your presence for the
03:27most part it's it's it's very man it's it's very hard to go back and look at
03:33some of these things sometimes but it's definitely something that I think is
03:36worth taking a peek at and just kind of lifting this up and seeing what's going
03:40on underneath here yeah I you know like I say I was in the cult royalty side of
03:47things but there were people who weren't and they you know the the royalty they
03:53like to pretend that it flowed through you like it was flowing through your
03:56veins I think is the way that they preach it which is utter nonsense I guess
04:01it might be tied to the serpent seed the flowing through your veins part but they
04:06had this thing that we're gonna get into where you were this elite group of
04:11people and you were the royal seed of Abraham however they wanted to use the
04:15loaded language to call you and then if people were nice to you outside of that
04:21inner circle well they might get a blessing because they were kind to you
04:25and that doctrine while it's you know it's good for people to be kind to one
04:31another I don't I don't discredit that but on the flip side if say you got
04:37engaged in a business transaction and the person who was doing business tried
04:43to make money as a normal business and didn't give you a discount for example
04:48well you would see that as an unkind thing because he didn't give you money
04:52off because you're this elite and then you would be very unkind to him and you
04:59know I've got examples of people doing that kind of thing but it flows through
05:03the whole movement there's there's this strong I don't know what you call it
05:09righteous indignation against other people who weren't part of your group I
05:13guess is the best way to put it you felt honored in insulting them and that's the
05:18flip side of this doctrine we're getting into you have on the one side those who
05:22are kind to you will you give them your blessings but those people who sometimes
05:27are just acting like normal people or if they might disagree with you on some
05:32specific doctrine will the wrath of God comes out of your mouth against these
05:36people right and you know this this first clip that we're kind of going into
05:41here it's very interesting because I think it kind of helps set the stage of
05:45sort of how people are viewed that are not in the group and it gets kind of
05:53messy sometimes because at one point a minister might say something that
05:57sounds oh that sounds kind of nice but they're saying about people are not in
06:00the group but then you get the larger context you get a lot to listen to him
06:04for a long period of time you start hearing all the things that aren't
06:07always said and then in these sorts of things when they talk about heaven and
06:12people's roles in heaven and and what people have earned in heaven things
06:19start getting pretty weird and and it's not a very good look but but let's roll
06:25into this first clip here and dive in a bit further
06:28ah praise the Lord heaven-bound people I love preaching to heaven-bound people I
06:32preached to a bunch of held hell-bound people in my life I really don't want to
06:37do anything it's a really sad thing whenever you have to preach to people
06:42that's going to hell and they don't care they want to go to hell or at least
06:50twice they think today if they'd really be able to look at it realistically they
06:57wouldn't want to go would they no and I'm so grateful that the Lord has
07:02helped us to be able to see we don't want to go we don't have to go praise
07:08the Lord brother Donnie what if I'm not bright you still don't have to go to
07:12hell if you're not bright if you want to go to heaven God has got to make a
07:16way for you to get there well where will I live well that's according to where
07:21you where you live and all that election of God and all that stuff I'd rather
07:25live outside the city and have eternal life to be in a lake of fire and be
07:29destroyed I'm at a loss for words man as a preacher you got like one job you go
07:35after the law what are you doing man you know I was for the manuscript for
07:43the book that I'm writing on the NAR I was going through some of the history of
07:48the destructive theology in the groups and how it kind of morphed over time
07:54into this weird thing we have today and I really didn't catch it while I was
07:59going through the history the first time but around 1948 ish whenever the
08:07latter rain revival broke out there was this weird sentiment that
08:11Pentecostal ism was the first wave of revival and it was basically setting up
08:18the stage for the worldwide revival the global revival and these ministers who
08:25were part of this as that began to fade away they turned really bitter against
08:29people who didn't join in or who you know had problems with these quote-unquote
08:34faith healers and so they started saying things like these people they they made
08:40their final decision back whenever the latter rain revival happened and now
08:45everybody's doomed to hell and what it became was this inclusive group where
08:49you didn't try to go after the lost instead you would quote these Bible
08:54passages way out of context like it is for your children and their children as
08:59far as far off as the eye can see I grew up sermon after sermon hearing that
09:03stuff man and what is essentially saying is it is for you and your family and
09:09there's no need for you to go witness to the lost and bring them in and me as the
09:14preacher I have a gravy job because I don't have to try to save the lost I can
09:18just tell you guys the the things that are the rules and then keep reminding
09:22you of those same rules over and over and over and over I don't you have to
09:26study the Bible to know to know how to reach the lost right so this whole thing
09:31gets so messed up and it that comes directly from the Christian identity
09:37flavor of latter rain there's so many things here there's two things in
09:42particular that kind of really stand out to me you know just the minister himself
09:48saying he can't he hates preaching to hell-bound people and there's so many
09:55things wrong with just that the thing he said they're just alone because one he
10:04already knows that someone's hell-bound without knowing their soul without
10:07knowing anything so he is in this situation he is God passing judgment on
10:12the person he knows that they're going to hell and because he knows they're
10:16going to hell it almost appears like it's a waste of time to this minister to
10:20even exert any energy towards speaking to this person which seems very
10:25destructive and very upside down especially like you said if these
10:28ministers are supposed to be preaching the gospel your duty is to bring light
10:34to the lost and so that sounds like it's completely against the mission
10:40statement of that set forth in the gospel and then even going further in
10:46when it starts getting closer to home inside the own conga and their own
10:50congregation everyone assumes that they're there in the elite group they
10:54believe the the message of William Branham so therefore they are what is
10:59considered the bride in a message context you have to in a message
11:03context you have to believe the word of your hour and that word the word of your
11:08hour it was presented by William Branham and so therefore the minister
11:12that's over your church is is propagating that ministry so you have to
11:16believe your minister who is in turn repeating William Branham and that's the
11:20word for your hour and if you don't believe that and you don't you don't
11:23live by that and therefore you're not bride and so that's something that
11:27torments a lot of people in the movement because there's all these rules and
11:31regulations and it's it's in there's we've gone over this before there's so
11:34many contradicting statements in Branham's own ministry that you know you
11:40if you line up to one statement the other statement you're not lining up to
11:46and so people are constantly in this thing of like I don't even know if I'm
11:49bride I'd you know because this thing is almost impossible to live up to but
11:52they're told it's perfect it's infallible so therefore they if they are
11:56bride they should be able to live up to it and so they're so tormented and then
12:00this minister makes the statement you know in sort of in the the voice of like
12:04a person in the congregation well what if I'm not bride you know and he said
12:08you know it's better to live outside the city and not be a bride and still go to
12:13heaven and it's just like you know that it's it's so destructive and it's so
12:18hurtful to people because you know you got people that a lot of times that are
12:22drawn to these movements because they're looking for something that they want to
12:27have a better life they want to live right and so they get caught up in these
12:29things and then the entire thing that they're trying to wrap their mind
12:34around is literally imprisoning them and hurting them and causing them pain
12:39because they're being forced to live up to something that is just baloney to
12:42begin with and when you really take a step back and look at it they're
12:45preaching a different Bible because the Christian Bible says for God so loved
12:50the world that he sent his only begotten Son it's not for the only the elite
12:56group I don't even use the word bride when I talk about this anymore it's
12:59elite they're an elitist mindset and they're trying to change the passage
13:05where it says for God so loved the elite that he sent his only begotten Son and
13:09in doing so it's creates a different Bible but worse than that it also
13:13creates a different God because the God of his altered Bible passage that he has
13:20invented is so powerless to save the lost that he knows for certain they're
13:25going to hell like you said but he doesn't leave room for God to save them
13:30later and you know I've sat through many different churches of denominations that
13:36aren't called after leaving and the theme that you hear from all of them
13:41it's very consistent across all of the different flavors of Christianity they
13:46will pray for the lost and they will never decree that they're going to hell
13:51instead they'll say this person is going through hard times or he's in a
13:55situation she's in a situation let's pray for her as a group that God will
14:00save her soul and leave the hope and leave the door open for them to be saved
14:04and in doing so he's inviting the lost to come to heaven come to Jesus but what
14:11this minister is doing and ministers like him they're closing that door you
14:16if you're going to hell and you're sitting in this if you're in this room
14:19and you don't believe that you're saved you're not a Christian or whatever we
14:22don't want you get out we do not want to preach to you and I can assure you that
14:28if you are in that situation and you're in that church you have no desire
14:32because if heaven looks like that I would choose you know this is the
14:36mindset that these people have they would choose the other side right so it
14:42is not reaching the lost it is not helping anybody and I think it was
14:47Martin Luther that was talking about the hell doctrine whenever he escaped
14:51the Catholic Church you Catholics are always preaching this hell thing and I
14:56don't have a single person in my church that wants to go there so why would I
14:59preach about it well that's the guys are doing man what is what are their
15:05congregation even care what he's saying about this he's not preaching to them
15:10he's preaching as a way to close the door for people not to come to Jesus
15:16essentially right and it it's all these things that that ministers cling on to
15:24in this movement to because you're right it is the elitism it's this is what
15:30makes us special this is what makes us called out even more than what the Bible
15:34says about being a called-out people this is an even more special calling
15:38this is this isn't just the general masses who just say oh I believe in
15:42Jesus and I read my Bible no these people in this group they believe in
15:47William Branham and they read the message which is Branham's teachings and
15:51his his sermons and that makes them special because they believe a special
15:55word for their day and it's so anti-scriptural extra biblical and I
16:03know it's been it's been you know we've gone over it and you and Charles and
16:08others have gone over a lot of these things and really exposed a lot of this
16:11stuff in great detail so probably shouldn't go too deep into it here but
16:16you know it is it's it's really tough to see especially you know growing up in
16:21churches like this and and hearing ministers say these things you know your
16:26it warps your mind because you know there's people that are around
16:32you that you know you know they don't go to your church they don't they don't
16:36not only do they not go to your church maybe they go to what many people would
16:40consider a normal church and they're as far as you can tell that they're good
16:46people but then you're told because they don't believe what you believe doesn't
16:51matter how much they love Jesus how much they want to live a good life they're
16:54still gonna go to hell and maybe the only consolation prize they get if
16:58they're good enough people they won't be inside the city with the rest of God's
17:03chosen they will be outside the city in the millennium and it's it's like it's
17:07like whoo that's a that's a lot of negative stuff to put on a child's mind
17:13and there's many children that grow up in this movement here in these things
17:16and it really makes it hard to look at people and interface them in a normal
17:20way because you're looking at them going I know you say you love Jesus and I knew
17:25good church but my pastor said you're gonna go to hell yeah it creates an
17:29elitist mindset these people you know whenever you convince people that you
17:34are a quote-unquote bride or whatever again I don't use that term anymore I
17:38just use elite they're the elite elitist group whenever you train your children
17:43to believe that they are elite and every one of their peers are not well the
17:48child's mind is immediately going to be thinking about the reasons why they're
17:51not and they're going to see themselves as better as those people and in the
17:57Christian world this is not the way it works you grow up as one of everyone and
18:01you you hope that everybody gets saved you don't you do not hope that your
18:05little group is going to be saved while everybody else is cast into hell and I
18:10said earlier it ties back to the Christian identity flavor of latter rain
18:14because what they were teaching this word bride for example they were
18:19teaching that the the United States and Canada were part of the Lost Tribes of
18:26Israel and so every single passage from the Old Testament that applied to the
18:31children of Israel they applied to themselves and they took many of those
18:36verses out of context in fact some of the verses they would say if it was an
18:40ancient prophecy about Babylon for example well then they would tie that to
18:45Babylon had the overloaded language of the Catholic Church so they would tie it
18:49to the Catholic Church or there's the Assyrians there's all these different
18:53people so well they would apply these to modern world modern countries of society
18:59today or in their era and the problem is they're taking them out of context but
19:05even the word bride if you go back and look at like Ezekiel 16 it clearly talks
19:11about the bride being Jerusalem and these people because they have that
19:16mindset of this Christian identity notion they try to apply those passages
19:21to themselves and there's no way to do it without rewriting the Bible what you
19:25end up with is a completely different Bible right and in this context you end
19:30up with Branham's Bible and Brandon's version of the Bible which is you know
19:33it's fraught with so many errors it's you know we don't have time to go
19:37through all of them today but there's there's many many episodes if you've got
19:41the time to go back to some of the earlier episodes but you know it's it's
19:47definitely interesting especially to roll into this next clip because this
19:50minister kind of goes in a little further here and and and really starts
19:56talking about this a little further and what's interesting also too is that in
20:00the first clip what he's building a lot of his his you know his view of the
20:05millennium on is is Revelation 20 and then in this clip he's talking about you
20:12know Ezekiel's vision of the temple being rebuilt you know this is while
20:16Israel's is exiled in Babylon and Ezekiel has this vision of the temple
20:21being restored and so what's interesting is how the minister is using this and
20:27and the reason why the minister is doing this is because this is what Branham did
20:31this is what Branham taught and this is this is this is typing you know both
20:36things are connected and you see this a lot in message circles where they all
20:42tie anything together in the Bible whether it should go together or not
20:49though they'll tie just anything from from everywhere and you end up with
20:52these really interesting really weird things and really weird doctrines and
20:57conclusions and it's tough when you're in the group because you're taught this
21:02is this is the word of our day so you don't question it if you do if you read
21:05the Bible and you say this scripture doesn't seem to match up with this one
21:09but then you're telling me they go together but you're told well just put
21:13that on the shelf if you don't understand it God will reveal it to you
21:16later because it's it's done this way to hide it from normal people because we
21:21are special and we're good and the special people will see the truth so and
21:26that's what also makes people think that also maybe they're not the chosen people
21:31because they're sitting there struggling with some of these things and they're
21:34like well maybe I'll just settle for living outside the city if that's all I
21:37can get but you know it's it's it's very destructive and very very very bad
21:42but but yeah let's roll into this next clip here and dissect this one a bit
21:46further now in the Millennium of course is equal 44 through 48 the temple will
21:51be rebuilt it will be all there for memorial and all that you've read it I
21:55know and I know brother Thomas taught it to you many times but in the seventh day
22:00the heathen which has never heard the gospel will be raised not people that's
22:06heard it and turned it down and get a second chance only those who's never
22:11heard it remember Psalm whenever he said sit down at my right hand until I make
22:17thine enemies thy footstool and it will be there of course that the prophecies
22:22of Isaiah of Zechariah and many of the messianic prophecies under the reign of
22:28the Son of David in the Millennium will be lived out upon the five throne God
22:33told David by the fruit of thy body while I set upon thy throne there we
22:40will reign in glorified bodies that will be the other people living on the
22:44earth in human bodies can you imagine they will live for a thousand years and
22:49at the end of that thousand years there's no devil there is no devil bound
22:55by chain of circumstance there's no demons infiltrating people's minds
23:00there's no cigarettes there's no drinking there's no honky-tonks there's
23:03no bars there's no televisions there's no vile there's nothing there and at the
23:08end of that thousand years them people will make up their mind they hate Jesus
23:15Christ can you imagine living on the earth with people in glorified bodies so
23:22if you decide you want to go on the other side of the earth you think about
23:24it and you're gone they see you disappear they see you you've not aged
23:30one day you're there in eternal bodies and they've lived under this domain and
23:36remember if they don't come up at the Feast of Tabernacles to worship the sons
23:40of God in full manifestation of adoption they will not allow any rain on their
23:46crops God's really picky about us going to church he's gonna be pretty picky
23:52about it in the Millennium so the folks don't go to church in the Millennium
23:55then people that's living outside there if they don't go to church the sons of
24:00God will be the magistrates and then the governors over the earth and God will
24:05relate to them you know our son go over there and tell them people in Babylon
24:09they wouldn't a church last Feast of Tabernacles tell them because of that
24:13they're not going to get no rain for a while that's what your Bible says what
24:20James no honky-tonks come on man what kind of heaven is this you know I when I
24:27left this thing in 2012 and I started realizing that they were stuck like a
24:32broken record from the 40s and 50s all these phrases like the honky-tonks you
24:36don't hear them today and I have first off I'm not certain that I even know
24:41what that is but if I did I'm not certain that I really want to go into
24:45one what what is a honky-tonk and what are these people saying this but what he
24:51is what he is preaching is an elitism and for the NAR crowd this is one of the
24:58precursors to the Dominion ism themes because he's talking about setting up a
25:03government where our people are going to be the rulers over those other
25:06Christians that's really the framework for how all this began and the beginning
25:12of this he's talking about Ezekiel the context of this because he's again under
25:17Christian identity he's taking the Ezekiel from the Old Testament he's
25:21trying to wrap it around his church and say that it is actually applicable to
25:25his church and I you know I have I don't have a problem with that but I think he
25:31should have chose Ezekiel for where God told Ezekiel to eat poop because that's
25:35more like more like what you guys are doing yeah I tell you what it's so
25:43interesting because even just reading through you know this these scriptures
25:49here he told he told the church to read Ezekiel 44 through 48 and that's where
25:54he's pulling this stuff from well when you read Ezekiel 44 for example one of
26:00the things that it talks about is the priests in the temple and how they
26:04should behave and things they should do and like how do you even handle dead
26:09bodies like they shouldn't be around dead bodies the only time that it would
26:12be permitted for them to be around a dead body is it if it's a close loved
26:16one like a father a mother a brother a sister something like that but anyone
26:20else they should abstain from from being around a dead body because they'll file
26:26themselves and coming into the temple and being unclean and things like that
26:29so my thing that's very interesting about this if this is typing the
26:34Millennium and this is Satan's bound in the abyss and things like that for a
26:39thousand years what where's the death coming into play here because it doesn't
26:44really seem to match up and but see this is the weird thing about trying to take
26:48prophecies for Israel and map them on to the Gentiles and it's it's so it's so
26:54weird and then they they they take it they shake it up and they mix it up and
26:59they blend it up and they come out with these really weird doctrines and even
27:04the the thing later on and talking about you know you know and they'll use a
27:08they'll use a scripture talking about not going to the Feast of Tabernacles
27:13and God will withhold the rain from your crops and then they're saying that that
27:16will be our job the well I don't say our because I'm not in the group but that
27:22will be the group the the job of those who are the chosen the elite in this
27:26millennial reign will be to actually withhold the actual rain from people's
27:30crops those that are outside the city if they do not go to inside the city to
27:36worship and I don't know it's very interesting and I think I think there's
27:42problems here but it also only in this context it only seems to feed the
27:48elitism there's nothing about this that seems to you know help people prepare to
27:54live a better life it's all about you know you know you're going to be a
27:58magistrate in heaven so therefore you know we gotta start talking about what's
28:02gonna happen you gotta be prepared you know that's gonna be a big
28:06responsibility to withhold the rain so you know you know let's talk about it
28:10now let's get prepared yeah it's just so odd man you know one of the theme you're
28:17talking about the dead bodies one of the themes that came out of latter rain see
28:21the problem was they were trying to say that the end of the world was coming
28:26right there in 1940 1948 49 and then when it didn't come they started like
28:33all cults they started blaming the rank-and-file member it's your fault
28:36that the world didn't end we have to become better than this or you have to
28:40become better than this and so they're they're spread through this theme of
28:45latter rain that latter rain converts had to take the Nazarite vow and
28:50according to the Nazarite vow in the Old Testament there were things you
28:55couldn't do you couldn't drink you know certain liquids you couldn't touch a
28:59dead body there are all these things but the funny part is not a single minister
29:04that I have heard that taught that doctrine even knew what a Nazarite vow
29:07was they were doing things they were doing things that you can't do you know
29:12and so it's just all so weird but you know when when it comes right down to it
29:18they're trying to reenact certain portions of the Old Testament and
29:24ignoring large portions of the rest of it and they because they're developing
29:30themes for things they do not understand they create a heaven that they can't
29:36logically explain and when I say this is kind of it's difficult it takes several
29:42podcasts to explain this fully but there were a lot of songs that come out during
29:46this period of time about people going to heaven and playing harps for example
29:50and I'm a musician I would enjoy to go to heaven and play a harp but maybe
29:56you're not you know that's not gonna be your thing when you go to heaven you
30:00don't want to sit and play a harp for eternity right and so these people
30:05they're saying things like this guy said there'll be no televisions in heaven
30:08well they have a doctrine against watching television because they want to
30:11keep their people contained where they do not get out outside information of
30:16the cult well what's to say that heaven doesn't have some thing like this you
30:21know I'm not saying that it does but how does this guy know that it doesn't that
30:25he's never been there you know in the minds of some of these people they
30:30really want to think that you're gonna sit on a cloud and play a harp and
30:33they're gonna be a whole lot of bored people in heaven if they get there and
30:36that's all they're allowed to do yeah I tell you what it's it's one of those
30:43things when you when you've when you've stepped away and you've deprogrammed
30:46from some of this stuff and you come back and look at it again it really huh
30:50it's tough because you look at this and you're like man I can't believe that I
30:54was I was caught up in this and and I even let them say this stuff and I even
30:59entertain this stuff because it's just it sounds so messed up and like you said
31:03they've got some sort of idea about what heaven looks like through all of their
31:08research and they've they're presenting it to people as this is what it's going
31:14to be and I personally you know I'm not catching judgment anyone for doing this
31:21exercise but I personally think it's not really all that productive because you
31:26know there are some some passages and scriptures but it's like it's not like
31:29there's a full-blown manual of like every experience heaven is in the Bible
31:34there are things that are said but I mean there's probably a lot of things
31:37there that are not said too so it's just like you know a lot of these guys a
31:42lot of these guys invent a lot of things to sort of like feel you know they're
31:46sort of vamping they're filling the blank space here you know it's just like
31:49you know it really comes to the thing is like is this even helpful to sit here
31:54and and postulate about what heaven's gonna be when you don't have all the
31:58facts together you know and you become them you you're kind of taking the place
32:02of God to sort of describe something you've never seen before but you've got
32:05a few a few pieces of information and you're gonna build out this entire
32:08vision of everything else it seems I don't know it seems problematic I don't
32:14you're probably too young to remember it but we used to have these Easter
32:19gatherings where everybody was hoping that the end of the world would come and
32:23as a kid you're you're like well I'm not certain I want the world to end I have
32:27friends you know well there was a guy that went around to many of these
32:31gatherings and he had it all figured out he thought that what heaven would be
32:36would be like a great like the Great Pyramid of Giza and it would be this
32:40room filled with many houses inside the pyramid so Jesus was at the very top of
32:46the pyramid and it had the cornerstone but that was a room where Jesus lived
32:51and you lived in a room under him and logically this has problems man because
32:56if I'm on the outside of the pyramid and I've got this bite nice big window where
33:00I can look at the mountains and the trees and the grass well what about the
33:03people on the inside who want an outside window there's just so many flaws but
33:08the whole thing man like you said they're inventing things that they have
33:13no way to prove or back and yes you can take a scripture here there and you can
33:17say well I know what heaven looks like because I have this one verse that is so
33:22vague that it paints no picture whatsoever but they thrilled the crowds
33:26with itching ears because the crowds don't know what heavens are either so
33:30they're they're like oh well this guy knows he read that one verse that I
33:33myself could have read in my bone Bible at home and the whole thing just doesn't
33:38make any sense have you ever wondered how the Pentecostal movement started or
33:42how the progression of modern Pentecostal ism transitioned through the
33:46latter reign charismatic and other fringe movements into the new apostolic
33:51Reformation you can learn this and more on William Branham historical research's
33:56website William dash Branham org on the books page of the website you can find
34:02the compiled research of John Collins Charles Paisley Stephen Montgomery John
34:07MacKinnon and others with links to the paper audio and digital versions of each
34:13book you can also find resources and documentation on various people and
34:18topics related to those movements if you want to contribute to the cause you can
34:23support the podcast by clicking the contribute button at the top and as
34:27always be sure to like and subscribe to the audio or video version that you're
34:31listening to or watching on behalf of William Branham historical research we
34:36want to thank you for your support I think this is an interesting point in
34:40the podcast to kind of start transitioning into the other of the
34:43other top we talked about and you know this is this is sort of setting the
34:48stage for it we're not quite there yet this is sort of the the the moving away
34:52from the first topic into the next topic but where we're kind of going next
34:56is the kind of the bride doctrine and this is something that growing up
35:00hearing in message churches was was so man it was so messed up because you know
35:07you're taught that one you've got a rule and reign that's the first thing your
35:11first primary job is rule and reign but then those who are kind to you are the
35:18ones you're gonna rule and reign over because you know they might have been
35:21kind to you and so they get their chance to go into heaven and then
35:25because you are the special elite group then your responsibility is to make sure
35:30that they do all the proper things are supposed to do and have in in the
35:33millennium you're supposed to do all this stuff and and all these different
35:37things make sure you know you could because you're gonna withhold the reign
35:40if they don't do the things you know and it's just it's so weird but but let's
35:45roll into this clip and and start breaking this one open you know we deal
35:50with all kinds of different people and different ways of of life I'll just all
35:55kinds of different things and we wondered sometimes you know Lord why in
35:58the world did you let these people move beside me you got to learn how to rule
36:04and reign now you know what are you gonna rule and reign over in the
36:08millennium brother Ben said the heathen that's raised up that had never had the
36:11opportunity so what are you ruling and reigning over now the heathen next door
36:15he's over Jeff I don't tell them what to do no you're bringing this thing
36:20subject and you're learning you live the life before them they may not even know
36:26what's taking place but one day they will one day they'll understand God put
36:31me there so I could see what was real God put me there so I'd know what a real
36:36Christian wants I would know how a real woman dresses how a real man acts how he
36:41treats his family I would know all these things you know I mean they are going to
36:46come to that recognition better than him even talked about him walking and
36:50seeing the women with long hair and something inside of them says you know
36:53that's actually right he said they may never come to it but in here it'll speak
36:59to him and tell him that's actually right that's the way that it should be
37:03you know James I know a awful lot of Christian people who are good Christian
37:08people who might take an offense at being called a heathen yeah yeah it's
37:15it's messed up because you know it's you're not in our group and we've
37:21decided that our group is the most important group the only group that
37:24really matters everybody else is only getting into heaven because God is so
37:30merciful not because God necessarily wants you there but because God is
37:33merciful he wants us there we're the chosen we are the few and our job is to
37:39just be the best people we can be to make sure that we're ready to rule and
37:44reign over these people it's it it it really takes the idea of heaven and
37:48flips it upside down in my opinion well and like I said earlier it's such a
37:52different Bible I mean so this minister's Bible is literally for God
37:57loved the world so much that he sent his prophet so that if you be kind to one of
38:02the people who believe his prophet you can be saved that's literally the Bible
38:07that he just spat out of his mouth and they understand what they've done is
38:12very clear they have taken Jesus completely out of the picture in this
38:16case Jesus cannot save this Christian who lives next door because the
38:21Christian is a follower of Christ and this elite group is a follower of
38:26Branham or whoever is your cult leader who's a splinter group of this the one
38:31who follows the Apostle or prophet in this scenario is the one who saved the
38:36one who follows Jesus is not saved in their scenario it further goes to show
38:41and this is something that was so shocking to me as I was deprogramming
38:45from this thing is because ministers in this movement will literally devalue
38:51people who say I read my Bible and I believe in Jesus Christ and you know the
38:57gospel tells you that's what you're supposed to do is you're supposed to
39:00believe that Jesus you know believe in Jesus and ministers will say well they've
39:05got part of it but they don't have the whole thing we have the whole thing
39:08we're special you know and you sit there and you deprogram your walk away
39:12and you're like wait a minute but that's not what the New Testament says you know
39:16so if you're saying that and you're preaching that you're not preaching the
39:20Bible you're preaching the message which is what these guys are doing and they're
39:25preaching a different message than what you know they're they're claiming to
39:29they use the Bible as a base they manipulate it they switch things around
39:34they link things together that shouldn't be linked together and they come up with
39:38their own conclusions and they say because the Bible is their base that
39:42their message is built on therefore it's a continuation from Genesis all the way
39:47to current day and it's that and they present it as though it's the same it's
39:51the exact same thing it's just extended and and added to you might say and so
39:57therefore they've got the special thing and then if you don't believe this then
40:00you're lost because you know before it was here before you were in this day you
40:06know you could have gotten away with that but now that this is here and now
40:09this is known just believing in Jesus I'm sorry it's not enough yeah and I
40:14remember growing up being around the mentality because again it was the cult
40:18elite but you're around people who literally believe that every single
40:24person who is in the city who is kind to them have a special place in heaven
40:28because they're kind and every person that they have a interaction that they
40:34deem to be unkind whether the person was actually kind to them or not those
40:39interactions those people are doomed to hell even if they're Christian and I can
40:44remember growing up and trying to reconcile all of that in my head because
40:50I would see the interactions and sometimes I knew that the people I was
40:57with were in very bad moods and so there wasn't going to be a good interaction
41:02between the two people well they would walk away and chastise that person on
41:06the way home in the car and that person is doomed to hell well I also knew some
41:12of the people that were doomed to hell and they're Christian people so in my
41:15head I'm trying to figure out well what does it mean to be Christian if being
41:21doomed to hell because somebody's in a bad mood means that we're the Christians
41:26and they're not well what good is Jesus or the Bible and I was trying to
41:29reconcile this as a child unfortunately I got indoctrinated to the point where
41:34I just kind of forgot about it and I I just glazed it all over until I left and
41:38then I'm like oh my gosh man we were some of the rudest people I you know I
41:44can't even apologize to all the people that we were rude to and that's just
41:48wrong right and sometimes it's not even the people you're openly rude to it's
41:51the people you walk by and silently judge you know because in your mind you
41:55think you're being kind because you're judging being oh they're so they're so
41:58unfortunate because they don't know the truth that I know but in fact you're the
42:02one that's putting yourself in a bad position because you're you're literally
42:05trying to judge them through the lens of your cult that doesn't even line up with
42:09scripture that the scripture that you're saying you know is the basis of your
42:13faith it doesn't even line up with that it is it's so many layers of messed up
42:18man it's it's tough you know but you know going further on into this kind of
42:25bride thing it's it's so interesting because you know what one avenue of this
42:29that I kind of see that it is useful from a you know a cult leader point of
42:36view is when you've got these rules and regulations and all this stuff going on
42:41and people are like well you know I I know I accept this this prophet as
42:47whatever but you know my brother or my sister my father my mother doesn't you
42:51know but they're good people you know and I don't I can't imagine how God
42:54would want to would want to you know burn them up in the lake of fire this
42:59doesn't really make sense so so why you know why would God do that you know
43:03they're good people they just you know they just for whatever reason they just
43:06they just don't you know they don't believe what I believe you know and so
43:10this is an interesting way for ministers to to sort of make excuses for why the
43:16people in your life who are not they're not message believers they don't believe
43:20the cult but but there's a way that they can get into heaven as long as
43:27they're kind to you as long as they do something that benefits you in a good
43:30way maybe you know maybe they let you cross the street first or maybe they
43:34opened a door for you they were kind to the bride maybe they maybe the maybe
43:38your boss gave you a bonus when you really needed it kind of the bride so
43:41therefore you know therefore maybe they're gonna have a special place in
43:45heaven you know because they were kind to you and it's really really many
43:48levels of messed up but let's roll into this next clip and dive in a bit further
43:53and then seemingly now they'll be there another little group there that did not
43:59either have the Holy Ghost or that did not have a righteous life but because
44:06because that they were good and kind to the bride of Christ like a thief on the
44:14left side they say you will be with me in paradise are you following me friends
44:21hallelujah that kind neighbor amen that kind person on the job that never spoke
44:27against you that never persecuted you that never talked about you and your
44:32gods but they seem to always take up for you and stand up for you they'll not
44:38come up as the bride or the foolish virgin righteous but they'll come up
44:44because they were good to the wife of God and God will grant them eternal life
44:50you know James I'm glad you found this one because I had this conversation
44:55recently with somebody we were talking about the scenario that happened during
44:59the crucifixion because the thief on the cross defies every single rule and every
45:07single piece of logic from all of these cults from Branham ism to the NAR
45:11because you cannot apply the thief to any of that theology the thief did not
45:17live the perfect life he did not abide by the cult rules he did not consider
45:21the elitist to be there his people he was not kind to the elite group of
45:28people you know this was a thief on the cross right and Jesus had the power to
45:33save him right before his life so all of these things like this this one
45:38particular minister is in direct opposition to the first one we played
45:42where the guys he doesn't like to preach the people who he thinks are going to
45:47hell because there's no power for Jesus to save them right before their death
45:52like the thief on the cross every single rule like this minister I'm not heard
45:58the whole sermon I've not heard you know everything he has to say but I can
46:02assure you if he's teaching the cult doctrine that one single statement
46:06completely reverses everything that he said during the course of that sermon
46:09like I said you know leading up into the clip you know it it's so destructive
46:16because one of the things that the cult does is it has these really destructive
46:23and messed up rules and regulations it makes you treat people in ways you
46:27shouldn't that are anti-scriptural and it makes you be less of the Christian
46:31that the New Testament actually you know asks you to be and one of the
46:38things that they do is they cling on to things like this to make themselves see
46:42we're not so bad our version of this religion isn't so bad because we have
46:47this out for people who like I said before who for all you can tell look
46:55like really great people they love Jesus they do all the things are good people
46:59they they're more people you know as far as you can tell so in your mind
47:02you're like how could God destroy these people and then the minister comes in and
47:05says ha ha ha but see if they're in your life and they're good to you God's gonna
47:10God's gonna give them something good in heaven just because God loves you so
47:16much he's gonna give a portion of that blessing to that person because they
47:21were kind to you and I know there's been a lot of things in throughout this
47:26series that have pointed out how messed up this group is but I think this one
47:31takes the cake yeah it's like I don't know in public school there's these
47:38group of kids the preppies are different there's different phrases you call these
47:41kids but basically they're the elite ones they're the bride of the school
47:45classroom man and anybody who's not part of their group they just kind of look
47:50down upon and what it sets up is you have this elitist mentality where you
47:57feel like you're bettering yourself whenever you are insulting and demeaning
48:03towards other people and all of the other people who see the way that you're
48:08behaving realize that you have a severe personality problem and and the ones
48:13that you're denouncing are usually the ones who feel sorry for you and wish
48:17that you could get therapy and I'm trying to picture if actual Christians
48:23were to go into the service and hear this minister while he is just condemning
48:28those on the outside of the group and then anybody who is quote-unquote kind
48:33to the elites they might be saved well the real Christians are going to be
48:38praying that this person gets a therapist yeah oh man like I said it's
48:46one of those things is is you know and and it's funny because I had some
48:51friends bring this topic up to me and that are out and I started going
48:55through this and it's just going through these ministers saying this stuff over
48:59and over again was uh what was something that I was kind of reliving some of the
49:04stuff and some of the things I had actually forgotten about funny enough
49:08but look hearing them say some of these things it was just transporting me back
49:12to being a kid in the pew at the church and listening to these things come across
49:16and trying to trying to make sense of this because you know it all it sounds
49:23so strange and weird but at the same time you're indoctrinated from a little
49:26kid if that's how you came into this a group like this you know if you come in
49:31as a little kid then from the very beginning the first things you hear are
49:34these words being screeched across the pulpit and and so you sort of you sort
49:42of try to make some of these things work you you're trying to put them together
49:45especially as you're getting older and the younger that you are when these
49:49things start being put into place in your mind the easier they are to get set
49:53in place because you you tend to accept authority more when you're young and or
50:00at least that's my experience at least and and so yeah when you get further on
50:06and then you just start accepting some of these things as fact and like I said
50:09you start walking through life and you start judging people in ways that you
50:13don't even realize you're judging them because it starts to become a normal
50:16thinking to you the the cult mindset gets so ingrained in you that you're
50:21looking at people and just judging them across the board people you've never
50:26even met before you just walk across them at the Walmart checkout line and
50:29because of the cult indoctrination you come up with conclusions right away and
50:33like you feel sad for their soul and you don't even know who this person is you
50:37know nothing about them but because the cult indoctrination teaches these things
50:42you know and has all this pressure about oh if if you're not bride elite or
50:47anything like this then therefore you know all bets are off unless you're kind
50:51of the bride and then there's there's all these different things but it's just
50:54it's yeah it's messed up and I really I really feel for the children who have
51:00grown up in this and movements like this and who have to have to struggle with
51:05these things because it's like you know deprogramming from it is is something
51:10that can be tough but when you get on the other side of it and you can see it
51:14it kind of helps you sort of one make peace with with with what you how you
51:20thought about people and that can be tough that can be tough to interface
51:24with but you know when you can kind of get in there and really understand
51:27what's going on and how these people were manipulating you understanding the
51:31manipulation can actually help heal because it helps you understand what you
51:37were in control of and what these other people were in control of by putting
51:40this by putting this indoctrination in you to begin with yeah and usually that
51:44indoctrination the way a cult works they want it to be something that you can
51:49notice so that you can see yourself as different from the people who aren't in
51:53the cult so that's why the cults that have spun off of Pentecostalism for
51:58example they immediately judged whether or not a person is Christian by looking
52:04at their wife if the wife has a long dress and long hair well by golly they
52:08must be Christian because she has long hair and long dresses which is absurd
52:13right and you know there's some of the newer new age latter rain descendants
52:19like some in the NAR they use words or phrases if this person uses the code
52:24word that our cult uses what they must know about the secret language they know
52:28they know God right and so they they try to put this wall up that you can
52:34visibly see between you and the outside and what happens is you start to see
52:41yourself like you said is different from these people and it creates an even
52:46further creates and supports the elitist mindset the people who aren't in there
52:52and the way that they put this predestinated elected to be this bride
52:58this elite class of people they wouldn't be able to understand it anyways so
53:03therefore this is also a little caveat for those people who may be through the
53:07right circumstances you showing yourself being the great elected special person
53:14can influence them enough to where maybe they can kind of slip into this this
53:19little caveat let's let's take a look at this clip and dive in and and so we we
53:25find that that now you you come to a place where where God is is changing you
53:32and he's molding you and and the thing that that gains them eternal life is the
53:38king can look into their heart and the only work he's looking for is what was
53:47your hearts response to the word when it was presented to you in whatever form if
53:56you weren't elected to see the message you can never see it anyway that's a
54:00election that's God that doesn't mean they can't get eternal life they can be
54:05granted eternal life based on their that's why brother Brandon would say
54:08many will get in because they were kind to the bride what what were they doing
54:13they didn't understand the doctrine they wouldn't have understood it if you to
54:16try or believed it or followed it if you tried to explain it to him but they saw
54:20you and they knew you're something more than they are and they respected that
54:25and oftentimes so it's so it's it's coming down to your heart's response and
54:31that's why many of them are going to fill up the new earth having having
54:36freshly been freshly minted with eternal life boom enter into the joys of the
54:41Lord boom enter into the joys of the Lord prepared for you from the
54:45foundation of the world from the foundation meaning that when God started
54:50recording time his predestination knew who all that would be but that's not the
54:54elected the elected Jesus and the bride are the only ones in the entire Bible
55:00who were elected before the foundation so James this is the crux of the whole
55:06matter I'm glad that you put these in this order because I was trying to build
55:10up to show people where the NAR got their elitist mindset of today you have
55:16these apostles and prophets and they're the ones who decide and determine well
55:20that politician is the one that everybody should vote for so we're going
55:24to we're not gonna tell you to vote for him but praise God this guy is saved and
55:28then everybody votes for him it's that kind of weird thing they have set up the
55:32structure where they as the Apostles or the prophets or the ministers who are
55:37guided by the instructions of said prophets etc they're the ones who know
55:43which people are predestinated in which ones aren't if you really really think
55:48about what this guy is saying he is saying that he is aware that his
55:53neighbor who just happens to be a devout Christian was not predestinated and they
55:58give the reasons why and usually it means oh because they weren't in the
56:02cult they're not predestinated right that's that's how this works and
56:07following Jesus being a you know a Christian means you are a follower of
56:11Christ it doesn't matter in these cult scenarios they want you to be part of
56:17their system it really it isn't even so much that they want you to follow the
56:21quote-unquote prophet or the quote-unquote Apostle they want you to be
56:25part of the system of the network and if they can get you into that system then
56:30you are quote-unquote kind to them because you're in the system you're in
56:34the network and you may vote according to the way that they want you to vote
56:38you may do things that give special favors to the cult members if you are a
56:44baker for example and you have the best bread in town if you get a discount to
56:48all of the people who are in the cult you're kind to the bride and you too get
56:51a ticket to heaven I mean that's how this thing works yeah I wouldn't even be
56:56surprised with some of these ministers from the things I've seen if it doesn't
57:00get further extended to be like well if you just send in your ties then that's
57:04also being kind to the bride it's just so messed up I mean you and I should
57:09start charging ties for this podcast that we're doing and tell people that if
57:14you be kind to this podcast we will say that you are a Christian and then you
57:18can give them a blank free ticket to heaven because they're kind to us that's
57:22how absurd that's how absurd this thing is man and that's literally what these
57:26guys are saying picture if they were I don't know a picture that they were
57:31running a lawnmower service instead of a Christian Church and they say if you be
57:35kind to us while we're mowing your neighbor's lawn then you're a Christian I
57:40mean you can apply it to any scenario but that's how weird this is they're not
57:45preaching the Bible at all the plan of salvation that is listed in the Bible in
57:50many many different sections these guys just tear those pages out they do not
57:54want you to know that there is an actual plan of salvation in the Bible because
58:00it does not match what they're teaching but anyway I could go on and on I
58:05will stop there and let people think through that but if you have weird
58:10doctrines that you'd like for us to discuss on the show you can contact us
58:13on the web you can find us at William dash Branham org for an in-depth look at
58:19the dangers of being in these groups read weaponized religion from latter
58:23reign to Colonia Dignidad available on Amazon Kindle and audible
