Weird Doctrines: The "Gospel" of Pat Boone - Episode 162 Branham Research

  • 3 months ago
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The William Branham Historical Research Podcast delves into the strange teachings and practices of the Branham movement, exploring how preachers manipulate and misinterpret historical events and cultural phenomena to enforce their doctrines. John Collins, the author and founder of the William Branham Historical Research at, and his co-host James, unravel the bizarre and often absurd proclamations made by preachers in this movement. In this episode, they particularly focus on the demonization of popular figures like Elvis Presley and Pat Boone, highlighting the outlandish claims made about these celebrities and their supposed negative influence on the followers of the movement.

Throughout the discussion, John and James illustrate how the movement’s leaders distort facts and use fear-mongering to control their congregations. They provide historical context, linking the movement’s origins to white supremacy and exposing the underlying racist agenda. By examining specific sermons and clips, they show how preachers continue to perpetuate outdated and harmful doctrines, further isolating their followers from mainstream society and reality. The podcast serves as a critical analysis of the movement’s manipulation tactics and its departure from the true essence of the gospel.

00:00 Introduction
00:31 The Cult of Personality
02:00 Elvis and Pat Boone
04:02 Fear-Mongering and Demonization
07:22 Historical Context and Racist Agenda
10:15 The Influence of Popular Culture
12:39 Dream Interpretation and Paranoia
17:02 Shielding from Pop Culture
21:25 Modern Context vs. 1950s Worldview
27:00 The Halo Photo and False Miracles
32:23 The False Authority of Prophets
36:00 The Misrepresentation of Facts
40:05 The Misunderstanding of Salvation
46:00 Conclusion and Call to Action

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00:31Hello and welcome to another episode of the William Branham historical research
00:36podcast. I'm your host John Collins the author and founder of William Branham
00:40historical research at and with me I have my co-host
00:45researcher and friend James Goad and together we're discussing the very weird
00:50things that preachers say, why they say them, and how they relate back to the
00:55latter rain healing revivals of the late 1940s through the 1960s. James today we
01:02have a doozy of an episode. When I saw this one come in I started laughing for
01:09many various reasons but the biggest of which you know this episode is talking
01:15about Elvis, Pat Boone, the Beatles, you know things from way back in the 50s and
01:2060s and as you know this cult of personality and many of its splitter
01:25groups they're stuck in the 1950s to the extent I grew up you know I'm I left
01:31this thing in 2012 and I want to say it might have been that same year or at
01:37least one of the years very close to that I heard a sermon just railing
01:42people for naming their children Elvis and you know I didn't think about it
01:48back then but now I'm saying what in the world man who in today's world who
01:51names their kid Elvis in the first place and number two what business is it of
01:56the pastors what they name their kid and we've talked about this many times my
02:03whole world revolves around Looney Tunes so in my head when I think about don't
02:07name the kid Elvis I'm actually not thinking about Elvis Presley I'm more
02:11thinking about the you know the hillbilly bird that's got the shotgun
02:15going after bucks bunny and Looney Tunes and his father his pappy's calling
02:20out to him okay Elvis that's what goes through my head because we're so far
02:26disconnected from this but to the people who are indoctrinated in this cult of
02:31personality this is a real thing man you cannot name your kid Elvis and if you do
02:36that kid because of his name because his name is actually more powerful than the
02:42gospel of Jesus Christ I'm laughing but that's really sad his name is more
02:46powerful than the gospel and therefore that kid will turn out to be a bad kid
02:51and if you some of these pastors will just outright say it that kids going to
02:56hell if you name him Elvis I personally know people whose names were changed
03:02because of this it wasn't the Elvis one but there were a few different names you
03:06couldn't name your kid and I knew one guy that after his after his family
03:11joined the message this guy his name was changed because the power of Jesus
03:18Christ was not powerful enough to save him because of the name that his father
03:23had given him that's how weird this is right yeah it's so crazy because you
03:30know when Branham specifically calls people out by name like Elvis and Pat
03:33Boone a lot of the ministers in the movement feel extremely you know like
03:38they've got the right to go out and really dig in on these people because
03:42the Prophet said that they were demonically inspired so therefore you
03:48know everything that they put out is just is just demonic trash and if you
03:52listen to the music you know you're you're partaking in demonic trash and
03:56it's gonna take over your life it's gonna infect your soul it just gets so
04:00blown so far out of proportion that listening to something like Pat Boone for
04:05instance if you just listen to one of his songs then then if you were if you
04:10were brought up in this movement and indoctrinated by it you're believing
04:14that what you're hearing are words that are demonically inspired and it's it's
04:19so crazy because if you listen to Pat Boone's music it's like the most tame of
04:25the tame I really don't even know how Branham got there in the first place but
04:33it's just but it's there and so ministers just use it and they run with
04:37it and they use it to scare people and and and and create such a big huge thing
04:42out of it and I think this first clip that we're gonna go into is a really
04:46great example of how it's just expanded and blown up but yeah let's take a look
04:51at this one dive in a bit further yeah you know it's like we talk about Elvis
04:56Presley and Pat Boone and all this and all these young fellas going who so I
05:01guess we got to keep things going but if you stay in the tapes you'll know who
05:05that is you won't need an explanation of who they were they were devils and
05:10leather shoes that's the way the Prophet put it
05:13devils and leather shoes you know it's funny all of the loaded language that
05:18this cult has an outsider come in and hear that they don't even grasp the the
05:23depth of that statement because in the cult one of the cult rules is you're not
05:27allowed to wear blue suede shoes because this cult is stuck in the 1950s
05:32so these guys are devils and leather shoes yeah it's it's it's so crazy
05:37because you know I for one didn't even know who Pat Boone was growing up in
05:44this thing because all these things were completely hidden away from me because
05:47even like something Elvis was so off-limits I mean I I had I had run
05:51across you know Elvis's music in like you know other media and stuff like that
05:56just just you know consuming other forms of entertainment and it's it's injected
06:00in there but you know I don't know man it's it's so crazy especially the Pat
06:06Boone one because it really it just really doesn't make sense and oh man and
06:15even to the fact that just you know how this minister goes in and is convincing
06:20all that all the people that the amount of demons that are coming at them and
06:25and that you know in linking it in to all this stuff with Pat Boone and Elvis
06:29it's just it's this fear scare that they that they put on the people to make it
06:35seem like they're on they're on the razor's edge you know and it's like you
06:38know by God's grace we're not listening to Elvis or Pat Boone because it's just
06:42infested with demons and they're gonna get you if you don't watch out it's just
06:45it's just ridiculous yeah and what's ironic is Pat Boone got his start in
06:54Centennial Park in Nashville that's where the Nashville Parthenon is and if
06:59you followed our historical research you know William Branham was not quite
07:03truthful about his past and one of the things in his past he was holding
07:08religious revival with Roy Davis the second-in-command of the Klan and Caleb
07:14Ridley the supreme religious chaplain of the Klan also in Centennial Park and
07:21that's where really the Pentecostal Baptist Church of God sect that's where
07:26it began to explode and grow from Nashville it actually started prior to
07:30this but Nashville was the big event because you had Caleb Ridley who was
07:36working with other leaders and what was called the Supreme Kingdom which we'll
07:41get into in the podcast as well but all of this all this weird history that the
07:47cult has tried to erase well here's Pat Boone who also got his start right there
07:52in the same place man I tell you what it is it is crazy because so many ministers
07:56try to run away from all of that research that the all of the Roy Davis
08:01research and the Branham connections and boy I know that's not really the focus
08:06of this one but it's it is it is crazy you know it just further goes to show
08:10you know how much of a fraud Branham was and that you know not only did he you
08:14know why would you hide those associations if you didn't know there's
08:17a problem but you shift you shift all of the evilness not on your own actions on
08:23the on the things that you partook in and the things that you were a part of
08:26and maybe and looks like we're part of carrying on through your through your
08:29ministry but you shift the blame on to Elvis and Pat Boone because those guys
08:35are literally sending souls to hell through through their through their
08:41entertainment according to Branham you know it's just that it's just crazy man
08:45and the fact that you can't you know and and the thing about it isn't it not only
08:50the the pop music that these entertainers would have produced but even
08:54the more gospel stuff is even demonized as well because it's still coming from
08:59the same artist so like if Pat Boone saying amazing grace it's like well that
09:03might be all good maybe he's got a great great gift but you know he was still led
09:07of the devil is according to the ministers in this movement you know and
09:11it it it's sad because it allowed it it extremely minimizes the amount of
09:18entertainment you can actually if any at all depending on the group that you're
09:22in that you're able to partake in but even then you're like well can I listen
09:27to this one religious song by Pat Boone and you're like no you can't listen to
09:31that one cuz I was gonna send you to hell yeah and I mean the irony man Elvis
09:35Presley sang only believe that's William Branham's theme song and he's
09:39I've actually I have a friend who was in the message who didn't realize you
09:44weren't supposed to listen to Elvis and he had an entire collection of Elvis's
09:48gospel records and they were actually pretty good songs I mean I listen to him
09:53and I'm as a kid I knew that I wasn't supposed to according to the cult rules
09:57and so my head's playing tug-of-war well this sounds really good and it doesn't
10:02sound any different than the you know the Blackwood Brothers music that I was
10:05listening to but yet this is wrong because his name is Elvis and Pat Boone
10:11you know in the late 60s I can't remember the exact year but he started
10:16singing switching to gospel and he toured as a family of gospel singers it
10:22was called Pat Boone and the family who prays and so you know William Branham
10:28didn't know all that before he died well these ministers who are stuck in the
10:321950s they also don't know this when they're blasting this guy so it's just
10:38you know so messed up and you know they I know this episode is more than just
10:43Pat Boone but if you take everything down to its origins and history and
10:49understand what was going on in the white supremacy groups you begin to
10:53understand why Branham was doing this and the other one you know when I first
10:59the cult like you said about Pat Boone one of the first things that I did when
11:04I realized that this whole thing was a fraud I downloaded through it wasn't
11:09Spotify as one one of the platforms but I downloaded the Beatles anthology which
11:15is a whole collection of their best music and I was expecting something that
11:19was just going to be you know out there and scary and it was going to intimidate
11:24me because I was this humble little message Pentecostal person and I listened
11:31to it and I thought man this sounds a lot like elevator music I don't even
11:33like it that much yeah that's a that's a very great segue into our next into our
11:43next clip here you know the fear that is put in people's minds over over these
11:49these entertainers from the time that Branham was going around and doing his
11:54revivals and things like that it it reaches such levels of absurdity that
12:00even accidentally and and and and in the words of this minister having a Beatles
12:08song come up in your dream is so troubling in their spirit because they're
12:12like oh no oh no I I was humming a Beatles song in my dream and it it's
12:17just it's crazy because it's like when you're dreaming your brain is working on
12:22it's your subconscious at work you don't really have control of what's going on
12:26there but you know it's it creates such fear that it's like oh no what does this
12:31say about me but let's roll into this next clip here and let's dive in a bit
12:35further I was you know sleeping one night and I began to dream that I was
12:41counseling somebody and I was counseling I think it was a couple and and I began
12:46to say to them you know I see what the problem here is that you need love you
12:51really need love in your relationship all you need is love all you need is
12:56love that and I woke up and now you have to understand for those of you that
13:05don't know that was a Beatles song all right and I woke up and I was so grieved
13:13how could that happen in my dream I thought what is wrong with me I'm so
13:20carnal now I was never a Beatles fan you gotta understand I never was into their
13:25music and so I thought to myself how did that get into my subconscious how did it
13:33get there and I was several days pondering that Lord how did that get
13:38inside of me and one day I was looking on my tablet at a news article and when
13:44the before the news article came on an advertisement came on and it was an
13:49advertisement but don't give me a rough time over this for Blackberry okay and
13:54the background music was that song and so the devil through that advertisement
14:02so that into my subconscious without me even realizing it see that's why you
14:07have to watch what you look at watch what you listen to all of these things
14:11because the devil has access to your mind so this guy has a real problem with
14:17all you need is love and this is coming from a message cult that has clearly
14:24been a grandchild of a hate group all you need is love is their evil right
14:29well I can truly say to this minister when I was in that cult I also had a
14:35dream about a cult minister and oh my gosh it scared me so maybe that was evil
14:40too I know it's it's crazy you know the very fact that you know Brandon put so
14:49much emphasis on the demonizing groups like the Beatles and Elvis and Pat Boone
14:54and and others you know and you know I don't know maybe this minister truly
15:02truly was troubled by this this situation you know but and I know others
15:07in their churches what the way that the programming comes across that you know I
15:11know that this if this would have happened to them it's very possible that
15:14they would have been troubled by it too but the fact of it is it's just a dream
15:21you can't like I'm gonna go to hell because the devil the devil is so
15:25concerned about my dream that he's gonna sneak a Beatles song in there just to
15:30torment me it's just like ah come on man I mean what is really the focus here if
15:34we're so worried about what the devil's putting into our dream and and and and
15:39I subliminally heard it through an advertisement and so so now it's popping
15:45up in my dream and I'm so troubled cuz I don't know where it came from cuz I
15:47don't listen to Beatles music and it's just like oh man it the the loops and
15:51and the hoops and levels you have to go through in this group to constantly live
15:56up to the purity test is so destructive to so many people because that purity
16:01test is is it's it's it's you're unable to match it no matter what you do
16:07because because there for one thing everything conflicts in in in all of his
16:13sermons all of there's there's nothing that is is cohesive from beginning to
16:17end it all conflicts and so the purity test from that standpoint alone is
16:21impossible to match and then let alone all the other things he demonized for
16:25for whatever reasons he had just goes to further make it even that much harder to
16:30even it even live up to in you know to match that purity that you have to have
16:36it's it's just insane it's unbelievable man you know I'm not afraid to admit
16:42this and I will admit this to the world I watch so many of the cartoons and
16:47especially the Looney Tunes that there are often nights where I have a dream
16:50about Looney Tunes and Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck and whenever and when it
16:55comes right down to it after I wake up and I think about my past and you look
17:00at some of the absurd things that are happening Looney Tunes well this whole
17:04cult man it's like a Looney Tunes religion if you think about all the
17:08silly stuff I mean again in today's world what person is going to name their
17:12their child Elvis and if they do what business is it the pastor how they name
17:17their kid and you know I can't stress enough if the God is so powerless that
17:23the name of your child is gonna send them to hell you might have the wrong
17:26God I'm just saying but whenever it comes down to the historical aspect of
17:33this that is what was fascinating to me when I began researching for the book
17:38The Preacher Behind the White Hoods I became curious why on earth did were
17:45these men singled out it wasn't just Elvis and Pat Boone there were others
17:48and Ricky you couldn't name your child Ricky that's another one and I began to
17:53study what was happening in the civil rights movement and the white
17:58supremacies that were opposing the civil rights television media I mean that's
18:04you can study that for years and not even skim the surface but what you have
18:09is you have these very very bad men who like it or not were using a religious
18:15platform to push a racist agenda and it was spreading throughout the churches
18:22and they were rising up against these people and the people that they're
18:26rising up against were the ones who were supportive of the integration of the
18:30races in the school systems and they were in strong opposition to the
18:35violence that was spreading against people with black skin so you had people
18:39like Elvis who stood for civil rights you had the Beatles who stood for civil
18:43rights you had you know many many other like uh what's the guy's name the guy
18:50from Davy Crockett I'm drawing a blank on his name but you can watch the Disney
18:55movies on Davy Crockett well that guy was also singled out by the Klan because
19:01in the Davy Crockett TV series I think is the Davy Crockett when he was in a
19:06couple of them but it had one of the first black cast for the for the show
19:11and it turned into this big deal because now you're giving a person with black
19:15skin such great amount of television time well they rose up in opposition to
19:20this guy so he's another one that William Branham singled out and said you
19:24all these kids who were watching these Davy Crockett's and wearing the cap
19:28they're all scum of the earth if you think take what he's saying out to his
19:33literal conclusion well all of this was just an agenda by the religion who were
19:39tied to this religious leaders who are tied to the white supremacy to try to
19:43stamp out anything that might support the integration of races and at its core
19:50that is a very very evil thing so I'll put it back to the first one we listened
19:56to here's a man who is blasting people for all I need is love and they're
20:01preaching hate one of the common things that get said and rebuttal to to a lot
20:07of things that is are exposed to through this channel and others is that you know
20:12there's always a pushback against against the racism because it's like
20:15well we're not you know the they say that we're not racist you know the
20:19random wasn't racist and all these things like that but when you get down
20:23I mean it's it's been explored it's been exposed there is no getting around it
20:26but at the same time when when you dig in and realize that most of the things
20:31that get repeated today when you realize that the that the reason why they're
20:38they're preached about is because of a clan agenda it really just takes it to a
20:44whole nother level because it's not just like preaching it's preaching against
20:47integration because that alone should have been the nail in Branham's coffin
20:51but then you go even further and it's just every other piece of entertainment
20:54that you can't you know it's there's always some sort of element to it that
20:59you know it was pushing for civil rights or pushing for integration or trying to
21:04normalize these things in an era where it wasn't quite accepted and then you
21:08see Branham always coming out against these things and it's like how can you I
21:14guess if you look at some of these things in isolation you can see oh I
21:18don't see how they connect you look at the larger context and you put it all
21:23together you're just like this guy was a raging racist yeah and what's really sad
21:30I mean I look back on my childhood and there's there are a lot of things I
21:34regret I did have a decent childhood there are a lot of things that I regret
21:38and one of the things is trying to wait trying to navigate what is pop culture
21:46whenever you weren't allowed to have pop culture and so you'd be in school and
21:51people would make these references and everybody would laugh and you're just
21:54kind of scratching your head you don't understand it because they're talking
21:57about something that every one of them in the room knows and you don't because
22:01they tried to shield you from media and one of the one of the byproducts of this
22:08that is horrific when you think about it there came a point whenever leaders
22:13in these religious white supremacy groups you know these Christian identity
22:18groups when they realized that they weren't able to sway the tide and news
22:25media music television radio all of these things were going to start playing
22:30things that opposed their worldview well the easy way to stop it is okay let's
22:36shield everybody from that worldview okay you're not allowed to watch
22:40television you're not allowed to listen to your radio you're not allowed to do
22:43all that you can't go to the movies anymore and you know I'm sure that was
22:47hard for people who were in it and suddenly they weren't allowed to any
22:52longer but then they had offspring and the offspring grew up and never got to
22:56do these things whenever I was a child in the cult you could not watch the
23:01television now it's Netflix right all these all the cult people are saying I
23:04don't watch TV I watch it on my internet but they're missing the premise
23:08of what that what this agenda was it was to shield you from anything that opposed
23:14your cult indoctrination and it just robbed us of our lives when they shield
23:20you from the actual source the entertainment itself and you can't
23:24consume it and there's there's a layer there's a barrier between you and the
23:31entertainment and the only way you hear about it in these groups if you're if
23:36you're fully conformed and you're not partaking in the entertainment that
23:38they're telling you not to the only way that you interface with it and hear
23:42about it is through the ministers and through the lens in which they're
23:46presenting it to you now that takes us into this next clip here and one of the
23:52things that happens is because they'll inject what Branham said in into this
23:57stuff and then and then they'll use it to create very damaging things that get
24:04said over these pulpits and this example here is even more troubling because it's
24:10being said in the context of what I believe is a Sunday school I mean
24:13there's young people in the audience and the title of the sermon is
24:18Sunday school and the topic at hand is the Beatles and how the haircut is a
24:26homosexual haircut and if you partake in the Beatles and you get a homosexual
24:31spirit on you very damaging very bad things but let's let's go into this clip
24:36and dive in a bit further by the way do yourself a favor once and Google what
24:41the Beatles look like the 1960s because he said he refers specifically to the
24:45Beatles Beatles haircut as a homosexual spirit over and over and over again it's
24:51not something to play with all right there was you know and he mentioned he
24:55mentions short pants I'm gonna paraphrase what he said it used to be
24:59wrong in a message church for men to wear pants wear shorts it used to be
25:02that way I don't I mean it still is I'm sorry I don't care what you're doing
25:07brother Branham said that it was it was to for a man a parrot put on a pair of
25:10shorts was as if he was putting on a pair of women's underwear I don't I
25:15mean I don't know it's just and we can make all kinds of excuses but men please
25:20explain to me what is the context in which you would put on a pair of women's
25:23underwear and that's the context you can put on a pair of shorts oh my gosh
25:28James how many days do you wake up during the week and you look in the
25:31mirror then you got your comb out and you think boy I just really want to get
25:36a 1950s Beatles haircut because that's gonna feel more like a man it's what
25:44world are these guys living in man and more to the point why are they being so
25:49deceptive you've got William Branham who's two right-hand men are homosexual
25:57and everybody knew it my grandfather knew it Lee Vale who was William Branham
26:01called him dr. Lee Vale who's his publicist he knew it and he openly
26:05stated that the William Branham was traveling around with homosexual men and
26:10he go he went so far as to say which I didn't know this until he said it that
26:15the campaign leader after Gordon Lindsay who was leading William Branham touring
26:20them all around the world was a open homosexual he was openly gay in the
26:26revivals and this guy doesn't mention that he will mention the Beatles because
26:30that's you know it's part of the cult indoctrination and he rails the people
26:35on the shorts at the end of this well why doesn't he just hold up a picture of
26:39William Branham wearing his shorts that he's condemning while he's making this
26:44condemnation it just goes to show that the people who are preaching this they
26:49themselves are so indoctrinated that they can't see clearly and they've lost
26:54pure sight of the gospel all they really care about are the cult rules from the
26:5840s and 50s and they're so stuck in that world they're they're telling people you
27:03can't get your haircut like these people there's not a single person in his
27:07audience wants to get a Beatles haircut I know it's it's so ridiculous but you
27:13know yeah it is it's crazy because you know and like you said it's not just one
27:17or two there were many many people surrounding Branham very close to Branham
27:22that were homosexual and it's like you know and I know there's been been other
27:27research about you know about Branham himself and and and there's been things
27:31that have been said and shown and and people can come to their own
27:34interpretation on some of that stuff but you know it's it's crazy how these
27:39ministers will will repeat these things that Branham said and completely ignore
27:44just blanket ignore all of this stuff because they I mean I don't know about
27:49this guy in particular but I know a lot of ministers that we've we've
27:52investigated have talked about these accusations so they a good portion of
27:58them at least do know that they exist but they just blanket ignore it and act
28:02like it didn't happen and it's not there and then they'll go and continue
28:05to repeat these things and demonize people potentially in their congregation
28:10and and say that if you if you want a Beatles haircut then that's got a
28:14homosexual spirit on it it's just so insane the fear-mongering and all this
28:19stuff that like you said I mean you're you wake up one morning your hair is
28:22just a little one way and you think oh no that maybe looks like a Beatles
28:25haircut am I maybe not straight anymore it's just like what in the world is
28:30going on in these groups man it's it's insanity yeah you know it's really sad
28:34because these men like I say they're stuck in the 40s 50s and sometimes 60s
28:39most of them are stuck in the 50s it's like it's like you when you go to one
28:43of their houses it's like you're walking into an episode of leave it to beaver
28:46but he's not allowed to have television and what can you say but these guys
28:53they're they're so stuck into this that they've lost reality with what is the
28:58world today and whenever they try to bring up the world today they're so far
29:02off the mark they don't even understand the world that they live in all they
29:06understand is the world from William Branham's perspective and they don't
29:11even understand William Branham's perspective because most of them will
29:15reject the notion of Branham working with all of these key figures in
29:19Christian identity and racism and all of this they just overlook it and tune out
29:23the very racist things that he said and preach around it and then what happens
29:29is because they're doing this and and because they've lost focus of the gospel
29:34their sermons aren't really like sermons they start pointing out things in today's
29:40world that really have no relevance to anything to do with church and they
29:45bring up topics that they themselves don't understand because you can't
29:49really run today's world through William Branham's 1950s filter it
29:54doesn't the two are completely different worlds right and so what you end up was
29:58with is this mess and the people sit there and they have been mistakenly well
30:05they've been manipulated and indoctrinated to believe that this
30:10confusing mess is somehow the gospel and I'll never forget whenever I left the
30:15you know the message church that we attended which was the Branham
30:19Tabernacle and we started going to a new church I heard the gospel for the
30:22first time I'm like well dang what is this I never heard this before and I
30:27started reading the Bible and trying to rip all of this nonsense and garbage
30:31out of my head and again it was like taking the looney tunes of religion
30:37ripping it out and oh wow well that's the simple gospel why did they never
30:42tell me this because it's too simple John that's the reason it doesn't have
30:47enough rules and control in it that's why oh yeah yeah but you know rolling
30:54into this next clip here this this is this is a fascinating one for me because
30:58I think it kind of touches on a few of the things that I've been sort of
31:03thinking about here as we've been kind of going through some of these examples
31:07but you know the and the minister says it at the end of this in the end of
31:13this clip and and I think it's I think it's I think it's really one of the
31:17biggest problems in this movement one of his the last things that he says here is
31:22you know if the Prophet says you know says no to I I love Lucy throw it out
31:28the window says no to Pat Boone throw it out the window it's already been weighed
31:33and that's how so many ministers and even followers look at it in in this
31:39movement is if the Prophet said it then it's inspired it's already been
31:43weighed God has already made his statement on on what these these things
31:48are true or false good or bad and it's our duty just to live up to it it's
31:53already been weighed conform and you know it's so sad because you know it's
31:59you know you're conforming to to a to a false religion a false gospel but in so
32:06many people have been have been you know hoodwinked by by this and and you know
32:10it's sad to see but you know rolling into this clip here let's take let's
32:14take a deeper look and see what the minister has to say for himself so
32:18prophets on the scene God's on the scene so you have a as I preached on before
32:23you've got two minute do two dimensions here you have the man in the three
32:28dimension and God coming out of a another dimension so you got a two
32:33dimensional picture here God is being seen in a picture God is using a vessel
32:40so they both sold out that's exactly right the biggest deceiver I know of is
32:48Pat Boone really can't we would think Pat Boone was as mr. innocent is that
32:57true we're worldly right and when and we as worldly guys thought that was just too
33:02clean and here's what a prophet saying this is what a prophet saying about Pat
33:06Boone okay I'll show you Pat Boone don't you worry and all the rest of
33:11them it shows the devil satisfying that of Hollywood and these people telling
33:17you Elvis Presley is nothing against the man only he's a sinner but I want to say
33:23something he's religious because he sings songs on brother here's my
33:30conception there's one difference between Judas as a carrot and Elvis
33:36Presley he was a Pentecostal boy Judas is a carrot got 30 pieces of silver
33:44Elvis Presley got a fleet of Cadillacs and a million dollars they both sold out
33:52you listen Elvis Presley sing amazing grace I'll tell you what that is an
33:57incredible voice we went I don't want to shock maybe I've already used it or not
34:01but I wanted to look up only believe the author of only believe I type in
34:08only believe and you know what comes up Elvis Presley singing oh we're talking
34:18about a devil and loose weight shoes this guy I mean he's stuck in the 50s
34:24man who what person in the church is even gonna care who is Pat Boone what
34:29does it even matter now let's say he's right let's say that William Branham was
34:34right and by some divine inspiration he learned that Pat Boone was going to lead
34:39the world into the Antichrist in what world is this guy living in man you've
34:44got Pat Boone Pat Boone's fame died out a long time ago this guy he's no longer
34:49famous he's no longer has any influence on the world and yet this guy is
34:53preaching like he's he's going to lead the world to hell man so these guys are
34:58preaching like a broken record just over and over look at this dead guy from
35:02the you know way back when well he's what what can you say and like I said
35:09before it was all stemming from racism if you'll remember I love Lucy was the
35:15white supremacy target number one because she was one of the first maybe
35:20the first interracial marriage ever portrayed on television screen and the
35:26racists were coming out of the woodworks to stop her William Branham
35:30being no exception to this rule and this guy is continuing the racism not even
35:35knowing that he's doing it right and what's even crazy and like I said
35:39earlier talking about the filter in which these things are presented if you
35:42don't know the context if you if you're not hooked into the pop culture you
35:46don't know what's going on you don't know the history that when the ministers
35:50present some of these things it sounds like a cohesive story it sounds like
35:53they did their research and they put it together but the fact of it is
35:56especially like digging into the thing he said here about Pat Boone accepting
36:00the heavy metal award in 1997 well Pat Boone did did you know some music and he
36:11titled it in a metal mood no more mr. nice guy and the thing about it is is it
36:17was it was it was tongue-in-cheek it was it was comedic it was parody and he's
36:22going and taking some of these popular metal and rock songs of the time and
36:28redoing them in his in his tone the way that he does music more slow and
36:34soft-spoken and things like that same lyrics just a different way to arrange
36:37it and it's so insane and even when he goes up to accept the award it's even a
36:43further gag because he dresses like like a heavy metal guy of the time and it's a
36:48gag it's it's something that's meant to kind of be funny tongue-in-cheek just
36:52sort of like ha ha ha the Pat Boone the guy who's does the gospel songs and does
36:56these these these these you know slow songs and stuff like that is dressing
37:01like a metal guy it's meant to be funny but these ministers go and say haha see
37:06Branham saw who he was the entire time he is exposing himself it took some time
37:11but he finally exposed who he truly was and you don't know the context it's easy
37:17to fall into this and say okay well you know that you know maybe that does look
37:21like what they're saying but when you kind of dig into it get more of the
37:24context it's like this isn't anything this isn't anything like the minister is
37:28portraying it at all yeah it just it really all comes down to this James
37:32these men have no business being behind a pulpit I know I'll get hate mail for
37:37saying that but in what way does this gospel of Pat Boone come out as any way
37:44shape or form resembling the gospel of Jesus Christ he what he they're saying
37:49essentially is the gospel of Jesus Christ is less powerful than Pat Boone
37:53because even Pat Boone can't be saved he's part of the Antichrist agenda and
37:58not knowing that he's talking about the racist agenda he is limiting the power
38:03of God by saying this instead of well let's pray for brother Pat Boone let's
38:08pray for this guy who's you know he's fallen into sin if he has I don't even
38:12you know I've not studied his recent life Pat Boone may be a solid Christian
38:16for all I know and for all this guy knows he has no clue even what is Pat
38:21Boone or who is and what is what his mark on life is what they're saying is
38:26we have we serve a powerless God so from behind the pulpit you have a minister
38:30literally telling his congregation hey our God is powerless come join me and
38:36let's praise Branham right and that's the sad reality of this is so many of
38:41these ministers they'll speak out of both sides of their mouth and one one
38:45side they'll say we don't follow a man you know we follow we follow the God of
38:49the Bible we follow Jesus Christ but in the next and the next just like in this
38:55clip here that the minister is is putting the picture of the halo up in
38:59front of his congregation as he's doing these slides to show the horribleness of
39:03Pat Boone and Elvis and all these people and trying to put out a history lesson
39:07in front of the church you know he starts off by talking about the halo
39:12photo and how it's a two-dimensional picture because God is in the photo and
39:16the these men dance this fine line by trying not to say that Branham was God
39:23even though even though Branham in his own words you know there's a reason that
39:28the deity cult rose up because Branham put he put the stuff out there he put the
39:33material out there for the people to build the deity cult around him and and
39:38in my personal opinion I believe it was by design but you know because if you've
39:43got it and just kind of digress a little bit if you've got a movement like that
39:47it is very good to have dyed-in-the-wool soldiers that will do your bidding no
39:55matter what and if they believe your God that is the best way to get that result
40:01but okay let's let's go back to this minister but yeah it's it's it's it's
40:09crazy because you know these ministers tout around this this this supposed halo
40:15photo and say that it's it's God in the photo and and you know they'll it's it's
40:23crazy because I mean we've gone through this we've debunked it it the you can you
40:28it's been proved ad nauseum that this is a light over his head that it's not
40:32supernatural it's a stage light and just like many many con men stage lights and
40:38and and stage practical effects are very useful in creating these sorts of
40:43movements because at the time people didn't have the technologies to debunk
40:47this stuff they didn't have they didn't have access to the internet they didn't
40:51have access to readily search things I mean back in that time if you wanted to
40:55research something deeply you would have to go search out a public place
40:58maybe a public library maybe find access to books you'd have to talk to somebody
41:03at maybe the librarian you have to say hey I'm looking for something I don't
41:06really quite know what's going on you have to trust that that person is able
41:09to find it know what book it's in know what's going on and then you're also
41:12limited by the books that are in that library or maybe your your local records
41:17you know county records and things like it's very hard to find information back
41:22then you know you had to do a lot of legwork not so much today we have we
41:27have you know newspapers websites and and all sorts of things we have so many
41:31repositories online that we can do keyword searches and find these things
41:34you know we can find the places that that this halo photo was taken we can
41:40see what the stage lights where we can see what was going on you know we can
41:43see that how it looked when even the Beatles performed there and we can put
41:48these things together and we're not limited by the we're not only limited by
41:53the information that's presented to us by these by these ministers we can
41:57search these things out for ourselves we can put two and two together and we can
42:00come to rational conclusions instead of allowing a fake halo photo to control
42:06our minds and actions James I know I get a lot of hate mail I've said it before
42:11but this is a group who does not understand the gospel at all what they're
42:16preaching has no resemblance to the gospel and even worse they don't even
42:20understand how their Bibles work remember this is a group who literally
42:24thought that the book of Nahum was talking about Chicago because that's
42:28what this bozo said William Branham claimed that the whole book of Nahum was
42:33prophesying out prophesying about how to drive in Chicago and so the any claim
42:39that they say the Bible prophesied of the Beatles or whatnot none of it makes
42:44any sense and I'm trying to picture a person who's come out you know from
42:48outside of the outside of the congregation they're just passing by hey
42:52well that looks like a good church and they hear something like this number one
42:56these guys are talking about things from the 50s being prophesied as some great
43:01event and the new person scratched in their head well why are they talking
43:05about that that happened way back in the 50s and 60s what what does this guy
43:09smoke are they is this one of those churches that's smoking marijuana while
43:14they're preaching yeah it's it's crazy because a lot of these ministers present
43:22themselves as to be very deep researchers and and and and but the
43:26thing about it is is that they research only through the lens of what Branham
43:31said so if actual facts come out that contradict anything that Branham said
43:37they don't take those into account because Branham said it then that's the
43:41way it is you know and so and because of that it all has to fit into this
43:46worldview they have to force reality to match Branham's version and also just
43:53like we said earlier it's it's it's it's a vision of the world from from the 50s
43:57and 60s it doesn't even match today and they'll try to contort it and try to
44:01make it fit to the day and try to say this and they'll say oh well you know if
44:06that was bad then look how even worse it is now it's so much worse and all
44:10this stuff and in one of the things that I personally I have have trouble with is
44:15that this fundamentalism that that we see creeping into you know especially
44:21these message churches and stuff through being backed up by Branham's you know
44:25horrible doctrines and and very illiterate doctrines is that it causes
44:31people to see the world in such a way to where all they see is boogeymen they
44:36think oh the world is so far gone that you know there is no hope there is no
44:41saving anybody I you know I'll just be lucky if I get my family in you know and
44:45so they they shut off from the world they shut off from society and they say
44:50you know it's so far gone that the the the world is such in such an age of
44:54darkness that there is no saving it and the only thing we can do is is you know
45:00hope for the end because that's the only thing that's that's gonna that's
45:02gonna save it all you know it's it's sad and and you know we've seen other
45:07examples of that in other episodes that we've done but you know all of this
45:10stuff demonizing the entertainment leads to that point because if you have no
45:15avenues of anything in your life of normalcy and the only thing that you
45:21have is the cult then you lean heavier into the cult because it's the only
45:25thing in your life you're allowed to partake in safely and it's the only
45:28thing that has the seal of approval and it's sad that you know ministers have to
45:34go to the fact that they have to demonize things that that in in in most
45:38cases there's there's nothing there's nothing inherently wrong with what's
45:42going on here you know but they have to demonize you know music that that is not
45:48gonna send people to hell but their prophets said it so therefore they have
45:52to say it because it has to make sense because this is the version that they're
45:56trying to sell to people well really James when you trace all of these things
46:00all the way back to their root you know by the fruits you'll understand what
46:05this tree is when you trace everything back it all comes down to the point that
46:10number one William Branham did not understand the plan of salvation as it's
46:15written in the Bible he never once I've listened to every single recording that
46:20the man has made not one time did he ever preach the gospel in its simplicity
46:25not once he tried to confuse it and add things to it and point to himself and
46:30all of this stuff and as a result all of the people who are indoctrinated
46:33indoctrinated in this including the preachers they're all indoctrinated in
46:39such a way they don't understand what is salvation they don't understand what the
46:43gospel is or why it is or what Jesus means to them they have to go through
46:48this mediator of William Branham and first Timothy blatantly calls this out
46:53it says there's one God and one mediator between God and mankind Jesus
46:58Christ well these guys have lifted William Branham up as this mediator that
47:02you can get to God but you have to go through William Branham's words and
47:06those words are stuck in the 50s and we don't understand the era or the times
47:10and we can't apply those today and we don't understand the gospel of salvation
47:15but we're gonna get behind a pulpit every Sunday and tell you that we do
47:19understand salvation and you too can be saved as long as you believe in William
47:23Branham our mediator between God and man to stress the point of how little they
47:29understand salvation William Branham thought he was like the he was like
47:35Gandalf man he could just proclaim salvation on somebody by going boom you
47:39too can be saved boom you too are saved you too you too I was under the blanket
47:44of salvation when William Branham told my grandfather all your children and
47:47your grandchildren will be saved so every single man who's preaching this
47:51nonsense and condemning me as leading souls to hell and I too am going to join
47:56them in hell and one one minister said hell will be a little bit hotter for
48:00people like me well no your prophet said that I'm saved because your prophet did
48:05not understand salvation that's how bad this is right these guys don't
48:10understand God's plan of salvation and that's really the bottom line for all of
48:15this and you know the stupidity of it is a Looney Tunes episode we started out
48:22we're talking about how you could prove how you were unsaved if you had a
48:28Beatles haircut well just like William Branham saying that I can be I'm saved
48:32because I'm my grandfather's grandson which is absurd ridiculousness well my
48:38hair can't even grow out to be a Beatles haircut I'm losing my hair so there's no
48:43way that I can even be doomed to hell through this theology they don't
48:48understand salvation it's just ridiculous it's it's beyond a weird
48:52doctrine this is just I've used this word once before on our show but I'll
48:57say this is stupid that's all it is if you have weird doctrines that you'd like
49:02for us to discuss on the show you can contact us on the web you can find us at
49:06William dash Branham org for an in-depth look at the dangers of being in these
49:11groups read weaponized religion from latter rain to Colonia Dignidad available
49:16on Amazon Kindle and audible
