Weaponized Religion: NAR Kingdom Theology Deception Part 2 - Episode 165 Branham Research

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John Collins and John McKinnon continue examining the version of Kingdom Theology used by William Branham and Roy Davis that would eventually transition to Latter Rain, focusing on the fascination of spiritualism in the early revivals.

00:00 Introduction
02:13 Early Revival and Spiritualism
06:57 Faith Healing Techniques
12:59 Controversial Healing Practices
18:17 Spiritualism and Mediums
25:02 The Aftermath of Healing Meetings
33:09 Historical Context of Divine Healing Cults
40:00 Techniques Used in Faith Healing
44:09 Evolution of Prayer Card Tricks
48:00 The Role of Money in Revivals
52:04 Pyramidology and Zodiac Beliefs
54:46 Converging Apostasy in Modern Movements
56:21 Conclusion and Future Topics
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00:30Hello and welcome to another episode of the William Branham historical research podcast
00:36I'm your host John Collins the author and founder of William Branham historical research at
00:42William dash Branham org and with me
00:45I have my co-host researcher and friend John McKinnon the author of the persuasive preacher the gifted prophet and the noble
00:53politician and
00:54Together we're discussing weaponized religion how Christian identity fused with early Christian
01:00Fundamentalism and politics to form the foundation for the new apostolic Reformation
01:06John so good to be back and to continue our discussion on the tricks of the trade
01:13We get so many comments and questions about the spiritualism mixed into what?
01:18people today call the new apostolic Reformation the NAR and
01:23The stuff I'm doing with Steve McKinnon kind of puts it into a spiritual context
01:28But a lot of people are just interested in the history how in the world
01:32It's such a non Christian idea get fused with so-called Christianity and form this mess that we have today
01:41Yeah, John
01:41I'm excited about getting started with the second part of this episode because it was just too much to cover in part one and
01:48This this subject is very exciting because everybody's attracted to the supernatural and I think these leaders that
01:55Were part of this revival part of this movement
01:58They they all realize how much the supernatural if they can exhibit some form of the supernatural in their ministry
02:04They're going to attract people because as we've heard that the supernatural is always the bait on the hook
02:09but they had a much different hook than the gospel as we as we know and
02:13They're there after a much different
02:15clientele and a much different
02:18you know goal in the end and so this episode is going to be really a continuation of the first one and
02:25we'll go into a lot more of the details about what what could have been the
02:29Things that were happening behind the scenes and I've got several articles to share. I've got
02:34Many quotes from others and it's just going to take up the full time. So we'll get right into it
02:40So what in 1930 was talking about Davis, you know being in the revival with Ralph Rader there over in Jeffersonville
02:47he had come to Louisville and
02:50You know, he's trying to gain a following there
02:52But knowing that the revival was going over there in Jeffersonville
02:55Of course, he's going to flock to the nearest crowd and Rader was attracting quite a few people now now Davis
03:02Obviously convinced Rader that to lead the singing in his revival
03:06so that's what we see him doing and by October the 6th the revival started a month earlier and
03:11By that time Davis was now leading the singing in the revival because Davis was we know a talented singer
03:16And he took over a few services actually and actually spoke on divine healing for Ralph Rader in that revival
03:23In Jeffersonville one night and as the crowds began to grow as this the supernatural was being brought in
03:29There was a paper announcement about that time in October that Davis was now going to come forth
03:36Well, somebody was going to come forth and show spiritualist tricks
03:39The tricks of the spiritualist trade at the time and spiritualism as we know was pretty big
03:46Especially in Indiana as we'll see there's a camp in Indiana
03:50Even William Branham spoke of a camp he visited most likely it was camp Chesterfield
03:54But where he learned some of these spiritualist practices and and no doubt
03:59With with William Branham being a part of the mix there
04:03Davis knew nothing of the spiritualist type things because we don't see that
04:08Anything mentioned in his ministry from the time of the early 1900s all the way to this time where Davis ever
04:14Mentioned anything about spiritualism, but here all of a sudden after he's met Branham after he's met George the Ark who was
04:22confirmed as a medium by Brother Branham
04:25As a known medium as well as his some of his relatives that were in Davis's church all of a sudden
04:31He burst forth on the scene as a spiritualist even calling himself a converted spiritualist
04:37So it's kind of put two and two together. That's that's likely where he learned all this stuff
04:42And and so he even offered a reward on October the 8th
04:46Of anyone that could offer a duplication of what were a trick that he could not even duplicate
04:51So it could have been like reading of the minds reading of the hearts
04:55Offering talking to the dead lifting tables out of the air, whatever he couldn't do
05:00He would give you a thousand dollars back in those days and in today's money. That's about
05:06$18,000 so pretty sizable sum and
05:09So Davis had assistance there in the revival with him
05:13pretty a
05:15sizable sum of money back in those days
05:18You know, he claimed that they're all their claims were a lie that he was going to expose all those practices
05:24So that happened on the first night and then six days later. They had to move the services
05:30I guess they were getting larger, but the Davis even claimed that he was doing tricks that were so powerful
05:36That the chemicals he was using would tear down the tent or burn the tent up
05:39So they had to move it to the Knights of Pythias armory there in town, which was a solid building
05:45So they continued on with that. So the supernatural was really attracting the crowds there and we'll see that very much in
05:52William Branham's meetings
05:54And one thing about this Ralph Rader, you know, you know, William Branham mentioned Paul Rader many times in his services as the one who
06:02Developed or wrote the song only believe which was used as ministry
06:06But I searched the message and never could find Ralph Rader's name mentioned at all and perhaps
06:13Dave maybe Branham did not mention Ralph Rader just because of the stigma back to ties to Davis that it would have held
06:20And Ralph Rader being very popular in the Jeffersonville area about this time, but I did find an article in
06:261936 where Ralph Rader was opening a new tabernacle and William Branham was the keynote speaker
06:32To conduct the services as well as his band members
06:35There in 1936 and this of course after Davis had already left town
06:40So so Branham and Ralph Rader had a very strong connection
06:43But Branham never gives him credit or mentions him at all during any of the messages that I could find
06:49William Branham not mentioning Ralph Rader is significant because if you study the history according to the newspapers it
06:56Looks very much like William Branham's first church was literally stolen from Ralph Ralph Rader
07:02Because we have Roy Davis who's working through these events with Ralph Rader and they caused this
07:07Basically a split in Ralph Rader's church and a large significant portion of that church became
07:13Davis's and then as we'll get into later when Davis gets ran out of town
07:19Basically, his church becomes William Branham's Church
07:22Which is interesting, but even more interesting is just this scene because today
07:28It would be very difficult to understand the complexity of what Davis was doing
07:33Spiritualism today is kind of faded out and it's you know, it's talked about but it's nothing like it was back then
07:39Back then this was a very very popular movement in the United States so much so that sir Arthur Conan Doyle
07:47Quit writing the Sherlock Holmes books to come over to the United States and he and if I remember right
07:53I think it was his wife was performing
07:55Seances because there's literally more money in the spiritualism in the United States at that time than there was in you know
08:03Writing the books or whatever and you had huge crowds of people that would come to see these things
08:09And these events so people believe this stuff and we know for a fact because William Branham's own words place him in
08:17collaboration with Davis prior to this event, so we know that Branham was working with Davis in these crowds and
08:24Another thing you find missing completely missing or erased from William Branham's transcripts is the fact that he and Davis were holding
08:33faith healing meetings in Jeffersonville
08:36Spiritualist meetings in Jeffersonville and attracting crowds in ways that
08:41Later, he did not want his people to know that's right John
08:45You know, you know Branham was very much connected to Pentecostalism and and the spiritualist aspect very early on and
08:53We even find out that in his life story
08:56of course
08:56he says he stayed away from the Pentecostal people and the flood came and it wasn't till after the flood of
09:021937 that he ever went back to the Pentecostal people
09:06But I've got an article right here in front of me where his church was named Pentecostal Tabernacle
09:11William Branham was pastor in
09:131936 so very early on he was a Pentecostal hardcore from start even before the 1934 Mishawaka meetings
09:22I noticed also in these supernatural claims that people have I mean you've got other I won't mention names
09:30But you got many men out there today that claim visitations from angels claim. They went to heaven
09:37Even even women claiming they went to heaven
09:39I know of one that went to heaven and thinks that there's Santa Claus up there
09:42I mean just outrageous things that that are brought forth today, but it all started from this very time
09:49Very early on here and and and this was the birth of it of all these outrageous claims
09:54But if you remember the people that do know the story of Branham's
09:59Visitation of the angel, you know, he said that was the first time he saw him in human form was in
10:06Was when he met him in the woods or in a cabin or wherever he met him or in his room
10:11But here in 1947 early on I got an article here in June when he first launched out and became famous in the newspapers
10:20He said when he was 14
10:22He was trying to smoke a cigarette and a man with a long white beard and a flowing road visited him
10:28He told him never to smoke or drink and then he said the call got so insistent. He started healing people
10:35Kind of a strange way to say all that but sounds like to me. He was 14 years old when he met a man
10:41Probably the angel he said he knew all his life that he knew the voice
10:45But many times he would say I always heard the voice and never saw a human form
10:48But we have a contradiction right here that he spoke in the papers
10:52Another interesting thing is how they conducted their healings was very odd
10:57You know, most people would say, you know believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and and believe for your healing
11:03I'll pray for you and it's up to God to whether he heals you or not
11:07But but a lot of times Branham was insistent that I'm the one that heals you
11:11Even though other times he said Jesus is the one that heals you
11:15And his and his whole point about belief
11:18he had to get the people to really have confidence in him just like you would any other leader if you're gonna
11:24Believe what he's saying to you about his stories that were kind of outlandish and you know
11:29Whether or not they were true. We don't really know. They're just his testimony
11:33but here's one article in the paper where he said that I'm
11:38When he was going to pray before he left town
11:40He had just a short time to left to go and he said he was gonna pray for him all at one time
11:45And he he asked them just to hold their hands over their hearts
11:48He asked them that if you did not have faith
11:50Which meant that you if you don't believe my stories what I've been telling you then don't participate
11:55Because I don't have time to convince you
11:57It's kind of odd that he would say that because you know, everybody could have faith in God
12:03But here he's got to have time to convince you of something
12:06So so I the whole the whole ministry of William Branham was
12:10Made to convince you that he was visited by an angel that the angel gave him the gift to heal
12:15That it was only his prayer that was going to not stand before the disease and that you had to believe that he had this
12:22That was what had to be done to get you to the point of believing and then his demonstration of some sign or wonder
12:29To get you to believe God
12:31It sounds strange that we just couldn't be simple and say, you know
12:35Here's here's an example of Jesus healing in the scriptures and all you need to do is believe Jesus Christ instead
12:40He says I don't have time to convince you of you know to have faith
12:44I don't have time to convince you so just don't don't even pray at all. That's that's what was pushed put in the newspaper
12:50So what was he telling him to have faith in just himself?
12:53Instead of God, it's really strange that he would say that so that's what his whole ministry was built on
12:59Was that you had to believe me because that's what keeps being brought out today get the people to believe you
13:06Instead of believing in God. It just it just doesn't seem like the way the scripture would tell you to believe so
13:11Strange technique and we find many other strange techniques as we go along here today
13:16it is odd and the way that this played out, you know getting the people to believe you and
13:23Coercing the people to follow this thing that he was creating as we mentioned in the last episode
13:28there are very very similar techniques being used by the hypnotists of this era and I find it interesting that
13:37Many of the claims that he has where somebody rises in opposition opposition to him. He'll claim that they're a
13:44Hypnotist one of the examples he says he this hypnotist was trying to make me bark like a dog while I was preaching
13:51Whether that happened or not
13:52I don't know but it's very unlikely that a hypnotist is going to approach a faith healer and try to make him bark like a dog
13:59More than likely he had visited some sort of a hypnotist show and he had learned that
14:04Wow, these hypnotists can make people bark like dogs and
14:08Then he sees the technique that's being used by the hypnotist and then he starts engaging that in his sermons and revivals
14:16Because that's exactly what the hypnotist do. They take a bunch of people who are
14:20literally skeptic of their
14:22technique or their ability to hypnotize and they work with them they talk with them they coerce them and to be coming into a
14:30State where they can be hypnotized and then they'll bring somebody on the platform after getting to this point and we find William Branham
14:37Doing this getting the people to the point and then I think also in the last episode we mentioned that he would have the little girl
14:44Who is in this state of a semi trance?
14:47Say can you make the bracelet move while he has the rest of the audience turn their backs?
14:52So that if somebody's not in that hypnotic state and sees wait a minute. This guy's a fraud
14:58Well their backs turned so they can't really call it out
15:01Yeah, I've got a few more things to say about that turning your back on this and in a minute here
15:06But we'll get back to Davis after a while too and and the wrap-up of these
15:101930 meetings but in some of his quotes here. This was in 1950, you know, he's asking to people
15:17You know, what is this and he's talking about referring to discernment. He said that's to tell you what's wrong with you
15:24And says what it does it brings a supernatural realization of God working in our midst, you know, he thinks he knows it's God
15:32He said he's convinced
15:33but you know most of the ministers of his day that were surrounding him and
15:38And he's a brand new Christian here doing all this and most of the ministers surround him didn't think so
15:44they would say Billy don't you never go to that because that's the devil and
15:48Then you know, he said he was conflicted about what it was
15:52But you know if he really had some kind of a gift, you know, all the ministers were telling him, you know
15:56don't go to that type of technique because they believed it was just not of not of God and
16:02He said so the ministers told him he said a minister friend of mine said Billy that'll run you crazy. That's the devil
16:07Don't you fool with nothing like that?
16:10And that minister was probably halfway, right?
16:12Because we know you know William Brannan experienced mental breakdowns even one year or two after being on the field in a big-time way
16:20He experienced experienced a total mental breakdown and had several throughout his life
16:25even on the platform
16:27Staggering, you know under the influence of whatever he was under to where he had to be held up or carried off the platform
16:32Or collapsing on the platform. I found several articles about in the early days where he would just collapse
16:38From just staying on the platform so long
16:40So there was something there and you know early on the minister tried to tell him, you know
16:45Don't go to that, but he thought it was a repeat of the apostolic days and he says don't try to class it as fanaticism
16:52Hypnotism spiritualism or whatever, you know, he was trying to warn to people not to do that
16:58He also used fear a lot, you know, I'll find some things here to say about that
17:03He tended to want to use fear that God was going to strike you with the disease or even strike you dead or paralyze you
17:10If you even question the thing and I think that's what many times people in the in the movements today are afraid to even question
17:18You know what they believe critically just because they're afraid, you know
17:21God's going to strike them down if they were even question it. He he says it like this
17:26He says be careful what you say about God. He said perhaps you could be wrong
17:30Well that brings a lot of uncertainty into Christians that are not solid in their foundation of Scripture
17:36So the way to combat that is to be solid in your foundation of Scripture and you'll be able to combat this type of thing
17:42Every time but but most of the people will say in these ranks are not very schooled or very knowledgeable the scripture
17:48they're just believing it the way they've been taught and
17:51He even says you could cross the separating line and there's no forgiveness in this world
17:56true if God were really doing a
17:59Spiritual work you should accept it as God and not criticize it true that that's very true
18:05But you know if there's if there's something going on that's not of God
18:08We have every right to question it and we have a right to vet things that are going on to make sure they'd be of
18:14God before we would accept them
18:16But he used to fear to keep people in line
18:20even the phenomena that Baxter said was borderline psychic and
18:24So it was hard hard for even Baxter to think that this some of these things that were happening were of God
18:32Branham even shows his belief in spiritualism by even saying he knew of one real spiritualist. He called her miserous Piper
18:39He saw that in a Reader's Digest. He said now she is a real medium
18:43So you can see he really believed in this stuff if you look at what Lenora Piper was about she was a mentalist
18:50She did cold readings muscle reading fishing techniques, but some people just called her a clever charlatan
18:58So that's what a lot of these people are just clever people that are very gifted and you know
19:02How they deal with people and I think I I sent a couple of video clips to you
19:06You may or may not want to play them at the end if you can for copyright reasons
19:10But there's mentalist out there today that they can discern names of people in the audience and even secrets
19:16That they have in their hearts and I put you out one example of that and they go around doing shows
19:21A guy named Peter and Antonio is one of the example
19:25He was on America's Got Talent
19:27But but he could actually fish things out of the audience that they no one else would know but him and that person
19:33It's kind of amazing to watch and I don't know how they do it. But these are some of the same techniques
19:39William Bram says on another occasion. He says I've been in camps
19:42where the spiritualist where they come a piano way a half a ton lifted off the floor and
19:47Then they play the tune shave and haircut two bits
19:50Well, there's there's an article that has that same tune where Madame Mimi of the camp Chesterfield fame, you know
19:57Use the same type of rapping tune. So so we know he saw these things going on in these camps
20:04Back when he was early on a young man
20:07So he said he had to test it himself even so so we know he was very into that type of
20:13movement, yeah the people who are
20:16Indoctrinated under these types of movements are indoctrinated into a very black or white mentality
20:23Either it was all good
20:24It was all faults or either he's doing this
20:28this trick that he's doing with the face faith healing and the prayer cards or he's not it's it's always black or white and
20:36When you look at you know, like the example as you sent the people who are doing cold reading
20:40For example cold reading is a technique and it's just one of many techniques
20:45I'll never forget whenever I
20:48Started examining all of this and somebody said I needed to watch a few magician shows and I was like, well what for man?
20:55That's not that's not even related to Christianity. And so I watched a couple and there were there were some really good ones out there
21:02I came across I think my favorite was Criss Angel and I started watching his techniques and I
21:10Began to notice that it wasn't just one trick that he was doing on the people and
21:14so I began researching to find articles of how he's doing it and
21:18Some of the things that he and the others were doing were common among all of them. They all know it
21:24They all know how it works
21:26But to the person who has come in contact with that information
21:31Say it's the cold reading and they become aware of cold reading. Well cold reading is just one trick
21:36So the person who is aware of cold reading might also be fooled by this other technique or this third technique
21:42Sometimes memorization is key
21:44They will have multiple people in the audience say say the usher is taking a person in and the usher
21:50takes note of something that the person does or says and says this person with the red shirt and the black tie and
21:57So I began doing
21:59Early in my blog. I started
22:01Publishing notes about the the different ways in which William Branham described
22:06The colors of the clothes that the people wore in the faith healing lines because it was just odd
22:12You know when you're calling somebody up to prayer, you don't really focus in on what color shirt
22:17The lady is wearing you're more thinking about whether you're gonna pray for God for her disease or sickness or whatever
22:24But no, he's talking about she's got the red scarf or she's got the purple shirt or whatever it is
22:29So I started noticing these this pattern of techniques and
22:33it really clicked when I read James Randy's book the faith healers because here's a
22:39magician who knows all of the techniques and he goes into these faith healing meetings and he finds the people who are using them and
22:47he just
22:47Blatantly calls him out as frauds, right?
22:50They're con artists and lo and behold while I was reading this book. I came on a chapter and here's William Branham
22:56he had actually been in one of the Branham campaigns and explained the tricks that Branham was using on the minds of the people and
23:04It just suddenly started to click William Branham went to these things. He even mentions going to these events
23:10So if he's going there and he's learning these tricks, it's very easy for him to put those tricks and practice in his meetings
23:17Yeah, he was a master at that
23:19You know, he had had a lot of practice prior to breaking on the national scene
23:24So he he was very in tune with it
23:27And spent a lot of time thinking on that
23:29I'm sure and had a lot of practice early on because we don't have all the
23:33Recordings and things where he was practicing this this thing before a live audience and I'm sure he made a lot of mistakes in those days
23:40We do have a few of the testimonies
23:43He gave early on from those couple recordings where he he interjected some of those
23:48Spiritualist techniques that eventually had to stop talking about because they were very un-christian and of course, I think Baxter warned him
23:54You know don't say such things
23:57Because you know, it doesn't sound a very Christian like and many of the techniques were probably from the occult
24:04Areas as Freda Lindsay has made known in her book and her by her diary
24:10Secrets, but a lot of ministers. There's there's several books out there from his
24:17Meetings in Saskatoon his meetings in South Africa trips and maybe even overseas
24:23But several books written with with good good
24:27accounts of how the results of the healing ministry
24:31came out after he left town because you know that the the healing ministry was down there for a week or two and
24:37Then they would leave town and then the results kind of spoke for themselves
24:40But as they left town they would they would speak about all the thousands of people healed and of course people in the meetings are
24:47Going to raise their hand for healing there
24:49And then the evangelists are gonna go back and report of the thousands healed
24:52but it's only the after the
24:55After things that happened that people investigate and see what really happened that you really find out how fruitful it really was
25:01So Alfred Pohl was one of those and this was in the 1940s when it was in Saskatoon
25:07He was the one that was right there beside, you know, William Branham as he went from person to person
25:12He said it would take him by the arm and lead him from room to room
25:16And then after the meetings, you know
25:18Branham was insistent that he would leave the meeting go back to his hotel and for no one to bother him the whole day
25:24So you wonder you know, why no contact with him? Why no fellowship? Why did he want to be alone?
25:30Was it to study on the next meeting that's coming up?
25:34Was it to fast and be in such tune with the spirits that he was with to so he could
25:39Be so in tune with that spiritual life to get back and be able to do the things he did
25:44Or was it to study the prayer cards?
25:46He was given to know which ten of the prayer cards he was gonna be calling out that night so he could know exactly
25:51You know how to discern their diseases, you know
25:54Who knows what he was doing?
25:55But he had no contact with people after he got to the hotel and a lot of people complained over that
26:00Hey, we can't even have fellowship with him
26:02And then and then Alfred Pohl made this statement. He said those people that thought they saw miracles and healings
26:09When you were on the inside you saw that some of those things that were supposed to be miracles, you know
26:13We're not miracles at all
26:15From the outside. You really thought something had happened, but he said having been right close to Branham and working right with him
26:21He said I discovered that a lot of those supposed healings or miracles were not really miracles at all
26:26He talked about taking the patient's hand and doing vibrations and then saying the vibrations were gone
26:32Well Alfred Pohl being right there and another man being there as they said they never saw anything happen to his hand
26:39But he was holding his hand up and asking the audience
26:42Do you see the color change of my hand and so forth and people, you know, many many hundreds of feet away would say
26:48Yeah, we see it, but you know, how could they see it when they were way out in the audience, you know
26:54You really couldn't tell
26:55They were just going by what he said and because everybody was in an atmosphere of faith and belief and you know
27:01They're not gonna say hey, we don't see that
27:04So another interesting thing is he would have to say, you know, just keep trusting you're healed
27:10Don't lose faith in the Lord, you know
27:12Keep your faith and trust in the Lord that you're healed
27:14You're going to be sick for a while and and that was quite odd that he would say that because he was talking about the disease
27:20Being carried out through the bloodstream
27:22So the techniques that he was using if you look at the scriptural examples of being people being healed
27:28You never see descriptions of
27:30Jesus or the disciples ever say and the ones that were actually given gifts of healing
27:35They never they never once that I can find went back and told the patient now go forth your your faith has healed you now
27:41You're going to be sick in a few days and don't let that bother you because you're going to be well
27:45Paul never mentioned that in his
27:47scriptures about
27:49If a person healed of a disease they're going to be sick for a few days and then be healed and therefore don't lose your confession
27:55Don't stop confessing that you're healed because you're going to lose your healing if you do
27:59We don't find those techniques in Scripture at all when somebody was touched and healed in Scripture. They stayed healed
28:05They didn't have to worry about losing their healing
28:08So so these techniques that were used by the healing revival the very questionable
28:12I believe not to say some didn't get healed from their great faith in God
28:17To be healed and of course God can heal people today and healed them back then
28:21But but people to have to use these techniques to stay healed and then get blamed if they're not healed
28:27That was how the the healing revival went they blame the people if you lose your healing because you doubted
28:34Therefore you lost your healing, but that just didn't happen in Scripture
28:38After Paul said, you know this went on and some people got sicker and sicker and eventually died
28:43And so the evangelist had an out, you know for many time. Nobody wasn't healed. He said practically everyone as I recall
28:50Standing beside these various bedsides practically everyone was pronounced healed
28:54So even the ones that were pronounced healed many of those died after they were gone and he said it with himself
29:00He said something was wrong about this
29:03Because he was kept telling him don't let your faith fail
29:06Don't let your your faith fail, but then when they died, obviously they could say where your faith failed
29:12So so it was always the blame was on the person never on the person doing the healing
29:18So let me go through a little bit more here
29:22Anyway, his bottom line
29:24summary of the whole thing was that something wasn't right about this healing revival because he had to deal with the
29:29Aftermath of the healer healing revival when it left his town
29:33So many people came back to him and said, you know
29:36My wife died or my husband died after they were pronounced healed. What of it?
29:41Another thing is that he said within himself during these times was that this is a cultism
29:47This is spiritualism. Yes. He said this is witchcraft. It's not even Christian
29:52He said it can't be because he wasn't using the name of Jesus to do the healing
29:57He was having to use his three high words that he was given by the angel
30:01And he would ask people to turn their heads
30:04And and don't look at what I'm saying because nobody can read my lips. This is very secret secret knowledge
30:11And so he just he out for Paul was the one that said this can't be Christian he became very suspicious of it
30:19He couldn't even read his lips because he wasn't allowed to look at his mouth when he was talking and there's many more
30:25Testimonies like this very similar
30:28About those high words that he was using
30:31So one thing I want to say I'll skip down to this is
30:35There was peepers that did happen in the meetings
30:39There's one example of a what they called a peeper in the newspaper
30:44because they had to bow their heads, but
30:47There was one case where Branham said he insisted on the multitude sitting with bowed heads
30:51And he turned to address the woman he said he pointed out in the audience. He says you're not bowing your head
30:57You're the one who's making it impossible to heal if you aren't careful. You'll be a deaf mute before you leave this building
31:05You know that's another fear tactic
31:07And he's acting like God's going to bring down instant judgment if you if you even look around and see what I'm doing up here
31:15It doesn't sound too much like that's a Christian way to do that when you're going to threaten them with being a paralyzed person a deaf
31:22Mute or whatever before you even leave the building if you even question what I'm doing up here
31:28So it was a sign of God's judgment if you didn't even bow your head
31:32So there was an article this was in
31:351949 there was a peeper in the service and
31:38It says three ushers were attempting to block the peeper
31:42And this guy named will be
31:45He they failed to do it after 20 minutes, and so they escorted him out of the building
31:50And the mob after the meeting got very angry with says Branham's devotees surrounded him
31:56And they also threatened to kill him
31:58This was in the newspaper's as well
32:00We got death threats because he would not bow his head would not close his eyes because he wanted to see what was going on
32:06So obviously it was very important for you not to see you know what was being said
32:11You know what was being done on the platform?
32:13And that seems very strange because I don't see anywhere in Scripture where you know that was ever the case with Jesus's ministry in fact
32:20You know many people were probably looking upon him
32:22You know trying to see what was going on trying to see Jesus trying to see
32:27You know if this really is of God or not you know Branham's Branham's ministry was very adamant
32:32You can't see what I'm doing up here. If you do you're liable to leave the room paralyzed
32:37You'll probably leave the building sick
32:39So they were very careful about keeping people away from what was really happening there
32:44Have you ever wondered how the Pentecostal movement started or how the progression of modern Pentecostalism?
32:50transition through the latter reign
32:53Charismatic and other fringe movements into the New Apostolic Reformation
32:57You can learn this and more on William Branham historical research's website
33:02William dash Branham org on the books page of the website
33:06You can find the compiled research of John Collins Charles Paisley
33:11Stephen Montgomery John MacKinnon and others with links to the paper audio and digital versions of each book
33:18You can also find resources and documentation on various people and topics related to those movements
33:25if you want to contribute to the cause you can support the podcast by clicking the contribute button at the top and as always
33:32Be sure to LIKE and subscribe to the audio or video version that you're listening to or watching on behalf of William Branham historical research
33:41We want to thank you for your support. I'll never forget my surprise
33:45We were running late to one of our new churches post called and so I was walking into the auditorium
33:53Late and and the prayer had already started and I'm walking in and I'm looking at eyes of people
34:00Who are looking it was kind of like a stage seating
34:03So you're walking upward so you could look up and you could see as people had their heads bowed
34:07I could see their eyes and I looked around. Oh my gosh. I can see everybody's eyes. Everybody's eyes are open, man
34:13And I thought this is hypocrisy
34:15Because we were trained in the message and all of these divine healing cults are the same
34:21where whenever you're bowing your head praying you also must close your eyes and if you open your eyes the demons will come get you and
34:29It really never clicked until I saw this because here's a whole church full of people who are praying with their eyes open
34:35And so I started doing a deep study on
34:39Where in the Bible does it say to close your eyes while you pray and it doesn't exist
34:43there is no passage right that says to close your eyes and
34:47Then I got to thinking about the divine healing cults and it was about that same time
34:52I was I was studying for my book which later became the critical examination of John Dowey
34:59And Dowey was a con artist and he got labeled as a con artist by
35:05News media, but what was odd about the situation is when he first landed
35:10He had convinced everyone including the newspapers that he had this special power
35:15And what happened is over time he's explaining this power and people, you know
35:21Just like Branham ism you claim to be healed and if you don't confess your healing you're gonna get a worse thing
35:26Come on you
35:27So these people are leaving the building claiming they're healed and newspapers talk to him and oh, wow
35:32This person just got healed
35:34well over time what happens is the people who remain deathly ill they either die or you know,
35:41They're very obviously not healed. So over time in the same city the newspapers began to notice
35:47Wait a minute this guy just conned us and so by that time he's moved to the next city and he's doing the same thing
35:53there well his
35:55His downfall on the West Coast was the fact that all these newspapers were in collaboration with each other
36:00And so they started talking to each other and they found out this guy's pulled a con on us
36:05He'll go to one city and tell everybody they're healed and make them confess their healing to the newspapers
36:11Then he goes to the next city and by the time he's gone, you know, it's it's all over said and done
36:16So here's Branham doing the same exact techniques as Dowey, but he's in an age where you know
36:23News travels much faster during Branham's time. It's nothing like it is today, but it was much faster
36:29And so he's got all these
36:31Spiritualist techniques under his belt. He knows how all these work. Well
36:36Whenever you're pulling tricks on the people if you've got people with critical minds watching you they're gonna see that something's wrong. Something's off
36:44So it was widespread throughout the revivals that when you pray you must close your eyes
36:50Yeah, that's very interesting because we know the ministers that were there closest to him
36:55Even they were told, you know, don't look at what I'm saying. Don't read my lips. Don't don't don't look at what I'm doing
37:00So so it was all trying to be well-hidden, you know, and it just seems strange that they want to hide what they're doing
37:07You know if it was real and genuine, you know, don't be afraid. Hey, look all you want, you know
37:11I don't mind you investigating but it seemed like they they did not want people investigating what they were doing the techniques
37:17They were using and that's one thing I liked about James Randy
37:20You know and people like that as they they were willing to believe in the supernatural if you could, you know demonstrate a
37:27Measurable gift or whatever that you had, you know, why try to hide it under the cover and he exposed many
37:34But but many claim the use of the word of knowledge
37:38And and I would say these these could have been the use of prayer cards. I actually found an article this time right before
37:43During the last couple weeks. I've been looking at this
37:46That that'll show some of this
37:48It's very interesting because I was wondering whether the prayer cards were taken up before the service and how they would have time to study
37:54but this article alludes to the fact that they actually were or the names were actually taken down prior to the service and then given to
38:01The evangelist I've got an I read an article about that
38:04But so it could have been used of the prayer cards how people discern things
38:08It also could have been an ability that some people possessed, you know
38:12Even William Branham could have had some of that ability because like I mentioned that psychic Peter Antonio
38:19he can do a lot of the same stuff and
38:22Like he told this one woman she was having twins and no one knew that, you know
38:27But he asked her can I reveal this and he and she said yeah
38:30And he revealed it to the audience and no one knew that but him and her so how he knew that, you know
38:36How who knows?
38:37Others that claim that ability WV grant the senior WV grant did
38:43Probably I think I've heard he actually claimed to be a successor of William Branham and that's not the younger
38:49WV grant for the older Paul Cain, of course
38:52and some pretend to have that ability like Peter Popoff who used a microphone in his ear or
38:58earpiece in his ear was wife telling him all the secrets and also WV Grant jr.
39:03Who we know how he he went around the audience and found out people's illnesses before he met them on stage later in the meeting
39:11So there's also people today. There's a pastor out in Africa
39:14Alf Lukau who does a lot of the discernment things in his meetings
39:20So these are things not very uncommon, you know, even in the even in the religious ranks today
39:26Other tricks that could been used were mnemonics or memorization of prayer cards
39:32That and the interesting thing about prayer cards and this is very
39:38And even in Branham's meetings even in what he says the instructions
39:41He gave the people is that you had to be in order being in order was of utmost importance
39:46You know don't trade your prayer cards with anyone and don't get out of order
39:50Those were the specific instructions because if you do, you know, God's going to judge you for messing around with your prayer cards
39:56That was the instructions given and that's and that's how he had to verify the number on the prayer card with the patient
40:02You know being are you number one?
40:04Are you number two and and you wonder if he didn't spend all day alone in that hotel room learning?
40:10And memorizing these 15 that he had to learn for that night
40:13And once he had those down he's ready to come out to a meeting and perform
40:17So that was very important. There's an article in the Evansville Press in 1947
40:23This girl now this girl's very revealing in this article only one I could find about something about how the prayer cards were used
40:31So the article says some 500 persons last
40:36And advanced arrangements to be prayed for so they had to had to be make advanced arrangements
40:41They suffer from a great variety of physical handicaps from blindness to palsy
40:45And this is a quote
40:47This girl said most of them have stomach trouble of some kind said the girl in the lobby
40:52She was the one that took the information down. He said who took their names as they came in
40:58She also assigned them a number and she said that's the order. He will pray for them
41:02she explained so as they came into the meeting she was taking their names or ailments and
41:07Then then she said that's the order he has to pray for them. Then she would pass that along, you know to them
41:14So that was the article I found where you know, they actually took them ahead of time there's another article about
41:21That was about another
41:24Woman appearing for him in the woods now. We talked about the angel earlier about a man with a white beard
41:28well in
41:291947 he was telling people
41:31once while on patrol a woman appeared to him suddenly
41:35Before him in the woods and told him the exact hour of his birth and advised him
41:40He had been preordained by God to work miracles and later. He said an angel appeared and guided him. So
41:47You know, he spoke a couple of times about spiritualists. This is kind of getting off subject, but he did speak about
41:53Astrologers or astrologists meeting him at a carnival and one time on a bus
41:58But there's a third one about a woman in the woods, you know meeting him while he was on patrol
42:05So so believe it or not. He had all kinds of stories going around in those early days
42:09This was the third story that we find of a woman telling him the exact birth date
42:14That was of his birth and that he was preordained with a gift and she was in the woods and suddenly appeared to him
42:20So so you can't really believe these stories. He's telling about his spiritual
42:25Events because they're all over the place. They're never consistent. So now we'll get back John to the closing of the meeting
42:33you know after all these spiritual things that Davis was demonstrating on the platform and
42:37Attracting the crowds and I think as you mentioned you after this meeting, you know
42:42Davis ends up stealing at least half of Ralph Rader's congregation and they became his own and that's really what became the Davis
42:49Tabernacle in Jeffersonville. He eventually abandons Louisville and and here's here's what happened right there in the middle of the meeting on October the 10th
42:58This is right after those meetings and they're at the Knights of Pythias armory
43:03Where he was revealing more of those tricks
43:06Davis was actually arrested after he finished singing on the platform on October the 10th in 1930
43:12He was in charge of the song service
43:14He finished singing the police showed up and then that was the point that he was arrested for carrying that underage girl
43:22Alley Lee across state lines to live with and have relations with he was actually living in Louisville, Kentucky
43:29So this was the beginning in the end of Davis's Louisville church perhaps
43:33Because he made the move over to Indiana
43:36After all his trial and arrest and after he had to go through a few days in prison over over this trial
43:43But that's that's what happened right after that. It's kind of interesting
43:47Turn of events for Davis. It's crazy interesting
43:50But I want to back up to something you said because I think it's important enough to emphasize
43:56So that our audience understands it
43:58I get asked all kinds of questions about the prayer cards because people
44:03They're they're trained into a black-or-white way of thinking a prayer card exists or it doesn't exist
44:08It was passed out or it wasn't passed out
44:10It was either the trick that was used or it wasn't the trick and as I explained earlier
44:16It's just one of many tricks. There are many many tricks that were used in this thing
44:22To the woman who's passing out the prayer cards when this thing was in full swing and there were
44:28Tens of thousands of people coming to these things
44:31You had such a large number of people that the tricks had to be different
44:36Because when you have that massive amount of people the same tricks that you would use on a small
44:41Group of people are much much different
44:44And so there's a woman that's meeting them beforehand. They pass out the you know, they get assigned the number to the name, etc
44:50and so before the meeting even started the
44:55Ministry had the names and addresses of the people because they collected all this information
45:00So whenever the quote-unquote gift is being used they know exactly, you know before the person even comes up on stage
45:07what is the thing and I also did a study which is not worth getting into on here, but
45:13One of the techniques used by these guys was fasting and you can hear William Branham saying that three days prior to the meeting
45:20Fasted and to anybody who's ever tried intermittent fasting or just all-out full fasting
45:26You notice that your brain gets more active during those times because you're cleansing your body of the toxins. So these
45:34these guys doing these tricks would do this fasting so that their memory was better and
45:39Whether you know, he may even had a photographic memory. We don't know
45:43I know there are cases where he pretended not to remember something
45:47That he had just not remembered the meeting before and the meeting before and the meeting before
45:53Such as Marilyn Monroe's name just go look what he says
45:56What was that name that that Marilyn Monroe every single time he mentions her that's pretty much what he does
46:03but the crowds were massive and so the tricks were different as
46:07the crowds began to diminish and then suddenly he's got a cult of personality and
46:13The same groups of people are going meeting to meeting to meeting with the same diseases
46:19I have family who were healed in these meetings who are claimed to be healed in this meetings who?
46:25They went to meeting to meeting to meeting and they you know
46:29They'll swear up and down that William Branham knew exactly what I had
46:33Well, of course, he knew he went to all of these meetings and you you know people talk about their sickness
46:38That's where they're going. So you've got a small group of people the tricks can be much much different
46:44The people who are part of the campaign team can be listening the just word of mouth
46:50I mean some people will pray for all of those who came sister. So and so we know she's she's tried to see you brother
46:56Branham for
46:58Seven times now in seven different meetings. I sure hope she gets a prayer card
47:02Well, of course, he's gonna know sister so-and-so and what's wrong with her
47:05So the tricks are different and I just wanted to focus on that a bit because it's not just one trick these guys have many
47:12Many many tricks in their hat. Yeah, that's a very important point to point out there because yeah
47:18You can't just use one method because you're you're in different types of settings
47:23You have different numbers of people
47:25but you can see how very easy it would be if somebody was taking down names and addresses and
47:29Your sickness at the door when you came in and those were passed along to you
47:34all you need to do is pick out one or two of those and
47:37Kind of point in the audience and say you're so-and-so in the audience
47:41I see
47:42it'd be very easy just to call out a name and say you're you're from here or from there and you have this sickness and
47:49You're just pointing in a general area and the person stand up
47:51Well, just look I picked out somebody in the audience with that disease. So so very easy to do and
47:58You know, that was just one method that was perhaps used in these meetings here
48:03To find out, you know to show people that you had some supernatural gifts. So yeah many techniques were used in these meetings
48:11The Davis he was fixed to undergo another trial by fire here. You know, he probably thought he had it made
48:20Had brought this girl across state lines and eventually this girl we find out was his
48:26Mistress his his concubine you might say because he was already married
48:30But he was his other his second marriage was being dissolved at the time
48:35At some point, but he brought this girl along with him brought her out of Chattanooga
48:40that family had followed him out of Georgia into Chattanooga and
48:44They had left their dad in Chattanooga and evidently Willie May her mother brought her up to Louisville
48:50Because she loved Davis so much. She was willing to leave her husband and bring her daughter up there
48:55And so anyway, her daughter ends up living with Davis there and then right off the platform Davis gets arrested
49:02They were nice enough to let him finish his song
49:05and he gets arrested off the platform the girl gets put in a detention home and for a time and
49:12The funny thing about it, you know, Willie May she refused to press charges. So the prosecutors
49:18Actually had to add two additional charges to keep him in keep him locked up and that was contributing to delinquency of a minor
49:25on October 28th
49:27So that kept him in the jail and Davis eventually demanded a jury trial, you know that it would be granted him
49:35So he got a jury trial
49:37Somehow he was able to be acquitted
49:40Because of the jury would not convict him. He must have had some sympathetic jurors. And so they ended up with a
49:46Acquitted trial and and then after this trial the type of man Davis was he wanted to brag about his
49:54Exploits, so he instigated applause in the court
49:57He started clapping a little bit because he was acquitted and then the ladies in the courtroom who were all his support
50:03Started clapping and applauding and then the judge got angry
50:07Because there was no conviction and then sentenced him to 10 days
50:10For contempt of court. So he did get a small jail sentence out of that
50:15But never got convicted of the Mann Act, which he probably should have been convicted of
50:20But back in those days, I guess juries were reluctant to convict people
50:25You know being the type of country we were
50:28Trying to keep people out of jail versus in jail
50:31But anyway, he got out and he continued on with revival, you know why he was let out for his own bond
50:38It's interesting to note later on in the papers what this is all about
50:43Money money was a big part of these revivals. I'm sure in 1930
50:47They kept talking about taking up money for the different evangelist, but I've got an article here in 1947. This is pretty amazing
50:56Where the crowds was taking up at least?
50:59$2,000 for William Branham and back when little David was touring with William Branham. It says I gave them
51:05$2,000 and that's one meeting and that's worth
51:09$28,000 in today's money. So pretty sizable sum. So getting back to Davis. It was all about the money
51:17The money trail is what we need to follow as we go through as we follow Davis across the country
51:23You know after he gets out of Jeffersonville, we'll find out in the next few episodes how that all takes place
51:28We'll we'll find out the money trail is a big part of it and Davis
51:32You know trying to figure out different schemes to take people's money
51:35But on the spiritual side of things, you know, you know Branham was in known contact with mediums
51:41miserous dearc and
51:43Her boy George and his brother Ed. They were they were definitely mediums. He brought in pyramid ology in his
51:50Sermons, that was one of the big things in the day is pyramid ology and also the zodiac
51:57Believing that those were Bibles actually bringing that in to say they were actual Bibles and God wrote them in the sky
52:03But on as far as the zodiac, you know
52:05I think Branham latched on to that because you've got Virgo and Lego so he Leo
52:10So he just put them as you know, you've got the being born of the Virgin coming back as the lion
52:15So he put them as the first and last signs and which actually if you look at the zodiac
52:19They're not really the first and last signs
52:21But that's how he brought things in and twisted them to make it appear like, you know
52:26He was teaching something scriptural when actually it wasn't so he tended to bring in those things
52:32That's only spiritualist use
52:34into his sermons and and ministry and so all through we'll we'll see that if you study that so
52:42In summary, what I would say is that all these methods that we see being used or the fruits of his ministry
52:48But those methods resemble
52:50spiritualism and occultism and they're kind of aberrant doctrines that were brought in such as the zodiac doctrine the pyramid ology and
52:57Faith in God was not so much as being taught as much as faith in the healer and what the healer I was telling you
53:05And the number of healings tend to be very exaggerated
53:08We see many articles and books written about that
53:11So I will say if the object of faith was not so much God, you know as it was man
53:16It is the converging apostasy and it's all about the money, right?
53:21These guys and the tricks of the trade man
53:23You mentioned little David and little David is known for his wild story of spending five minutes in heaven
53:31You got a little David who spent time in heaven. You've got you know, people like Kenneth Hagan who claimed they spent time in hell
53:38It's all about the roadshow, right? And remember little David
53:41This is the boy who claimed to be able to levitate for a Christian purpose
53:47Which is nothing more than a magician's trick everybody at this point knows how the levitation trick works
53:53So in today's world, it would never fly in a Christian setting but back then you could tour with
53:59With little David the flying boy and you could make a you could make a roadshow
54:05But you mentioned the zodiac and the pyramid ology, etc
54:10well, this podcast is about the merging of Christian identity with
54:15you know politics and fundamentalism, etc and
54:19In our podcast we talk about the converging apostasy with Steve Montgomery
54:24So you've got mysticism you've got spiritualism
54:28politics Christian identity British Israel ism all of this converging apostasy and
54:34in the British Israel
54:36side of things
54:38They actually taught that the zodiac was a Bible and that the pyramid was a Bible that could be read
54:44It wasn't a Bible like you would say this is the King James Bible for example
54:49it was a Bible that was a road map to the
54:53Second coming kingdom is I think is the way that you could describe it best there in the it's so funny to say
55:01I feel stupid saying it but in the tunnel that leads to the King chamber in the Egyptian
55:06pyramid pyramid of Giza they would see these rise and falls of the
55:11The imperfections of the tunnel and they would say that this one is the Great Depression and we can predict that it's coming or we
55:18We predicted that it's coming. I think is the way they said it
55:21And then they tied it to the zodiac and they actually would hold rallies and they would bring
55:27astrologers and they would bring pyramid ologists and these were Christian settings
55:31So you got all these Christian ministers like Gordon Lindsay. He was part of the British Israel Christian identity
55:38Speaking tours, right? So they've got all of this nonsense that is merging together in apostasy and
55:45Creating a mess that you know
55:48Now we're 50 years after William Branham's death longer than that
55:51When he says things like the Bible and the first Bible was a zodiac we have no idea what he's saying
55:57but that came from Christian identity, but
56:01Anyway, there's so much more to get into and next time we'll have to dig deeper into how this began
56:07they're in Jeffersonville and the explosion of the Prophet and
56:12The quote-unquote prophet I should say in his actual ministry
56:16Not the one that has been recorded by the life story and we've got some build-up to get there
56:20so I'm getting excited about that, but
56:24Anyway, if you've enjoyed our show and you want more information, you can check us out on the web
56:28You can find us at William dash Branham org for more information about Roy Davis and William Branham
56:34You can read the persuasive preacher the gifted prophet and the noble politician
56:40For more information about the dark side of latter rain
56:42You can read weaponized religion from latter rain to Colonia Dignidad available on Amazon Kindle and audible
