Sésamo: Temporada 1 Episodio 8 Resolver Problemas - Transmisión La Red (23 de julio de 2024)

  • 3 months ago


00:00Hola! Elmo está feliz de que estés aquí.
00:03Elmo está jugando un juego muy divertido.
00:07Pero Elmo tiene un problema para jugarlo.
00:10Necesita ayuda.
00:12Es un juego divertido.
00:13Tiene colores y formas y monstruos como Elmo.
00:19Elmo se le ocurre algo.
00:20Tú puedes ayudar a Elmo a jugarlo.
00:24Juntos somos un gran equipo.
00:28¡Vamos a jugar!
00:34¡Hola, amigos!
00:43¡Hola, Rosita!
00:55¡Hola, amigos!
00:59¡Hola, Lola!
01:11¡Wow! ¡Elmo está feliz de que juegues este juego con Elmo!
01:15Aquí hay dos cuadros.
01:18Tenemos que averiguar en qué son iguales.
01:24Veamos los colores.
01:26Son de colores diferentes.
01:27Uno es azul y el otro es amarillo.
01:31Son colores diferentes.
01:34Pongamos atención.
01:36Veamos su tamaño.
01:38Uno es más grande que el otro.
01:40Así que tampoco son del mismo tamaño.
01:45Piensa, piensa en qué pueden ser iguales.
01:50Si no es ni en el color ni en el tamaño.
01:55Mira, este es un monstruo.
01:57¿Y este?
01:58¡Oh, claro!
02:00¡Es también un monstruo!
02:02¡Los dos son monstruos!
02:04¡Unos monstruos muy simpáticos!
02:09¡Lo logramos!
02:10La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
02:40¡Ven al forchester!
02:42¡La, la, la, la, la!
02:47¡Ven al forchester!
02:52A comer.
02:53¡O al cenar!
02:53¡La galletita selló está!
02:55¡La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la!
02:59El resisto empieza aquí.
03:00La aventura empezará.
03:02¡Bienvenido al forchesteroval!
03:14Bienvenido al PORCHESTER
03:19Taran! Si señor, si señor, Elmo está muy emocionado
03:23Yo también, no todos los días puede ser la estrella de tu propio video
03:28Elmo, estás despeinado
03:32Que vergüenza
03:34Si, que buena idea tuvo tu mamá
03:37Borgus, permíteme
03:38Cuando la gente vea nuestro video se van a querer hospedar en nuestro hermoso hotel
03:45Ah si, ah si, si
03:48Prepara la cámara Carol, si puedo trabajar con esto
03:52Usted debe ser el director de nuestro video
03:56Bienvenido al PORCHESTER hotel señor director
04:01Ustedes son monstruos
04:07Y esta es nuestra hija Phoebe PORCHESTER FOSS
04:11Y nuestro sobrino Elmo
04:13Lo siento, en verdad lo siento, no sabía que era un hotel de monstruos
04:18Hotel de media estrella
04:22Pero no es solo para monstruos
04:25Tenemos todo tipo de huéspedes
04:26Si señor
04:27Animal, vegetal, mineral
04:30Ah, ya veo
04:33Bueno, creo que un hotel es un hotel
04:36Así que empecemos
04:38Funela querida, ¿por qué no le enseñas a nuestro director como recibes a los huéspedes?
04:44Esto es increíble, increíble
04:47Aquí viene un huésped
04:49Graba, graba, graba, graba, graba
04:53Que acogedor
04:54Carol, graba la puerta, la puerta
04:55¿Dónde está la puerta?
04:59La puerta se descompuso de nuevo papá
05:03No se preocupen, yo solucionaré el problema
05:06Mire señor director
05:09Por aquí
05:10Buena idea Furgus
05:12No, no, no, no, no
05:26Ah, bien, bien
05:27Pero tal vez haya otras partes del hotel que podamos mostrar
05:31Vamos a enseñarle al señor director y a la señorita Carol el comedor
05:35Ah, muy bien, perfecto
05:37Estamos grabando Carol
05:40A ver, déjeme entender
05:42Usted es un monstruo come galletas
05:44Si, así ser
05:45Yo adorar galletas
05:48Si, cuando yo verlas, tener que comerlas
05:56Bien señor, seguro usted disfruta de esto
05:58Aquí están sus galletas
06:00Pero yo no ordené galletas
06:02Yo ordené una sopa de tomate
06:06Ser mi error
06:08Yo sentirlo
06:09Mejor no ponemos eso en el video
06:11Come galletas tomó mala comanda y eso es un problema
06:14Ah, perdonar señor director
06:16Yo poder arreglar
06:36Señor director
06:38Tiene que poner nuestras habitaciones en cámara
06:43Pero mi cuarto está muy caliente
06:45Soy un pingüino y me gusta el frío
06:48Oh cielos, tenemos un pingüino con una habitación muy caliente
06:52Brr, perdón
06:54Pero mi cuarto está muy frío
06:56Soy un león y me gusta el calor
06:59Y un león en una habitación muy fría
07:03Excelente señora Forchester
07:05Voy a grabar como hacen el cambio de habitaciones
07:09¿Cambio de habitaciones?
07:12¿Por qué debemos cambiar habitaciones?
07:15Nosotros sabemos como solucionar este problema, ¿verdad Phoebe?
07:19¡Vamos aquí!
07:20¡Volvemos en un minuto!
07:23Aquí tiene señorita Iceburger, este ventilador le enfriará un poco
07:28Y aquí tiene señor Mainbrun, esta bufanda le ayudará a calentarse
07:33Muchas gracias
07:35Ahora sí, ya empiezo a calentarme
07:38Yo también, ya me empiezo a enfriar
07:41Oh, ya lo ves señor director
07:43Nosotros los Forchester somos muy buenos para solucionar problemas
07:48¿Qué está sucediendo aquí?
07:51Estoy tratando de tomar una siesta y oigo hablar y hablar y hablar
07:56No se preocupe señor Harvey Pidol, él me ayudará, él me regresa
08:00Esto va a salir en el video señor director
08:06Listo señor Harvey Pidol, ya no escucharemos plática
08:09¿Tambores? ¿En serio?
08:12¡Los problemas de todos han sido resueltos!
08:15Sí, pero ahora yo tengo un problema
08:18¿Qué? ¿Qué digo? ¡No escucho por el ruido de los tambores!
08:21¡Digo que tengo un problema!
08:28Lo que estaba tratando de decir es que tengo un problema con el video
08:32Necesito mostrarles algo que haga que alguien...
08:35¡Perdón! ¡Que la gente se quiera hospedar aquí!
08:37¿Pero por qué no se querrían quedar aquí?
08:40¡El Forchester es tan acogedor!
08:43Pero más que nada el Forchester es muy relajante
08:49¿Qué fue eso?
08:51¡Hora de ti!
08:57¡La hora de todos los monstruos!
09:02¡Carol! ¡Carol! ¿Dónde estás?
09:05¡Carol! ¡Carol! ¿Dónde estás?
09:07¡Aquí estoy! ¡Estoy bien!
09:09¡Gracias al cielo! Lo siento familia Forchester, pero no puedo más
09:12¡Me voy de aquí! ¡Me voy! ¡Me voy!
09:14Traté, pero no puedo, no puedo, no puedo hacer un video para este hotel
09:18¿Qué? ¿Por qué no?
09:20Porque todo está saliendo mal
09:22Tienen una puerta que empuja a los huéspedes
09:24Un monstruo come galletas como mesero
09:26Y una hora de té para monstruos o lo que sea
09:29Si mostramos esos problemas, nadie querrá venir a hospedarse aquí
09:32¡Por favor, no se rinda!
09:34¡Sí! Tenemos un lema
09:37¡Un Forchester nunca se rinde!
10:02Un groove y groove y otro groove
10:06¡Los Forchester siempre hacemos groove!
10:11Un Forchester nunca llora, no se lo dirá
10:14Nunca llorará su inflor
10:16¡Nunca se rinde el mar, ahí está el mar!
10:20Un Forchester nunca, nunca, nunca se rinde
10:25Un Forchester siempre podrá
10:32Debe haber una forma de hacer un video para que todo el mundo sepa que el Forchester es un hotel maravilloso
10:38Tenemos que poner nuestras peludas cabezas juntas y pensar
10:41¡Ah! ¡Sí, claro!
10:45Oh, and what if we only show the good things?
10:50But we wouldn't have anything to show, honey.
10:54Then that gives me a wonderful idea.
10:58The video should show everything that's wrong.
11:01How? But why show that?
11:04Because everything is wrong here.
11:07But the Furchesters are very good at solving problems.
11:10Of course!
11:11Wait, this could work.
11:13Now I know just what we need to do.
11:16Let's go, Carol!
11:18I'm coming!
11:19Attention, everyone. I know you're anxious to see the video, so...
11:24Allow me to introduce you...
11:28The Furchester Hotel.
11:30Welcome to the Furchester Hotel.
11:33How nice!
11:34Where the staff is very friendly.
11:39The food is irresistible.
11:43And the guests come first.
11:47Here you go, Miss Iceburger.
11:49This fan will cool you down.
11:51We may have problems, but we know how to solve them.
11:57So run, don't walk, to the Furchester Hotel.
12:04Bravo! Excellent!
12:06Yes, thank you, thank you very much.
12:08I think I'd love to stay at the Furchester Hotel, too.
12:12Oh, you see? The video worked!
12:14Yes, sir!
12:15We welcome you with our hairy open arms!
12:21Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!
12:27What do you want? To leave us?
12:29Tell me it's not true.
12:31The Furchester misses you.
12:34It won't be the same without you.
12:37Stay! Stay!
12:39Please, stay!
12:42Stay! Stay!
12:44No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
12:47Don't go! Don't go to the Furchester Hotel!
12:55Elmo has prepared the next game that we are going to solve together.
12:59Remember, we already saw that these two paintings are the same,
13:03and that both are monsters.
13:05But now...
13:07That's what Elmo didn't expect.
13:10What does a duck have to do with any of the monsters?
13:15Think, think.
13:18We have two monsters and a duck.
13:21Let's see.
13:22This duck has a beak.
13:24But the monsters don't have a beak.
13:28They're all different sizes.
13:30Now look at the colors.
13:32The duck is yellow.
13:34This monster is blue.
13:36And this monster is yellow.
13:38Ah! Elmo knows!
13:42Both are the same color.
13:44The duck is yellow.
13:45And this monster is yellow.
13:48Very good!
13:49We make a great team.
13:52Let's keep playing together.
13:58Every night when I go to bed
14:00My head starts to imagine
14:03The images sleep
14:04That Beto
14:06Tonight we'll have to fly
14:07Wow! Yes!
14:10Whenever the bed dances
14:14Something special happens to us
14:16This makes me dizzy
14:17It's my favorite part
14:23Fly with Beto and Enrique
14:27We'll make a little trip
14:31Our great adventures
14:34The great adventures of Beto and Enrique
14:38Isn't this exciting, Bernice?
14:40We're in Palomonia
14:42where we're going to look for the treasure of the golden dove.
14:48Let's go!
14:49Enrique, are you sure the camel knows the way?
14:52Of course, Beto.
14:53Camels know the desert just like their sandbox.
14:57Relax and enjoy the ride.
15:01We travel through Palomonia
15:05Palomonia, Palomonia
15:12Cleo, come back!
15:14You had to start singing, Enrique.
15:16Don't worry, Beto.
15:17We'll get to that golden dove.
15:21On my magic carpet, Beto.
15:26Enrique, this carpet doesn't...
15:28Fly, star carpet!
15:32Enrique, get me off this crazy carpet!
15:35I'm sorry, but we all have to go.
15:44What do you want, Bernice?
15:45Look, I think he found it.
15:47Stop, carpet, go down!
15:49Land, carpet, hurry!
15:59Enrique, look at that!
16:00Look, Beto, a door!
16:02Let's explore!
16:08Watch out!
16:14The golden dove of Palomonia!
16:18How pretty, but what about the treasure?
16:20I don't know, Enrique.
16:24The hieroglyphics could be a clue.
16:27What does it say, Bernice?
16:32He doesn't know how to read hieroglyphics.
16:35Oh, well, it looks like those birds are dancing.
16:42We travel through Palomonia, Palomonia
16:47Enrique, that won't help us find...
16:55Look, a golden shovel!
16:57It's raining gold alpices.
17:02And the alpice is burying me.
17:04Help me, Bernice!
17:07Wait, I think the shovel is a clue.
17:09Forget the clues, I think I found the treasure, Enrique.
17:12Hey, Beto, what are you doing under that golden alpice?
17:15I'm stuck, and the shovels are for digging, you know?
17:18But how lucky that someone left this abandoned.
17:22Enrique, help Bernice dig.
17:24Don't worry, Beto, we'll dig together to save you.
17:32Ready, Beto.
17:33Thanks, friends, but now we have to leave before this place is filled with golden alpices.
17:38Good idea, Beto.
17:43Look, Bernice found the exit.
17:45Let's go!
17:46Here I go!
17:47Oh, no!
17:57Watch out!
18:02Well, that was a crushing treasure.
18:08I know you're sad, Bernice, but I'll give you the real clue when we get back.
18:14And speaking of going home, where's the magic carpet?
18:24All aboard!
18:28Let's fly, star carpet!
18:35Hold on, Beto!
18:44Good night, Beto.
18:46Good night, Enrique.
18:52Oh, no!
18:54Now, you're going to help Elmo discover what's different about these monsters.
19:00Let's pay attention.
19:05All three are monsters.
19:06That's no different.
19:08Let's see the color.
19:09All three are green.
19:11So, what's different about them?
19:14This game is harder.
19:16But let's keep trying.
19:18Pay attention.
19:20We have to find out what makes them different.
19:23All three are monsters.
19:25That's no different.
19:27They have the same color and size.
19:32This monster has horns.
19:35And this one doesn't.
19:36Neither does this one.
19:40We found the first difference.
19:42Good job, team.
19:45Elmo thinks there's more.
19:47This game isn't over.
19:49Elmo is going to pay attention to be sure.
19:53Yes, Elmo found another difference.
19:56This monster has dark glasses.
19:59But this one doesn't.
20:01And neither does this one.
20:03Very good, Elmo.
20:04We found another difference.
20:06Elmo loves playing with you.
20:09Wait a minute.
20:11Elmo thinks there's another difference.
20:13Remember that we already found the first difference.
20:16Only this monster has horns.
20:19This one only has dark glasses.
20:22But this one does.
20:25Elmo found the last difference.
20:27This one doesn't.
20:29And neither does this one.
20:31Good job, Elmo.
20:32We found the last difference.
20:34This other monster doesn't have horns.
20:37It doesn't have dark glasses.
20:39But it has fangs.
20:42Each monster has something unique.
20:46We did it!
20:48Together we found the differences.
20:50We did a great job.
20:52We are a great team.
20:54But Elmo has a surprise.
20:57One more picture.
20:59Let's see it.
21:00This one was hard.
21:03But if we pay attention,
21:05we'll be able to see the difference.
21:09Pay attention.
21:11It's a monster of the same color and size as the others.
21:16But it also has horns like this one,
21:19dark glasses like this one,
21:21and oh!
21:23It can't be.
21:25It also has fangs like this one.
21:28How is it different from the others?
21:32Think, think.
21:36Of course!
21:38There is the difference.
21:40The monster has a scarf.
21:43And none of the others have it.
21:45That's the difference.
21:47We solved the games together
21:49and finished the game.
21:51Thank you for helping Elmo.
21:54Elmo is so happy
21:56that he wants to celebrate.
21:58Just like you and Elmo like to celebrate.
22:03Friends, let's dance!
22:07Put your hands up and turn
22:11One step forward and jump
22:15Come and have fun with Elmo
22:19And dance together
22:24Elmo is so happy
22:25because his friend Alejandra Ambrosi
22:28came to dance with Elmo
22:30and she's going to show him her best moves.
22:34Of course, Elmo.
22:36I'm also very excited
22:38so much so that I put on some elegant shoes
22:40for this special occasion.
22:42Very good.
22:44Well, don't say more.
22:46And music!
22:48What's wrong?
22:50Why don't you dance, Alejandra?
22:52I don't know, Elmo.
22:53I'm sorry, but I can't.
22:55That's strange.
22:57Yes, there must be a problem,
22:59but I don't know what it is.
23:01Well, let's try again.
23:03Maybe if we change the music style
23:05the problem will be solved.
23:07Good idea, yes.
23:15What could it be?
23:17I don't know, Elmo.
23:19I'm sorry.
23:21I really want to dance,
23:23but it's not that easy.
23:25Elmo will show you.
23:27We can do it!
23:29Well, let's try.
23:31Look, it's like this.
23:38You couldn't keep up with Elmo.
23:41Elmo, I'm really sorry.
23:43I try to move my feet,
23:45but they don't obey me.
23:47Let's investigate.
23:49It's not the music.
23:51It's not Elmo's step.
23:53What could it be?
23:55I don't know.
23:57Look, Elmo thinks
23:59there's something strange with your feet.
24:01Maybe that's why you can't move them.
24:03It could be.
24:05You think?
24:07Yes, Elmo thinks you should take off those shoes.
24:09Let's see.
24:14I think this is going to work.
24:16Of course!
24:18So, let's try to dance.
24:21Wow, Elmo!
24:23Now I can dance without stopping.
