Hoshyarian | Haroon Rafiq | Saleem Albela | Agha Majid | Goga Pasroori | Comedy Show | 20th Mar 2025
00:00Assalamu Alaikum, I am Arun Rafiq and you are watching Hoshi Aariya.
00:21Friends, in the month of Ramzan, where we see a lot of recitation being done,
00:26there is a need to understand it as well.
00:29Today, fake news is spreading everywhere in the world.
00:33And 1500 years ago, the Qur'an had made it very clear to us
00:37what our attitude should be towards fake news.
00:40The Qur'an has explained to us that whenever you receive any news,
00:45until you verify it, do not forward it.
00:50And what do we do?
00:52We do not verify it, we first share it.
00:55We re-share it.
00:57We forward it.
00:58So know that it is a sin.
01:01No matter what it is, even if it is true,
01:03but it has to be verified.
01:06And without verification, whatever you believe in,
01:10whatever you believe to be true, you are doing wrong.
01:14You should verify it first.
01:16Come, let's start today's show with this message.
01:19Today, we will take you to an overseas house.
01:23Let's see what the situation is there.
01:50He is giving it like this.
01:51He is giving it like this.
01:52He is giving it like this.
01:53He is giving it like this.
01:54I have pushed it a couple of times.
01:56It has come back inside.
01:58It is that window.
01:59Actually, she is trying to say that
02:01the view of this window,
02:04this area is very expensive.
02:06That area is expensive, but we don't have that kind of view.
02:10We don't have that kind of view.
02:11We don't have that kind of view.
02:12We don't have that kind of view.
02:13We don't have that kind of view.
02:15Tell me, how is your Ramzan going?
02:18Alhamdulillah, sir. Ramzan is going very well.
02:21You know, we don't get any second-class thing here.
02:24Yes, this is the pure thing.
02:25But you must be missing the iftari of the house.
02:28No, no, we are talking about the iftari of the house.
02:30Don't talk about the soul.
02:32You know what?
02:34Why are we sitting?
02:35Why are you sitting?
02:36You know, Eid is coming.
02:38Expenses have increased.
02:40We are thinking that if we request Mr. Pravesh,
02:43why won't we get the rent for Eid?
02:45Mr. Pravesh, your landlord.
02:46The landlord.
02:47Why won't we get the rent for Eid?
02:49Next month, we will get the rent for two months.
02:52Do you think he will agree?
02:53No, no, no, sir. It is difficult.
02:54No, sir, I don't know.
02:56He is a great man. Believe me.
02:58Uncle, these days, kids don't go to school.
03:00Yes, they don't go to school.
03:01I have asked them to go to school, but they don't go.
03:04His face is a little dark.
03:05Okay, okay.
03:06Sometimes he speaks in such a way that people get angry.
03:09But no.
03:10It is very clear from inside.
03:11All these people have bad intentions.
03:13Yes, brother.
03:14We will talk to you.
03:15Day after tomorrow.
03:16How old is he?
03:17One week old.
03:18Yes, yes, yes.
03:19No problem.
03:20But you get up.
03:22Get up.
03:23Get up.
03:24Get up.
03:25Get up.
03:26Get up.
03:27Get up.
03:28Get up.
03:29Get up.
03:30Get up.
03:31Get up.
03:32Get up.
03:33Get up.
03:34Get up.
03:35Get up.
03:36Get up.
03:37Get up.
03:38Get up.
03:39Get up.
03:40Get up.
03:41Get up.
03:42Get up.
03:43Get up.
03:44Get up.
03:45Get up.
03:46Get up.
03:47Get up.
03:48Get up.
03:49Get up.
03:50Get up.
03:51Get up.
03:52Yes, but you get up.
03:53After that…
03:54Get up.
03:55You can lie in bed better, but you shouldn't be in bed while someone is trying to tell you
03:59that you are in bed.
04:00Not even on the side of the pillow.
04:02By the way, if you talk about honesty, even if someone says that he should be sitting
04:04in bed, he shouldn't.
04:05His face shows that we should not be sitting in our bed.
04:07then who has to sit in our bed.
04:08Mr. Balkrishna, here are the eggs.
04:09Oh, wow.
04:10And the most important thing.
04:11Have you had food?
04:13I didn't tell you that he made the parathas.
04:14He made the parathas?
04:16He made them?
04:17They look very tasty.
04:18You must have made them.
04:22This is Turkish chili.
04:23Add it in, Mr. Amit.
04:24Yes, yes.
04:25We eat it raw.
04:27There are fresh vegetables in Dubai.
04:29I'm telling you, forget it.
04:30Wherever you go in the world..
04:32..you can use the same spices that you get from here.
04:36There's a difference in the water.
04:37You can never get the exact taste of Pakistan.
04:40That's not true.
04:41And let me tell you one more thing.
04:42These chilies, these spices..
04:44You want them to be spicy, right?
04:47If these chilies, spices and these spicy things..
04:49..didn't exist..
04:51..then you would have been a millionaire today.
04:55What do you mean?
04:56Oh, that..
04:57Why did you throw the chilies away?
05:00The chilies threw them away.
05:01Oh, wow.
05:01The whole world didn't have spices.
05:04You were the only one who had spices.
05:05They put spices on their faces.
05:07They came here to get the spices.
05:09When they came here, they looted you and took everything away.
05:11Now you go to them and work.
05:13And earn money from them.
05:14Pindu, I got a call.
05:16The kid says that uncle has sent his regards to aunt.
05:18May God bless him with a new life.
05:20He was sending his regards to me as well.
05:22I see.
05:22Whenever he comes to Dubai, he has to stay here.
05:25I'll remind him.
05:27Dad had a talk with him this morning.
05:29I don't know why I'm saying that.
05:30Today was dad's death anniversary.
05:32No, no. Dad had a talk with him today.
05:34He said that he loves his son.
05:36He's our elder.
05:38He's our elder.
05:38Do you know how much he loves you?
05:40Whenever he gets a call, he talks to you.
05:42Yes, nothing can go wrong today.
05:44If you say so, I'll say so.
05:46The other day you told me that he got diabetes.
05:48Isn't that true?
05:49He got diabetes earlier.
05:50On the second day of Maghla.
05:52Now dad is wearing a sweater.
05:55My dad is dead.
05:56But he still sends his regards to you.
05:58In a dream.
05:59In a dream.
06:00He says that he loves his son.
06:01I pray for him with all my heart.
06:03Believe me.
06:05I pray for him with all my heart.
06:07Believe me.
06:10Hey, don't abuse me.
06:17Believe me.
06:18We don't even feel that we're in a foreign country.
06:21Listen to me.
06:22If we feel that we're in a foreign country
06:24how will we spend our time?
06:26Sir, believe me.
06:28Since I came here..
06:29I've been living in Paipei.
06:31I've never felt the absence of my father.
06:34I've never felt the absence of my father.
06:36I've proved it.
06:37Three times.
06:40Believe me.
06:41Mr. Bharoon is such a great man.
06:43Whenever he thinks of his wife
06:44he wears women's clothes.
06:48My brother-in-law was from Pakistan.
06:50Oh, God.
06:50Pray for him.
06:51Oh, God.
06:52Not that.
06:54My brother-in-law loves a girl.
06:59He got married somewhere else.
07:00Believe me.
07:01In his sorrow..
07:02He took poison.
07:03He took poison.
07:04He's eating and drinking.
07:05Love and romance got married somewhere else.
07:07Did you understand?
07:08His brother-in-law wanted to marry a girl.
07:11She eloped.
07:12He came to you for that.
07:14Why did that girl get married somewhere else?
07:16Didn't you send her a proposal?
07:17When a man loves a girl
07:18he wants her to get married somewhere else.
07:19It's painful for a man.
07:20That's true.
07:21Actually, he came here to tell you
07:23that his brother-in-law is suffering from depression.
07:26He wanted to marry her.
07:28That's why I came to talk to him.
07:30What's the matter?
07:31Tell me what's the matter.
07:32What's the matter?
07:32I was talking to myself.
07:34I didn't say anything to anyone.
07:35You were talking to yourself.
07:35Why are you talking to me?
07:36Listen to him.
07:39Why are you talking to me?
07:41It's a good deed.
07:42Someone will get married.
07:43He's from a poor family.
07:45He has a family.
07:50It's not a bad thing.
07:52Of course.
07:52Anyone can ask anyone.
07:53You can refuse.
07:54It's true.
07:55Even flies come to a house with honey.
07:59Ask him what he's talking about.
08:06Listen to me, brother.
08:08He's coming to Dubai.
08:11He cries all day long.
08:13He cries all night long.
08:15Believe me.
08:16He doesn't do any work.
08:18He smokes or eats for 24 hours.
08:20He doesn't like it there.
08:22Doesn't he eat anything?
08:22He doesn't eat anything.
08:24He smokes and drinks tea.
08:25He's a poet.
08:26Why is he coming to Dubai?
08:28He said he'll like it here.
08:30He'll come to work.
08:31He'll forget about it.
08:32He'll forget about it.
08:33The thing is, he'll stay here with four people.
08:36He'll become a little more intelligent.
08:38That's it.
08:38That's it.
08:39That's it.
08:40I wanted to tell you something.
08:42It's Eid.
08:43You don't pay a single rent.
08:45That's great.
08:46Keep it.
08:46Keep it.
08:47I told you.
08:48It's good for the heart.
08:49That's great.
08:50I told you not to pay a single rent.
08:52Pay double.
08:53I'll pay double next month.
08:54You're a great man.
08:56That's great.
08:57You're a great man.
08:58I swear.
09:00My brother, my father, my uncle.
09:02I'll pay double next month.
09:03That's great.
09:05Listen, my son.
09:05Pay the rent.
09:07If you don't pay the rent next month,
09:08pay double for Eid.
09:15You were saying that uncle
09:16will leave his grandson in Jamuna.
09:18Brother Peja, you don't understand.
09:20You don't understand me.
09:22I'm requesting you.
09:24Don't pay the rent for Eid.
09:26I'll pay you double next month.
09:27I'll pay double.
09:28Brother Veer, don't you remember?
09:30Pay the rent for three months.
09:31Don't pay the rent for the next three months.
09:33That's right.
09:33We're asking for two months.
09:35Why are you giving us three months?
09:37Oh, God.
09:38Do you know what this is?
09:39He spends four times more on Eid than he spends on the house.
09:44Do you know he's going to sell everything like this?
09:46That's what I was thinking.
09:48I'm going to sell the house too.
09:49But you're going to sell your house.
09:51He's going to sell his house.
09:52I'm going to sell my house.
09:53Have mercy on us.
09:54My village.
09:54Don't worry.
09:55You're doing a good job.
09:57You're paying the rent.
09:59Is this all you've got?
10:00Brother, the bigger the head, the more headache it is.
10:03You look like a beggar.
10:07You shouldn't have such a big head.
10:09No, my expenses are big.
10:10My house is big.
10:12My entire family.
10:13That's obvious.
10:14You can shift to a smaller house.
10:15I came here in 1992.
10:17In 1992.
10:18I haven't gone home yet.
10:19Your wife comes here.
10:22No, I'm not married.
10:23I'm not married.
10:25I have a brother-in-law.
10:26I have a brother-in-law.
10:28Oh, God.
10:29If you're engaged, you must have a brother-in-law.
10:31I'm talking to my brother-in-law.
10:33Brother Bijay.
10:34You're talking too soon.
10:37No, Mr. Pramod.
10:38She said yes.
10:39It's final.
10:40She gave me a ring.
10:41She gave me a nice ring.
10:42Dad, it's been four years since I let you stay here.
10:45Have some sense.
10:48Mr. Arun, my mother is unwell.
10:51I want to get her blessings.
10:53Dad's blessings.
10:55Oh, God.
10:56I lost my way in an accident.
11:00My sister is young.
11:02She wants to get married.
11:03Forget it.
11:04Don't say anything.
11:05Brother Bijay.
11:06I beg you.
11:08I beg you.
11:09Give me double the money next month.
11:10I beg you.
11:11I beg you.
11:12Give me double the money.
11:15I beg you.
11:16He requests too much.
11:20Okay, neither you nor me.
11:22I can only do one thing.
11:24I'll pay the rent whenever I can.
11:28Neither you nor I will ask for double the money.
11:30No, it's okay.
11:31It's okay.
11:33Okay, if you say so.
11:34Look at him.
11:36He did it on purpose.
11:37It's okay.
11:38He still cooperated with us.
11:41But he didn't do anything wrong.
11:42If not double, then whatever.
11:44Anyway, let's go.
11:46Hey, Ashka is here.
11:49Greetings, brother.
11:50He's your brother-in-law.
11:52Brother Bijay, is he your brother-in-law?
11:53Yes, he's my brother-in-law.
11:54But he's a priest.
11:56Who cares if you wear shoes or not?
11:58Get your luggage.
12:01Where is it?
12:01Where is it?
12:02Where is it, brother?
12:03Come here.
12:04Is this your luggage?
12:05This is not a luggage.
12:07It's an exorcism.
12:08Come here.
12:09How are you?
12:11How are you?
12:12I left a letter for you.
12:16Those who are in pain should know.
12:18Where are your bags?
12:20Sir, what were the bags for?
12:22Your clothes.
12:23Sir, sister-in-law said that brother-in-law is there.
12:26So, I got his clothes.
12:28You want to wear brother-in-law's clothes?
12:30Sir, sister-in-law didn't even give me socks.
12:32She said she'll wear shoes and socks.
12:34You came to the airport naked?
12:36Yes, on the plane.
12:37She said there's no problem.
12:38So, you didn't even bring your toothbrush with you?
12:40No, sister-in-law said she'll wear it.
12:46Tell her that she's the only one who can do this.
12:50Tell her that you've brought something for your brother-in-law.
12:53Yes, tell her.
12:54Sister-in-law has sent a gift.
12:57What is it?
12:59Desi Kheer.
13:00Oh, I see.
13:02Open it.
13:03She said she'll eat it there.
13:08All these are yours.
13:10I don't want to open it.
13:11I think we should call sister-in-law and ask for her password.
13:18Does it smell?
13:19Does it smell?
13:20Sister-in-law, does it smell?
13:22Does it smell?
13:24I didn't get what she sent.
13:27Oh, no.
13:29Both of them are beautiful.
13:30Come on, do your work.
13:32No, no, what is this ghee?
13:33No, no, no, we'll eat it together.
13:36But this is your gift.
13:38We sent it.
13:40We sent greetings to uncle.
13:43She said she sent it.
13:46But they..
13:47Sit, we'll eat it together.
13:49Come on, sit.
13:49We'll eat it together.
13:50We'll eat it together.
13:53Give it to all of them.
13:55No, we'll eat it together.
13:56It's an old tradition.
13:57If we send it, we'll eat it together.
13:59That's right.
13:59We won't be able to rest for a day.
14:02Aashiqui, do you have your own cows and buffaloes at home?
14:06Sister-in-law said that when your brother sends the money
14:09we'll keep his donkey and the rest..
14:12Where will you keep the donkey?
14:13He sent it here.
14:15You know what?
14:16Don't worry.
14:18Where did you send Rs. 100?
14:19Where did I send it?
14:21Don't worry.
14:24It's not even Rs. 100.
14:26I've sent it a hundred times.
14:29Why did you eat it?
14:30I was just looking at it.
14:33Why did you eat this?
14:35I'll tell you, brother.
14:37Tell me.
14:38When he held me from this arm for the first time..
14:41Who did?
14:42Jamila did.
14:43This.. Okay, Jamila.
14:45What's Jamila's surname?
14:48It's not a surname.
14:49It's a girl's name.
14:52I mean, it's written J-J.
14:54So, it's Jamila from J.
14:56It must be her father's name from J, right?
14:58No, it's Jamila Janu.
15:03You've done it with love.
15:05It's written J here as well.
15:07What do I do, brother?
15:08It's written there as well.
15:09Yes, sir. It's written here as well.
15:11It's written J everywhere.
15:12The Brahmins must have found out.
15:16So, did you get this tattoo done in the upper epidermis
15:19or in the lower epidermis?
15:21It's in the upper epidermis.
15:22Son, she wants to know if it's in the upper or lower epidermis.
15:25How do I ask her?
15:26It's right here.
15:27No, I dug it out.
15:30I can't tell you how long I've been living.
15:33I've lived all my life with these tattoos.
15:35No, you can get them tattooed on your legs as well.
15:37You won't be like this.
15:38You'll be straight down.
15:42Mr. Shubham.
15:44The number of times he held her hand
15:47and I ate the food with it.
15:48So, the number of times you held her hand
15:49and you got a tattoo done.
15:50I got a tattoo done.
15:51And the number of times he held her hand
15:53and I got a tattoo done.
15:54He didn't hold her hand and eat the food with it.
15:57If you loved her so much, why did she leave you?
16:01The boy is here to marry her.
16:02No, no.
16:05He didn't have a wife. He didn't have a life.
16:08When he got married, I saw him.
16:09I said, what can I do?
16:12Didn't your blood boil when you saw the wedding procession?
16:15Didn't you get angry?
16:16Sister, my blood boiled and I got angry as well.
16:20But four men came there with a weapon.
16:22I said, tell me, what can I do?
16:26Didn't you cry when your wife was leaving?
16:30Sister, I got tears in my eyes.
16:33But I said, go.
16:34He gave me a piece of his heart.
16:37When she was leaving, didn't you cry?
16:41Brother, what can I do?
16:42I ate a lot of food.
16:44Of course, you should eat when you are sad.
16:47I said, the bottle should be there.
16:50I said, brother, the bottle is a pot.
16:52I looked at it and it was Jahari Jameela.
16:56Then what happened?
16:57Then I said, I am so sad.
17:00What did you do?
17:00I said, open another bottle.
17:03Mr. Haroon, I drank three bottles of cold drink on her departure.
17:08He must have been crying. Drink it.
17:10He drank three bottles of cold drink on her departure.
17:13If a child comes to his house, he will drink the whole pot.
17:20You have come here now.
17:22You will stay here permanently.
17:23God willing, you will forget everything.
17:25Sir, I can't live without you.
17:27Jameela was my life.
17:28I can't tolerate without you.
17:30What is the reason?
17:31Why will everyone get tired of you?
17:32Look at this.
17:34Oh, even on the forehead?
17:35This is Jameela's number plate.
17:39Oh, even on the forehead?
17:40You spoiled my mood.
17:41Look at this.
17:42You have got a permanent tattoo.
17:44And let me tell you one more thing.
17:46Even the spelling is wrong.
17:47It is written as Jamleela.
17:49You have got the spelling wrong.
17:52What does your lover know about spelling?
17:55She said, I wrote Jameela and I will believe it.
17:57I don't want to stay here.
17:59I am fed up of this world.
18:00I say, kill me.
18:01Come on.
18:02Hey, come here.
18:03Hey, come here.
18:05Hey, take him down.
18:06Take him down.
18:06Take him down.
18:07Take him down.
18:08Take him down.
18:09Let him sleep.
18:09You will fall in love with him.
18:11You will fall in love with Jameela.
18:12You will fall in love with Pandey.
18:13You will fall in love with Kamte.
18:14Take his skin off.
18:15His skin?
18:16Will it sell?
18:18Close the window.
18:19You will see him hitting someone from outside.
18:20It won't close.
18:21It is a permanent tattoo.
18:26Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for a short break.
18:27Don't go anywhere.
18:28See you after the break.
18:35Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
18:36We have a gentleman with us in the break.
18:38He says that he wants to sit here and do Iftar.
18:40But he is a victim of a problem.
18:42His heart wants to eat something else.
18:44But his mind wants to eat something else.
18:46Come, let's meet him.
18:50Hey, you are here.
18:53Hey, your mind came out.
18:57And your heart also came out.
18:59Hey, my heart is pumping.
19:01It is beating.
19:03Brother, you are sitting from Khanwa.
19:05This is Vechandipur.
19:09You tell me, what is your problem?
19:11Look at the problem.
19:13I want to eat fritters.
19:15My mind says, oh no.
19:16And what does your heart say?
19:17It says, eat fritters.
19:19Eat samosas.
19:20Eat kachoris.
19:21My mind says, eat my cheek.
19:24Okay, Mr. Mind, what do you have to say about this Iftar?
19:27I will tell you not to eat fritters.
19:29You will die.
19:30Your heart will stop.
19:31You know, your cholesterol will increase.
19:32That's right.
19:33If I allow it.
19:35I will stop.
19:36You will die and you will kill me too.
19:39No, no.
19:40Keep it there.
19:41Keep it there.
19:42Keep it there.
19:44Hey, don't do that.
19:44Hey, don't do that.
19:45Hey, don't do that.
19:47What a love.
19:49What a love.
19:50Believe me, I don't agree with both of them.
19:52They are like my brothers-in-law.
19:54Believe me, when my heart was beating.
19:56My family used to doubt that the old man is going to stay alone.
20:01Actually, this is not the heart.
20:03It is sent during marriages.
20:05Okay, you tell me.
20:07Did this man listen to you or his heart all his life?
20:09He didn't listen to me.
20:10He listened to his heart.
20:11He got her married as per his heart.
20:13He doesn't listen to me.
20:14Yes, yes.
20:14He doesn't eat samosas today.
20:17He got her married as per his heart.
20:19He has given her a place to live.
20:20Why? Are you very happy after getting married?
20:22No, no.
20:23My heart made me do it.
20:25At that time, I used to say that there is nothing more beautiful than her.
20:27My brain told me later.
20:30It said, what are you doing?
20:31Oh, my God.
20:33I didn't tell him. I told him.
20:36Look at his face.
20:38He won't get any beautiful face.
20:41No, no. Don't say that.
20:42Don't eat samosas. Keep it there.
20:44Mr. Alok, do you know where this bandage is made?
20:47Yes, you are right.
20:48Do you know what is inside it?
20:50My friend showed it to me the other day.
20:52Mr. Alok, do you know where the bandages are made?
20:55Very unhygienic.
20:56Try it. You will know.
20:59I don't have the brains to say such things.
21:02You eat it.
21:03I am telling you that it is more delicious.
21:05Keep it there.
21:08Mr. Arun, who was that crazy man who said for the first time
21:11that my heart is doing it.
21:13How can the heart do it?
21:15The heart can't even think.
21:16Today's science is very advanced.
21:19Today's right in it becomes futile tomorrow.
21:22First of all, a person used to think that the heart thinks.
21:25The heart says. The heart does.
21:26Because this was used in the common language as well.
21:29Then the time came when science saw that no, it is the brain
21:33which has neurons.
21:34It runs the whole body and so on.
21:38But today's science tells us that the brain is a separate organ.
21:45But the heart has its own system of neurons.
21:49There are 40,000 to 50,000 neurons in the heart.
21:52You say that my heart is happy.
21:55Actually, that oxytocin, when you see someone, you feel love.
21:59I saw him and I felt love for him in my heart.
22:02It really comes in the heart.
22:04It doesn't come in the mind.
22:05Now science has proven that it is the heart which releases oxytocin
22:10which goes to the brain and says, listen, I like this face, this child,
22:14this man, this father, this mother, whoever it is.
22:18I have fallen in love with him.
22:20So the heart also thinks.
22:21Okay, let's move on.
22:22It's not just that the heart thinks.
22:24The brain also thinks.
22:25The brain has its own brain.
22:27Your mental brain is separate.
22:31There is a heart brain.
22:33There is a stomach brain.
22:34The brain also thinks.
22:35The heart also thinks.
22:36This is my branch.
22:38The rest of the main branch is the same.
22:44Even if we believe that the brain, the brain, the heart also thinks,
22:51but the action it tells us to take is the brain.
22:54The brain.
22:55I feel that the heart is a very emotional organ.
22:58And we are aware of its emotions.
23:00Our heart starts to beat when we do something wrong.
23:03Your palpitation and heart beat and all that.
23:06What you said, this happens involuntarily now.
23:09You must have seen this many times.
23:11In fact, it happened that in mortuary,
23:13they are bathing the dead or doing something.
23:15They are cleaning it.
23:16So the vein was pressed in such a way that the hand went.
23:18Oh God!
23:18So they become unconscious.
23:20The ones who are working in the mortuary for the first time.
23:22How did this leg move?
23:24If a person's veins don't move, the person is dead.
23:29These moments happen involuntarily.
23:32Like Mr. Dhanesh said,
23:33your heart that beats.
23:36And your heart says that I am doing this.
23:37That heart is doing it.
23:38That heart is the master.
23:39Like a dog wearing a hat, who is going to say it?
23:41I am going to say it.
23:43No, brother.
23:44This is the heart of the brain.
23:45This plate will last for three days.
23:48In which part of the heart does a person put a stunt?
23:51If God is willing.
23:55Sir, those who are intelligent say that
23:56your brain is like a broken fairy.
23:57It hits me in the face.
24:00The thing you said.
24:01If any doctor has put a stunt in the heart of a patient.
24:06He has done fraud with you.
24:08He has done two things.
24:09Stunt is two things.
24:10Who is a stunt man?
24:12It is a stent.
24:13Because a stent is put in the heart.
24:15It is a stent.
24:16It is not a stunt.
24:17He got his brother-in-law operated.
24:19And he got a fighter in his heart.
24:25Listen to me.
24:26Who is a stunt man?
24:28The one who is not fighting.
24:29The one who is lying.
24:31Who is a stent?
24:31He has done a big stunt.
24:32Yes, this is a different word.
24:35He has done a big stunt.
24:36It is said in Punjabi.
24:37He has done a stunt with me.
24:39In Malayalam songs, the doctor will say that
24:42he has done a stunt.
24:44Mr. Roop, if you agree with my heart and mind
24:48then come here.
24:48I will eat something.
24:49My blood pressure is low.
24:52Apart from heart and mind, some people have anxiety.
24:55They say that there is a stone in their stomach.
24:58If your stomach and brain are fine
25:01then many things will be fine in your body.
25:03Okay, you are educated.
25:05Did you educate him?
25:06I want to say that he didn't learn anything from me.
25:09Oh, no.
25:10He didn't think about me.
25:12He didn't understand me.
25:12I tell him to wash his face.
25:14He doesn't listen to me.
25:16Why should he wash his face?
25:17His heart tells him to let it be.
25:19Lions have their faces washed.
25:21It is not a big deal for a lion to be called a lion.
25:25It is a bit sour.
25:27Eat it. You will feel better.
25:28No, dad.
25:29The fruit is sour. It is sweet. Eat it.
25:31Eat it.
25:32Hey, I am telling you.
25:33I am telling you.
25:34I am telling you.
25:36Mr. Roop, what happens when you say that
25:37you have a black heart?
25:38In Punjabi, it is called restlessness.
25:41The heart is restless.
25:43The heart is restless because your heart beats fast.
25:47With tension, depression and anxiety.
25:49But Mr. Haroon says that we should not go by the decisions of the heart.
25:52The reason for that is that we take emotional decisions.
25:55The heart cannot do critical thinking.
25:56Okay, I have a personal opinion about this.
26:00I think that when you live a life,
26:03when you are in your forties,
26:05when you reach a mature age,
26:07and if you have evolved with time,
26:09you are not in your childhood,
26:11then you should go with your intuition.
26:14Listen to me.
26:16A good hearted person has not done anything big in this world.
26:19A good brained person has done it.
26:20Okay, both of them have done it.
26:22If you look at it,
26:23if you look at it in science and technology,
26:25only the brain has worked.
26:27And if you look at the revolutions that have come in the world,
26:30then the heart has brought them.
26:31Mr. Roop, I want to ask you something.
26:33Look at this. He has made an engine-type heart.
26:38This heart or this heart?
26:41This heart is an imaginary heart.
26:42It is not imaginary.
26:44If you dissect it and open the heart,
26:46then it becomes the same shape.
26:48The heart has a dimension like this.
26:50If you keep the heart in 3D,
26:51then it has a dimension like this,
26:52from where it gives this look.
26:54It is a walnut.
26:55Why does it look like a brain?
26:57Ultimately, everything supports the brain.
27:00I will give you an example.
27:01If you stop drinking water from today,
27:03then the brain needs water.
27:05If you stop eating grains, then the brain needs grains.
27:08If you stop taking sugar, then the brain needs sugar.
27:12So, it is said that the thing that looks like
27:15is good for that thing.
27:17It is not like that.
27:18It is not like that.
27:19Mr. Haroon, I am talking about the face.
27:21Why do we get a face?
27:22Do they have any relationship with each other?
27:24Okay, I see God's nature in this.
27:26There is only one designer.
27:28The one who made the brain and the one who made the walnut.
27:30No doubt.
27:31So, there are signs for us.
27:34That there is only one designer.
27:37If you go to any corner of the world,
27:38mountains, water, springs, everything,
27:42the colors of fruits, the faces.
27:44You see, in the era of science,
27:46they make juice or anything,
27:48they make it tetra pack.
27:50There is an age of tetra pack.
27:53They don't want to keep it in the sun,
27:54in the shade, in a dry place,
27:56so that it doesn't get wet.
27:57God has made so many sweets and hanged them on trees.
28:01And the packing is such that they don't get spoilt.
28:03It's raining, it's sunny.
28:06Now, like almonds, they are like my eyes.
28:09Look, if you think that your eyes are like almonds,
28:12let me tell you, buy almonds from a good place.
28:16The man ate two almonds and his eyes are like this.
28:20Irla, I think even you don't use your brain.
28:24Brother, almonds don't come out of the mouth.
28:27Where is it?
28:28I don't know.
28:31Listen to me, Mr. Arun.
28:32If I have a heart attack, I will die with them.
28:35Brother, as much as you are thinking,
28:37if you have brain hemorrhage, you can die in that too.
28:43Ladies and gentlemen, we will take a short break.
28:45We will meet again after the break.
28:53Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
28:55Yes, Irza.
28:55Tomorrow, Mr. Salim will feed us Rasmalai.
29:00Sir, I am 55 years old.
29:02How can I feed you?
29:04What does this have to do with age?
29:06Do you know how to feed me?
29:09You come out of the house.
29:10You have two sons.
29:12We don't give orders.
29:13We don't fulfill any orders.
29:15We just give.
29:16Mr. Salim, you see..
29:17Yes, you give.
29:18You don't come out of the house four times.
29:21Mr. Salim, look.
29:22You should feed us with joy
29:24that God has given you a chance
29:25to see 55 springs of life.
29:29Okay, I will feed you tomorrow, God willing.
29:31I am going to give you all an Iftar dinner.
29:38If I am not able to give it in Ramzan,
29:40will you fast after that?
29:42I have to give an Iftar dinner.
29:44Anyway, if you are not able to fast,
29:46I am calling you for Eid Milan.
29:47Everyone has been saying this for a long time.
29:49What is this?
29:50If you are busy on Eid,
29:53the next Eid is coming.
29:55On a very serious note,
29:56all of you will be at an Eid Milan party with me.
29:59Because it has been a long time.
30:00Of course.
30:01We haven't had a big dinner.
30:02We haven't.
30:02God willing, we all..
30:04May God keep everyone healthy.
30:06And all of you will be there.
30:08And especially you, Aunty,
30:09you will have to come too.
30:12How is everyone's Ramzan going?
30:13Is it going well?
30:14It is going very well.
30:15But it is going very well.
30:17Thank God, everything is going well.
30:18But I have a disagreement with Mr. Salim.
30:20I want to tell people this on air.
30:22This man takes very big bites
30:24right after the Iftar.
30:26Oh, God.
30:27And this is not the way.
30:28The man puts his hand on his mouth
30:29and the man puts his hand on his side.
30:31What is this nonsense?
30:33Okay, listen.
30:33There are always two sides to a story.
30:35Absolutely right.
30:36There is no one side.
30:37You have presented this case.
30:39So, Salim, do you want to say something
30:40in your cleanliness, in the cleanliness of your mouth?
30:43I will eat as much as this incident happened.
30:47Are you saying this?
30:49But no one told me
30:50that I would be hitting people here.
30:52You would be eating fritters
30:53and I would be the enemy.
30:56I gave Mr. Agha a burger that day.
30:58So, I asked him, where is the box?
31:00He said, there was a box there.
31:05He ate it.
31:06He did one thing.
31:07He attacked the juice a lot.
31:10Yes, yes, yes.
31:11It was so big.
31:12I was hitting the juice with a sword.
31:14I mean, during the Iftar, he was..
31:18Yes, ma'am.
31:19The plate is full.
31:20I am not going to eat it.
31:21The plate is full.
31:22She is putting it in her bag as well.
31:24Yes, ma'am.
31:25No, Mr. Salim.
31:27I have seen her during Iftar.
31:28She makes the plate in such a way
31:29that the worker doesn't make it
31:30with the plate in his hand.
31:32Listen to me.
31:33The right way to burp is..
31:35Excuse me.
31:36Oh, my God!
31:37Excuse me.
31:40After doing this, you have to sanitise your hands
31:42by saying, excuse me.
31:44Yes, yes.
31:45I have to..
31:46I have to eat here.
31:49I have to open my fast and brush my teeth.
31:50I can't eat such things.
31:52Your hair gets scattered while eating.
31:54Oh, God!
31:55I have to brush my teeth.
31:56Okay, okay.
31:57I have to do Iftar.
31:59He is showing it to you.
32:00Show it to him.
32:02She is right.
32:02The good thing is that we all do Iftar together.
32:06Praise the Lord.
32:07But it would be better if everyone
32:09makes a dish from their home.
32:12But Mr. Agha stays alone here.
32:14I will make it myself.
32:15I will make Iftar someday.
32:17All of you have to make
32:19Samosas, Dates, Pakoras, Biryani,
32:21Korma, Dahi Bhalla, Fruit Chaat, Cream Chaat.
32:23You bring it.
32:24He will bring a calendar
32:26so that he can make it at any time.
32:28I will make the rest.
32:30I make such good Dahi Phulki.
32:33Sir, I will make Pakoras.
32:36No, we don't eat Pakoras like that.
32:39My wife also makes a very good salad.
32:42She is Mr. Deep's wife.
32:45Mr. Haroon, I will bring Chicken Cheese Balls
32:47and Box Patties.
32:48I will bring Steamed Chicken and Noodles Kebabs.
32:51And I will bring Spoons.
32:53But you see, there are so many things
32:55to eat here.
32:57I will not be able to eat.
32:57I make good Mutton dishes.
33:00I won't need it now.
33:01No, if all of you make it and bring it
33:05then I will come with my mouth.
33:08Mr. Vicky, you are listening to everyone
33:10with your glasses on.
33:12You have promised me that you will bring this.
33:14Nothing is cooked in this house.
33:16What will happen in this house?
33:17Your wife's mouth will be cooked.
33:20My fingers will be cooked.
33:22I don't know what is wrong with us.
33:23I think the place is already cooked.
33:26Mr. Chahna, I will bring a special kind of food
33:29which is available only in Ramzan.
33:32It is a specialty of Lahore.
33:35It is available in a special place.
33:37I will tell you about the place later.
33:39I will bring very delicious sweets.
33:43Believe me, I have already started eating.
33:47If I bring anything, I will bring it with me.
33:52You have called me many times
33:54and confirmed that there is no committee here.
33:58Who was the first person who thought
34:00that samosas, fritters, kachori, dahi bhalla
34:04and fruit chaat should be served for Iftar.
34:06And then he became Mr. Rai.
34:07You have asked a very good question.
34:10In the olden days, 300-400 years ago
34:14when armies used to fight
34:15and when there were Muslim armies
34:17who used to fight
34:19and the Mughal army was also a part of it.
34:21And obviously, there were Muslim people too.
34:24So, it was not possible to sit and eat
34:27in the middle of the war.
34:30And take two bites and leave as soon as possible.
34:33So, just like in the world war
34:35a peanut butter and jam sandwich was invented
34:40There was nothing to eat.
34:41There were only three things.
34:42If you mix all three things,
34:43it becomes a great sandwich.
34:45Similarly, if you note,
34:46samosa is a bite.
34:49It is a bite.
34:50It is a bite.
34:50And originally, samosa is a vegetarian dish.
34:55It has vegetables like potatoes and corn.
34:57So, because in India,
34:59there are people who are Hindus
35:01who don't eat mutton or chicken.
35:04So, it was a thing that everyone could eat.
35:05So, it is a bite.
35:07If you note.
35:08So, I especially like a bite
35:11where I make a small boat
35:13and put a potato in it.
35:15And sing a song.
35:18So, now I have understood that
35:20samosa is a bite.
35:22Mine is a bite.
35:24No, I am talking about you.
35:25If you note,
35:26do it little by little.
35:28Otherwise, you will get a shortage.
35:30Okay, samosa is a bite.
35:32But chickory is the same.
35:36Kachori, sorry.
35:37That is also the same thing.
35:38See, then its varieties come out.
35:41Now, samosa has become so big.
35:43And especially...
35:44And it is so small, sir.
35:45So small samosa.
35:46I don't like those people
35:47that there is a dish
35:49in which samosas are stuffed.
35:50And they eat it
35:51from the bottom of the samosa.
35:53I don't like those people.
35:55I have to eat it.
35:58But Mr. Haroon, okay.
35:59We have understood this.
36:01This started happening at that time.
36:03But it is still going on.
36:05I mean, if you eat something else.
36:07For example,
36:07I have fasted with rice.
36:09So, I will feel
36:10that I have not fasted today.
36:11Why are dates so important?
36:12Dates are very good for me.
36:16This date
36:18is actually a natural multivitamin.
36:21The big people
36:22don't take a tablet in the morning.
36:24It is a multivitamin.
36:25So, if you eat dates,
36:26it is a multivitamin.
36:27But there is one more thing.
36:29It is not necessary
36:30that all the vitamins
36:31will come from dates.
36:32If you eat dates,
36:33then it is enough.
36:34I don't need to take vitamins.
36:35You can take all the vitamins.
36:36But a big piece of meat like dates
36:39is a natural steroid.
36:41There is an injection.
36:42There is a medicine.
36:43It is said that this is the last solution.
36:44Apply steroids to it.
36:46Then a person becomes healthy.
36:47The big piece of meat
36:48is considered better
36:50in some areas.
36:53Otherwise, the big piece of meat
36:54is also a natural steroid.
36:56People who work out
36:58eat big pieces of meat.
36:59Forget everything, Mr. Arun.
37:01Eid is approaching.
37:02We have to celebrate Eid.
37:06Welcome back, viewers.
37:07Yes, Irza Khan.
37:08It is time for...
37:10Irza, where is your tongue?
37:11You look like Alam Nawari.
37:13My tongue is asking me
37:15where is my tongue?
37:19She is asking me where is my tongue.
37:21Mr. Jugani.
37:25It is time to go
37:26directly to the audience.
37:28Yes, dear.
37:30How are you?
37:31I am fine. How are you?
37:32Thank God.
37:33What is your name?
37:33Haleema Babar.
37:35It is a lovely name.
37:36What do you do?
37:37I am a first year student.
37:39I am doing FSC medical.
37:40I see.
37:42What do you want to tell us today?
37:44First, I want to recite a couplet about my reality.
37:47Then I will act.
37:48I am sure this couplet has a snake in it.
37:52Okay, Haleema wants to say something
37:54about her relatives.
37:56Go ahead.
37:57The world of meaning is a world of deception.
38:00The world of meaning is a world of deception.
38:03Enmity in the heart is an excuse for friendship.
38:08The world of meaning is a world of deception.
38:11I hope you don't eat my father's share.
38:17Charlie's two brothers are fine.
38:19But this one is a little off.
38:23What was the second part of your poem?
38:24I want to act.
38:25What do you want to do?
38:27You want to act.
38:29Please stand here.
38:34Women in society,
38:37like bankers, doctors,
38:40tell us a female character.
38:43A female character.
38:44Tell us about your character.
38:46Challenging teacher.
38:47Tell us about your subject.
38:50English teacher.
38:51Now tell me where you are.
38:55In the jungle, teaching monkeys.
38:57In the jungle, teaching monkeys.
39:00Okay, he will be educated.
39:04Obviously, there should be a monkey in front of you.
39:07I was thinking the same last time too.
39:11There are monkeys in front of you.
39:13You are taking their class.
39:15It's their first class.
39:17And you have come to the jungle to take their first class.
39:20Introduce yourself and explain to the monkeys
39:22how they will study and what will happen.
39:24Over to you.
39:25Greetings, students. I am your teacher, Halima Babar.
39:28Today is my first day in your school.
39:30I will give you English training.
39:33How to speak English.
39:34How to tune English.
39:36Because in Pakistan, English is spoken less.
39:38In Pakistan, English is considered difficult.
39:41Urdu is given more value.
39:42When we teach outside, we learn English.
39:45We go there and speak sentences in English.
39:48And they speak English without thinking.
39:50We make sentences first.
39:52This monkey is misbehaving.
39:53Teacher, this monkey is misbehaving.
39:55Go and explain to him.
39:56Why are you misbehaving?
39:57Do you come to study or to talk?
40:00Very good.
40:02Very good.
40:03Very good.
40:05Sorry, teacher. May I take out your U.A.
40:09Very good, Halima. Very good.
40:10Very good.
40:12Look, the thing is that she didn't have any script.
40:16Very good.
40:17Halima didn't have any script.
40:19And there was no pause.
40:20There was no pause.
40:21And thirdly, for the first time,
40:24you should never judge anyone.
40:26You are right.
40:26Isn't it?
40:27And for the first time, with so much confidence,
40:29this self-confidence, for this confidence.
40:32Very good.
40:33Very good.
40:35Yes, brother.
40:36Greetings, sir.
40:37My wife is with me. Please come.
40:39Brother, is he doing the right job or just for fun?
40:43Sir, it's my cousin's marriage.
40:45Okay. Very good.
40:46She was happy.
40:47I had to do a lot of things.
40:51Sir, it's been 17 years since I got married.
40:53Very good.
40:53So, I have a question for my wife from your set.
40:56If she answers me..
40:57I was about to say that I apologize to her again
41:00on your behalf.
41:05Bandu, I think that he is saying that
41:07in 17 years, whenever there has been a fight,
41:11he has hit me.
41:13Sir, it's been 17 years since I got married.
41:16So, whenever there has been a fight in 17 years,
41:19I have apologized to her.
41:21She has never apologized to me.
41:22So, please apologize to me today.
41:25You are the best.
41:27Very good.
41:29You know what? I am looking at both of you.
41:31So, it's your turn.
41:34Give me the mic. Let me talk to my wife.
41:36Brother, you haven't apologized to her in 17 years.
41:40Ask her how many times she has apologized to her parents.
41:45Greetings. How are you?
41:46I am fine. Are you well?
41:48Yes, I am fine.
41:48So, brother is saying that he has always apologized to her.
41:51What does he do that he keeps apologizing to her?
41:54He just does his work in such a way that he doesn't apologize.
41:58I had a fight with Mr. Salim today.
42:00I told him that I will break his teeth.
42:03Mr. Agha said that teeth are 32.
42:06I said that I knew that you would say that.
42:08That's why I broke his teeth.
42:10I remembered the deceased here.
42:12I scolded him once for an act.
42:14I told him to do this and not that.
42:16He said that he would have told me if he didn't remember what his mother said.
42:20I asked him what did his mother say.
42:22He said that his mother told him not to break his teeth.
42:27Greetings, sir.
42:28Greetings, sir.
42:29I am Muhammad Iftikhar from Okara.
42:31So, I will sing something for the respect of my parents.
42:35Wow. Sing it.
42:36I love my father.
42:41He is my pride and joy.
42:48My mother is my pride and joy.
42:54I will always remember her.
43:01When I gave birth to you,
43:08the world stopped.
43:14Let go of the greed of wealth.
43:21Let's sit in peace.
43:26If your mother is not happy with you,
43:32what will you do?
43:38O beloved,
43:40serve me well.
43:45Don't worry.
43:50Very nice.
43:52Greetings, sir.
43:54Did someone cut your hair?
43:55How are you?
43:56I am absolutely fine.
43:59Mr. Salim is asking you if someone cut your hair.
44:02I have cut one part of my hair.
44:04I have kept the rest of my hair tight.
44:06I don't think I will be able to tie my tape.
44:11How are you, sir?
44:12I am fine. How are you?
44:13I am fine.
44:14What is your name?
44:15Muhammad Yusuf.
44:16What do you do?
44:18I am in the government.
44:19Are you in the government too?
44:20I think the government has closed it today.
44:23What have you brought today?
44:25Sir, I want to recite a poem.
44:27You want to recite a poem?
44:28Go ahead.
44:29A rose spends its entire life in thorns.
44:32Who says that flowers don't have sorrows in their life?
44:46He is our supervisor.
44:48He is our supervisor.
44:51But let's go to the show.
44:53I don't know why he doesn't want to come.
44:56If you want to go home early, why should I end the show?
45:03He says that it is my son's birthday.
45:05I have to clap to end the show.
45:11Ladies and gentlemen, this was today's show.
45:12We will meet you in the next show.
45:14Take care of yourself.