• 2 days ago
Hoshyarian | Haroon Rafiq | Saleem Albela | Agha Majid | Goga Pasroori | Comedy Show | 22nd Mar 2025


00:00Assalam-o-Alaikum, I am Haroon Rafiq and you are watching Hoshi Aariyan.
00:21Friends, there is a huge difference between humans and animals.
00:27Humans learn from history.
00:29They learn from the past and make the future better.
00:34One lesson that we should all learn from history,
00:37which we usually see that people do not learn from history,
00:40is that arguments, arguments, debates, never bring about good.
00:48If you want to argue with someone,
00:51if you want to argue with someone,
00:54the best way to do it is to say,
00:57this is my point of view.
00:59If someone thinks this is wrong,
01:02if someone has an objection to it,
01:04then it can be done in their place.
01:06But this is my point of view.
01:07Keep your other point of view.
01:08And let the public make this decision.
01:11This is the first thing.
01:12Second, avoid pointing fingers at people.
01:16It is said that when you point one finger at someone,
01:19three fingers are pointed at you.
01:21So it is better to remember,
01:24this happens on social media too,
01:26that arguments, arguments, debates, never bring about good.
01:32Strong criticism is very important.
01:35Research is born from it.
01:37But criticize in such a way that you give your point of view
01:40and sit comfortably.
01:42It is not necessary that you have to beat the other person with your words.
01:46Let's start today's show with this message.
01:48Let's take you to the market today
01:50and see the condition of the market.
01:54Tell me, what is the condition of the market?
01:57Brother, there is nothing.
01:58Then keep a good variety, keep good things.
02:00Brother, all new stuff.
02:02Look, nothing happens with new and old stuff.
02:04I am seeing that the quality of things is slowly getting ruined.
02:08No, sir, I have not given you.
02:09Look at the clothes.
02:10I have heard that you have made a new Agha Cloth House.
02:13Yes, yes, I have made a new one.
02:14I have worn it here.
02:15You had made it, I think in Multan.
02:17In Multan?
02:18Multan, there is my son.
02:19Why doesn't he sit there?
02:20He doesn't have a sister there, son.
02:22Brother, you go and sit there.
02:26Tequil, son, this is a quick sale.
02:28It will open in the evening.
02:30Brother, teach me some work.
02:31Give me some strength.
02:32Son, the most important work of a tailor is cutting.
02:35If you learn from someone, then I will also improve.
02:40Really, you have said a very good thing.
02:43This is the magic of cutting in tailoring.
02:45Son, the piece that I am cutting,
02:47which piece is it?
02:48This is the piece that I will save from this cloth.
02:53Brother tailor, what is the reason?
02:54Why don't you return the cloth that is left from the suit?
02:57What do you do with it?
02:58No, no, sister, we return the piece.
03:00You don't return it.
03:01Bangles seller.
03:02Yes, yes.
03:03Tell me, why are you selling these rat bullets?
03:05Sir, my real work is to sell rat bullets.
03:09Kill rats, kill rats.
03:11This is the season, sir.
03:12The last few days, he has been selling rat bullets.
03:14He has been selling rat bullets.
03:15Kill rats, kill rats.
03:16You have such a big mouth.
03:17The last few days, you have been making your elders bite you.
03:19Brother, he has almost become a tailor.
03:22Sir, he has come.
03:23Sir, say, Bismillah.
03:25Yes, sister Bismillah.
03:26Come, sit, sit.
03:27You have a cloth of Farshi Shalwar.
03:30Yes, yes, yes.
03:31Which colour do you want, sister?
03:32Show me Farshi Shalwar.
03:33What is Farshi Shalwar?
03:34This is a new trend, Mr. Haroon.
03:37What is that?
03:38On Instagram, only Farshi Shalwar is going on.
03:40Today, it would have been Farshtak.
03:42This trend was started by a model.
03:45After that, everyone started wearing it.
03:47Some people who cannot wear it,
03:48are wearing their elder brother's father's Shalwar.
03:51Look at this, sister.
03:53This is not Farshi, it is Akdi Shalwar.
03:57No, sister, this is Farshi.
03:58This is Farshi?
03:59Yes, yes.
04:00You don't worry at all.
04:01I guarantee you the colour of Borer.
04:04No, but in this, it will look as if the Shalwar is standing.
04:07The Shalwar is loose.
04:09Sister, this cloth is new, right?
04:11I will wear it once.
04:12It will be soft.
04:14It will be soft.
04:15The colour.
04:16Mother, I will show you the new cloth.
04:21Son, let me see the colour of your cloth.
04:24Are you sure?
04:25I am sure, mother.
04:35It is off.
04:36It is off.
04:37It is off.
04:38It is on fire.
04:40I will sit and watch.
04:41We have started our show.
04:42Show me the orange one, show me the orange and green one.
04:45Yes, this one.
04:46Sister, trust me, you will ruin the shop.
04:51Look at this.
04:53Son, this suits me very well.
04:55Yes, yes.
04:56It is off.
04:57It is off.
04:58It will suit me well.
04:59Okay, okay, one second.
05:00This one is looking very good.
05:01You can see for yourself.
05:02Show me the purple one.
05:03Madam, you also get that orange one.
05:05The colour will look good on you.
05:07Okay. One of this and then..
05:08Is he your husband?
05:10I am getting married on Eid.
05:12Okay. Buy one for him too.
05:13Get a grey one as well.
05:15I was talking about my liking.
05:17Ma'am, buy anklets and shoes as well.
05:18How does this look?
05:23What is this?
05:25Look here and ask.
05:27Look, ma'am.
05:28It's off.
05:30Get some water.
05:31How does it look?
05:33It looks good.
05:34But it doesn't have any variety.
05:36Come on.
05:37We liked it a lot.
05:38But we will find out later.
05:39Come on. Get up.
05:40New designs.
05:41New designs.
05:42New designs.
05:43Come, ma'am. Come.
05:47Buy anklets.
05:49First tell me.
05:50Will you have tea or juice?
05:52No. I am fasting.
05:54I won't be able to do it.
06:00Ma'am, you?
06:01I am fasting as well.
06:04You look exactly like my grandma.
06:08This is very nice.
06:09This is very nice.
06:12Grandma, look at this.
06:14Kolhapuri will look good with Farshi Shalwar.
06:17Okay. Show me the size.
06:19You will get the size?
06:21What is your size?
06:23You will get the size.
06:24Yes. Show me the size in both of them.
06:26Hey, you.
06:27Yes, grandma.
06:28This is number nine.
06:31Yes, grandma.
06:32Tea, Salmon, Plenty.
06:39Okay. Show me this one.
06:41Grandma, I will show you.
06:45Grandma, this is..
06:46Wow. This is amazing.
06:49Okay. This..
06:50You have legs. Walk and show me.
06:57No. I don't want to walk.
06:58I want to show you. This is a big size.
06:59No. If you don't walk and see..
07:01If you don't walk and see, you won't feel comfortable later.
07:04It's a different matter to walk and see.
07:06It's a different matter to walk and show.
07:08Okay. This one.
07:09Son. Son.
07:10Wear this one.
07:11This shiny one.
07:12This one is small.
07:13This one is very small.
07:14Okay. Okay. The size is well done.
07:16Platinum, number nine, small, Mariala.
07:21Do you have a red shoe? Red shoe.
07:24Hey, you..
07:25Hey, I will break it.
07:30You don't have any variety.
07:32I want to wear this one quickly.
07:33Variety? A lot of boys don't know about it.
07:36Your son thinks that he doesn't know how to work.
07:38I have kept it inside.
07:40Pink, pink, small, number nine.
07:46I am at the back.
07:48Why? What happened?
07:49I will leave it empty.
07:51What is this?
07:52What is this?
07:53He has thrown it empty.
07:54Daddy has thrown this.
07:56Daddy has thrown this.
07:57I think someone has cut his shoes and brought it.
08:00Order a big size.
08:02Son, this shoe..
08:03Hey, who has kept an empty box?
08:05Okay. This shoe.
08:07Yes, sir.
08:08Hey, pink, number nine, small, sandal.
08:11This is tight.
08:12Look at this.
08:15What is this?
08:16What is this?
08:17What is this?
08:18What is this?
08:19What is this?
08:20What is this?
08:21She ran away.
08:27I have kept a new shoe.
08:29The thing is that you don't have..
08:31He had a variety of shoes.
08:33You don't have a variety of shoes.
08:34There are a lot of varieties.
08:34You didn't let me find a boy.
08:36We will go ahead.
08:37Listen to me.
08:38Which one should I select?
08:40I have selected the pink one.
08:41You show me the shoe in this.
08:42Okay, you are done. I will keep it here.
08:44Let's go.
08:45Put the bangles in the bangles.
08:47Rats, shoot bullets.
08:48Rats, shoot bullets.
08:50We had given him a dress to stitch.
08:56Son, what have you done to my dress?
09:00Shakeel, where are you coming from?
09:02What work do you have?
09:03The food is spoilt, son.
09:05Get up.
09:07Get up.
09:07Get up. Come with me.
09:09What work do you have?
09:10Don't you have any work?
09:11Yes, sir.
09:12I have been doing this for an hour and a half.
09:13I have to do it at least 10 times a day.
09:20I had told you that I am getting married on Eid.
09:21And I want a suit on Chandrat.
09:23Where is my suit?
09:23Don't worry.
09:24Just give me five minutes.
09:25Your suit will be ready.
09:27In five minutes?
09:28You are witnesses.
09:29I will be back in five minutes.
09:30Ma'am, sit down.
09:31My bangles.
09:33Ma'am, sit down.
09:33You will have to go out after 15 minutes.
09:35Come on.
09:35You are too much.
09:39Show me your hand, ma'am.
09:41You show me.
09:41How dare you?
09:44Why do the bangles seller have rat poison?
09:47This is our question.
09:48He is saying that he sells rat poison all year round.
09:52So, he is trying to make it a season.
09:53Ma'am, these are for you.
09:55What kind of bangles are these?
09:59These are made of metal.
10:00These are not made of metal.
10:02These look like rubber.
10:05Ma'am, these are all made of metal.
10:08Don't do this, ma'am.
10:09Give me bangles without touching my wrist.
10:12Then come and give it to me.
10:14What is this?
10:16This is two and a half size of my wrist.
10:18Yes, ma'am. You can like the design.
10:21Show me green bangles.
10:23For you.
10:25My dress is orange.
10:27Put this sari on the side.
10:28Put this on the side.
10:29You have worn bangles on your feet as well.
10:32The suit of both my days is orange.
10:34There is a trend these days.
10:36Bangles look good up to here.
10:38Bangles up to here?
10:39Yes. First they are up to here.
10:41And then they start from here and end up here.
10:43You are right. They start from here.
10:45But they don't end up here.
10:48You have a lot of variety.
10:51But we will find out later.
10:52Put this on the side.
10:53Come on.
10:56Shakeel, give me five minutes.
10:59Where are their clothes?
11:00You have done a lot.
11:02Sir, no one has worn a suit.
11:03I am telling you. What have you done?
11:07You have given me five minutes.
11:09Sir, promise me.
11:11Wear a nice suit.
11:12Did you give me a suit?
11:13Yes, I am coming.
11:15Sir, they don't tear off the suit.
11:17They wear it as it is.
11:20Everyone's suit is torn.
11:24Your market is very cold.
11:26There are no customers here.
11:28Yes, there are no customers.
11:29The market will open after the iftar.
11:34Anna, listen to me.
11:37Listen to me.
11:38Please show me the clothes you showed me.
11:40I will buy it.
11:41No, I won't sell it.
11:43I won't sell it.
11:44No, I won't sell it.
11:44Yes, wear it. I won't sell it.
11:45I just want to check one thing.
11:46No, no, no.
11:47I will swear on you.
11:50No, I won't buy it.
11:51I will bring the money.
11:52No, I won't.
11:52Show me a few suits.
11:53Okay, show me.
11:54Show me.
11:55I will buy it.
11:56Here you go.
11:58Okay, show me this.
12:02You said this.
12:03Show me one more.
12:04Take this off.
12:05Yes, but show me this one first.
12:06Take this off first.
12:07No, just show me once.
12:09Sister, you just have to take it off.
12:12Show me the clothes.
12:13Sister, let me cut my nails first.
12:14It will take four minutes.
12:15No, no, no. First show me this orange one.
12:17This one?
12:17Yes, yes.
12:18Sister, I swear on God.
12:19It was very difficult to fix it.
12:20It has come to my throat.
12:21We will sew it. Just show me.
12:23What are you doing?
12:24Brother, I think this sari will look good.
12:26Can you drape it and show it to yourself?
12:29Yes, yes, yes.
12:30Wear it and show it to yourself.
12:31How will the sari look?
12:32How will the sari look?
12:33Sister, this is a cloth.
12:34Otherwise, it is not a sari.
12:36Look at this.
12:37What is this?
12:39It looks like a sari.
12:40Look at this.
12:41Hey, hey, hey.
12:44Son, this will look good on you.
12:46Okay, fine.
12:47Mom, I will wear this one.
12:49Okay, fine.
12:50Now finally show me this blue one.
12:52It's two.
12:53It's two. Now show me this blue one.
12:54First this one. I will cut it.
12:55No, no, leave this one.
12:56Show me the blue one.
12:57This one?
12:58Yes, that blue one.
12:59Yes, yes, this one.
13:01You are not color blind.
13:03This is blue and this is gold.
13:06Okay, I will..
13:08That one.
13:09Come here.
13:09How many suits do you have?
13:10That one. Sari.
13:11I will go to the next shop in five minutes.
13:13I will be back in five minutes.
13:14I will be back in five minutes.
13:16I will be back in five minutes.
13:17Sister, I am doing this on purpose.
13:18I am tired of your mother.
13:20Okay, you do one thing.
13:21I had told you about this pink shoe.
13:23Sister, I don't know where the shop is.
13:25I am going to keep it here.
13:26No, this pink shoe..
13:27No, sister. Trust me.
13:29You take it.
13:30You trust me.
13:31Sister, what happened?
13:32Did the shoe make you happy?
13:34Sister, look ahead.
13:35You give as much salary as you have.
13:38Put on bangles.
13:39You can't buy anything useless.
13:41There is a rush in the market.
13:43Thank God, there is a rush.
13:44Rush in the market.
13:46Here, take it.
13:47She is taking it.
13:48Kill him.
13:51There is a color guarantee.
13:53There is a color guarantee.
13:54It is not falling.
13:55There is a color guarantee.
13:56There is a color guarantee.
13:57Put on the bangles.
14:00Color is guaranteed.
14:03No, no, no.
14:03I can't hear you.
14:06I can't hear you.
14:06Let the colour come. Let the colour come down.
14:08Let the boredom come. Let the clothes come back.
14:10I can't make any promises.
14:11I don't know what to do.
14:14We need a brother.
14:15In the name of God.
14:15Listen to me.
14:17I should say this.
14:19No one has ever had a brother in their life.
14:22You should have a brother.
14:24You will have a brother in your 90s.
14:26That's what I am saying.
14:27You will have a brother in your 100s.
14:29Who likes a suit of Rs. 5000 in this season?
14:32Look at this.
14:33A suit of Rs. 5000 is worth Rs. 200.
14:34I will call and find out who is your brother-in-law.
14:38You like the shoes, don't you?
14:40Look at them.
14:41I don't like the plastic ones.
14:43I don't like the plastic ones either.
14:44We will send their dead bodies.
14:49I won't give you plastic shoes at home.
14:51No, no, no.
14:52Keep the suit like this.
14:53I don't like to wear it on my feet.
14:55Brother, make him understand.
14:57This is for kids.
14:59You want to buy clothes.
15:00You want to make me understand.
15:03How much is this for?
15:04Rs. 2500.
15:05We are finalising for Rs. 170.
15:06You are rich.
15:07Brother, I don't want to lose you as well.
15:10How much is this for?
15:12This is for Rs. 4500.
15:13Amtarya, you have brought a sale.
15:15Why are you saying this?
15:18Yes, sir.
15:19Do you know why I have kept you at the shop?
15:21Why, sir?
15:21I am very happy with you, son.
15:23You work from morning till evening.
15:25You don't hear the sound of the machine.
15:28Brother, look at this for me.
15:31What are you doing?
15:32Look at this, brother.
15:33I won't buy it.
15:35I won't buy shoes for him.
15:36This is a gift for you.
15:38You have never got this in your life.
15:40Where is the other foot?
15:41That is also a gift, brother.
15:44It has been a month since Amtarya got me a suit.
15:47This is a gift.
15:48Thank you, brother.
15:49No, no. It is a gift.
15:53Yes, yes.
15:54Is this free?
15:56No, brother.
15:57I am wearing a shifu's dupatta these days.
15:59I am wearing a tailor's dupatta.
16:00Give it to me.
16:01Give it to me.
16:01Who is wearing a dupatta with a suit, ma'am?
16:04I am wearing a dupatta without a suit.
16:06Brother, this is a new design.
16:08Believe me, this shoe is a new invention.
16:11If you wear a turban, it is mine.
16:15Brother, what are you doing?
16:17What else? You are Anna.
16:19I don't have this design.
16:24Brother, this is not the way to wear it.
16:26It doesn't fit.
16:29Yes, brother.
16:30Get out of here.
16:31Hey, son.
16:33Tell him to come to the market in the morning.
16:35Oh, no.
16:36Give me a pair of these.
16:38Go inside.
16:39Hey, son.
16:40Brother, do you have a suit?
16:42I thought a good customer will come.
16:43I will gift it to him.
16:45Brother, I have a suit.
16:47My father passed away eight days ago.
16:50But he didn't like it.
16:53Do one thing.
16:54Pack these shoes for me.
16:56It has been a month since he died.
16:57I will give you my suit.
16:59I will tear it.
17:00Yes, brother.
17:01If any customer comes to the shop..
17:03Okay, sir.
17:04..tell him that he has passed away.
17:05Okay, sir.
17:06Go, brother.
17:09Put the bangles inside.
17:10Put the bangles inside, sister.
17:11Prabha, where is your boss?
17:13Sister, what should I tell you?
17:15What happened?
17:16Uncle has passed away. He is there.
17:18Oh, my God.
17:19Uncle has passed away.
17:21Oh, my God.
17:22How did he pass away?
17:23He met with an accident, sister.
17:24Oh, God.
17:25It's been 15 minutes.
17:26Where is my suit?
17:30The tailor said that it will be ready in five minutes.
17:32Sister, we are in a lot of trouble.
17:33My aunt has passed away.
17:37Aunt has passed away?
17:37You said that uncle has passed away.
17:39Now you want to kill your aunt as well.
17:40Sister, both of them were in the same car.
17:41No, I mean, his aunt and his aunt passed away together.
17:44No, uncle has passed away.
17:47Brother, do you have a suit?
17:49Brother, there is no suit in the market.
17:52What will happen to my suit?
17:54I took it from the tailor and went home.
17:57Forget the tailor. Put the bangles inside.
18:03Jyoti, Joel, you guys think that I will close the shop
18:06or that I have passed away.
18:08Tell me, what should I finalize?
18:10Brother, it's Rs. 4500.
18:11You go to your uncle's funeral
18:13and I will go to my aunt's funeral.
18:15Why? I am not going to my uncle's funeral.
18:16You go there.
18:18Mr. Sadar, I was going to go there.
18:21I heard one of his aunt's words.
18:23I will break your teeth.
18:29Viewers, it's time for a short break.
18:31Don't go anywhere. See you in the break.
18:39Welcome back, viewers.
18:40Viewers, we have Tota and Madhari with us in the break.
18:43Let's talk to them and see how their Ramadan is going on.
18:51It fell inside.
18:53What happened to it?
18:54Get lost, you scoundrel.
18:55These are crocodile tears, not parrot tears.
18:59These are not crocodile tears, Mr. Arun.
19:02Don't say that.
19:04He is just making excuses.
19:07What should I say, Mr. Arun?
19:09I don't give anything to the one who is born.
19:12I don't give anything to the one who is born.
19:14I fast all day long.
19:18I think he eats it himself.
19:22It's nothing like that, Mr. Arun.
19:23People are eating it everywhere.
19:26Yes, of course.
19:27It's open. You can't eat it.
19:29What are you saying? It doesn't work.
19:30He is asking for a leave.
19:31Mr. Arun, see how dry my mouth is.
19:35Shut your mouth.
19:41Tell me, why is he asking for a leave?
19:43He is asking for a leave.
19:44He is saying that people are going to their homes.
19:45I am also going home.
19:46Which is your home?
19:48Mr. Arun.
19:50I also have a home.
19:52Where is your home?
19:53I also have small kids.
19:55Oh, you have been unfair to him.
19:57You have been unfair to him with your small kids.
19:59First tell him that I am married and I won't keep him.
20:03I am not married yet, Mr. Arun.
20:05He got married and went to Malaysia.
20:08You got married recently.
20:10Why doesn't the people know?
20:11No one knows about my marriage.
20:14She is a girl from Italy. I don't know.
20:18The bride is alone at home.
20:21Because of this idiot, I spent all my days with him.
20:25My wife was always alone.
20:27She goes to get food for the kids in the morning.
20:29She comes back at night.
20:31Now it's clear. I thought she was a parrot.
20:35Mr. Arun, tell me. What kind of justice is this?
20:39That I have to spend all my life with him.
20:43And when it's time for Eid, he doesn't let me go, Mr. Arun.
20:48Stop. Stop. Stop.
20:50Stop it. Stop it.
20:53Bring your wife and kids to him.
20:56Mr. Arun, he doesn't have a place for me.
20:58Where will he keep them?
21:00Bring them. Make a bigger cage.
21:02This was the real bride when I brought her.
21:04This was the real bride when I brought her.
21:11I think she will be responsible for six to seven days.
21:15What do you have to do on Eid if you want a holiday?
21:18There is a lot of fun on Eid.
21:21Everyone is eating on Eid.
21:23So you wake people up by playing pipa on Eid.
21:27I played pipa on Eid and they played me for an hour and a half.
21:31They said, what happened to you to play pipa on Eid?
21:33Then why were you playing at 9 am?
21:34I said, I have to go far.
21:37Mr. Arun, if I tell you the truth..
21:40I have to put a lantern in the portion on my face.
21:43I have to go back for that.
21:45You have to put a lantern on your butt?
21:47Yes. Yes.
21:48He is not building a house on trees.
21:50He is building a lavish house.
21:52Okay. Shall I tell you something?
21:53God has given him such a good understanding of architecture.
21:58He builds such a grand house.
22:00There is a bird which tells its mother to build a house.
22:05When it builds a house, it gives it three eggs.
22:08It covers the whole house.
22:11It leaves a place for the chicks to hatch.
22:14It lives inside.
22:16It lays eggs inside.
22:17There are babies and hatchlings.
22:20It feeds on the eggs.
22:21It throws the eggs from the place where the chicks hatch.
22:24The babies and wives keep eating.
22:26When they become strong and able to fly..
22:29..they hatch the nest and come out.
22:30Mr. Haroon, let me tell you something.
22:32I am a very progressive parrot.
22:34How is that?
22:35It is like..
22:36Yes, I can see that. You are here and he is there.
22:41Mr. Haroon.
22:42I build the house myself.
22:43I bring the chicks.
22:45Mr. Haroon, let me tell you something.
22:46I threw one of my kids out of the school.
22:50Because I couldn't pay the fees on time.
22:53Because he didn't let me go.
22:57Look, he has kept the fast chilled.
23:00He has a lot of energy.
23:02There is a special tree.
23:04It is called Arjun.
23:05The parrots make their nests there.
23:09What are you trying to say?
23:10You don't have Arjun's tree?
23:12No, I have Arjun's tree.
23:13But the birds have lost it.
23:15It has been banned.
23:16It can't be caught.
23:17It can't be sold.
23:19The government has imposed a fine on it.
23:22It is dying.
23:23The reason is that it has been hunted so much.
23:26They take care of it.
23:29But they don't know what to feed it and what not to feed it.
23:35What environment to keep it in and what not to keep it in.
23:37Look at yourself.
23:37It happens a lot.
23:39If you feel very cold, you turn off the AC.
23:42You live according to your nature.
23:43Sometimes you stand in the shade.
23:45Sometimes you bask in the sun.
23:46Similarly, they know about themselves.
23:48We don't know.
23:49If you feel hot, you put it in the AC.
23:53If you feel cold, you put it in the AC.
23:55People didn't know.
23:56You know that this parrot is so intelligent.
24:01It remembers for at least nine years.
24:07It remembers who it met, who raised it and where it lived.
24:12It recognizes the shopkeeper from which it was bought.
24:16There is something special about it.
24:18If you keep it in your cage,
24:22you can easily lock it.
24:26Or if you lock it.
24:27It can open it.
24:28Sir, it can easily open the lock.
24:30A thief's grandson can open it.
24:33I am telling you, don't catch it.
24:35If you catch a parrot like this, it will kill you.
24:36It will recognize you.
24:38Do you know that it can even open the lock by turning the key?
24:42Mr. Arun.
24:44If I tell you that my wife sent me the first divorce notice
24:48because of this man.
24:50The way he is talking,
24:52his vocabulary is like that of a 2-3 year old kid.
24:55Many times, parrots are so intelligent.
24:58They even abuse.
24:59Yes, they abuse.
25:06If the bell rings, it says who has come.
25:10The parrot caught a killer once.
25:14The parrot gave a statement in the court
25:17that the husband killed his wife.
25:21He shot his wife five times.
25:24And the parrot kept saying, don't shoot.
25:25By taking her name.
25:26By saying her nickname.
25:28Don't shoot. Don't shoot.
25:30But he did it.
25:30The people who came later, the police came.
25:32The parrot kept taking her husband's name.
25:35Don't shoot.
25:36And the court..
25:37Yes, the court accepted it.
25:39And he was punished.
25:42Can I give you one more offer, sir?
25:46If you take Malaika to the fair as a serpent instead of me.
25:50No, I won't take her.
25:51She will talk nonsense on my picture.
25:54Sir, if you don't listen to my demands,
25:57I will hang myself and commit suicide.
26:00No, he can't commit suicide.
26:02Should I commit suicide, sir?
26:04He can hang himself.
26:06Why did you tell him?
26:10Sir, why is the name of the parrot's necklace called Mian Mithu?
26:13If you have a parrot, don't call it Mian Mithu.
26:16You fool.
26:19Mr. Arun, show me a trick.
26:21Show me.
26:28Ladies and gentlemen, this is a small break.
26:30We will meet again after the break.
26:32Beware. Beware.
26:35Beware. Beware.
26:38Welcome back, viewers.
26:40Yes, Irza Khan.
26:40Mr. Arun, after iftar, the first sip of tea..
26:44Oh, wow.
26:45..feels like the soul has left the body.
26:48And then it comes back to the body with a new energy.
26:52The feeling of coming back..
26:54You have taken all the fun from the airways.
26:57And you didn't bring the toilet paper from the toilet.
27:00After iftar, the first sip of tea feels like the soul has left the body.
27:06Mr. Arun, when I see someone and I have to judge that person..
27:10..I don't look at their face, their complexion or their complexion.
27:13I look at the warmth of that person.
27:15And how much money does that person have?
27:18Okay, this person has a lot of warmth.
27:22He has a lot of warmth.
27:24All the perfumes that he has, all the policemen have broken them.
27:27He used to smoke because of that.
27:30Once the policemen came running from the corner.
27:32They said, don't touch me. They all ran away.
27:35The one who was standing there, he must have improved.
27:37Mr. Salim, the way you are losing your weight..
27:41..we will have to see you with a magnifying glass one day.
27:44One day, I will get paralyzed while walking.
27:47One person says, Mr. Salim, you are not going to die.
27:50You are going to die very soon.
27:54He is really like a rubber.
27:55He is not like a razor.
27:56The more you go with him, the more he dies.
27:59Rubber, razor..
28:01There is a razor.
28:03She is saying that the more you go with him..
28:05..the more he dies.
28:07She is talking about the razor.
28:08Okay, you are also very good in friendship.
28:12You start singing.
28:14Your thoughts are very trustworthy.
28:17Mr. Salim, has anyone ever told you..
28:19..that I want to die because of your love?
28:21A few days ago, he was telling me..
28:23..that a very young girl wanted to marry him.
28:26Yes, Mr. Salim, that's what happened.
28:28You met a fan of yours.
28:29She said that she wants to marry you.
28:31I said that this is my first marriage.
28:35Tell me the whole sentence.
28:36This is my first marriage.
28:37Do you have any objection?
28:40But she..
28:41She also said that I have had two marriages before.
28:43You have no objection.
28:45And when she asked why do you want to marry him..
28:48..he said that it is my hobby.
28:49I want to get married.
28:54You wanted to get married.
28:55And the girl said that she wants to marry him.
28:58She wants to marry him.
28:59Mr. Vicky, has anyone ever told you..
29:01..that I want to die because of your love?
29:04You just said it, ma'am.
29:07She said that she wanted to call Sakhi.
29:09She kept her clothes there and called me.
29:12But why?
29:13She knows that my skin is sensitive.
29:16Mr. Vicky, you were a lover in your youth.
29:20I am bored.
29:21I am still bored. Come and see me.
29:23He is right.
29:25He is right.
29:27Ankar, don't do anything. At least, try to keep your senses.
29:31Ankar, give me an answer.
29:35Mr. Haroon told me that I don't have to get angry..
29:37..because of the result.
29:40Mr. Agha, we eat very little in the Ramzan.
29:43We fast as well.
29:44And we eat very little.
29:45Two dates are left for the next day.
29:49Mr. Agha, we have opened a fast for our relatives.
29:52Now that we have gone home, we will never open a fast.
29:55Mr. Agha's height is so short.
29:58He would have refused if he had come.
30:03I can't tell you from a distance..
30:05..what kind of eyes Mr. Agha has.
30:07Okay, you..
30:08Yes, he has had an operation on his eye.
30:10He has had an operation.
30:11But you..
30:11It is a good operation.
30:12It is a little deep.
30:13And you can tell from a distance..
30:14..which eye he has had an operation on.
30:16Sir, the left one.
30:17How did you know that?
30:18Because there is a little bit of shyness in the right eye.
30:24And Mr. Haroon, he has put a 729 wire in his eye.
30:27729 wire?
30:29This is Mr. Bijli's eye.
30:30Yes, it has a green meter with it.
30:32I am giving it to him for free.
30:38Mr. Agha, we should have made one for both of you.
30:40One should have this much shyness..
30:42..and the other should have full shyness.
30:43How can we make both of them?
30:44We should make him like this.
30:48Mr. Agha, when are you calling your family for a fast?
30:51I don't know that.
30:52Oh, God!
30:54I don't know that.
30:55I don't know that.
30:56I don't know that.
30:57God is with me.
30:58I don't know that.
30:59Oh, God!
31:00I don't know that.
31:01Mr. Agha!
31:03And if we don't call the old team for a fast..
31:06..then we should call the new team.
31:09The old team has eaten Ras Malai alone.
31:11They will have to eat the whole house.
31:13Ras Malai..
31:14I just remembered that.
31:16Ras Malai..
31:16You ate it.
31:17Ras Malai was eaten by your best friend.
31:19If you would have kept it separately with me..
31:21..then I would have reminded you.
31:23No, I would have kept it separately with you.
31:25When will you have stones in your house?
31:29I was asking you to find it for me.
31:31You didn't find it for me.
31:32Remember that.
31:33Dear, you should have asked her to find it for everyone.
31:37I had arranged it openly.
31:39Mr. Salim, let's not talk about this.
31:40The small box of Ras Malai..
31:43..Arzoo and I have shared it.
31:45Okay, Mr. Salim said that..
31:46..go to the petrol pump and fill it up to 500.
31:49He also said that..
31:50..go to the petrol pump and fill it up to 250.
31:54Tomorrow she will come again.
31:55Did you shut down the shop?
31:57I will pay the shopkeeper little by little..
31:59..so that I don't have to beg.
32:01If I would have known that Mr. Agha didn't get Ras Malai..
32:05He didn't get it.
32:05I would have packed a lot of Ras Malai..
32:08..and asked Mr. Agha to open his mouth.
32:10I would have fed him so much.
32:12You didn't give me a little bit of it..
32:13..so that I wouldn't get full.
32:15Tomorrow I will order a big box of Ras Malai.
32:18No, Mr. Salim..
32:18Keep it there and open it later.
32:22I will order it. What's the big deal?
32:24It's not a big deal.
32:25Okay, fine.
32:26Tomorrow you will order Ras Malai.
32:28I won't come tomorrow.
32:31Anyway, you fed me Ras Malai.
32:32You made me eat sweets.
32:33Thank you very much.
32:34But Mr. Vicky, let's leave it at that.
32:37You made fun of me.
32:38Tell me the truth.
32:39You were such a passionate young man.
32:40Yes, tell me the truth.
32:42The world doesn't want to know.
32:43Tell me the truth.
32:45If you don't want to know, then I don't think it's necessary.
32:47No, no. You are a star.
32:49Mr. Haroon, everyone has a crush in their youth.
32:51Mr. Vicky, you..
32:52Don't talk to me like that.
32:56Mr. Vicky, what is the most romantic thing..
32:57..you have done in your life?
33:00I have kissed Puneela.
33:02What kind of romantic act is this?
33:04I have kissed my wife's first wife.
33:06I have seen her somewhere.
33:11Have you ever given flowers to someone?
33:13Have you ever kissed someone's roof?
33:14I haven't given flowers to these people.
33:17Okay, tell me.
33:19Which Indian actress do you like the most?
33:23You like Sridevi.
33:24Our people like her.
33:25She has got a Sridevi.
33:30You like Sridevi, right?
33:32Don't look at her.
33:33Have you ever seen your Sridevi?
33:36Okay, have you ever seen your lover's house's roof..
33:40..or have you ever seen her from the window?
33:41She has asked me everything.
33:44She will message me at night.
33:47Mr. Kaleen, he hides his secrets.
33:50He is very sharp.
33:50Yes, really.
33:51On the wedding night, when he picked up his wife's veil..
33:54..he jumped from the bed in fear.
33:57He said, listen, there is a rat in the room.
34:04And he is consoling his wife.
34:07I am not a clean shave.
34:10On the wedding day of the next day..
34:12..the groom's family said, sister..
34:13..you have got married in a good house.
34:14You have got a elephant's wedding.
34:16They said, no, sister, he is a brave elephant.
34:20Kaleen, my son is weak.
34:22He has married his wife.
34:24He has thrown the pot at his uncle.
34:27When Vicky got married, he started crying.
34:29He said, what happened?
34:30He said, I remember my first child.
34:34Brother Aafid used to wear a wig before.
34:36Yes, brother Aafid used to wear a wig before.
34:37He used to wear a wig before.
34:38He wore it after an incident.
34:40What incident?
34:41When he got married, on the wedding night..
34:43..when he picked up his veil..
34:44..what did his bride say?
34:46Father, throw your son.
34:50That's it.
34:53What did he do immediately?
34:55He looked at me and said, yes, father.
34:59It's not easy for Aafid.
35:00He looked at his mother and said..
35:02..brother, you get ready. I will be back soon.
35:05Vicky said to his wife..
35:06..God forbid, I die. What will you do?
35:08She said, I will be patient.
35:11And Mr. Salim's wife's mother said..
35:14I don't think it will take four days to get married.
35:21Viewers, we will take a short break.
35:22We will meet after the break.
35:39Welcome back, viewers.
35:40Yes, Irza Khan.
35:41Now it's time to go to the audience.
35:43Come, let's go.
35:45My name is Hina Salim.
35:47I want to recite a short poem in the name of my teacher.
35:50Yes, please do.
35:51I saw Feroza in that person's eyes.
35:55I saw the shine of his bright inner self.
35:57I saw the prominence of his character.
36:01A glimpse of Khaki in Hazrat Adam.
36:03He told me how the art of an artist..
36:07..is born from the strength of his feelings.
36:10He taught me how a person..
36:13..takes pride in his work.
36:18The sky takes the steps of people.
36:21Very good.
36:22Very good.
36:23Very good.
36:24Very good.
36:26What do you do? Do you teach?
36:28Yes, I am an assistant professor.
36:29We salute you.
36:31Thank you for your service.
36:34Next. Who is next?
36:36Greetings, everyone.
36:37Greetings. Only you.
36:38My name is Zoha Chima.
36:40As you all know, it is the month of Ramadan.
36:44I would like to say a couplet in that context.
36:46Go ahead.
36:46Salat is not performed by bowing your head.
36:49It is also important to bow your heart for worship.
36:53Very good.
36:55Very good.
36:56Mr. Haroon.
36:56Very good.
36:57Mr. Haroon.
36:58I would like to say a couplet related to his couplet.
37:01Yes, go ahead.
37:02If you bow with a pure heart..
37:03..then what is the use of bowing..
37:06..when the Kaaba is at your feet.
37:10Very good.
37:11Very good.
37:12Very good.
37:12Did you remember any couplet from this?
37:15My sister.
37:18Very good.
37:18Next. Next.
37:21My name is Dr. Naeem.
37:23And I am working as an assistant professor.
37:26I would like to say a couplet related to Ramadan.
37:29It is beautiful.
37:31It is very interesting.
37:32Try to understand.
37:34What is this?
37:37It is deep.
37:39It is deep.
37:39It is a deep thing that you have said.
37:41Do you have an interest in poetry?
37:45Yes, a little.
37:46Which poet have you read more?
37:47Parveen Shakir.
37:49And apart from him, Amjad Islam Amjad.
37:53Both of you have taken great names.
37:56I mean, I think..
37:57..the atmosphere was very dull regarding women.
38:00There have been many women in the history of E-One..
38:04..who have written columns in the name of men.
38:06They have written books in the name of men.
38:08They have written poetry in the name of men.
38:10And they have sent a man to write poetry..
38:13..that people do not accept.
38:15And people are praising him.
38:17But he is not getting it.
38:18So the first star of freedom..
38:21..who opened his lips and came in front..
38:24..and closed his teeth and paved the way for the coming women..
38:27..was Parveen Shakir.
38:34My name is Rizwan Ali.
38:35So what have you brought today?
38:37I will recite a poem of Shahzad Ahmed.
38:39Will you dedicate it to anyone?
38:41No, I will not dedicate it to anyone.
38:42Are you sure?
38:42Yes, absolutely.
38:43What is it that looks at its own picture?
38:46What is it that looks at me?
38:50In my insult, they are also equal.
38:52What is it that narrates my stories to my friends?
38:55What is it that looks at me from a distance..
38:58..and shakes my hand even though I am close to it?
39:02When I died of thirst, I got up.
39:05When I died of thirst, I got up.
39:08When I died of thirst, I got up.
39:10If you have courage, then show it to the world.
39:14What is it that lifts this storm in a bowl?
39:17I am nothing to you, but at least tell me..
39:20..what comes to your mind when you see me?
39:23The magic of your voice will not work on them.
39:26Shahzad, what awakens those who are awake now?
39:30Very nice.
39:32The words were good.
39:33What do you eat that is spreading day by day?
39:40Yes, sir.
39:41Greetings, sir.
39:43Sir, my name is Waqar Munawar.
39:45What do you do?
39:46Sir, I am a rider.
39:48Sir, a rider should have a big light behind his motorcycle.
39:53Yes, of course.
39:53Because they ride on the roads day and night.
39:55The light of the bike is also not good.
39:56Some bikes do not have a light.
39:59This is a big..
40:00The owners should..
40:01No, the biggest problem is that all the people sitting here..
40:06..raise your hand honestly..
40:08..that the people who ride your bike..
40:11..when they bought the bike for the first time..
40:13..when they came to you..
40:15..who among you did not remove the side view mirrors..
40:18..that he still uses to ride his bike?
40:22Raise your hand.
40:24None of them.
40:24None of them.
40:26They risked their lives..
40:28Son, you ride a bike..
40:30..and you have side view mirrors.
40:32Give him a mic.
40:33Give him a mic.
40:34Okay, what I wanted to say is that..
40:37..those glasses are the guarantee of your life.
40:41They are your medicine.
40:42Like you take your blood pressure medicine daily.
40:45Or any medicine that keeps you alive.
40:48It is a life-saving thing.
40:50First of all, they get it removed.
40:52No doubt.
40:52After that, your lights and brakes..
40:55..these are the things that save your life.
40:57They are switched off.
40:58The helmet..
41:00..you wear it out of fear of the police..
41:03..when it is going to save your life.
41:06All the people who ride a bike..
41:08..they should go to Jinnah hospital..
41:11..or to the general hospital..
41:14..and see those people in an emergency..
41:17..who were riding a bike without a helmet.
41:19So, it is very important to do all this.
41:21It is for you.
41:23But Mr. Haroon, the problem is that..
41:25..when someone has an accident..
41:28..even after that, when they ride a bike..
41:30..they don't think about these things.
41:32This is absolutely right.
41:34But, sir, the second thing is that..
41:36..you should wear the side mirrors.
41:38Yes, of course.
41:39If you stand in the lane and go inside for two minutes..
41:41..and come back, it doesn't happen.
41:42Yes, this is absolutely right.
41:44It is very easy.
41:46You can do it with your teeth.
41:49The boys are standing there.
41:50It is done.
41:51Are they speaking?
41:52They are wearing bangles.
41:54I am not doing it.
41:56It is like how we used to show movies to kids in the olden days.
41:59Yes, he is doing it.
42:00Only the person who has done it himself can do it.
42:04That's it.
42:04Sir, look at him.
42:05Wow, brother.
42:06He looks beautiful.
42:07He has two mirrors in his house.
42:10Okay, I asked the audience..
42:13..there are many men sitting here..
42:15..who have their side mirrors on.
42:18Who didn't wear them?
42:19One of our sisters is sitting here.
42:21She said that she rides a bike..
42:23..and she has her side mirrors on.
42:26Tell me your name, dear.
42:28My name is Hamnani Saar.
42:29I am a student of Amphil Food Technology.
42:31You have those mirrors on.
42:33Yes, sir.
42:34Because I think it is a necessary thing for you.
42:37Because when you ride a bike..
42:38..you have to turn back and see.
42:40So those side mirrors tell you from behind..
42:43..who is coming from behind.
42:45So that your focus is on the front..
42:47..and you don't have to tilt back.
42:49If you tilt back and see..
42:50..you can have an accident within a fraction of a second.
42:52So I think it is a necessary thing..
42:55..that you should have on your bike.
42:56It is said that precaution is better than cure.
42:59So it is better to take precautions..
43:00..so that you can avoid big accidents.
43:02There is a mantra..
43:04..it is better to prevent and prepare..
43:06..than to repent and repair.
43:08Not only do we have a lot of applause for you..
43:11..but we also have a gift for you.
43:14Thank you so much.
43:16Okay, we have brought a gift for her.
43:18You have given a great message.
43:20Thank you so much.
43:22And everyone should learn from this.
43:24Very good.
43:26You were riding a motorcycle..
43:27..and you got a helmet.
43:28I thought you are a patient.
43:31It is not necessary to wear a helmet.
43:33You have to close its strap.
43:35Because if you don't close it..
43:37..it will come out first.
43:39And after that what will happen..
43:41..that is God's will.
43:42You can't see that scene.
43:44May God forgive us.
43:46May God keep everyone safe.
43:49And those who are hospitalized..
43:51..whenever I pass by a hospital..
43:53..I pray that may God keep everyone safe.
43:56Many mothers, sisters, brothers, women..
44:00..and many fathers are silent..
44:03..for whom people are praying..
44:05..that they should get up and talk to us..
44:07..only because of a helmet.
44:09So this is a good message from us.
44:11And everyone should learn from this..
44:13..so that you don't have to go through that.
44:14Thank you very much.
44:16Mr. Agha had ridden a motorcycle.
44:17He stopped and asked for a helmet.
44:19He said, I have one.
44:22This is possible.
44:23We found out after he cut his tooth.
44:28Viewers, this was today's show.
44:29We will meet you in the next show.
44:30Take care.
