00:002023 proved to be a banner year for Cora McFarrell as he founded CF Bloodstock.
00:08He's hoping for more success this year as he operates out of his newly acquired Copper
00:12Beach Stables.
00:15Last year was the first year consigning under CF Bloodstock, it went really well, so this
00:20year is a much bigger year, more horses, more pressure, but exciting, yeah.
00:29The dream is to produce a champion, you see these guys like Willie Brown, Conor Murnayne,
00:35Norman Williamson, Eddie O'Leary, you know I can't name them all but they've produced
00:39Group 1 winners, that's the dream.
00:42I met Douglas Taylor, god I don't know how many years ago but we've gone on and had a
00:48lot of luck together, myself and Douglas, and we hatched this idea to buy a place together,
00:55I couldn't have done it without him.
00:59What a place, I pinch myself every day with the excitement, I never thought I'd be in
01:07a place like this, never.
01:09Hopefully it's just going to keep going in the right direction, it's a lot of pressure,
01:15this place wasn't cheap and it all has to be paid for, but I think we've got an incredible
01:21bunch of horses this year.
01:23We had 13 or 14 breezed up horses last year, we have 30 this year, so it's quite a jump.
01:33We have a good team here which make it possible to deal with those numbers.
01:38I'm quite a stickler for confirmation and that's not simple to do.
01:43If I had any amount of money to spend I'd go for a gorgeous horse, well put together
01:49before anything else.
01:52I think in terms of the breezed ups you need a bit of stallion power, just look for a horse
01:56that catches my eye, that tells me he wants to be a racehorse.
02:00Brackenstaff looks really good, he was so exciting from the word go, he was a big raw
02:05horse and we mined him, we did very little with him the whole way through because we
02:09were allowing him to just fit into his frame.
02:11The way the horse is produced and their performance at the sale and going forward beyond the sale
02:18is a reflection on how we produce them.
02:21There's no point in getting a horse to breeze really fast and the trainer getting him and
02:24saying, this horse is so rank, he's unrideable, that would be no good for business.
02:31So we do a lot of flat work with them, they all ride very nicely, that's key to the whole
02:38I won't completely get away from the point of pointers because obviously Douglas stands
02:44a couple of very nice National Hunt stallions but I prefer the global market of the breezed
02:51It's such a vast global market and it seems to be very strong at the moment, hopefully
02:58that relays into the breezed up sales.
03:02So the breezed ups have proven to be an unbelievable source of good horses and let's hope it continues
03:08to be that way.
03:10So I'm excited to be part of it, I hope I can live up to some of the guys that have
03:15gone before me and do as well as they have.