00:00It was just about six weeks ago that I stood in this exact same place and caught up with
00:09Frankie DeTorre and Mike Smith, and lo and behold, we have another Italian right here
00:14at Santa Anita.
00:16Antonio, tell us what led you to come here.
00:19Well, I've always been following American racing, but since, unfortunately, in my country
00:26the racing is not having a great time, you know, so I wanted to make a move.
00:33I'm very ambitious and I thought American racing could be a good move.
00:38So you come over specifically riding for Doug O'Neill, but you've been here not even two
00:44You've already won five races.
00:46I've been blessed, lucky.
00:47Even on the dirt.
00:48I mean, lo and behold, an Italian can ride on the dirt.
00:53Well, in the last seven years I was riding a lot of dirt races in Dubai, so let's say
00:58I have an advantage because of that.
01:01So who's your agent?
01:03My agent here is Tom Canust.
01:04Good guy.
01:05He's a good guy.
01:06I think he's working really hard and I got this winner because of him, you know, he put
01:11me on the right horses at the right time, so it's very nice to work for him and let's
01:16see what the future holds for us.
01:18How's this over here?
01:19Because we ride a little lighter over here.
01:21You hungry yet?
01:23Yeah, you know, it's a long time I didn't have any pasta and pizza, so...
01:27So you joined a gym, right?
01:29Yes, I have a gym right next to my house and I go pretty much every day.
01:36You want to do some push-ups?
01:38Come on.
01:40Come on.
01:41With top touch?
01:44How many?
01:45Not too many.
01:46I need to ride another three.
01:51Thank you so much.
02:01At Santa Anita Park, the Hollywood meet rolls on.
02:05We have a 1 p.m. post on Preakness Saturday with the gates opening at 7.15 a.m. for simulcasting.
02:12Don't forget the $1,500 Preakness Steaks Challenge.
02:15Learn more at