FTS 8:30 15-10: UN Security Council supports continuation of its mission in Lebanon

  • 17 hours ago
FTS 8.30
*Venezuelan govt. reaffirmed its willingness to mediate in the peace process in Colombia
*Commander Laura Richardson affirms Argentina-U.S. relations are made of iron
00:00The UN Security Council unanimously endorsed on Monday the continuation of the United Nations
00:15interim force for Lebanon, UNIFIL.
00:20Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro reaffirmed the availability of the executive branch to
00:25act as mediator in the peace processes in Colombia in the face of a possible coup d'etat
00:30against the government of Gustavo Petro.
00:34And the commander of the United States Southern Command, Laura Richardson, said on Monday
00:38that the U.S. relationship with Argentina is made of iron.
00:44Hello, welcome to From the South, I'm Luis Alberto Matos from Tresur Studios in Havana,
00:54Let's begin with the news.
01:14The UN Security Council unanimously endorsed on Monday the continuation of the United Nations
01:18interim force for Lebanon, UNIFIL.
01:21This decision represents a major setback for Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's
01:25demand in the withdrawal of the force.
01:27Israel received a barrage of worldwide criticism when it became known that its occupying army
01:32forces had wounded several members of UNIFIL.
01:36The UN Peacekeeping Chief, Jan-Pierre Lacroix, explained that the Council had expressed unanimous
01:41support for the mission in Lebanon.
01:44The Zionist Premier accuses them of cooperating with the Lebanese resistance, but human rights
01:48activists point to him for wanting to eliminate any witness to the genocide perpetrated by
01:53his forces.
01:54I would like to emphasize that this was a decision that was very carefully considered
02:00based on a number of elements and criteria.
02:03Of course, safety and security of the peacekeepers is a paramount priority, but there are a number
02:09of other elements and one of them is the responsibility that we have and UNIFIL has in regard to the
02:17mandate that was given to it by the Security Council.
02:20It's a security council.
02:22Heavy fighting has been raging since early Tuesday morning on the southern border of
02:26There, the resistance is keeping at bay the Zionist troops that have made several attempts
02:32to penetrate the territory through the Raftallin area.
02:35Occupiers artillery is supporting the genocidal troops by shelling residential areas of Al-Taibeh
02:39and Deir al-Zayan, but the combat on the ground is more complex.
02:43A few hours ago, Hezbollah issued a statement confirming that in the midst of their struggle
02:47in defense of the Palestinian cause and in support of their armed resistance, they are
02:51confronting the Zionist infantry.
02:54The Israeli regime committed four new massacres against Palestinian families in the Gaza Strip,
03:02leaving more than 60 people killed and 220 wounded in the last 24 hours.
03:08According to health sources, several victims are still on the robo and on the roads, so
03:13they warn that death toll could increase.
03:16They also warn that since the beginning of the Israeli aggression in October 2003, more
03:21than 42,300 Palestinians have been killed and 98,684 others have been wounded, mostly
03:30women and children.
03:31According to the estimates of the medical authorities, some 10,000 people are still
03:35missing on the robo and have not been rescued, so the number of dead could be higher.
03:44In addition, about 50 Palestinians were arrested by the Israeli regime in the occupied West
03:49The increase in arrests is concentrated in the governorates of Bethlehem and Jenin, as
03:54well as in other Palestinian localities.
03:56In this regard, the Palestinian Prisoners' Society and the Committee for Detainees and
03:59Former Detainees Affairs denounce that the Israeli occupation is advancing its operations
04:04during detentions by subjecting the victims and their families to harassment and threats.
04:14And the Euro-Mediterranean Observatory for Human Rights confirms that more than 400,000
04:20Palestinians living in the north of Gaza could die of hunger and thirst, denouncing the serious
04:25situation in the refugee camps.
04:27Jabalia, Beit Hanoun and Beit Lahaya are the areas of refuge for displaced persons most
04:32besieged by the famine imposed by the occupation.
04:36Constant shelling by the occupying forces has prevented the entry of humanitarian missions
04:39for the past 10 days.
04:41Hundreds of Palestinians faced with the difficult situation to which they are subjected, especially
04:46children, and the elderly, decided to go to a collection center on Monday, which hours
04:50later was bombed by the genocidal army, killing 10 people.
04:59In Cuba, people marched on Monday to condemn the genocide perpetrated by the Israeli government
05:04for more than a year against the Palestinian people and other Middle East nations.
05:08In this way, the devastation caused by the coverage of the youth union of Cuba denounced
05:12the complicity of Washington in the Zionist onslaught that has caused more than 42,000
05:18deaths in the Gaza Strip, most of them women and children, and more than 2,000 in Lebanon.
05:23In the capital, Havana, participants marched from the MartĂ­ Forte to the Anti-Imperialist
05:28In the rest of the country, there were open tribunes to demand the end, without conditions
05:34or delays, of the Israeli escalation in the Middle East.
05:39In the capital, there were open tribunes to demand the end, without conditions or delays,
05:44of the Israeli escalation in the Middle East.
05:51Palestinian student Manuel Al-Tamina, Secretary of International Relations of the Communist
05:55Youth Union of Cuba, Minister of Brossard, and the Palestinian doctor graduating Cuba
06:00Watan Jamil Al-Abed, emphasize Cuba's historic solidarity with the Palestinian cause.
06:05I have been here for five years, and we feel that Cuba has been like a second home for
06:20The Cubans have been very supportive of us.
06:25The case of Palestine has been like a case of theirs.
06:29They don't give many opportunities to express to the world what Palestine is suffering.
06:36This march is part of the activities being promoted by the Young Communists Union of
06:45the country, which has been taking place throughout Cuba, rallies, meetings, denunciations, training
06:51processes and talking to our people to raise awareness, especially to give a lot of information
06:56about the Palestinian cause, with courses, drawings, messages from our Cuban children
07:02to the Palestinian children.
07:04We have a responsibility given to us by a revolution, by a humanist project and by our
07:09commander Fidel Castro Ruz, to feel deeply any injustice committed in any part of the
07:16As Che taught us, in this case, it is an injustice committed in Palestine by the Zionist State
07:21of Israel in complicity with the United States.
07:25Once again, Cuba is not indifferent to the accelerated and televised genocide that we
07:38are living today in Palestine.
07:40Cuba once again shows its solidarity with the Palestinian people in the streets.
07:46In spite of the difficulties, the rains, the changes that have been made, we were finally
07:51able to achieve this march.
07:54More than 60,000 people from Havana gathered.
07:57Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok, at Televisual English,
08:01where you will find news in different formats, news updates and much more.
08:06We'll be right back, stay with us.
08:25Welcome back.
08:32In Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro reaffirmed the availability of the executive branch to
08:37act as a mediator in the peace processes in Colombia in the face of a possible coup d'Ă©tat
08:42against the government of Gustavo Petro.
08:44During his program Con Maduro Más, with Maduro more than in Spanish, the Venezuelan head
08:50of state recalled when Venezuelans intervened in the peace negotiations in Colombia under
08:54the government of Juan Manuel Santos.
08:56The Venezuelan president reiterated that Venezuela will always be willing to support and accompany
09:01the dialogue processes in Colombia, assuring that the welfare of Colombia is the welfare
09:06of Venezuela.
09:15We received the request from President Petro to help in the peace in Colombia, and we are
09:21helping, always with prudence.
09:24I do not practice microphone diplomacy, nor does the Venezuelan foreign minister Iván
09:29Gil practice Microsoft diplomacy.
09:33You will never see a statement from me or the foreign minister or a Venezuelan official
09:38on the internal politics of Colombia.
09:41So I am evaluating this proposal, and if we assume it, and the Colombian society, the
09:48Colombian government agrees to be mediators so that there is no coup d'Ă©tat in Colombia,
09:54we would do it with the greatest prudence, the greatest love and the greatest tranquility.
10:01What I can tell you is that Caracas has its doors open.
10:05Caracas, the cradle of BolĂ­var, the creator of Colombia, the founder of Colombia, the
10:11liberator of Colombia.
10:13Caracas, the cradle of BolĂ­var, is open for there to be a dialogue in due time so that
10:21there is no coup d'Ă©tat, so that the constitution is not violated.
10:25Because if it goes badly for Colombia, it goes badly for Venezuela.
10:30And if it goes well for Colombia, it goes well for the both of us.
10:33Because we are brothers, so we are evaluating.
10:37And as soon as we evaluate the proposal made to me, which is very complete, very serious,
10:44very professional, we will make an official statement.
10:48The Venezuelan president condemned the recent statements made by the former president of
10:51Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, in which he stated that the criminal sanctions policy
10:56of the United States on Venezuela is very soft.
11:00I regret very much that he has taken the worst path against Venezuela, that he is the architect
11:12of the destruction of the historical relation between Colombia and Venezuela that existed
11:17in the past.
11:18Brother peoples, Juan Manuel Santos in Colombia is not worth half a peso.
11:23He is a failed politician.
11:26He is a man who can't go out to the streets.
11:29Nobody wants him.
11:31When he does this, it is because, look, there is a lobby that pays a lot of money, and they
11:36call him.
11:37There is a lot of money on Venezuela to try to harm our country, to hurt the historical
11:42relations between Venezuela and Colombia that we have revealed between President Petro and
11:48And now they are flourishing, buoyant, the economic, political, cultural, diplomatic,
11:53educational relations between Venezuela and Colombia.
11:57Nobody is going to damage them.
11:58Juan Manuel Santos, you are not worth half a peso in the Colombian politics.
12:03So I don't even ignore you, Juan Manuel Santos.
12:07Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced changes to the general staff of the Bolivarian
12:11National Armed Forces in order to continue to guarantee the independent security and
12:15peace of the country.
12:16The Venezuelan head of state informed the ratification of General-in-Chief Vladimir
12:21Padrino LĂłpez as Minister of People's Power for Defense and General-in-Chief Domingo
12:26Antonio Hernández Lárez as head of the Strategic Operational Command.
12:29On the other hand, Maduro announced the appointment of Mayor General Johan Alexander Hernández
12:34Lárez as General Commander of the Bolivarian Army and Admiral Ashraf Andel Hadi as Commander
12:41of the Bolivarian Navy.
12:42The Bolivarian President thanked the outgoing officers for the fulfillment of their responsibilities
12:47and wished success to those who hold the new positions.
12:57In Ecuador, 14 of the 16 pre-candidates aspiring to the presidency in the 2025 elections have
13:02already secured their names on the ballot.
13:04The National Electoral Council affirmed on Monday that the voting schedule is moving
13:08forward without inconvenience.
13:10Among those confirmed are the current president, Daniel Novoa, who took office in November
13:142023 after the early departure of Guillermo Lasso, and now seeks re-election for a full
13:19four-year term.
13:21It was also confirmed the candidacy of Luisa González and her partner Diego Borja, who
13:25are running for an electoral alliance between the Citizens' Revolution Movement, led by
13:29former President Rafael Correa, and the Total Renovation Movement.
13:38The Government of Ecuador also announced the intensification of power cuts to address the
13:42energy crisis after failing to recognize the hydrological deficiency.
13:45The Minister of Energy and Mines, Inés Manzano, indicated that the power cuts will be implemented
13:51from October 14th to the 20th for up to 10 hours.
13:54Manzano excused that the measure is due to the low water levels in the Mazar Reservoir
13:59as part of the consequences of the drought that is affecting the country, although the
14:03power cuts were implemented before the announcement of hydrological deficiency in the main reservoirs
14:08of Ecuador.
14:09In a general report, the military entity, together with the electric corporation, warned
14:13that the blackouts could last until the year 2025.
14:39Welcome back.
15:00The commander of the United States Southern Command, Laura Richardson, said on Monday
15:04that the U.S. relationship with Argentina is made of iron.
15:08Senator Richardson also affirmed that the trip to China by President Javier Mele does
15:11not generate a problem because it is a sovereign decision.
15:15During this period, Argentina sought to strengthen its ties with the United States, adopting
15:18economic and diplomatic policies that favor U.S. interests.
15:22This approach included Argentina's participation in U.S.-led peacekeeping missions and the
15:26adoption of neoliberal economic reforms that were welcomed by the U.S. government.
15:36During Argentina, the Bicameral Commission for the Oversight of Intelligence Agencies
15:42and Activities will have a sub-commission to investigate the illegal interrogations
15:45to which many of the people detained during the protests against the base law were subjected.
15:49The decision was taken unanimously last week by the members of this body, chaired by the
15:54radical MartĂ­n DustĂł, national senator of Argentina.
15:58In the last few days, victims of the agents' actions have testified and, as of this Tuesday,
16:03deputies who were sprayed with a powerful paper spray will give their testimonies.
16:12The Peruvian Public Ministry reiterated its request for 20 years in prison against former
16:16President Alejandro Toledo in the intra-Oceanic case.
16:20The former president is accused of receiving millions of dollars from a Brazilian company
16:23in exchange for allowing them to use the tunnels of the southern intra-Oceanic highway during
16:27his administration.
16:29Prosecutor José Domingo Pérez ratified that the guilt of the former president is
16:34He recalled that Toledo accepted that the late Israeli businessman Joseph Maiman, the
16:38main beneficiary of the bribe, paid the mortgage of his house.
16:42Toledo also faces charges for the Odebrecht and Ecoteva cases.
16:56In Mexico, the plenary of the Chamber of Deputies approved in general the amendment
17:01to the General Law of the Electoral Institutions and Procedures in order to issue the secondary
17:05laws of the reform to the federal judiciary.
17:07The reform was approved by 336 votes in favor by the Morena, PT, BVM parties and 123 votes
17:16against by the PRI, PAN and MC parties.
17:19The reform defines the preparation of the election, the call for elections, nomination
17:25of candidates, election date counting and summation, allocation of positions, qualification
17:30of the election, declaration of validity, as well as the electoral campaign with emphasis
17:34on citizen participation.
17:41On Monday was presented the report Data that Hurts Us, Networks that Save Us.
17:45The study was presented by the Mesoamerican Initiative of Women Human Rights Defenders
17:51and reveals that 200 activists have been murdered since 2012.
17:55The extensive report also records more than 35,000 aggressions.
17:58The study states that 8,926 women defenders and 953 organizations have been target of
18:06The authors of the initiative affirm that this violence has collective impact as it
18:09sends intimidating messages to those who dare to challenge the patriarchal order and fight
18:14for social justice.
18:20We have come to the end of this news brief.
18:22You can find this and many other stories on our website terrestrialenglish.net, so join
18:26us on social media, facebook, x, instagram, telegram and tiktok.
18:30For Terrestrial English, I am Luis Alberto Matos, thank you for watching.
