FTS 8:30 16-10: W.H.O. denounces humanitarian crisis in Lebanon

  • 6 hours ago
FTS 8.30
*Pres. Maduro confirms his attendance at the swearing-in ceremony on January 10, 2025
*PM of Pakistan receives Heads of States at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization meeting
00:00The UN denounced that the population of the Gaza Strip is facing the worst restrictions
00:15on human journey since the beginning of the war a year ago.
00:21President of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro confirmed that he will be sworn in on January 10th as
00:25president-elect for the 2025-2031 term.
00:31And Pakistan hosts the 23rd meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, chaired
00:35by Prime Minister Shabazz Sharif, who is also the current chairman of the organization.
00:44Hello and welcome to From the South, I'm Luis Alberto Matos from the Deleuze Studios in
00:48Havana, Cuba.
00:49We begin with the news.
01:09On Tuesday, the UN denounced that the population of the Gaza Strip is facing the worst restrictions
01:14on human journey since the beginning of the war a year ago.
01:17The spokesman for the United Nations Children's Fund, James Elder, said the situation for
01:21children is worse every day than the last.
01:24He kept declaring that the amount of human journey sent in August to the Gaza Strip was
01:28the lowest in a month since the war broke out, and added that there have been several
01:33days over the past week when no trucks were allowed in.
01:36Elder stressed that earlier in the year, when the UN feared famine in the Gaza Strip, there
01:40was a real pressure to open new routes and new access points.
01:43However, it is the opposite nowadays.
01:52In Lebanon, the ongoing Israeli shellings in the capital Beirut and southern regions
01:57killed several people.
01:59On Tuesday night, the Zionist army attacked the town of Qana, killing at least 15 people
02:03while 15 others were wounded.
02:04The devastated southern Lebanese town still remembers the 1996 Israeli artillery bombardment,
02:10which killed at least 100 civilians sheltering a UN compound.
02:14In another attack on Wednesday, at least five people were killed, including the mayor of
02:19the town of Nabatyeh, after Israeli airstrikes hit two municipal buildings.
02:28And as of September 17th, at least 72 employees of the World Health Organization were killed
02:32and 43 were injured in Lebanon.
02:35According to the organization of the 207 health centers located in the conflict-affected
02:39areas, a hundred are currently closed, while stocks of medicines and medical workers are
02:44running low.
02:45Also, the Rochelle Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean, Hanan Balkhi, described
02:49the situation in Lebanon as alarming and stressed that attacks on health facilities prevent
02:53several districts from receiving health services when they are most needed.
02:58According to the Lebanese Ministry of Health, as of October 3rd, the escalation of the conflict
03:02between Israel and Hezbollah left almost 2,000 dead, including 127 children and 261 women,
03:08and about 9,400 women wounded.
03:15And the Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Arraqchi arrived in Jordan, where he held a meeting
03:20with his counterpart Ayman Zafari aimed at promoting peace in the Middle East.
03:24At the gather held in the Jordanian capital Amman, the top officials discussed efforts
03:29to end the crimes and aggressions of the Israeli regime against Palestine and Lebanon.
03:34The Iranian Foreign Minister previously traveled to Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iraq,
03:38among other countries, and plans to travel to Egypt and Turkey as part of his country's
03:43diplomatic rapprochement with the nations of the region seeking to coordinate actions
03:47to achieve peace in the Middle East.
03:59In the Panama Canal, the Infrastructure Authority reported on Tuesday the number of ships transits
04:13fell by 29 percent this last year compared to the previous one due to the drought.
04:18According to data provided by the Panama Canal Authority, 9,944 vessels passed through the
04:24waterway during the 2024 fiscal year.
04:28That figure represents a 29 percent decrease compared to the previous fiscal year when
04:3240,080 vessels passed through the Panama Canal.
04:37The Authority also reported in a press release that 17-plus cargo passed through the canal
04:43than in the previous year.
04:49And the President of Brazil Luiz Inácio da Silva presented on Tuesday a legislative
04:53project to strengthen the legal framework with penalties for environmental crimes.
04:58According to a government statement, the President sent to the National Congress a bill that
05:02alters Law No. 9-9605 of 1998 to increase the penal and administrative sanctions derived
05:11from conducts and activities harmful to the environment.
05:15The bill plans to change into prison penalties those that, up to now, could be replaced by
05:19paying fines.
05:20This initiative stems from public pressure following the wave of forest fires that Brazil
05:24has experienced in recent weeks.
05:32On Friday, October 18, Cuba will present the ninth report to the Committee on the Elimination
05:36of Discrimination Against Women in Geneva, Switzerland, as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
05:40of the Caribbean nation announced.
05:44According to the information, this exercise will be carried out in accordance with international
05:48commitments and the political will of the Cuban government for the advancement of women.
05:52The Caribbean nation will present itself with undeniable progress in the protection and
05:55promotion of all human rights for all people, particularly women and girls, and with necessary
06:00tools to address the challenges identified in this area.
06:10Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on Tik Tok, at TelevisiĂłn English,
06:13where you'll find news in different formats, news updates and much more.
06:18Stay with us.
06:21Welcome back.
06:42President of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro confirmed Tuesday that he will attend next January 10th
06:46to be sworn in as president-elect for the 2025-2031 term, after officially receiving
06:51the invitation from the Board of Directors of the National Assembly of Venezuela.
06:54The president informed this from the 4F barracks in Caracas, where he headed the act of transmission
07:01of the high command of the general commands of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces.
07:04In this context, the head of state publicly confirmed that he received the date of invitation
07:08and that he will formally attend the fulfillment of the oath according to the Constitution.
07:14I have already received the invitation from the Board of Directors of the National Assembly
07:27to be sworn in as constitutional president for the period 2025-2031, next January 10th
07:36before the federal legislative palace, before the sovereign of Venezuela, and I publicly
07:43confirmed that I have received the letter of invitation and that I will formally attend
07:47the fulfillment of the constitutional oath according to the Constitution, before whom
07:54the winning candidate is sworn in, once promulgated by the electoral power.
08:00This Wednesday, a high-level Venezuelan communications team arrived in China for a series of meetings
08:05with media and government representatives.
08:07The delegation is headed by Communication Minister Freddy Náñez, Deputy Communication Minister
08:11Yohan Gil-RodrĂ­guez, and Telesur President Patricia Villegas.
08:15The delegation will remain in Chinese territory until October 20th.
08:18From there, they will travel directly to Russia to take part in the BRICS Forum,
08:22one of the most awaited events of this year.
08:29And the president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, signed the Indigenous Authorities Decree,
08:35which establishes the rules for indigenous peoples in environmental matters
08:38and the development of their competencies of their authorities.
08:42In a ceremony at the Casa de Nariño, President Petro said that the regulation will grant
08:47indigenous communities the same power that regional autonomous corporations have
08:50and will establish effective coordination with other authorities and state entities.
08:55On the other hand, Petro also mentioned the upcoming Biodiversity Summit COP16
08:59to be held in Cali.
09:01He affirmed that this is perhaps the most important international event that Colombia has ever held
09:06and that only the People's Republic of China will send 300 representatives.
09:17No one can teach any Colombian and any institution in Colombia, in Latin America,
09:24how to build the vital balance between human beings and nature.
09:30More than the indigenous peoples of Colombia and the Americas,
09:35so this decree promotes indigenism.
09:40We have signed with the President of the Republic the decree that establishes
09:44the indigenous authorities as environmental authorities for their people and their territory.
09:49We could liken this measure to the justice that they already have,
09:53and therefore this exercise of environmental authority over their territories and populations
09:58becomes complementary and concurrent with the exercise of the environmental authorities
10:03and the national environmental system.
10:06In Argentina, the General Secretary of the Student Center of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters,
10:11Luca Bonfante, stated that at least in 100 public university students
10:15are carrying out some kind of ongoing protest action.
10:18In this sense, Bonafante expressed that at the moment there are more than 100 faculties occupied
10:23and that in these occupations there were assemblies, public classes,
10:26and that this situation would continue for the next few days.
10:29During the week, students from the Faculties of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmacy
10:33of the National University of San Luis,
10:35as well as the universities of Lujan, Tucumán, Rosario, Catamarca, La Plata, Salta and La Pampa,
10:41also joined the protest.
10:49The Government of Argentina finally sent to Congress the Leaf Litter Bill,
10:55proposed by the Minister of Deregulation and Transformation of the State, Federico Struzenegger,
11:00which aims to eliminate 70 laws established in the country.
11:03Struzenegger defended this action, stating that the law promotes legal certainty
11:08and removes obstacles to personal development and the development of the country as a unit.
11:12Among the laws to be repealed are 8 laws from 1951 to 1983,
11:17established under the presidential mandates of Juan Domingo PerĂłn and Estela MartĂ­nez de PerĂłn,
11:23and also under the leadership of Juan Carlos Ongani, Alejandro NanĂşs and Reinaldo PindĂłn.
11:31The National Federation of Secondary Education Teachers in Uruguay
11:35has gone on a 48-hour strike to reject the government's education reform and budget cuts.
11:40As part of the mobilization, the union members occupied several learning centers in Uruguay
11:45and capital, forcing them to suspend their classes.
11:48During the two-day strike, there will be mobilizations, internal assemblies and meetings
11:53with parents and students. A march along the D.S.C. Ocho de Julio Avenue
11:57is also expected on Wednesday, 16th morning.
12:07We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube channel
12:11at TELESURINGLISH, where you will be able to rewatch our interviews, top stories, special broadcasts
12:15and some more, hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell
12:19to stay up to date on the world's most recent events.
12:22Thanks for joining us. We'll see you in the second part of our show.
12:25Until then, thanks for watching.
12:27We'll see you in the second part of our show.
12:29Until then, thanks for watching.
12:31We'll see you in the second part of our show.
12:45Welcome back.
12:46Pakistan hosts the 23rd meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
12:50led by Prime Minister Shabazz Sharif, who is also the current chairman of the organization.
12:54The SCO, founded in 2001, supports key delegations from new member states
12:58such as India, Russia, Iran and China, which will hold the presidency in 2025.
13:04The aim is to foster security, economic and political cooperation across Eurasia.
13:08Before meeting for the formal proceedings, Sharif received the leaders and staff of the member states.
13:13The Prime Minister opening the meeting highlighted the government's ongoing efforts
13:18to eliminate terrorism and overcome a severe economic crisis.
13:22Other SCO members include India, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
13:35In the United States, a recent poll conducted by the Hispanic Federation and the Victoria Latina Foundation
13:40indicates that Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris
13:43leads Republican candidate Donald Trump by 56% with 31% among Latino voters in seven key states.
13:50Poll released Tuesday shows that the Democratic nomination has sparked enthusiasm
13:54among Hispanics in key swing states.
13:56According to the poll, Harris leads in each of the seven swing states
13:59with February ratings in each state ranging from 54 to 58%.
14:04In addition, this poll conducted October 2nd
14:10shows that 60% of respondents are more interested in voting in the election after Harris' arrival.
14:23And also in the United States, Boeing factory workers staged a large demonstration in Seattle
14:27on Tuesday to demand better wage deals.
14:29This strike was made as a way of increasing pressure on new CEO Kelly Oetwerk
14:34to end a bigger strike that has plunged the aircraft maker further into financial crisis.
14:39Factory workers declared that the recent 17,000 job cuts announced by the company
14:43would not deter them from continuing to fight for higher wages and improved pensions.
14:48Washington state's top congressional Democrats added pressure on Boeing,
14:52calling on both sides to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.
14:58Unless we gave up our pension, stagnated wages, took a massive cost shift on health care,
15:05let's not forget the sacrifices our members have already made
15:09to secure the jobs right here in our communities
15:12for our members, those that follow, and everyone else.
15:17The UN warned that nearly 3 million people have fled Sudan after 18 months of warring
15:22and still growing exodus, with 25,000 people fleeing to neighboring Chad
15:26in the first week of October alone.
15:28Mahmoudou Dian-Balde, UN Sudan's regional refugee coordinator,
15:33stated that the 3 million mark will likely be crossed in the next two to three weeks.
15:37He also pointed out that the fact that the figure approaches 3 million
15:41is a disaster directly linked to the increasing brutality of the conflict.
15:44War has raged since April 2023 between the Sudanese army under the country's de facto ruler,
15:50Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and the Parliamentary Rapid Support Forces
15:54led by his former deputy, Mohammed Hamdan Daglo, and it left tens of thousands dead.
16:03For the Sudanese, because of the brutality of the conflict,
16:09because of really the brutality, the intensification of the conflict,
16:13in less than 18 months, we have almost 3 million people.
16:17These are refugees, asylum seekers, South Sudanese nationals, for example,
16:22who have gone back home.
16:24So we're facing perhaps the biggest protection crisis we've seen in recent decades.
16:29That's Sudan today, unfortunately.
16:32And the government of Zimbabwe requested to join the BRICS bloc of countries
16:36with the purpose of boosting the economic development of that African nation.
16:40In the words of the Minister of Publicity and Information and Broadcasting,
16:43Gianfan Musuere, Zimbabwe shares many historical ties with most of the BRICS country,
16:48the organization that can also be a platform for them as a country in terms of trade and industrial growth.
16:53The official also stressed that the current global media landscape is marked by a series of challenges
16:57dominated by westernized narratives fueled by disinformation.
17:02The next BRICS summit, Kazan 2024, will be attended by delegates from 30 countries,
17:07including approximately 24 heads of states.
17:15October 16 marks the 71st anniversary of the history will absolve me, Fidel Castro's historic self-defense plea
17:22in the trial for the assaults of the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de CĂ©spedes barracks
17:26in Santiago, Cuba and Bayamo, respectively, on July 26, 1953.
17:31On October 16, 1953, at the trial of the Moncadistas for the assaults on the Moncada
17:36and Carlos Manuel de CĂ©spedes barracks, Fidel Castro assumed his defense
17:39and that of the rest of the assailants.
17:42This defense was later turned into a book entitled History will absolve me.
17:46On June 18, 1954, from prison, Fidel Castro wrote this to his comrades,
17:51Melba Hernández and Jaique de Santa María,
17:54and one of the most important letters in the history of Cuba in which he asked them to
17:58distribute his plea for self-defense, in which he described the six main problems
18:02affecting the Cuban people in the 1950s.
18:10We have come to the end of this newsbrief.
18:12You can find this and many other stories on our website, Televisual English,
18:15internet, join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok.
18:20For Televisual English, I'm Luis Alberto Matos. Thank you for watching.
18:28Transcribed by ESO. Translated by —
