Met Office Thursday Afternoon Forecast 19/09/2024

  • 2 days ago
National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00One more fine day for most of us before the weather really starts to change, certainly
00:06across the South. It's not fine and glorious everywhere though today. This is the satellite
00:11picture taken first thing. You see quite a lot of clouds been drifting in through the
00:15night to grey start over East Wales, the Midlands and Eastern England, parts of Eastern Scotland.
00:20That cloud is fairly stubborn. It is now clearing from parts of Wales and the Midlands, but
00:25I suspect parts of Lincolnshire, East Yorkshire down to the East Midlands and northern parts
00:30of East Anglia may just stay pretty gloomy all day and always the risk of this har and
00:35fret on the coast too. But for most places it is going to be a fine day, hazy sunshine
00:40at times over Wales and North West England, but plenty of blue sky for most of us. Bit
00:44of a breeze blowing across the South, but it's here where we'll see the highest temperatures
00:49I suspect maybe up to 25, perhaps even 26 in and around the London area. Where it stays
00:54cloudy temperatures are going to struggle and particularly on this East Coast with a
00:57bit of a breeze, we may not get above the low teens. But again, Western Scotland doing
01:02OK for some warmth as well and Northern Ireland in the sunshine here, high teens or low 20s.
01:07When you compare the temperatures to average, you can see that zone across the South in
01:11the sunshine, but also many Western areas well above average, whereas the East close
01:16to or particularly on the East Coast a few degrees below average. And that's mist and
01:22a low cloud will tuck back in overnight and actually the clouds going to get thicker tonight.
01:25So there's a greater chance of it producing some light rain and drizzle too on coasts
01:30and hills over North East England and Eastern Scotland. For most it will be a dry night.
01:34In the West it stays largely clear, but elsewhere we will see that cloud coming back in. That'll
01:39keep the temperatures up quite a warm night across the South, 14, 15 degrees, whereas
01:43with the clearer skies over Western Scotland and Northern Ireland, certainly rural spots
01:47will be down to single digits. So a coolish start here, but another cracking day with
01:52plenty of sunshine. Elsewhere, again, a bit of a grey start and then we start to see the
01:56change as the cloud breaks in the South, bringing some sunshine for a time that is then likely
02:02to spark some heavy showers come the afternoon over East Anglia initially, but then spreading
02:06over to parts of the Midlands, Wales and especially southwest England in this zone, particularly
02:12come the afternoon. Some heavy downpours are expected, thunderstorms, hailstones possible
02:18as well. The East Coast again stays fairly cloudy and as a result quite cool. Again,
02:23Western Scotland doing OK for sunshine, 19, 20 Celsius here. We'll get over 20 degrees
02:28in the South when the sun's out, but we do have to watch out for those heavy thundery
02:32showers and we do have a Met Office yellow warning placed for thunderstorms. Not everywhere
02:38in the yellow warning is going to catch a downpour. That's the area at risk. They are
02:43going to be hit and miss, but where we do see them, they are likely to cause some problems,
02:47particularly through the evening rush hour, the M4, the M5, before they slowly start to
02:52fade during Friday night. Mist and low clouds starts to pull back inland again over Northern
02:57England and Eastern Scotland during Friday evening as well. And we've got a similar kind
03:01of weather set up that we've had for much of the week, but we're seeing the low pressure
03:05now just pushing up from the South. The high pressure further north is clearing away and
03:09that means we're going to see more showers across the South on Saturday. And again, some
03:13heavy and thundery downpours are likely. Tricky to, again, pinpoint exactly where, but we
03:20could see a couple of bands just spinning up through the course of Saturday across the
03:24Midlands, East Anglia, South East England, South Wales, South West England. That's the
03:28zone most at risk. Further north, it's a similar story. The easterly wind bringing a lot of
03:32clouds to North East England, Eastern Scotland, bit of drizzle. But the weather set fair again
03:37across Western Scotland. That is the place to be this weekend and a fine day by and large
03:41for Northern Ireland. But in the South, the potential again for those thundery showers.
03:46Again, when the sun's out between the showers and it won't rain all day, temperatures should
03:50get into the low 20s. Again, quite cool on some of those North Sea coasts. But again,
03:56those showers could cause some problems during Saturday. A broader area, again, not everywhere
04:01in this area we'll see those thunderstorms. It's a thunderstorm warning, but like on Friday,
04:06lots of lightning, hail and the potential for some very heavy rain at times as well.
04:10Do keep up to date with the forecast and check those warnings out for yourself there on our
04:15app and on our website. Of course, if you're watching this on YouTube, don't forget to
04:18hit subscribe. And our full weekend forecast will be available on YouTube by Thursday afternoon.
