Met Office Wednesday Afternoon Weather Forecast 11/09/24

  • 2 days ago
11 September - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Still 11 days until the equinox but it's definitely big coat weather out there.
00:05Chilly winds, some sunshine, but plenty of showers as well. Here's the bigger
00:10picture, the view from space. Satellite image showing this large stripe of cloud.
00:14There's a large area of high pressure over here way out to the west but we're
00:19being controlled by this low-pressure system which is bringing in the winds
00:23behind it down from the north or the northwest. And this speckle here, well
00:28they're showers that are feeding in down through the Irish Sea into
00:31northwest England. That's going to continue to drift south across the
00:34Midlands but there's plenty of showers developing elsewhere also. Not too many
00:39for South Wales, southwest England, parts of eastern England may escape dry and
00:43certainly this afternoon much of southeast Scotland will be dry as well.
00:47But elsewhere be prepared for showers to come and go throughout the day. They'll
00:50chug through pretty smartly because of that brisk wind but that brisk wind is
00:54bringing the chill. Temperatures really struggling 12, 13 at best across the
01:00north, maybe 15, 16, 17 in the south. But add on that wind and it feels colder,
01:06feels more like single digits for many. So yes a real chill out there today. It's
01:11going to get cold overnight as well. Still plenty of showers around for this
01:15evening's rush hour. So yes lots of spray and surface water on the roads. One
01:19minute it's dry, the next you're in a downpour. But generally the showers will
01:23ease certainly across the Midlands, much of eastern England, southern Scotland,
01:26southern England will have a dry night. And with clear skies and as the winds
01:31ease a touch with the cold air in place, temperatures are really going to tumble
01:35down to 5, 6 degrees in most towns and cities. Rural areas will be not far off
01:40or even particularly across the north a little bit below freezing. So yes a chilly
01:45start to Thursday. Should be some sunshine around though for many. A
01:49sparkling start over southern Scotland, eastern and southern England. There will
01:53be showers again tomorrow particularly across north and west Wales, northern
01:57parts of Northern Ireland, northern Scotland. But not as many tomorrow for
02:00southwest Scotland, northwest England looking a bit drier. Come the afternoon
02:03a few across southwest England and the odd one over the Midlands and eastern
02:08England as well. But generally not as many showers as today. A bit more in the
02:12way of sunshine and the winds will be a little bit lighter tomorrow. They're
02:16still coming out from the north so it's still cold air. So temperatures are still
02:19going to struggle. Most places again struggling to get into the teens across
02:24the north, maybe 15 or 16 further south. But with the winds being a bit light it
02:28will probably feel a little bit less cold tomorrow. But it's going to get cold
02:32again on Thursday night in particular and temperatures are below average. These
02:38are the numbers for Thursday comparing them to average significantly below for
02:42the time of year. So yes there are real chances that it's going to get cold on
02:46Thursday night as well. Still a few showers around on Thursday evening but
02:49they will tend to fade. The winds will ease down further. We'll have clear skies
02:53so even more likely to see temperatures down to pretty close to freezing on
02:58Friday morning. But then we'll start to see a bit more of a change. That high
03:02pressure down to the west will start to build in across the southern half of the
03:07UK. But low pressure is still in control further north. Some wet and windy weather
03:10likely across Scotland, particularly so on Saturday. But high pressure dominating
03:15to the south bringing quite a lot of fine weather here actually for the end
03:18of the week. And it will also bring some milder air. So we've got the colder air
03:22in place at the moment but as this high topples in and the weather comes more in
03:26from the west we will see temperatures rising slowly but surely through the
03:30weekend and into next week. So yes it is pretty chilly out there at the moment
03:35but something a bit warmer on the way through the weekend and for next week.
03:39For more details on that you can catch our 10-day trend. That'll be available on
03:43our YouTube channel by Wednesday afternoon.
