Met Office Monday afternoon afternoon weather forecast 03/06/2024

  • 2 days ago
June 03 - National weather forecast presented by Alex Burkill.
00:00Hello, very good day to you. It is going to be a bit cloudier for many of us through the
00:04rest of today than it was over the weekend, but at least it is looking largely dry, at
00:09least for now. We do have a decaying cold front lying across some northern parts of
00:13the UK. This is bringing some thicker cloud and a few spots of rain, but there's a waving
00:18feature out to the west of us currently that's going to come towards the UK and then make
00:22its way southeastwards as we go through Tuesday, bringing rain to many parts and there could
00:27be some heavy bursts, perhaps even the odd rumble of thunder as this pushes its way through.
00:32The other thing that's worth noting with this feature is the fact that behind it we're going
00:36to have much cooler air coming in, so temperatures are going to be dropping. It's going to be
00:40feeling markedly cooler as we go through this week. Back to the here and now though, and
00:44as we go through the rest of Monday, like I said, it's looking largely dry. Where that
00:48front is lingering, quite a bit of cloud across southern parts of Scotland, northern England,
00:52perhaps Northern Ireland too, and a few spots of rain are possible, but to the north and
00:56south of this, it's looking mostly dry. There should be some bright sunny breaks breaking
01:00out across central southern parts of England at times, but perhaps the greatest chance
01:04of some sunshine will be across much of Scotland, albeit a few blustery showers towards the
01:09far north of Scotland are possible as well. Where we get any sunshine, we're still in
01:13that warmer air, so temperatures rising quite nicely. High teens, low twenties, highs of
01:18around 21, 22 Celsius perhaps for both eastern parts of Scotland and towards the south where
01:23we get any decent sunny breaks. Now as we go into the evening and overnight, it is going
01:28to stay mostly dry for many of us. Still a few spots of rain where that front is, but
01:33most of us staying dry. There will be some clear breaks, but on the whole quite a cloudy
01:37picture and then later on as we go through the early hours of Tuesday morning, it is
01:41going to turn wet initially across parts of Northern Ireland, but then some western parts
01:45of Scotland, northwest England, maybe parts of Wales starting to see some rain arriving
01:50as well. Because of the cloud and the rain that's coming through, I'm not expecting temperatures
01:55to drop a huge amount, generally staying in double figures. Some places in parts of Scotland
01:59towards the northeast where we have some clearer skies may just about drop into single digits.
02:04So a mild start for many of us tomorrow morning, but it is going to be a bit of a wet one for
02:09some towards parts of Scotland, Northern Ireland, northwest England and Wales. There'll be outbreaks
02:13of rain pushing their way through and like I said before, there could be some heavy bursts
02:18mixed in. You can see some yellows, some oranges on the rainfall showing that there
02:22could be some intense downpours for a time as it makes its way southeastwards. In the
02:27south southeast, it's going to stay dry through much of the day and by the time any rain arrives
02:32here as we go into the afternoon, it will have really broken up. So just a few light
02:36spots possible, but on the whole a pretty fine picture. To the northwest behind that
02:41front as it pushes its way southeastwards, we're going to have something a bit brighter,
02:45but like I said also a bit fresher and so there will be quite a contrast in temperatures
02:49tomorrow towards the northwest. Temperatures peaking in the low to mid teens Celsius towards
02:54the southeast, still just about getting into those low twenties. 22 Celsius looks quite
02:59likely around the London and southeast area, especially where we cling on to that sunshine
03:03for that little bit longer. That front will continue to push a little bit further southeastwards
03:08as we go through tomorrow evening and behind it then more showers feeding in, especially
03:12across parts of Scotland. Some of these could be heavy, possibly even thundery, and with
03:16that cooler air that's coming through, we could even see something a bit wintry, some
03:19sleet, some snow possible over the highest ground. That's not unheard of for this time
03:24of the year. We get some wintriness over the Scottish mountains in early June every three
03:30to five years or so, but a little bit unusual perhaps, especially after the warmth that
03:35many of us had over the weekend. What's to come later on this week? Well, it is going
03:39to be markedly cloudier than it has been of late. That being said, I'm still expecting
03:43some sunshine to break through. Most of us will see a bit of rain at times, some showers
03:47or longer spells of rain, perhaps the wettest weather though towards more north northwest
03:51and parts. And like I mentioned, we do have that cooler air pushing its way through, so
03:55temperatures are going to be that little bit lower. If you want more information about
03:58what we can expect, Annie will have our week ahead forecast available on our YouTube channel
04:03later on this afternoon. Otherwise, I'll see you again soon. Bye bye.
