Met Office Friday Afternoon Weather Forecast 07/06/2024

  • 2 days ago
07 June - National weather forecast presented by Alex Burkill.
00:00Hello, very good day to you. There will be some showers or perhaps even some longer spells
00:05of rain for quite a few of us as we go through today and into the weekend. Also some dry
00:09and at times bright or sunny weather. But there is a bit of a fresh feel to things at
00:14the moment and we can explain that if we look at the bigger picture. There's an area of
00:19low pressure just to the north of us and yes, a couple of fronts which are bringing some
00:23showery rain at times. But it's the position of this low that means we're dragging in our
00:27air from the north-northwest and that's allowing for some cooler, fresher air to make its way
00:32across much of the country. And that's why temperatures are generally a little bit below
00:36average for the time of year. Yes, not feeling too bad in any sunshine, but not feeling especially
00:41hot. And as we go through the weekend, there's not really going to be any drastic rise in
00:46our temperatures. So staying a little bit below average for early June. If we look at
00:51the details though, as we go through the rest of Friday, plenty of showers around across
00:56northern parts of the UK. Some of these will be heavy, possibly thundery, could be some
01:00hail mixed in over parts of Scotland and they're going to be quite blustery too. There could
01:05even be a little bit more sleet or snow over the highest peaks of the Scottish mountains.
01:10One of those fronts that I mentioned earlier is gradually making its way southwards, bringing
01:13some showery rain across parts of southern Scotland into northern England, perhaps Northern
01:17Ireland too. But to the south of this, across much of central southern England and Wales,
01:22yes, a few fluting showery bursts perhaps, but on the whole largely dry and we should
01:27see some bright or sunny spells developing as well. In the sunshine, like I said, not
01:31feeling too bad. Temperatures high teens, low 20s, perhaps a little bit cooler further
01:35north, just about staying in low to mid teens. And especially with the blustery winds here
01:40and any downpours from the showers, it will feel well, it won't feel much like early summer.
01:46As we go later on, we're going to continue to see more blustery showers piling in across
01:50parts of Scotland. A front does gradually make its way southwards, taking the focus
01:55for the thicker cloud and outbreaks of showery rain more into central parts of England and
01:59Wales. To the south of this even still, a few showers are quite likely, but many places
02:04staying generally dry. The thickest cloud looks like it will be where we have this front
02:09lying across central parts as we go through the early hours of Saturday morning and also
02:13across northern and western parts. That's where it's likely to be cloudiest. Some eastern
02:17areas with a bit more shelter and where we get the clear skies are going to turn a bit
02:21fresh, perhaps even a bit chilly. Similar to some recent nights, temperatures quite
02:25widely, low double digits into single figures, perhaps even low single figures where we get
02:30any prolonged clear spells across eastern parts of Scotland, maybe northeast England.
02:35Even towards the southeast, it could turn a bit fresh. Some places could get a touch
02:39of grass frost first thing tomorrow morning. Otherwise, as we go through tomorrow, we are
02:43going to see the cloud and outbreaks of rain across central parts of England and Wales
02:48making their way southwards, clearing away and behind it then some brighter skies, some
02:52sunnier skies developing as we go into the afternoon across more central parts here.
02:57Otherwise, plenty of showers again across parts of Scotland. Still a blustery theme
03:02to these and there could still be some heavy ones, possibly some hail and some thunder
03:06mixed in with them. Across Northern Ireland, Northern England, a few showers perhaps, but
03:10generally dry, perhaps a bit brighter, sunnier than it will be through Friday. All the time
03:15in the sunshine, it's worth bearing in mind the sun's pretty strong at this time of year,
03:19so it will take away from the fact that we have that fresher, cooler air across the country.
03:24So feeling pretty warm nonetheless, but temperatures are going to be a bit below average for the
03:30time of year. Do always be aware that UV levels are going to be pretty high, and so even if
03:35it doesn't necessarily feel that warm, you could get caught out by the sun. As we go
03:40into Sunday, and whilst across southern areas it's going to be a perhaps fresh, chilly start,
03:45but a bright one, we are going to see thickening cloud from the north, so many areas turning
03:50cloudy as we go through the day, and that's because we have a system pushing its way southwards
03:53and that's going to bring some outbreaks of rain, particularly across parts of Scotland,
03:57but then pushing into parts of Northern England, Wales and across Northern Ireland too. Perhaps
04:01could be a little bit heavy at times, but none of it looks especially heavy, and behind
04:05it then more blustery winds coming down from the north, and so that's why we're going to
04:09keep with that fresher feel because of the direction of our winds, and there could be
04:12some showery bursts following in as we go through the afternoon. Like I said, we're
04:16keeping with that fresher feel, so temperatures not rising a huge amount, fairly similar to
04:21what we're expecting through both Friday and Saturday, just about getting high teens, low
04:26twenties towards the south where we cling on to a bit more sunshine. Whatever your plans
04:30are as we go through this weekend, make sure you stay up to date with the forecast. You
04:34can do that by subscribing to our YouTube channel. I'll see you again later. Bye bye.
04:39Bye bye.
