Met Office Thursday Evening Weather Forecast 25/07/2024

  • 2 days ago
25 July - National weather forecast presented by Alex Burkill.
00:00Hello again, very good evening to you. A bit of rain for some of us as we go through the
00:04end of today, then plenty of showers to come before the week is over. However, starting
00:09off looking at the air mass, and you can see we are dragging in our air from the west and
00:14that's not a particularly warm direction, which is why temperatures, well, they're not
00:18too shabby for the time of year. It is feeling warm in any bright sunny spells, but nothing
00:24extremely hot for now, at least. Looking at the detail though through the evening and
00:29like I say, some rain still to come across parts of the south east, could be 10-15mm
00:33in some places, but that clears through as we go through the start of the night. And
00:36then there will be some more showers feeding in across western parts of Scotland in particular,
00:41some western parts of Northern Ireland, maybe western fringes of England and Wales as well,
00:45but elsewhere largely dry picture as we go through the early hours of Friday morning.
00:50Some clear skies, still staying quite muggy, quite warm, particularly towards the south
00:55east, elsewhere it may be a touch fresher than last night, a few spots perhaps just
01:00about dropping into single figures. On the whole though, lots of places staying in double
01:05digits. As we go through Friday itself then, plenty of showers across western Scotland
01:10initially and with a westerly flow, we are going to see those showers continuing to come
01:14in from the west and become a bit more widespread as we go through the day. So, pushing across
01:19much of Scotland, many parts of Northern Ireland and then there will also be a scattering of
01:23showers across parts of Northern England and Wales, western England as well in particular.
01:29Across more central parts, the Midlands, East Anglia, southern south eastern England, here
01:34we should stay largely dry. I can't rule out one or two showers coming through, but on
01:38the whole it's a fine picture. Elsewhere the showers could turn a bit heavy at times, there
01:43may even be some thunder, some lightning mixed in, but they don't look quite as intense as
01:48the showers that some of us have seen through today. But with the bright sunny weather that
01:54we will have in between any showers and across many central south eastern parts through a
01:58large chunk of the day, it should feel relatively warm. Like I said, no extreme heat across
02:03us at the moment, but nonetheless at this time of year, with a decent amount of sunshine,
02:08you'd expect temperatures to get into the mid-20s. Further north, the mid to high teens
02:13perhaps a little disappointing if you are stuck under any of those intense showers.
02:19Some of those showers will continue as we go through this evening, but many will start
02:23to ease as we go overnight and so it is going to turn largely dry for many places. Again,
02:28there will be some clear skies around. I emphasize mainly dry, not totally dry because there
02:33will still be a few showers dotted here and there, but most places turning dry and like
02:38I say some clear skies for some of us as well. Temperatures relatively similar to this coming
02:43night, a little bit lower perhaps, starting to turn just a touch fresher, a bit more comfortable
02:48for some of us if you've been struggling to sleep with the warmth that some places have
02:52had recently. As we go through Saturday then, and on paper it may look like a relatively
02:58similar day to Friday in as much as there will be plenty of sunny spells, but also plenty
03:03of showers developing. However, a slight change in the flow changes where we're going to see
03:09the heaviest showers. We've had a bit of a westerly recently, that drops out somewhat,
03:13so the winds are going to be lighter. They're not especially strong at the moment, but they
03:17are going to be a touch lighter on Saturday and with that then, where we see the showers
03:22developing. I think the heaviest, most frequent showers will be across parts of northern England
03:27and into north and central parts of Wales. Here we have the greatest chance of some thunder,
03:31could be some hail mixed in with these showers. Even elsewhere across parts of Scotland, Northern
03:35Ireland, there will be a few showers around, but for Scotland, for example, the showers
03:39are going to be most likely over eastern parts of Scotland on Saturday, as opposed to in
03:43the west on Friday. With that then, any showers that do kick off are going to be quite slow
03:48moving and so if you do get caught under one, it could last for a little while. Even away
03:53from the areas that I've highlighted, there is the chance of some showers, so do take
03:58that into account if you do have outdoor plans on Saturday. There will still be some bright
04:01sunny spells, temperatures though maybe a degree or so down on Saturday compared to
04:06Friday. But what happens thereafter? If we look ahead to Sunday and we are going to see
04:12something of a ridge of high pressure building from the south, so that should clear the showers
04:17away as we go through Saturday night into Sunday, perhaps some pockets of mist and fog
04:20first thing, but with high pressure over us, Sunday actually looks like a largely fine
04:25day. Some pretty dry weather for the vast majority of the UK and there will be some
04:30sunshine with that as well. Probably feeling a bit warmer too, but there are some signs
04:36of something even warmer to come as we go through early next week. We could be dragging
04:40in something a little bit hotter so we could see temperatures back into the high 20s, possibly
04:46low 30s. We will of course be keeping you up to date with that and if you want more
04:50information about the forecast for this weekend, do check that out on our YouTube channels.
04:54Alex Deakin will have the details. Bye bye.
