Met Office Friday evening weather forecast 02/08/2024

  • 2 days ago
02 August - National weather forecast presented by Alex Burkill.
00:00Hello again. Yes, there will be some rain at times this weekend, but also a fair bit
00:05of dry, bright and rather warm weather too. Currently, as we go through the end of Friday
00:11and overnight into Saturday, there is a front making its way southeastwards and that could
00:15bring some heavy pulses of rain to some southern southeastern parts for a time on Saturday.
00:21But then a ridge of high pressure is going to build as we go through Saturday night and
00:25so that should quieten things down for a time. As a result, Sunday is likely to start most
00:29nicely fine before another system comes in from the west. And this is going to bring
00:34some fairly wet and windy weather, particularly across parts of Scotland, Northern Ireland
00:39and then later northern and western parts of England and Wales as we go through the
00:43end of Sunday and into Monday. But back to the here and now. And like I say, we do have
00:48a front making its way southeastwards. Some heavy pulses of rain in this as it makes its
00:53way into England and Wales. But then it does break up. So for many parts of England and
00:58Wales, it's just going to turn a bit cloudier overnight and then a little bit of rain, perhaps
01:03particularly for Devon and Cornwall through the early hours of Saturday morning. Further
01:07northwest, we will have some clearer skies coming in behind that front and it is going
01:12to be mostly dry. But with those clear skies, temperatures are going to dip a little bit
01:16lower than they have done through some recent nights. A bit of a fresh night across some
01:20parts of Scotland could get into mid single figures, perhaps a different story across
01:26more central southern parts of the UK, where we have that cloud coming in. Temperatures
01:31are going to hold up high teens for some places. So another relatively warm night to come.
01:36That front, like I say, does clear away towards the southeast as we go through Saturday, but
01:41it takes a little while to do so. And there could be some wavy features in amongst it.
01:46So do watch out for some heavier pulses of rain mixed in as we go through Saturday. But
01:50many places could actually stay largely dry and a good deal of sunshine across many parts
01:55of England and Wales. For Scotland and Northern Ireland, although it will start mostly fine,
02:00there will be showers in the west and these are going to push eastwards, become more widespread
02:04as we go through the day. And some of them also could be a little bit on the heavy side.
02:09That front, as well as a bit of cloud, bit of rain as it pushes through, will have brought
02:12something a bit fresher temperature wise. And so although it's been a hot day in the
02:17east again today, by Saturday it's going to be quite a bit fresher. Mid 20s, so still
02:22feeling warm in any sunshine. Further north for Scotland, Northern Ireland, we're looking
02:26at high teens really at best. Later on Saturday, there will still be some
02:31showers continuing for a time across Scotland and Northern Ireland. But because of that
02:35ridge that I mentioned, these will generally ease and die out. And so for most, it's going
02:39to turn dry overnight. Maybe some pockets of mist and fog before then some thickening
02:44clouds starts to spill its way in from the west as we go through the early hours of Sunday
02:48morning. Where you have clear skies and the settled conditions because of that ridge,
02:53it could be a bit fresher than some recent nights. But if you're in the west and we have
02:57that cloud coming in, that will stop temperatures from dropping too much. So it still could
03:02be relatively warm for some of us. Then Sunday, a fine start for most of us. Yes, a bit cloudy
03:07at times and there could be the odd spot of rain where the clouds thick enough. But on
03:11the whole, particularly across England and Wales, it is going to be largely dry and there
03:14will be some sunshine around as well. For Scotland and Northern Ireland, a cloudier
03:19story and as that front makes its way in, it is going to bring some rain, particularly
03:23to Northern Ireland and the western parts of Scotland. So turning wetter here as we
03:27go through the latter part of the day and do watch out for the winds as well. They're
03:31going to strengthen, could be quite blustery, particularly in exposed coastal parts towards
03:36the west. Temperatures, well, they look relatively similar to Saturday, really. So again, highs
03:41in the mid 20s towards the southeast and a few degrees lower than this. The further
03:45north and west you go, there will be some wet weather to come as we go through into
03:51next week, particularly across northern and western parts. Some of that rain, though,
03:54could push its way towards the southeast. So it may not stay totally dry here, but it
03:59does look like it will be drier than across the north and west. And with that in the southeast,
04:04we could have some relatively warm and humid conditions again. And then that brings the
04:08risk of some thunderstorms developing. So, yes, definitely not totally dry. Some signs
04:13towards the end of next week that southern parts could have a bit of high pressure building,
04:17so that could settle things down. But we'll get a better idea of that as we get nearer
04:21the time. So do make sure you stay up to date. I'll see you again soon. Bye bye.
