Met Office Saturday morning weather forecast 03/08/2024

  • 2 days ago
03 August - National weather forecast presented by Alex Burkill.
00:00Good morning, happy Saturday. If you've been thinking things are a bit hot, a bit
00:04humid at the moment, I do have some welcome news as things are a bit fresher.
00:09A front that is currently lying across central southern parts of the UK has
00:14brought some fresher air behind it and so although it's a bit of a cloudy start
00:19for some parts of southern England in particular and there will be some
00:22pulses of perhaps heavy rain pushing through at times, especially across the
00:26southeast and immediate English Channel coasts, it is going to be a fresher feel
00:31for many of us too, which could be welcome news. Elsewhere and across
00:35Scotland, Northern Ireland, we are going to see showers becoming more widespread
00:39as we go through the day but across parts of Northern England, the Midlands,
00:42Wales and even South West England here, we are going to have a good deal of fine,
00:46bright and at times sunny weather, especially this afternoon. With that then,
00:50although we do have that fresher air, temperatures are still around or perhaps
00:55a touch above average for some of us. Highs in the mid-20s Celsius, so feeling
00:59relatively warm in the sunshine but a bit fresher than this the further north
01:03and west you go. There will be some more showers to come through this evening
01:07across parts of Scotland and Northern Ireland but here they are gradually
01:11going to ease and any lingering rain in the southeast will clear away because we
01:14have a bit of a ridge of high-pressure building so that's going to quieten our
01:18weather down for a time before another system starts then push its way in to
01:23northwestern parts as we go through Sunday. But through Saturday night,
01:27through tonight into Sunday, we are going to have some clear skies towards
01:30the east and with that fresher air that's coming behind that front, it may
01:34be a bit of a chillier, cooler night than it has been recently. Definitely a bit
01:38more comfortable for many of us, especially in the south where we have
01:41that cloud arriving though across western parts, temperatures here not
01:45dropping a huge amount. So a bright start for many tomorrow morning. Not all of us,
01:50there will be some cloud around and the cloud is perhaps going to thicken up
01:54from the west, especially across Scotland, Northern Ireland, northern
01:58western England and Wales. Further south and east a greater chance of clinging
02:02on to some fine bright weather. The sunshine though may be a bit hazy at
02:06times as some high level cloud topples its way in but for most it is
02:11going to stay largely dry. Not everywhere though, you'll see across Northern
02:14Ireland, western parts of Scotland some rain pushing its way in and that rain is
02:18going to become more widespread across Scotland and Northern Ireland as we go
02:22later on. Temperatures look relatively similar today, so again we're looking at
02:26mid-20s towards the southeast and generally high-teens, low-20s across many
02:31other areas. Like I said, that rain in the northwest is going to topple its way
02:36further across parts of Scotland and Northern Ireland as we go through the
02:39end of the day. That's because that frontal system will edge a bit further
02:42southeast with some waves on it as it goes and so we are going to see some
02:48heavy pulses of rain across northwestern parts on Monday and then
02:52that front does gradually make its way southeastwards as we go through the
02:56early part of next week. So most places likely to see a spell of rain but it's
02:59in the northwest where that rain is going to be heaviest. We will be of
03:03course keeping you up to date with the forecast through this weekend so do make
03:07sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel so you never miss an update. Bye
