Met Office Wednesday Afternoon Weather Forecast 19/06/2024

  • 2 days ago
19 June-National Weather Forecast presented by Aidan McGivern
00:00Hi there, compared with June so far, the weather will feel more summery for most of us over
00:05the next few days, in fact possibly longer than the next few days. That's not to say
00:09it will be entirely sunny all the time, nor indeed hot, but this area of high pressure
00:14from the Azores is going to extend across the UK for the rest of Wednesday, leading
00:19to widely fine and dry and bright weather. Although there is a fair amount of cloud at
00:24first, especially for parts of southern Scotland, northern England, the odd light shower here,
00:29and for central parts, additionally the sunshine in short supply initially. But the sunshine
00:36is coming through, and as that happens, temperatures will respond. We're looking at 22 or 23 Celsius
00:43in the south. High teens generally for the east and the north, 21 Celsius possible for
00:49some favoured parts of Scotland. But in the north-west of Scotland, a weak weather front
00:55will move in. That's going to bring some patchy light rain for Shetland through the day, and
00:59for the evening, some rain extends into the north-west of Scotland, sinking slowly south
01:06along with a freshening breeze, eventually just infringing upon the central belt as well
01:12as parts of Northern Ireland, but tending to fizzle out as it does so. Clear skies return
01:16to the far north. Meanwhile, England and Wales under clear skies throughout much of the night
01:20following a fine evening, and with light winds, temperatures will fall. 10, 11 Celsius in
01:26towns and cities, in rural spots, down as low as 4 or 5 Celsius given some shelter and
01:33lengthy clear spells overnight. So a fresh start to Thursday once again, but it's one
01:37of those mornings where it will quickly warm up because it will be generally sunnier compared
01:42with Wednesday morning, although the odd light shower first thing across central southern
01:47England couldn't be ruled out, and there are some heavy showers over the continent. One
01:52or two of those could come close to the south-east later in the day. Otherwise, some patchy
01:56cloud here and there, some light rain pushing into parts of Northern Ireland and the west
02:01of Scotland. These are the exceptions. For the vast majority, it's another fine day with
02:05a bit more sunshine compared with Wednesday, and slightly higher temperatures, 23 Celsius
02:11more widely in the south, perhaps 24 Celsius in one or two spots, high teens, low twenties
02:17further north. Now as I mentioned, those showers towards the far south-east could just affect
02:24the far south-east at times through the evening and overnight, but mostly they'll stay away
02:29and it's another fine night for many with clear spells, but there will be some rain pushing
02:34into the far west later on as another weak front arrives from the Atlantic. So higher
02:39pressure over the next few days, a lot of fine weather, but not entirely sunny all the
02:43time, highs of 23 or 24 Celsius.
