Met Office Friday Morning Weather Forecast 31/05/2024

  • 2 days ago
31 May - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern.
00:00Hi there. It is the last day of meteorological spring and right on time. Spring showers are
00:08easing. Summer's sunshine isn't far away as high pressure moves in from the west. That
00:14high pressure will settle things down for most of us but not for all because we've still
00:19got the influence of low pressure to the east. That's bringing some occluded fronts in from
00:23the North Sea over the next couple of days and those occluded fronts certainly on Friday
00:26morning will bring some outbreaks of showery rain, a keen breeze that will feel cool from
00:31the North Sea and a lot of cloud through the Midlands, East Anglia, the south and south-east.
00:36One or two showers by the afternoon could also develop across the West Midlands, parts
00:39of Wales and the south-west. These will be very isolated and fleeting, not as heavy or
00:44as prolonged as the recent showery activity. Further north and north-west, plenty of dry
00:50and fine weather, some long spells of sunshine, particularly for Western Scotland, Northern
00:54Ireland, West Wales for example and where we've got those sunny spells, temperatures
00:58reaching 18, 19, 20, perhaps even 21 Celsius, somewhere like Glasgow or towards the south-west.
01:07Where we've got the breeze from the North Sea and those showers and the cloud though,
01:11temperatures struggling to reach the mid-teens in some spots could linger at 12 to 15 Celsius
01:18through the day. Now into the evening we're going to see the cloud and those showers continue
01:23for a time across the Midlands, East Anglia and the south-east but increasingly clear
01:27skies develop across most of the UK. One exception, once again Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, perhaps
01:33Kent as well where we'll continue to see some showers coming in from the east. Elsewhere,
01:38dry, clear, lighter winds compared with the previous night and as a result temperatures
01:44will fall a bit further. I think widely single figures in the west and for some sheltered
01:50areas. So a chilly start to Saturday for some of us but it won't take long for the
01:56sun to warm things up and there will be plenty of sunshine for Scotland, Northern Ireland
02:01for much of central and western parts of the UK. Cloud will develop into the afternoon,
02:06it's not going to stay blue skies everywhere but it will be mostly fine and bright. There's
02:13the chance once again of some isolated showers across parts of Wales for example, more especially
02:18into the far east of East Anglia and the south-east of England. That combined with
02:23a cool breeze and a lot of cloud cover from the North Sea will once again make it feel
02:28on the cool side, mid-teens here but where we've got the sunshine and light winds elsewhere
02:33feeling very pleasant. 19, 20, 21 Celsius, perfect start for many places for the first
02:40day of meteorological summer. Now thinking ahead to the summer months, it is a smart
02:46move of course to make sure that you are fully prepared for whatever the summer may
02:50bring whether it's heat waves or heaving rain and you can find plenty of advice and tips
02:56on the Met Office web pages.
