Met Office Monday evening weather forecast 08/07/2024

  • 2 days ago
8 July - National weather forecast presented by Alex Burkill.
00:00Hello again. You may well be used to it by now, but there's more wet weather to come
00:05as we go through the next 24 hours and then again at other times through this week. There's
00:09currently a weather system across parts of southwest UK bringing some heavy persistent
00:15rain here, and this is going to spill its way northeastwards across much of England
00:19and Wales as we go overnight. The heaviest rain, the highest totals, will be across parts
00:24of southwest England, south Wales. We could see in excess of 60 to 70 millimetres over
00:28the higher ground, and so some travel disruption, even a bit of flooding is quite likely. Further
00:34north it's a slightly drier, clearer story, particularly for the parts of western Scotland
00:39and northwestern Northern Ireland. And so where we see any clear skies, temperatures
00:43could take a bit of a dip, perhaps falling to mid single figures. So a bit of a fresh
00:48start first thing on Tuesday morning. Elsewhere though, where it is cloudy and wet, temperatures
00:54aren't going to drop a huge amount. Many places holding up in mid teens Celsius. So a bit
00:58of a north-south split first thing on Tuesday morning. Quite a lot of wet weather across
01:02many parts of England and Wales. The band of rain then is going to push its way northwards,
01:07so feeding into parts of Scotland and Northern Ireland as we go towards the afternoon. Further
01:12south there will be something a bit drier developing across many parts of England and
01:18Wales. However, there will still be some outbreaks of rain here. Some of them could be a little
01:22bit on the heavy side, and on the whole it's going to stay fairly cloudy. Some bright or
01:28sunny breaks developing perhaps, and it's in any bright or sunny breaks that we're going
01:32to see the highest temperatures, generally peaking around 21 or 22 Celsius in some central
01:38parts of England, maybe towards the south-southeast, getting into the low 20s. But for many they
01:43are going to be a little bit below average for the time of year. And really feeling it
01:47where you're stuck under this rain across some southern parts of Scotland into Northern
01:51Ireland, temperatures are going to be quite suppressed and feeling pretty unpleasant.
01:56That band of rain then continues its way northwards as we go through Tuesday evening,
02:00so spreading across the rest of Northern Ireland and much of Scotland, so the far north-west
02:04of Scotland clinging on to some dry weather through much of the day, but the rain arriving
02:08eventually as we go into Wednesday morning. The rain is going to be pretty heavy, some
02:13totals building up across the northern half of Scotland, likely to cause some issues.
02:18Meanwhile, further south, yes, still some outbreaks of rain around, but for many parts
02:22of England and Wales, a generally dry night, definitely a drier night than through Monday
02:26night and there will be some clear breaks in the cloud. With that though, not expecting
02:31temperatures to drop a huge amount, many places holding up in the low to mid-teen Celsius.
02:36So Wednesday then is going to be a very wet story, particularly across the northern half
02:40of Scotland. Totals could reach in excess of 90 millimetres over the Grampians, so some
02:46further issues in association with these totals quite likely. Further south across much of
02:52England and Wales, it's a brighter story towards southern parts, cloudier across northern
02:56areas with some outbreaks of showery rain and even a few showers are possible in the
03:01south, but like I say, a brighter picture and a generally drier one here. Again, with
03:06some decent sunshine, it's not going to feel too bad. Temperatures peaking around 22, maybe
03:1023 Celsius, but at this time of year, many of us would be hoping for something a little
03:15bit warmer than this and it's really not going to feel particularly warm at all across northern
03:20parts with temperatures suppressed and that unsettled weather around. That system does
03:25eventually clear away, however, towards the north northeast as we go through later on
03:29this week and there's going to then be some high pressure building in from the west and
03:35so whilst there will be some further showery rain at times through Thursday and Friday,
03:39there are hopes for something a little bit drier to develop as we go towards the weekend.
03:44Remember, with all the wet weather that we're having at the moment, you can find some advice
03:48on how to make sure that you're weather ready on our website. I'll see you again soon, bye-bye.
