Met Office Saturday Morning Weather Forecast 30/03/2024

  • 2 days ago
30 March - National weather forecast presented by Craig Snell.
00:00Good morning. Welcome to your latest weather update from the Met Office. Well, as we go
00:04through the next few days, low pressure is remaining in charge across the UK. That means
00:09that we will see some further rain at times, but also some sunshine in between. And where
00:13we do see the sunshine, it won't feel too bad for the time of year.
00:18So as we start Saturday morning, we start off on a fairly chilly note, a little bit
00:22of mist around, just keeping an eye on the risk of some cloud and patchy rain just affected
00:27the far east of East Anglia and Kent. But for a lot of England and Wales, actually,
00:32it should be a largely dry day with some sunny spells. Main focus of the showers will be
00:36across Scotland and Northern Ireland, where one or two could be on the heavy side. Temperatures
00:41in the north reaching around 10 to 12 degrees, in the south potentially up to 14 or 15 degrees.
00:49Heading into the evening, and for a lot of the UK, it turns largely dry with clear skies.
00:54Exceptions down towards the far south west could see some heavy showers develop here,
00:58risk of the odd rumble of thunder too, and potentially giving some poor travelling conditions.
01:03They move up towards south west Wales and eventually into the far south of Northern
01:07Ireland come dawn on Easter Day. And at the same time, some cloud and some mist just rolling
01:13in off the North Sea across parts of eastern England. So the clearest of the skies as we
01:17start Easter Day will be across parts of Scotland and Northern England. So cold enough for a
01:22touch of frost, especially in the countryside, but even in the towns and cities, low single
01:27figures. Easter Day also marks the beginning of British summertime, so the clocks will
01:32go forward at 1am on Sunday morning. So don't forget to change your clocks when you head
01:37to bed or when you wake up in the morning. So Easter Day itself will start off rather
01:43grey across parts of England, murky in places, and that will just only slowly burn its way
01:49back towards the North Sea coast as we go through the course of the day. At the same
01:54time, still the risk of some further heavy showers across parts of south west England,
01:58Wales and Northern Ireland, with maybe more prolonged spell of rain just arriving in the
02:03very far south west come the end of the afternoon. But elsewhere, especially across more central
02:08parts of the country, quite a pleasant Easter Day to come in the sunshine temperatures reaching
02:12around 14, 15, possibly even 16 degrees. Then a quick look at Easter Monday, a bit
02:19of a north-south split developing for many southern areas, rather grey and damp as some
02:24rain moves up from the south. Hanging on to the dry and bright conditions further north,
02:29but for all of us it will feel a little bit colder than it will be on Easter Day. You
02:34can find out more information about the weather where you are on our website or our app and
02:38don't forget to follow us on social media. But for me, take care and I'll see you again soon.
