Monday afternoon forecast 04/09/23

  • 2 days ago
04 September - National weather forecast presented by Alex Burkill.
00:00Hello, very good day to you. There's a bit of a summery feel to the weather at the moment
00:04with lots of fine sunny and for some of us hot weather around. That being said, there
00:09is a front across the far north of the UK bringing a bit more cloud and a little bit
00:13of rain here. Elsewhere, we're under the influence of high pressure. That's why it's so settled
00:18at the moment and that's why there's so little cloud around. Plenty of blue skies, plenty
00:23of sunshine and in the sunshine, temperatures are really rising. In the south, we're likely
00:28to get to highs in the low 30s for some of us here, perhaps a little bit more comfortable,
00:32a little bit fresher further north, but temperatures still above average for the time of year.
00:38As we go through later on Monday, we are actually going to see the winds starting to strengthen
00:42across parts of the southwest and across parts of Wales. As a result, we're unlikely to see
00:47much if any mist or fog developing here, but further north and east, some mist and fog
00:51patches are quite likely as we go through the early hours of Tuesday. Look at those
00:55temperatures, they're not dropping much, so quite a warm night, particularly in the
00:58south, could be quite difficult for sleeping. As we look through Tuesday then, and it's
01:03somewhat of a repeat performance from Monday for most of us, staying quite cloudy with
01:07a little bit of rain, perhaps across the far north. Elsewhere, plenty of blue skies, lots
01:12of sunshine again, though those strong winds will continue across parts of the southwest,
01:17so a bit of a different feel here. Temperatures for many will be a touch higher compared to
01:22Monday, likely to get to highs around 30 or 31 Celsius, so perhaps feeling even hotter
01:28than today for some of us. As we look through the rest of the week and we are going to see
01:32temperatures rising even further, Wednesday, Thursday could get to highs around 32 Celsius,
01:38but there is the potential for this system to push its way up from the south, bringing
01:42some heavy, perhaps even thundery rain as we go through later Wednesday into Thursday.
01:47Bit of uncertainty about that, so it is worth keeping up to date with the forecast wherever
01:50you are. I'll see you later.
