Monday afternoon forecast 18/09/2023

  • 2 days ago
18 September - National weather forecast presented by Alex Burkill.
00:00Hello, very good day to you. Many of us had some intense thundery rain over the
00:04weekend and there's some further heavy rain to come through the next few days.
00:08Looking at the satellite and radar imagery from Sunday and you can see just
00:11how widespread the heavy rain was. Some intense downpours then pushed into
00:16southeastern Eastern England as we went through Sunday night and already through
00:20Monday we've seen an intense band of rain pushing its way from west to east.
00:24The rain's been so intense recently because of the high humidity and the
00:28warmth we've had across the UK but this rain band is actually due to a cold
00:32front pushing its way eastwards and so behind it the air is going to turn a
00:36little bit cooler, a little bit fresher for most of us. Through the rest of
00:40Monday then this band of rain does clear its way eastward, some heavy bursts still
00:43to come. Notice across parts of Orkney and Shetland here it is going to stay
00:47wet well through the afternoon. Behind that front though things turning a bit
00:51cooler, a bit fresher, also a bit brighter so some sunny spells, also a scattering
00:56of showers, in fact plenty of showers really rattling through on brisk
00:59westerly winds. As a result they should move through fairly quickly but they
01:04could still be a bit heavy at times and some hail and thunder isn't out of the
01:07question. Temperatures, well they're likely to get to highs of around 20-21
01:12Celsius towards the south-southeast, a little bit cooler, a bit fresher elsewhere
01:16and feeling cooler in those strong blustery winds. As we go through the end
01:21of the day on Monday we're holding on to that showery theme, some clear skies
01:24particularly towards eastern parts and perhaps towards the south to start the
01:28night but then turning cloudy, wet and windy as this swathe of unsettled
01:32weather pushes its way in, particularly affecting Northern Ireland and
01:36western parts of England, Wales and Scotland. At the start of the night due
01:40to those clear skies we could start a little bit chilly but as things turn
01:44cloudy, wet and windy temperatures are going to recover though notice across
01:48parts of Scotland where we hold on to those clear skies we could fall as low
01:51as two or three Celsius. So a wet picture first thing on Tuesday morning
01:56and for many it is going to be a pretty wet day, some totals really building up
02:00across parts of northwest England and western Wales in particular. Generally
02:04it's going to stay cloudy, windy with the risk of gales and there'll be further
02:08rain at times. Perhaps the greatest chance of some bright sunny spells will
02:11be across northern Scotland but even here it's going to be blustery and there
02:15will be a scattering of showers rattling through as well. We do have a rainfall
02:19warning in force across parts of northwest England and western Wales. Here
02:23totals could reach 150 perhaps even 200 millimetres as we look through the 36
02:29hour period from 6 a.m. Tuesday all the way to 6 p.m. Wednesday. As a result some
02:34flooding is quite possible and there could be some disruption particularly to
02:38travel. It's really most likely over the hills that we're going to see the
02:41heaviest rain but the heavy rain is going to be quite widespread. As we look
02:46at temperatures on Tuesday and while we could still get to high teams perhaps
02:49even low 20s somewhere towards the south and elsewhere it may be a touch milder
02:54on paper compared to Monday but really when you factor in the wet the windy
02:58weather it's going to feel quite unpleasant at times. Our attention then
03:01turns to a system out in the Atlantic. This is actually the remnants of
03:05Hurricane Lee. It will push across the Atlantic and reach towards us as we go
03:09towards the end of Tuesday into Wednesday. As a result we can expect more
03:13unsettled weather so staying windy still the risk of those coastal gales. Some
03:18further heavy rain which was why the warning is in force with totals
03:22really building up and in fact across parts of Scotland we could see
03:26some totals really building up as well. Aidan will have more information on that
03:30on the week ahead forecast which is available on our YouTube channel and
03:34we'll have more information on our warnings across our social media. Bye bye.
