Met Office Monday afternoon weather forecast 19/08/2024

  • 2 days ago
19 August -National weather forecast presented by Alex Burkill.
00:00Hello, very good day to you. There is going to be quite a changeable, if not autumnal
00:05feel to the weather this week and we're going to start to see that change as we go through
00:09today. Already, yes, it was a bright start across southern southeastern parts but we
00:14have seen cloud pushing in from the west through this morning and with that then plenty of
00:19rain has started to make its way across parts of Northern Ireland into Western Scotland
00:23and we're starting to see some rain in the far west of England and Wales as well. That's
00:27because of a frontal system that is pushing its way eastwards and will continue to do
00:31so as we go through today. So many northern and western parts turning pretty wet for a
00:36time. In the east-southeast, there's still some brightness as we go into the afternoon
00:40and here we're going to have the highest temperatures still warm, getting to highs of around 25
00:44or 26 Celsius. A few degrees fresher than this further west and where we have the cloud,
00:49the rain and some strong winds, it is going to feel markedly fresher than this. But as
00:54we go through this evening, that cloud, that rain across northern-western parts will continue
00:58its progress eastwards. So although it will be a dry end to the day in the southeast,
01:02it is going to turn wet here overnight and the rain could be a little bit heavy at times
01:06through the early hours of tomorrow morning. Otherwise, some clear spells following in
01:10behind. Notice clear spells across parts of the Midlands, south-west England, Northern
01:14Ireland. All the time though, there will also be some showery bursts, particularly across
01:19parts of Scotland but even elsewhere, some showery bursts are quite possible. Temperatures
01:24won't drop a huge amount because of the blustery conditions many of us will have. Particularly
01:28in the southeast, they're going to hold up highest. Some places only dropping to lows
01:32of around 17 or 18 Celsius. So a bit of a cloudy, damp start across parts of the southeast
01:38first thing tomorrow morning because of that front that will still be lingering here. But
01:43that is going to clear away and then behind it, plenty of showers and some blustery winds.
01:48So those showers should rattle through quite quickly if you get any, but they could be
01:52quite heavy, particularly across parts of Scotland and towards north-western parts of
01:57Northern Ireland and England as well. In between the showers, there will be some sunny spells
02:01but a bit of a fresher feel to things compared to of late and especially when you factor
02:07in those brisk winds, it's not going to feel much like summer. It will feel more like autumn.
02:12Temperatures only getting to highs of around 23 Celsius towards the southeast and mid-teens
02:15at best across some parts of Scotland and Northern Ireland. Later on as we go through
02:20the rest of this week, there's more changeable unsettled weather to come, particularly towards
02:25the northwest on Wednesday into Thursday. That's when we could see the remnants of what
02:30was Hurricane Ernesto bringing some very wet and windy weather for a time. Otherwise, there
02:35is still more unsettled weather to come and there will be some strong winds pushing through
02:39and that will add to the relatively cool feel. So yes, not really feeling much like the end
02:44of summer. If you want to know a bit more about what we can expect through the rest
02:48of this week, do head to our YouTube channel later on this afternoon when Aidan will have
02:53a more in-depth outlook. I'll see you again soon. Bye bye.
