Friday morning forecast 06/10/23

  • 2 days ago
06 October - National weather forecast presented by Alex Burkill.
00:00Hello, very good morning to you. Whilst there is some warm air coming into southern parts,
00:04we do have some very wet weather on the way for more northern areas as we go into the
00:08weekend. Starting off looking at this morning and it's a wet picture across parts of Northern
00:12Ireland into southern Scotland, northern England and perhaps far northern parts of Wales as
00:17we go through the day as well. For other parts of Scotland there's actually going to be a
00:21decent amount of dry and bright weather, especially for more eastern areas, though turning cloudier
00:25as we go through the afternoon. Also some decent dry sunny weather across central southern
00:30parts of England and Wales and here with some warm air pushing its way in, we're likely
00:34to see temperatures rising to around 22 or 23 Celsius, a little bit cooler further north.
00:40Later on as we go through this evening, heavier rain pushing its way in from the west affecting
00:45parts of Scotland as we go through Friday night into Saturday morning. That's in association
00:49with a front that's going to invigorate and become more active as it pushes its way across
00:55Scotland. Elsewhere and although it's a wet picture across Scotland, for much of the UK
01:00it's actually going to be largely dry overnight and there'll be some clear skies so watch
01:03out for a few pockets of mist and fog first thing on Saturday morning. But it's not going
01:08to be especially chilly, many places, particularly in your towns and cities are going to hold
01:12up well into double figures, lots of places only dropping to lows of around 14 or 15 Celsius.
01:18So for many a mild start on Saturday but as you can see across Scotland it really is going
01:22to be a wet picture from the get go and a really wet day. Because of the active front
01:27we're going to see some high rainfall totals building up, even in places where we don't
01:32usually see such high totals. The heavy rain won't be confined just to the higher ground,
01:36we could see some high totals to lower levels. Some places could get in excess of 100mm,
01:42which is why we have a warning out, we could see some disruption to travel, some localised
01:46flooding is quite likely across parts of Scotland. Elsewhere and across the bulk of England,
01:50Wales and even Northern Ireland, it's actually going to be a largely fine day, plenty of
01:54sunshine and with increasingly warm air coming up from the south, we're going to be even
01:59warmer tomorrow than it will be today with highs of around 24 or possibly 25 Celsius.
02:05That rain does continue as we go through the night into Sunday but eventually clears its
02:10way northwards to the far north of Scotland with then the fine weather becoming more dominant
02:14across the bulk of the UK and even warmer air, which is why temperatures are likely
02:18to peak on Sunday in the mid, possibly high 20s, could get to around 26 or possibly 27
02:25Celsius, so unusually warm for this stage in October. There is more information about
02:30the warning across our social media, on our app and our website, also more information
02:35about the warmth. I'll see you later, bye bye.
