Monday afternoon forecast 03/07/2023

  • 2 days ago
03 July - National weather forecast presented by Annie Shuttleworth.
00:00Hello, welcome to your latest national weather update from the Met Office. Now, we're starting
00:04the note on a rather changeable theme with low pressure in charge across the UK. So let's
00:10take a look at the latest satellite picture from this morning. And if I put the pressure
00:14pattern on, you can see this area of low pressure. It's a really big area of low pressure centred
00:18across Scandinavia. And we're seeing quite a northerly wind coming around that low pressure,
00:23bringing a fresher feel across the UK. It's also going to be pushing these occluded fronts
00:28from west to east throughout Monday and through a lot of the start of this week, bringing
00:32some areas of rain that could be quite heavy at times. So at the moment on the radar, you
00:36can see across Wales and the far north of Scotland, we've got some quite heavy areas
00:41of rain, and those are going to push west to east through the day. So by the time we
00:45get to this afternoon, the rain from Wales will be sat in central areas, pushing into
00:50areas of East Anglia and the southeast. So perhaps bringing some showers to Wimbledon
00:54for this afternoon. For the far north, we've got that occlusion bringing persistent rain
00:59to the far north of Scotland. And that northerly breeze is going to bring quite a fresh feel.
01:04So only highs of around 13 degrees up in northern Scotland, but quite low for the time of year.
01:10Elsewhere, 18 to 20, possibly 21 in the best of the sunshine. But that breeze will continue
01:15to bring that fresher feel quite widely across the UK. Through the evening, a lot of the
01:22rain does clear away for much of the UK. However, we do start to see that occlusion
01:27starting to sink southwards into central areas of Scotland and Northern Ireland. That's going
01:32to continue to see some heavy bursts in there as well. Across the far south, we've got this
01:37next area of rain that's going to become quite a feature through Tuesday. But in the middle
01:41of that, some clear spells and temperatures around average overnight, feeling relatively
01:46fresh, so a relatively comfortable night for sleeping tonight. So tomorrow morning, we've
01:51got some sunshine to be had across the middle between these areas of front. But across the
01:56far south, it's going to be quite a dank start to the day, some heavy showers persisting
02:01through the day and quite a large air of rain. There's some uncertainty as to how quickly
02:05this will clear, but it's likely to last well into early evening, bringing quite a wet Wimbledon
02:10for Tuesday. Across the far north, that front has then sunk southwards and it's going to
02:15turn into an area of quite heavy showers. We could see some thunderstorms breaking out
02:19in here as well, but it is a relatively narrow band. And for the far north of Scotland, it's
02:24going to be a drier day than today. We've still got that northerly wind, so still feeling
02:27fresher highs of around 15 degrees, a little bit warmer, though, than this afternoon and
02:33in the far south where the sunshine does poke out by the afternoon, it will feel a little
02:37bit warmer, too, because the winds are a bit lighter. But as I said, there is some uncertainty
02:41as to quite how much sunshine there'll be through Tuesday afternoon. So keep up to date
02:45with the forecast on that one. Then through the evening, the rain will likely clear off
02:49to the east and showers will continue for more northern areas, but a drier end to the
02:54day for these central areas on Tuesday evening. And then Wednesday is looking like a drier
02:59day on the whole across the UK. But as I said, there's some uncertainty in the forecast.
03:03So make sure you stay up to date with the forecast. Follow us on social media and I'll
03:06see you later.
