Sunday afternoon forecast 07/05/23

  • 2 days ago
07 May - National weather forecast presented by Greg Dewhurst.
00:00Hello there, welcome to your latest broadcast from the Met Office. A much improved picture
00:05across many parts through Sunday compared to Saturday, thanks to a brief ridge of high
00:11pressure. But as you can see, it doesn't hang around very long before the doors open
00:16to the Atlantic, bringing in further weather systems, outbreaks of rain and showers and
00:22brisk winds at times too across the country. For the rest of Sunday afternoon, plenty of
00:28warm sunshine, though it will be hazy at times. The risk of some heavy showers though
00:32down the eastern side of England into Scotland, one or two rumbles of thunder are possible.
00:38But for the vast majority of us, a dry afternoon to come, plenty of sunshine though. Cloud
00:44just starting to increase across parts of Northern Ireland and temperatures responding
00:48in that sunshine. Great day for being outside, temperatures reaching the low 20s, 22 possibly
00:5423 Celsius. Just notice though, a little bit cooler along some northeastern coasts
01:00of England into Scotland as the low cloud affects the coast here and also the wind coming
01:07off the sea. But for many of us, a beautiful afternoon to come. UV levels will be fairly
01:12high across much of the UK, particularly in the south, five or six, a little bit lower
01:17where we keep the low cloud across northeast Scotland. And with the sunshine, pollen levels
01:23also rising to high for many of us. Tree pollen, but grass pollen starting to show
01:29a hand. Into the evening time, largely dry across much of the UK, though notice across
01:35Northern Ireland then into western parts of England, Wales and Scotland into the early
01:40hours. Outbreaks of rain moving in from the Atlantic. This will be heavy at times. Notice
01:44the bright colours, particularly over the higher ground. Further east, cloud increasing
01:50but staying dry. And with increasing cloud and the breeze starting to pick up, be a fairly
01:55mild night. Temperatures for many of us staying in double figures. But it does mean a wet
01:59start across western areas. First thing Monday morning, some sunshine initially across the
02:04east and southeast, but this rain pushes its way eastwards through the day. Could be heavy
02:09at times. Then following on behind the rain, Northern Ireland, southwestern Scotland, sunny
02:14spells and heavy showers developing. Some rumbles of thunder, hail possible, could lead
02:19to some local disruption. And notice some heavier rain starting to move in to the southwest
02:24by the end of the afternoon. Best of the dry weather holding on to parts of southern and
02:30eastern Scotland. In terms of temperatures, lower as a result of a lot more cloud around
02:35and rain compared to Sunday. Generally, the mid to high teens, perhaps 19, where we see
02:41some sunshine returning across parts of Northern Ireland. Looking at the pollen levels for
02:47Monday, again, good news due to more cloud and rain around, they will be lower, generally
02:51moderate across the whole of the UK. Into the evening time on Monday, further heavy
02:57rain pushing eastwards across parts of England and Wales. The showers across the north of
03:02the UK tend to fade as we move into the early hours. But a mixed night to come to take us
03:07into Tuesday morning. Some cloud and outbreaks of rain in places, clear spells too, and as
03:13a result, temperatures generally holding up in double figures for everyone. So quite a
03:18mixed picture over the next few days. Best of the sunshine through the rest of Sunday.
03:22If you'd like more information on the weather where you are over the next few days, you
03:26can follow us on our social media channels. See you again soon.
