Thursday afternoon forecast 27/10/22

  • 2 days ago
27 October - National weather forecast presented by Steven Keates.
00:00Hello there. Well, it's been very mild for the last few days, hasn't it, with temperatures
00:04well above the seasonal average. That warm theme certainly continues for the rest of
00:08this afternoon, despite quite a brisk breeze out there. Bit of a mixed bag weather-wise
00:12though, some rain edging north, brighter spells developing, particularly further to the south.
00:17Now the rain I talked about, that's courtesy of this occluded feature here, which will
00:20be pushing its way a little bit further north through the day. Then a gap in the isobars
00:23for the rest of Thursday into the overnight period before our attention is then turned
00:27to this cold front, which will be dominating Friday's weather.
00:31We'll go back to this afternoon then and pick up that rain across parts of northern
00:34England and Scotland. The odd moderate to heavy burst in there as it pushes its way
00:38further north across Scotland this afternoon, not really reaching the far north of Scotland
00:41though. For Orkney and Shetland then, some bright or sunny spells to be had. And things
00:44will tend to brighten up to the south of this. So for parts of Northern Ireland, Northern
00:49England from about Yorkshire southwards and parts of Wales as well, we'll see the skies
00:54brightening at times. There will be areas of cloud milling around, but certainly some
00:56bright or sunny spells, just the outside chance of the odd shower towards south-east
01:01Despite quite a brisk breeze coming up from the south, so this is dragging in some really
01:04warm air for the time of year. These temperatures, well more like late August, early September
01:09than late October, could see 21-22C in the south. It's really quite exceptional. And
01:13even further north, 14-16C is still going to feel quite mild.
01:18Now as we go on through this afternoon into the evening, the last of this rain clears
01:22away from the far north of Scotland. Then we get a drier interlude for most parts, maybe
01:25the odd sharp shower possible across southern England for a time, but much of central and
01:29eastern England should see largely dry conditions overnight tonight.
01:32Further west though, a change. This weather front coming in, quite an active front, so
01:35there's going to be some heavy rain on this. Quite squally winds along this front as well,
01:39and a warning issued by the Met Office for Northern Ireland for the heavy rain to take
01:43us into Friday.
01:44Now with that breeze coming in and with plenty of cloud, it's going to be another very, very
01:47mild night. These temperatures, well, would look quite good by day, let alone by night.
01:51So no lower than 13-15C for a good part of the UK.
01:56Then on Friday, we pick up this weather front, extending some heavy rain into parts of western
02:00Scotland, so a separate warning out for this as well. Could see 20-30mm of rain falling
02:04in a few hours, so with direct leaves blocking drains, perhaps could cause some localised
02:09flooding issues.
02:10Sweeping through across northern areas, and I don't think a great deal of rain further
02:13south. So a wet morning, but certainly an improving picture by the afternoon, and by
02:17the mid-afternoon on Friday, the sun dispels and the odd blustery shower.
02:20Still quite windy, and the air mass behind that front a little bit cooler, so temperatures
02:24down a notch, but still very respectable for the time of year, and could still be close
02:28to 20C in south-east England.
02:31What about the weekend then? Well, it does stay pretty mild across the UK for the most
02:35part, above average temperatures by day and night. Quite a changeable picture though,
02:39so that means bands of rain or showers, some brighter interludes, and it will be quite
02:42windy at times, particularly later in the weekend.
02:44So lots going on with the weather, and of course the best place to keep up to date is
02:48by checking out the Met Office across social media on our website,
02:52Take care.
