Friday morning forecast 20/08/21

  • 2 days ago
20 August - National weather presented by Craig Snell
00:00Hello there. As we look ahead to Friday, it's another cloudy one for most of us and out
00:05towards the west we are starting to see a bit of a change. We will see a band of rain
00:08beginning to move in as we go through the course of the day. First day evening, lots
00:13of cloud around. We're still keeping an eye on some showers down towards the southeast.
00:16Some of these could still be heavy before they fade away overnight. So that really leaves
00:21a lot of the UK under a layer of cloud. That cloud thick enough at times to produce the
00:25odd spitting spot of rain. Towards the very end of the night, we can just start to see
00:29this area of rain beginning to work its way into the west of Northern Ireland. But with
00:34all the cloud around, no real problems with temperatures for most of us staying comfortably
00:38in double figures. So Friday morning, it's going to start off on a fairly grey note for
00:43most of us. But for parts of Scotland, England and Wales, we will see that cloud break up
00:47at times to allow some bells of sunshine to happen. But out towards the west, a rather
00:53grey, wet day to come for Northern Ireland with that rain potentially heavy at times.
00:57And then later on in the day, it starts to reach parts of south-west Scotland and also
01:01maybe Wales and north-west England. So under the cloud and rain, temperatures are struggling,
01:07only really reaching the high teens. But over towards the east, if we do see some sunshine,
01:12potentially reaching 22 or 23 degrees. We may continue to see some late spells of sunshine
01:18over towards the east as we end Friday. But out towards the west, that rain continuing
01:23to pile in, potentially turning heavy and persistent in places. So a wet old night for
01:27some of us as we start Saturday morning. But once again, a fairly mild start to the day.
01:33So really on Saturday, a fairly wet picture for many parts of the west and that rain will
01:37also be accompanied by a fairly strong wind, especially down the Irish Sea. Over towards
01:41the east, we might hang on to the dry river for most of the day and also maybe some sunshine
01:46here but even here later on in the day that rain will arrive. But at the same time, actually,
01:50Northern Ireland may start to cheer up with some late spells of sunshine here. Temperatures
01:56on Saturday, once again, if you are under the rain, temperatures really going to be
01:59struggling a little bit. It might feel a bit more humid though than it has done of late
02:04and that humidity may just allow temperatures just to climb to about 24 degrees down there
02:09in the south-eastern corner. Into Sunday, that rain will still be with us, potentially
02:14quite heavy in places so we are keeping a very close eye on that. But then, as we go
02:18into next week, high pressure finally begins to build back in and that will settle the
02:22weather down as we go into next week with more in the way of some warmer weather but
02:26also some more sunnier weather. If you want more information about that, you can always
02:29check out on the website or also on our social media channels.
