Sunday afternoon forecast 09/01/22

  • 2 days ago
09 January - National weather forecast by Annie Shuttleworth.
00:00Afternoon and welcome to the latest from the Met Office for Sunday afternoon where we'll see sunny spells for many of us
00:06Showers most likely in the north and west and some rain pushing in from the west later on this evening
00:13So that sunshine will be best and longest live across central and southeastern areas of England
00:20Further north and west of that a little bit cloudier with some showers much more likely at times
00:26These could be heavy for some of us in the far southwest
00:30They notice a band of rain arriving this afternoon, but temperatures highest here at 10 degrees
00:36Looking further east the temperatures are a little bit lower particularly in that northeast and they will continue to feel chillier here as we head
00:43into Sunday night
00:44Well, we'll see an early frost developing in northeastern parts of Scotland as that band of rain pushes east
00:50It will fall as snow over the hills of Scotland
00:53But elsewhere quite a cloudy night outbreaks of rain and drizzle across Wales and southwest England by Monday morning
01:00Chillier in the east to start milder in the west, but that milder and cloudier weather will push eastwards through Monday morning
01:08So expect outbreaks of rain and drizzle at times by the afternoon when the cloud is thick enough
01:14It will be most persistent across northwestern Scotland, but for all of us, we'll see our temperatures up on Sundays
01:21Quite widely into double figures particularly in the southwest
01:24For the rest of the week
01:25The jet stream is going to push its way to the north allowing high pressure to build in from the south
01:31Settling things down by midweek across the UK. So it's looking drier colder at times and foggy too, particularly in the south
01:39So with a change on the way, make sure you keep up to date with the details online. Have a lovely afternoon
