Week ahead – Spring sunshine and a whiff of warmth too

  • 2 days ago
There will be some rain this week, especially on Wednesday, but for most places the emphasis will be on blue skies and warmer afternoons. Alex Deakin has the day to day details.


00:00Welcome to the Met Office.
00:01Weather for the week ahead, a week
00:03which will be dominated by blue sky and a hint of spring
00:07warmth, but will also contain at least some rain.
00:11Now, weather fronts are kind of milling around the UK
00:13at the moment, but as we go towards the middle of the week,
00:16these two do tend to squeeze together.
00:18And as they do so, they could bring some heavy rain
00:21for a time, most likely on Wednesday.
00:24But that all scoots away.
00:26Another weather system brings a bit of showery rain
00:28across the north on Thursday, but then it's
00:30high pressure that moves in behind.
00:33And that high pressure looks likely to bring most of us
00:36a fine day on Friday, and that high
00:38could continue to bring us fine weather into the weekend.
00:41Let's rewind, however, and go through the days one by one,
00:47because on Tuesday, these weather fronts
00:49are starting to encroach.
00:51The ones towards the northwest will certainly
00:53bring some rain over the Highlands, the Western Isles,
00:55and into western parts of Northern Ireland,
00:57clouding over across Western Scotland
00:59and the east of Northern Ireland.
01:01But for the bulk of England and Wales,
01:03it's looking fine, bright, and sunny,
01:05as it should do for eastern Scotland also.
01:07Could start a little foggy, and it'll certainly
01:09start a little chilly.
01:11But by the afternoon, temperatures quite widely
01:13across England and Wales.
01:14Up into the teens, 15, possibly 16 Celsius,
01:18cooler with the thickening clouds and the breeze picking
01:21up with that rain edging into the northwest
01:23from that weather front.
01:24Now, that will continue to push southwards
01:27during Tuesday night and Wednesday.
01:29But at the same time, a warm front
01:31approaches from the south.
01:32Now, it's a warm front, so there's
01:34some pretty warm air tucked in behind it.
01:36And it's that clash of the warmer air
01:38hitting the colder conditions, the weather front
01:40further north, that will spark some potentially
01:43heavy rain in places.
01:45A lot's got to come together, however.
01:47So there's some uncertainty about the exact position
01:49of these weather fronts, and that
01:51will make a big difference to the temperatures.
01:53But we could see some heavy bursts of rain,
01:55certainly over parts of the Midlands,
01:57eastern and northern England for a time on Wednesday.
02:00But that warm front is bringing warmer air.
02:02So even where it's dull and damp,
02:04we could see temperatures up into the teens.
02:06And if we see a bit of sunshine with that warmer air,
02:09well, temperatures could easily take up a little higher,
02:11say if the weather front's just a little bit further west.
02:14So still some uncertainty for the details for Wednesday.
02:17It does look as if Scotland and Northern Ireland
02:19will brighten up.
02:20But here, obviously, we're in the colder air,
02:22so temperatures only in single figures.
02:25Weather system, though, should be pulling away
02:27as we head through Wednesday night and into Thursday.
02:29Here's the high pressure trying to move in.
02:32But the jet stream high up in the atmosphere
02:35is also pushing in weather fronts,
02:38clearing away that first set, but bringing this next one
02:41across northern areas during Thursday.
02:43So the high starting to establish itself
02:46across the south, where there'll be a chilly start to what
02:49will be an otherwise fine day.
02:51But we are looking at more cloud and showery rain
02:53drifting across Scotland, Northern Ireland,
02:55parts of Northern England, maybe Wales as well,
02:58as the breeze starts to pick up.
02:59But temperatures also, again, starting to pick up,
03:02certainly across more northern parts,
03:04even with a bit of rain, 10 to 12 degrees Celsius
03:07will be milder than Wednesday.
03:10And those weather fronts do get finally pushed out of the way
03:13by our arriving area of high pressure
03:15by Friday and into the weekend.
03:18With high pressure sitting right across the UK,
03:21that means generally fine and sunny conditions.
03:24Again, it's likely to be fairly chilly early on.
03:26May even be a bit of mist and fog.
03:28And we could still see some showery rain
03:30over the northern isles for a time.
03:32But generally, Friday's set fair.
03:34Just could be a bit breezy in places.
03:37Now, the breeze, the strength and direction of the breeze
03:41will play a big part in the feel of the weather,
03:43not just through Friday, but also into the weekend.
03:46But as the high starts to drift further east,
03:49with the isobars pinching together across the northwest,
03:52but also across the south,
03:53we could see a bit of an easterly breeze
03:54along the south coast,
03:56strengthening breeze up to the northwest.
03:58But it does depend on the exact position of that high.
04:01But closer to the centre with light winds,
04:03certainly should feel fairly pleasant through Friday
04:06and into the weekend.
04:08So, an interesting week of weather.
04:09Many of us will see plenty of blue sky and some sunshine.
04:13Keep up to date with the day-to-day details,
04:15particularly for Wednesday, however,
04:16by following us on social media.
