Weekend weather - Warm sunshine will be in short supply 06/06/19

  • 2 days ago
It’s good news if you’re after some wet weather, as this weekend most places will see some heavy rain and it will often be blustery. There will be some sunny spells but even when it does brighten up don’t expect much warmth. Alex has the details.


00:00Hello. Welcome to your weekend
00:02forecast from the Met Office.
00:03If you're after some sunshine this
00:05June weekend and some warmth,
00:07well, look away now because, yes,
00:09there may be a bit of sunshine at
00:10times, but for many, it's looking
00:12cloudy, often wet and
00:14fairly blustery and chilly as well.
00:16Why so?
00:17All thanks to an area of low
00:18pressure, quite a deep area of low
00:20pressure. In fact, that's bringing
00:21some wild weather to parts of Spain
00:23and France, so much so that the
00:25Spanish Meteorological Service
00:27named this storm Miguel.
00:29You can see the isobars really
00:30close together there, some pretty
00:32violent conditions across parts of
00:33France. But as the low pressure
00:35heads northwards, it does weaken.
00:37So the conditions won't be as bad
00:39across the UK.
00:40But nevertheless, with low pressure
00:41sitting over our heads, that does
00:43mean rain.
00:44And with the isobars fairly close
00:46together, it is still going to be
00:48Now, the wet and windy weather
00:49starts on Friday, but as the low
00:51heads northwards, you can still
00:53see bands of rain spiralling
00:55around. It's bringing more heavy
00:56rain, particularly to Scotland,
00:58Northern Ireland, Northwest England
01:00and North Wales early on on
01:02In the south, it looks a bit
01:03brighter on Saturday.
01:04There'll be some sunshine, but as
01:06you can see, it will still be
01:07blustery and there will still be
01:09showers around.
01:10It's also going to stay pretty cool.
01:13Temperatures with some sunny spells
01:15across the south may get up into the
01:16high teens.
01:17But for most places, particularly
01:19stuck under that rain band, 12
01:21to 14, with a brisk wind, it will
01:23feel cooler as well.
01:25How about Sunday?
01:26Well, the area of low pressure does
01:28try and ebb away, but there's
01:30another one not too far away.
01:31And although the isobars do open
01:33out, so it won't be quite as windy
01:34on Sunday, it's still going to be
01:36fairly breezy and it's basically
01:37going to be a day of sunshine and
01:39showers. Perhaps with the low still
01:40close to the northeast, some more
01:42persistent rain here and still a
01:43brisk and chilly wind across the
01:45far northeast.
01:46Elsewhere, we could well start off
01:48with a bit of sunshine, but the
01:49clouds will bubble up and then
01:50bands of showers will be swinging
01:53We may see some areas that don't
01:55see too many of those showers.
01:57We may see a bit more sunshine on
01:58Sunday compared to Saturday.
02:00But overall, you can still
02:02expect to get wet at some point
02:03through Sunday because of that
02:05brisk breeze chasing the showers
02:07along. That brisk breeze also,
02:09again, making it feel on the
02:10cool side.
02:12Temperatures, again, middle of
02:13the teens, maybe 18, 19
02:15with a bit of sunshine across the
02:16southeast. But for most places,
02:18again, rather cool for
02:20the time of year.
02:21There are a few signs it may get a
02:22little bit drier and brighter
02:25as we go through next week.
02:26For more on that, why not stay up
02:28to date by following us on social
