Monday afternoon forecast 25/07/22

  • 2 days ago
25 July - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern
00:00Hi there, there will be some bright spells around this week, but also a scattering of
00:04showers, that's certainly the case as we start the week with an area of low pressure pulling
00:08away into Scandinavia. Around that, a cooler north-to-northwesterly airflow compared with
00:14the weekend and some instability in the atmosphere, so some showers out there, especially around
00:20a cold front which is sinking south into south-east Scotland and then later in the afternoon north-east
00:25England. That will provide a focus for showers, perhaps even some heavy downpours and the
00:30odd rumble of thunder, more prolonged spells of rain associated with it as well. Elsewhere,
00:36showers more scattered, not quite as heavy, and some bright spells around, but you can
00:40see on the map a lot of cloud in the sky as well, and it will feel cool with that north-to-northwesterly
00:46breeze, particularly towards the north-west, a brisk wind down the Irish sea coast as well,
00:52temperatures a little lower compared with the weekend, but still the potential for 25
00:55Celsius in the south-east and still a relatively humid feel here. Showers then move south-eastwards
01:03and ease away overnight as this clump of cloud and outbreaks of rain tumbles into the Midlands
01:09and East Anglia as well as western parts of England for a time. Showers continue to feed
01:14into the north-west coast as well as parts of Cornwall, but otherwise clear spells developing
01:20and a cool night to come, temperatures in the north in sheltered spots, 5 or 6 Celsius,
01:257 or 8 in the south, but double figures I think in main urban areas. So we'll start
01:32off with that fresh feel, but plenty of sunshine first thing across western and northern parts
01:37of the country, still this clump of cloud affecting the Midlands and southern England
01:41and here the cloud will lift, it will break and we'll see some showers developing associated
01:46with it. Also there'll be scattered showers developing across Scotland and Northern Ireland,
01:51it'll be less windy compared with Monday, a better chance of some sunshine coming through
01:56though and actually Wales and the south-west looking like faring best for any sunshine
02:01that comes through later in the day. The cloud and the showers elsewhere do tend to fade
02:06away into the evening, so for many it's a drier end to the day and with a lighter breeze
02:12as well and clear spells, well it's going to be another relatively cool night, certainly
02:17more comfortable for sleeping compared with last week, but similar theme for the rest
02:22of the week really, bright spells but also showers just about anywhere day by day, little
02:28sign of useful rainfall though for those areas that have been particularly dry recently.
