JOKER 2 FOLIE A DEUX Alternate Ending & TOP 10 WTF

  • 2 days ago
JOKER 2 FOLIE A DEUX Alternate Ending & TOP 10 WTF
00:00Welcome back everyone is Charlie Joker two has been out for a couple days and is a lot
00:10of you have seen there were a ton of trailer scenes other behind the scenes that got removed
00:15from the theatrical cut there even multiple different endings and most of the deleted
00:19scenes are Lady Gaga Harley Quinn scenes or involve her character you can decide whether
00:24or not you think they would have made the movie better will break it all down if you're
00:28brand new to the channel be sure to subscribe to get all the videos but number 10 starting
00:32with the alternate endings there are a number of scenes featuring Harley Quinn at Joker's
00:37former apartment recreating the iconic scenes from the first movie towards the end of the
00:42movie this first part is after she puts on her own Harley Quinn makeup and cuts her hair
00:46short again she's decided to reject Arthur is meant to be after he talks the jury saying
00:51that he wants to die now like he wants it all to be over so she's pissed off at him
00:55you actually see her go through the transformation again like put the makeup back on again.
00:59But this time you're seeing her actually cut her hair.
01:01The vibe of her singing with actual song is way more sinister is well just like the end
01:06of the first Joker movie when he's about to go on the Murray gold show you see her walk
01:10down the hallway of the apartment and get onto the elevator turning around to face camera
01:14in slow motion just like Joker did at the end of the first movie when he was getting
01:18ready go on the show to eventually kill Murray gold and give his rant on television.
01:23So was implied that Harley Quinn was going to do something really crazy at the end of
01:27this scene number nine then on the steps.
01:30This is also part of one of the alternate endings Harley Quinn seemingly turns the Joker
01:34into the police after his escape from the courtroom like she actually turns them in
01:38calls them in while dancing down the steps.
01:41The same way that he did at the end of the first movie.
01:44This would've been after she rejects him like they have a similar conversation.
01:47Then the cops show up and she starts dancing down the steps revealing she lied about being
01:52pregnant and then he gets taken back to Arkham reportedly these alternate endings were also
01:56filmed as a smoke screen for the real ending.
01:59I don't know if that's necessarily true or if they were just trying multiple different
02:03endings and they decided on the one that we saw the theatrical cut or if these alternate
02:07endings would've worked necessarily if they were really meant to mislead people yet to
02:11imagine that they film the scene of Joker being killed by the person who would become
02:15the real Joker inside the soundstage behind closed doors like nobody would actually seen
02:20that number eight is the theory that Harley Quinn or Lee is totally fake at a certain
02:24point in the movie like eventually she's dead and he just imagining her also I think in
02:30the alternate version of this scene to you could say that and that's why Arthur didn't
02:34see her in the courtroom the final time when he broke character went back to the Arthur
02:39persona say that he wanted to die now right before the explosion meaning that when he
02:44went back to the steps and was talking to Harley that she would also been fake in that
02:48version to he was been imagining it sort of the same way in the end of the first movie
02:52where he realizes these been imagining all these different interactions with his neighbor
02:57you also remember at a certain point he stopped taking his meds making that whole thing possible
03:01the ideas the meds were preventing him from imagining things like that notice in the alternate
03:06ending you actually see the cops running pastor not acknowledging her at all that would support
03:11the idea that she's actually not real for those you wondering if she was fake for the
03:15entire movie like he was just imagining her at all points.
03:18I don't think that's true.
03:19I think she was actually a real person because there are a couple moments in the movie where
03:23you actually see other characters acknowledging her interacting with her without Arthur being
03:28present probably the best example.
03:30This is when Harley Quinn interacts with Joker's lawyer and he's nowhere to be found and she
03:34turns in response to what Harley Quinn is saying to her.
03:37But I do like the theory that she was actually dead at the very end of the movie when he's
03:41talking to her on the steps number seven.
03:44There's a deleted scene of Joker and Harley dancing down the steps of the courthouse together.
03:48This was in all the trailers you saw a lot of people talking about this online.
03:51It's later in the movie after he fires his regular attorney search representing himself
03:55and he has the first big outburst in court after Harvey Dent finishes his prosecution
03:59Arthur also says he's done presenting his case and that's all folks making of the looting
04:03tunes reference kind of like the cartoon the plays before the movie the whole idea is going
04:08to be convicted and he's not worried about it.
04:10The courtroom erupts with all the fans going crazy and cheering him like the Joker fans
04:14expecting to do something crazy before the trial is over.
04:17Then he and Harley Quinn walk out of the courtroom together in the deleted version of the scene.
04:21They continue down the steps dancing amongst all their celebrating fans.
04:26Then he's put back in the police car and driven back to Arkham.
04:29What they do in the theatrical cut is go from them walking out of the courtroom in each
04:33other's arms to him directly inside the police car back to Arkham number six.
04:38There's supposedly a third alternate ending.
04:40I haven't seen any footage of it, but it supposedly involves Lee being the one to kill Joker herself
04:46is part of her greater rejection of him when he tells the jury and everyone on live TV
04:50watching the trial that Joker was never real and he can't do this anymore.
04:53He's done.
04:54He just wants to die now.
04:56I think this version of Harley Quinn was meant to imply she would eventually go on to become
04:59more like comic book Harley Quinn in the way that Todd Phillips talked about the character
05:04at least in the theatrical version of the movie.
05:06He made it sound like she was just like Arthur in that Harley Quinn was just a fantasy of
05:11That's why on the step she literally tells him a version of that that their endgame was
05:15only ever a fantasy.
05:17They never would have run away together even if he had been acquitted of the crimes.
05:21There was no real endgame no aftermath.
05:24It was all just lies of hers to uphold the fantasy she had of him while this was all
05:28going on number five WTF is the birth of Harvey Dent is two phase.
05:33He gets a version of his iconic origin story at the end of the theatrical cut when the
05:37courthouse is blown up by the angry fans trying to save Joker notices he's crawling through
05:42the hole in the wall.
05:43The camera pans over to Harvey Dent who still live but his face is totally mangled and he's
05:47got this look of shock and horror had Todd Phillips intended for this movie to continue
05:53with other sequels and spinoffs, which is sounds like he did not we would presumably
05:57seen Harvey Dent as two phase in the third movie or in some other spinoff, but that's
06:02not the case.
06:03They don't have any actual spinoffs plan for this movie or any other sequels number four
06:07building on that Todd Phillips said he always intended for this movie to be his last movie
06:12in the DC universe.
06:14So he always planned for it to be what you actually saw on screen a musical basically
06:19in a re litigation of the first movie with Arthur ultimately rejecting the Joker and
06:24then all Joker fans rejecting Arthur and ultimately killing him closing the book on this universe
06:31number three is actually a real life WTF.
06:34This is a little bit funny in a dark kind of way I posted this on my Twitter, but it
06:37was a fan interaction with James Gunn like he's been answering all kinds of questions
06:41because the upcoming Superman movie just a lot of stuff that's happening the next couple
06:45years with DC in general because he's in charge of all the DC stuff the fan was asking him
06:49why Joker to didn't have the DC studios logo at the beginning of the movie like you would
06:54normally expect from a DC movie and James Gunn replied that it wasn't meant to be a
06:59DC studios movie a lot of people were taking this as if he was slightly dissing the movie
07:04like James Gunn was dissing the movie, but don't put that evil on me, but he is actually
07:09saying that he had nothing to do with the movie like James Gunn was hired after they
07:13started making Joker to all the recent DC movies that come at the past two years or
07:17so were put into production before James Gunn was hired.
07:21So he didn't approve any of them or have any real creative control that was able to significantly
07:26change the movies with a very few exceptions like the flash movie is probably the best
07:31example of him coming in late in the game after the movie was pretty much done and then
07:35making some changes when it comes to the flash movie though that was mostly to change the
07:39ending because originally the flash movie was created by a previous administration that
07:44was running DC and Warner brothers movies and they plan for more Henry Cavill Superman
07:49man of steel sequels in more Justice league movies with the Snyder verse of characters
07:53like a whole completely different future going for like 10 years worth of DC EU James
07:59Gunn came on and wanted to reboot everything.
08:02So the original ending for the flash movie wouldn't have made sense, but when it comes
08:06to a movie like Joker to this little bit different Todd Phillips specifically said that the studio
08:11left him alone and let him have total creative control over the movie.
08:15So James Gunn really didn't have any connection with Joker to and on top of that.
08:19If you remember the first Joker movie and this movie like both movies were the same
08:23in terms of the title treatment the way they credited DC comics.
08:27Both of them have no DC logo of any kind at the beginning of the movie in both of the
08:32movies only have a credit at the end saying based on characters from DC and that's it
08:39that's the only text or logo in the movie connecting any of these Joker franchise films
08:44to DC comics.
08:46The reason why they said they did it this way is because both of the Joker movies were
08:49developed outside of DC even the previous administration at DC before James Gunn was
08:54hired because the first Joker movie was made many years ago from a much previous administration
08:59even before David Zaslav who everybody hates was hired on.
09:03So was a completely separate part of the studio that does like the regular Warner Brothers
09:07non DC movies doing the Joker Todd Phillips movies.
09:12So the movie was literally meant to be completely off in its own little universe with no connections
09:16to the DC universe ever, which is part of the reason why they let Todd Phillips be so
09:21crazy and so different with the characters.
09:24The only problem I think with that is the lot of fans just saw the Joker character the
09:28like oh Joker Batman characters is going to connect with other Batman stuff in the future,
09:32but at least behind the scenes at the studio level they never intended on connecting this
09:37with any Batman franchise of any kind number two WTF the Looney Tunes cartoon that plays
09:43at the beginning of the movie tells the entire story of the movie before the actual movie
09:48plays this like a big spoiler warning like when you go back and you rewatch the movie
09:52a second time.
09:53If you actually want to watch the movie a second time most you probably will not bother
09:56to watch it a second time, but it's meant to be a Looney Tunes style parody cartoon
10:01because were talking Warner Brothers here they own Looney Tunes back in the day they
10:05also used to attach Looney Tunes style cartoons ahead of movies in theaters like this normally
10:10anyway like any kind of movie, but the cartoon was also meant to depict Joker's fantasy
10:15that he talks about having during the movie about Murray Gold's show being his show like
10:20it was Joker's show in his mind the cartoon shows you all the themes that they cover throughout
10:25the movie.
10:26His alternate Joker persona trying to fight him him having to figure out who the real
10:30persona is is Arthur the real person is Joker the real person until ultimately he's killed
10:35in jail, which is basically how the cartoon ends.
10:38I think this is also evidence that at the end of the movie.
10:41The guards also set Arthur up so that the other version of the person that will become
10:46the Joker kills him like they organize that in there was no visitor that came to see him
10:51causing him to leave where that other inmate was able to stab him then probably the number
10:57one WTF here is what the guards due to Joker at the end of the movie that were talking
11:02about the little text of the movie here.
11:04Some people kind of miss the context because the way they cut the scene together like the
11:07kind of quickly brush past it so you not totally sure what happens, but I think they
11:11show you enough to imply what really happened Arthur returns from prison in his Joker makeup
11:17riding high because he just told the jury in the judge off, but the guards heard him
11:22making fun of them on live TV at the trial they haul him to a secluded separate part
11:27of the prison strip them all his clothes inside a shower then proceed to violently sexually
11:33assault him like in the graphic prison sense when people make references to what happens
11:38in prison showers.
11:40That's probably the least objectionable way that I can explain it without YouTube coming
11:43after my video then they put him back in his clothes and throw him back into solitary confinement
11:48now a lot of people questioning what actually happened when they were in the shower.
11:51But if you look at his face here.
11:53It looks like any humanity that he had before this was completely stripped out of it like
11:57he lost any sense of humanity and it's after this when he goes back to the truck that he
12:02breaks down and goes back to his Arthur persona saying I can't do this anymore.
12:06No more.
12:07This is done.
12:08No more Joker.
12:09I want to die right now.
12:11So what they're implying is that it was the violent sexual assault that really turned
12:15him around on wanting to be Joker like that's it no more no more Joker it's done generally
12:21a super messed up scene in a very messed up movie that everybody just post all your reactions
12:27in the comments below like I said there are no plans to continue this franchise after
12:32I think that's why James Gunn just kind of let it be off and it's like he didn't try
12:35to worm his way in and make a whole bunch of changes also reportedly the reason why
12:40the studio let Todd Phillips do this with the movie just in general like let him do
12:44his own thing is because they wanted to appease him because he made them so much money from
12:48the first movie, but it does sound like behind the scenes a lot of people at the studio were
12:52not happy with the movie itself, but the ultimately just based the way the contracts were written
12:57had to let him do whatever he wanted to do with it in better news.
13:01Other Batman things the penguin episode three is happening tonight.
13:04I will do my video for after it releases, so be sure to enable alerts for my channel
13:08so you don't miss it.
13:09It is one of the few Batman related things that people have actually really enjoyed recently
13:14everybody click here for that video update the link as soon as I post it and click here
13:18for my Joker to ending video to explain what's going on with that alternate version.
13:22Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys the next one!
