Lord Of The Rings_ Rings Of Power Season 2 Episode 8 Finale FULL Breakdown & Things You Missed

  • 2 days ago
Lord Of The Rings_ Rings Of Power Season 2 Episode 8 Finale FULL Breakdown & Things You Missed
00:00Gandalf, that's what they're going to call me, isn't it?
00:06Welcome back everyone, it's Charlie.
00:08This will be my full Lord of the Rings rings of power season 2 episode 8 finale video there
00:13a whole bunch of Easter eggs and references to the books some big reveals to like they
00:16finally revealed who the stranger really is bit of a big surprise.
00:20I was not expecting the couple clear setups for the wars between the elves and Sauron
00:25from the books.
00:26So we'll break it all down.
00:27If you're brand-new to the channel.
00:28Be sure to subscribe to get all the episodes careful for spoilers.
00:32If you haven't seen the episode yet just starting at the beginning working way through shot
00:35by shot.
00:36Talk about Easter eggs WTF moments starting with the episode title shadow in flame a reference
00:42to the Balrog of Khazad-Dum also called Durin's Bane because in this episode we actually see
00:47Durin the third sacrifice himself to stop the Balrog or at least slow him down.
00:52There was no way that Durin the third was going to be able to stop him.
00:55Even with a mithril axe without his ring of power.
00:58Even if he was wearing his ring of power.
01:00He probably still wouldn't be able to fully stop the Balrog Durin the books and fellowship
01:05Gandalf now revealed as the stranger during the episode talks to the others from the fellowship
01:10saying you fear to go into those minds the dwarves delved too greedily and too deep.
01:15You know what they awoke in the darkness of Khazad-Dum shadow in flame part of the whole
01:20reason why Sauron gave them their ring of power gave the dwarves the ring of power was
01:25so that he could control them didn't exactly work out the way Sauron planted, but it did
01:29make the dwarves greedy enough to wake the Balrog to roust him Durin the third uses the
01:34power of the ring influenced by Sauron to continue mining at the beginning of the episode
01:38rousting the Balrog on the other side of the wall.
01:41They find massive veins of mithril in when Durin the fourth says it's not their mountain
01:46talk about the possessiveness of Durin the third like look at the riches of our mountain.
01:50It's meant to be a callback to a Tom Bombadil said about nobody owning the earth like the
01:55earth belongs to itself, but it is party time because the Balrog shows up their couple trademark
02:01moves of his in weapons that we see during fellowship of the ring.
02:04He uses his whip in his flaming sword against Durin the third who finally comes to his senses
02:10takes the ring of power off leaves it to Durin the fourth and then sacrifices himself to
02:15slow the Balrog down.
02:16So R.I.P. the king is dead long live the king and this is just the beginning for Khazad-dum
02:22the way the showrunners talked about it.
02:24The situation with the Balrog at least on the show because the show is changing a lot
02:28of the pre-existing book cannon and a lot of the stuff that we saw during the movie
02:31is trying to sort of connect with the movies, but reinterpreting a lot of stuff from the
02:35books, especially the timeline of when things happen.
02:38They said the situation with the Balrog going forward after this is evolving like eventually
02:43he will lay siege to all of Khazad-dum, but not till much, much later in the timeline
02:49in the books that was until like the third age.
02:50I'm expecting them to speed that up on the show, so we might start to see that towards
02:55the end of whatever the final season is, but we will continue to see the Balrog messing
02:59with Khazad-dum throughout the next couple of seasons.
03:02The reason why see the explosion of the Balrogs flaming sword with Durin the third's axe because
03:07the axe was made of mithril the mithril is meant to contain some remnants of one of the
03:11Silmarils so part of the idea is that his axe isn't fully strong enough to completely
03:16destroyed the Balrogs sword, but it is enough to stop him briefly, but if it wasn't clear
03:22even if he had the ring of power on his hand.
03:24He still wouldn't been able to kill the Balrog the Balrog is another Maiar just like Gandalf
03:29for instance.
03:30So during fellowship where you see Gandalf sacrifice himself and continue to fight the
03:33Balrog through the beginning of two towers to explain how he became Gandalf the white.
03:37He had to sacrifice his life like Gandalf is powerful as he was basically died trying
03:42to stop the Balrog destroy its body interestingly enough.
03:46The same thing that happened to Gandalf actually happened to the Balrog to when he destroyed
03:50its body.
03:51Both of their spirits were immortal.
03:52It was just the Iluvatar basically put Gandalf back in another physical body.
03:56There's actually a couple references to this phenomenon when Celebrimbor is talking about
04:00what's going to happen to him after he finally dies in the episodes will get to that in a
04:04second but I know a lot of the talk after the episode is going to be on the Gandalf
04:08of it all.
04:09Yes, it is a huge change the books.
04:11I think the reason why they're using his character this way is because they want the name recognition
04:16from casual fans.
04:17Most people probably will not care who the other blue wizard is if he was a blue wizard,
04:22which is what I expected them to do saying that the other dark wizard was another blue
04:26wizard just because what they were doing with the characters during the season is similar
04:29to what the blue wizards were doing in the books after the episode was released.
04:33They made the big Gandalf reveal there were people that claim that Tolkien at the end
04:38of his life thought about retconning his own story again for the wizards and having them
04:42show up earlier in the timeline and fight during the second age in the wars between
04:46the elves and Sauron.
04:48So I think this is the show using that as justification for making bigger changes to
04:51what we know about the wizards story the Istari's story.
04:55So I actually now kind of think that the dark wizard is a version of Saruman and they've
04:59changed that storyline.
05:01The interesting thing though is that even though they give Gandalf his name during this
05:05They do not name the dark wizard he still just known as the dark wizard and he talks
05:10about himself as being one of the other Istari one of the five.
05:14So I guess it is still possible he could be one of the blue wizards from the canon because
05:17one of the blue wizards to start creating cults in the east and that's basically what
05:21the dark wizard has done, but a lot of people were just expecting them to go for Saruman
05:26because everybody knows who Saruman is so that's what the show wants to do my assumption
05:29based on the dialogue that the dark wizard has talking to Gandalf saying old friend talking
05:35about how they used to be as kin heavily implies that it will wind up being Saruman though
05:40you guys can let me know in the comments.
05:41Do you think they're just going to change things and say that this is Saruman but we
05:45pick up with their story early in the episode in the dark wizard was waiting for Gandalf
05:50saying for ages the Valar Manwe told him the Gandalf would come eventually who he calls
05:55old friend.
05:57The ideas that the Istari are meant to be another group of my are just like Sauron is
06:01a mire from a different group same thing with the Balrogs there just another form of my
06:05are Manwe is part of the Valar the higher choir of angels the more powerful ones he
06:10tells Gandalf their history saying that it was he who convinced him to travel east from
06:15Valinor where they came from because none of them could hope to defeat Sauron alone
06:20then he tries to trick Gandalf into joining him in their bid for power to first help Sauron
06:25then overthrow Sauron essentially that's the idea is that eventually we might succeed
06:29Sauron also betraying the runish Galdrim soldiers that he been using this whole time part of
06:36the idea to is it sound like he blighted their skin to force them to help like if you help
06:40me I will fix you and that might be why they're wearing those masks notice Brink also says
06:46that his people were once Kings makes you think of the nine rings for men is meant to
06:50foreshadow season three probably when one of them will eventually get a ring.
06:53We know the name of one of the nine was Camille from rune.
06:56So we'll probably meet him during season three, but it sounds like it's not gonna be branked
07:00because the dark wizard kills him RIP they have a very quick full-on wizard battle with
07:06the dark wizard making it sound like this extreme actions are necessary to defeat Sauron
07:10raising a bunch of rocks like is going to destroy all the halflings he's meant to give
07:14you the same vibes of Sauron doing all the victim blaming the season with Celebrimbor
07:18and he did the same thing with Galadriel like trying to justify his terrible actions I'm
07:22trying to help everyone you're the ones that are making me hurt you because you're not
07:27helping me, but really Sauron just wanted to control everyone control the world finger
07:32puppet everyone using the rings of power and essentially the dark wizard.
07:36If you really is Saruman would do the same thing.
07:39If he were to come to power back at Numenor fair zone believes that Muriel was in league
07:44with Sauron and that it was through his power that she was able to survive the sea beast.
07:48This is probably a result of his visions in the palantir we know that he saw visions of
07:52Mount doom and other things that were happening in Middle-earth presumably he saw what Sauron
07:57was doing this season in previous season and since he's so unhinged right now and anti
08:02Valor his mind just automatically assumes seeing all these visions of Sauron and knowing
08:07that the palantir belong to Muriel that she must have been in league with him.
08:11So the idea that he's trying to close ranks on Numenor and get rid of any faithful any
08:16connection to the Valor or the Maiar basically giving you vibes of Denethor from the Lord
08:21of the Rings spent all this time staring into the palantir saw everything that was
08:25going on with the Frodo the fellowship, but also misread his visions and assume that they
08:30all meant to do evil thus fair zone basically makes it illegal to be a member of the faithful
08:35on Numenor and starts rounding everyone up.
08:38The other side effect of this act is to basically give the faithful more of a reason to bail
08:42on Numenor and go back to Middle-earth particularly Elendil the reason why the white tree starts
08:48shedding its petals is because they do that when something really bad is about to happen
08:52or happening.
08:53It's meant to be a really big omen.
08:55The reason why Sauron wanted to destabilize Numenor is because they were critical to defeating
09:00Morgoth's forces in the first stage they were able to stop the Numenoreans.
09:04So Sauron is trying to make the smart move to neutralize them before he makes a larger
09:08play to conquer Middle-earth so that they can't oppose him all their weapons and technology
09:13are far greater than anyone else except for like the elves and the dwarves.
09:17So it is that Sauron is trying to get Numenor to destroy itself slowly.
09:21Aerion finally has the smallest modicum of sense takes a left turn and then warns her
09:26father Elendil who tells Miriel that it's time to scoot for Middle-earth.
09:31He mentions his other son Anarion for those of you that were asking where he was this
09:34entire season in the books.
09:36He becomes the king of Arnor while Isildur eventually rules from Gondor briefly though
09:41because we know that he dies pretty soon after the war the last alliance.
09:45The idea is that eventually Aragorn when he comes along descends from both of their
09:49lines and becomes the king of the reunified two different kingdoms after return of the
09:54So for a while during the timeline you have like two different factions of humans living
09:58in that area zoom in enhancing the background notice we see the sword line next door is
10:03Narsil the same sword that Elendil had on his hip in his vision from the palantir where
10:08he saw himself leaving the city which we actually see come to pass at the end of this episode
10:12leaving to go back to Middle-earth when he calls it the white flame.
10:16It was forged during the first stage by one of the greatest Dwarven smiths of that age
10:20in Quenya one of the languages of the elves Narsil literally translates to red and white
10:25flame Miriel stays on Numenor because were not done with the Numenor plot yet like there's
10:30still a lot of stuff that has to happen before the downfall of Numenor which means that we
10:33will see it next season like she isn't leaving the show or anything like that.
10:37Then we go back to Eregion the orcs continue to lay siege to the city, but is basically
10:42done for this is also in the books to it's called the fall of Eregion the orcs are meant
10:46to outnumber the elves greatly they do explain that most of the elves that managed to escape
10:52mostly come to live in the newly created city of Rivendell Elrond's new city.
10:58That's the place they wind up at the end of the episode a place that is protected by the
11:02power of the elven rings which Elrond winds up doing later when he gets one of the rings
11:06of power Sauron continues to torture Celebrimbor still looking for the nine rings.
11:11When he mentions the orcs bloodlust during battle.
11:14He talks about the fall of Gondolin during the first stage.
11:16It was one of the greatest cities of the elves.
11:19The whole story from start to finish how was created and then what happened to it is enough
11:23for entire movie or multiple movies.
11:26But because is from the Silmarillion and I don't think anyone has the film rights to
11:29those we probably will actually see that on screen ever generally that's why you haven't
11:33seen any TV shows or movies based on the first stage and why they had to be really careful
11:38with the way they portrayed that stuff during season one of rings of power just because
11:42they don't have the rights to the Silmarillion too bad because most the really epic stories
11:47in the Lord of the Rings universe that have been told yet are all from the Silmarillion
11:52when he mentions the Kingfisher's saying the Sauron silence them.
11:55Those are special bluebirds and when he says he'll be out of his reach soon going to the
11:59shores of the morning he's talking about his immortal elven spirit going to the halls of
12:04Mandos after he dies they can be reincarnated a new body if they want elves can be reincarnated
12:10part of the ideas that elves as a mortal beings spirits cannot be destroyed.
12:14So anytime they die they go to the halls of Mandos and they can basically get another
12:18body if they want.
12:20They don't have to, but they can is basically the same situation with the ironer to the
12:24Meyer in the Valor they can get new bodies that they want because their spirits are mortal.
12:29That's how Sauron keeps coming back over and over and over.
12:32But the idea when elves do it is that the halls of Mandos are over in Valinor.
12:36So it's sort of like an MMO where you die somewhere else in the world and then res at
12:41the graveyard your spirit travels to the graveyard in res is there was basically was can happen
12:46to kill a brim bore if he wants to come back.
12:49He'll just wake up in Valinor when he says he'll be born there by wind that Sauron can
12:53never follow.
12:54That's because of the ban of the Valor Sauron literally cannot enter Valinor or the Valor
12:59would throw him in prison kind of like Morgoth for the rest of time.
13:03The reason why this is such a big insult is because it's Celebrimbor telling Sauron that
13:08the rest of his kind the ironer all hate him.
13:10He stands alone while the rest of them live back in peace in Valinor basically saying
13:15that everybody hate you Sauron then implies that he's knowledgeable enough in torture
13:20to keep him alive as long as he wants to keep him in pain.
13:24You remember that he learned how to do that from Morgoth because Morgoth tortured him
13:28and pretty much every other being that served him when Celebrimbor replies saying that his
13:32own craft will eventually betray him.
13:34He's talking about Frodo Samwell being able to kill him when they in Gollum destroy the
13:39one ring of power.
13:40So the ring he forged his greatest weapon will wind up betraying him metaphorically
13:45that's also why he follows up by saying one alone shall prove your utter ruin which is
13:49literally the end of return of the king how that goes down thank you for the assist Gollum.
13:54So in the end you really have to give Gollum credit for actually being the one to destroy
13:58him he insults Sauron again calling him a shadow of Morgoth Sauron hates Morgoth he
14:04basically calling him a wannabe poser copy of someone he despises pissing him off enough
14:09to kill him.
14:11Then as he's dying.
14:12He says the name the thing inside the thing everybody pointing at the screen does full
14:15meme calling Sauron the lord of the rings as they play a lament satyr version of Sauron's
14:22theme where the shadows lie as he sheds a tear.
14:25Not because he believes what Celebrimbor said, but because he's sad to lose him because
14:29he really did enjoy working with Celebrimbor part of the ideas that he laments killing
14:34one of the greatest smiths to ever live when the orc finds Sauron and he says his line
14:39about having many names that he said previously in the series is meant to be the beginning
14:42of him taking control of the orcs using the same tricks that he used to twist the elves
14:47around his finger the orcs minds are much easier for him to control though.
14:51Then we go back to Isildur and Theo we haven't seen in a while gives little pep talk about
14:55grief and basically starts to set up the whole plot for the Numenoreans during season three
15:00Estrid shows up setting up more the love triangle that will continue into season three.
15:05Then Kemen shows up to fortify the town as Farazon intends to use it as a bigger port
15:09and because they're worried about Sauron and what's happening in Middle-earth.
15:13So they basically want to beef up the defensive fort of the city love Kemen's reaction to
15:18seeing Isildur.
15:19He could not be more pissed off like oh you're still alive all crap.
15:23The whole basis for his weird situationship with Aeorian was predicated on her hatred
15:29of Muriel driven by the belief that she got Isildur killed learning that he's still alive
15:34is probably be the end of any chances that he had with her.
15:38So when we see her help her father at the end of the episode going against Farazon seeing
15:41Isildur is alive will probably fully turn her back to the side of the faithful.
15:46The whole situation here goes south fast after Estrid's fiance hears him talking about
15:51taking her to Numenor then Kemen denying her passage because she's lowborn and tells him
15:56about the chaos of the season with his father Elendil now wanted by the law and Muriel overthrown
16:01by Farazon basically they want to set the idea that he goes to Numenor sees how crazy
16:07it is and then goes with his father eventually back to Middle-earth like he'll be back couple
16:12of the really important setups to Kemen says that he's the new commander of the city meeting
16:16that he's going to be in Middle-earth regularly now making it way easier for Sauron to put
16:21a ring of power on his finger.
16:23So I think we all theorize that of the Numenoreans he would be the one to actually get a ring
16:27of power there could be other people from Numenor the get a ring of power, but at least
16:31Kemen there's also the idea of the black Numenoreans there meant to be the Numenoreans that were
16:36part of the Kingsmen but survive the downfall because they were on Middle-earth yet to imagine
16:42that being Kemen's group of Numenoreans, for example, the mouth of Sauron that we see during
16:47return of the king that's a black Numenorean.
16:50Remember he also tells them they need to start cutting down all the trees in the area for
16:54timber exactly what the Ents did not want.
16:57So reply gonna get some really pissed off Ents during season three then we see Galadriel
17:02surrendering herself to Adar trying to bargain for the lives of the remaining elves in exchange
17:06for helping him try to kill Sauron, but finding that wearing her ring of power has healed
17:10him of all the damage that Morgoth did twisting his body while he was trying to create the
17:15orcs race.
17:16So now he looks like he did back during the years of the trees when the elves awoke you
17:20have to remember that he was one of the original elves that woke.
17:23So he's just as old if not older than Cirdan the shipwright who previously was thought
17:28of as the oldest elf living on the planet.
17:30He does say that he used to have a different name and Adar was just the one he was given
17:35after he was twisted by Morgoth, but he can't remember what it was you can let me know if
17:39you think you know what Adar's original name was.
17:43Basically they set up the idea that he will make peace with the elves finally like peace
17:47between orcs and elves he will never wage war on Middle-earth or anywhere on the planet
17:51ever again.
17:53It sounds too good to be true and of course it is because Adar is not from the original
17:58So we knew at some point Sauron was gonna kill him because we knew he was gonna get
18:01his crown back and he basically uses the orcs to trick him betraying Adar and killing him
18:07in the same way that Adar killed Sauron at the beginning of the season we saw in the
18:10flashbacks they even try to mirror the camera shots with the low shot of him looking up
18:14and Sauron looking down at him.
18:16So he's meant to die the same way that Sauron died.
18:20Adar, but I think we all knew that Sauron was gonna eventually kill him at some point.
18:24Sauron then admits to Galadriel that he didn't always have everything planned out like there
18:28was no actual master plan other than to try and conquer the world the road goes ever winding
18:33which is his way of saying that he improvised along the way in the rings of power were part
18:37of that improvisation.
18:39He's meant to be a master at adaptation in the master of improvisation they have a big
18:44battle with him trying to get her ring.
18:46He also winds up getting the nine off of her.
18:49So that's how he starts putting it on people's hands during season three.
18:52We knew that was gonna happen eventually somehow because the Nazgul would eventually be created
18:57the reason why she can stand her ground for a little while here why she lasts as long
19:00as she did is because the extra power her ring gives her.
19:04But even with her ring on she's not nearly as powerful as Sauron and he's just messing
19:08with her separately Gil-Galad sees his vision from the future come to pass when the orcs
19:13pull down the statue of Feanor holding the Silmaril the reason why Elrond tries to stop
19:18the orcs from burning all of Celebrimbor's scrolls is their priceless all this knowledge
19:22of the things that he created is that one of his big roles in the legendarium as is
19:26a historian.
19:27He has a massive library full of important works from all ages all across the world in
19:32Rivendell later in the timeline.
19:34So he basically starts collecting all this important knowledge these important artifacts
19:38like the shards of Narsil eventually Sauron then changes back to his Halbran form to mess
19:43with Galadriel reciting the same line from season one when it seemed like they were about
19:47to kiss then he changes into her form and into Celebrimbor's form reciting a bunch of
19:52old lines of dialogue to her basically just trying to mess with her head.
19:56He's able to draw a little of his blood and he stabs her with his crown giving her another
20:01wound kind of like the Nazgul give to Frodo giving her a wound that would theoretically
20:06never heal, but she does have her ring of power and one of his powers is healing.
20:10So essentially keeps her in this healed state as long as she's wearing the ring their whole
20:15fight also reminded me of their fight later in the timeline during the hobbit movies when
20:19he's revealed as the necromancer that fight involved them both using a lot more magic,
20:25but basically the same idea his line about her being worshiped as a queen is also meant
20:29to be a callback to her line during fellowship of the ring when she said the same thing to
20:33Frodo about what would happen if she were to wear the one ring of power she become just
20:37as bad as Sauron great and terrible Queen all shall love me in despair.
20:42There many moments in this episode and throughout this season where they borrow lines directly
20:47from the original movies.
20:49For example, when she mentions the free peoples of Middle-earth resisting him that's based
20:53on another line of hers from the prologue and fellowship of the ring.
20:57He then takes the nine rings from her got to put those on some hands in season three.
21:00So were on Nazgul watch heading into the next couple years.
21:04We finally see the dwarf show up to Eregion just in time to save Elrond and the others,
21:08but Durand isn't there because his mourning the death of his father R.I.P.
21:12This is meant to be Narvi in the armor telling him what's going on.
21:15Then Galadriel tricks Sauron the same way that Elrond trick Gil-galad at the beginning
21:19of the season jumping off the cliff with the ring to prevent him from getting it.
21:24This time though there's no water to ease her fall, but the healing power of the elven
21:27rings help her heal.
21:29Otherwise pretty much every other bone her body would've been crushed.
21:32Like I said when Gil-galad says that her wounds are drawing her immortal spirit into the unseen
21:36world is meant to be just like Frodo's wound given to him by the Nazgul drawing him into
21:40the unseen world until the elves are to heal him, but the wound itself because Frodo didn't
21:45wear the ring all the time did not fully heal ever.
21:49Galadriel on the other hand wears her ring of power most the time.
21:52So the ring keeps her in this healed state.
21:56Elrond finally relents in his hatred of the rings using them to help heal her to remember
22:00eventually he'll wear Vilya the blue ring of air which Gil-galad will give him.
22:04That's the one that Gil-galad is wearing right now, but Elrond uses her ring to do this.
22:09Then we get Poppy's speech about some things being lost forever also based on Galadriel's
22:13speech during the prologue from fellowship about a soldier losing the one ring of power
22:18then the races of Middle-earth eventually forgetting about the wars in the second age
22:21and the threat of Sauron over the centuries like part of the problem with a lot of the
22:25races that are not immortal is that they forget things very quickly compared to elves who
22:30have perfect memory as a Sealdor sails back to Numenor Muriel is arrested and thrown in
22:35prison Elendil does what he saw himself doing in his vision from the palantir riding away
22:40from the city.
22:41It sounds like at some point the beginning of season three he'll head back to Middle-earth
22:45I'm guessing a Sealdor will show up at some point the beginning of season three see his
22:49sister see his father and then they'll come back to Middle-earth together don't know what's
22:53can happen to his sister though she might wind up staying on Numenor when Poppy references
22:57building something new you see Sauron taking Fëanor's hammer and this is meant to be him
23:01thinking about crafting the one ring of power confirming now this in the show that he used
23:06Fëanor's hammer to do it you have to remember that both Fëanor and Sauron were apprentice
23:11to Aule the Smith the Valar, so at least for Sauron this is meant to be symbolic Merrimack
23:16and the other halflings call Gandalf Grand Elf a couple times in a row very quickly foreshadowing
23:22his actual name the actual Gandalf name is based on Norse in real life.
23:27It translates to Wand Elf it's the very first name J.R.R. Tolkien ever created in the Lord
23:33of the Rings universe when he started writing like very first character very first name.
23:37So at least for right now it seems like Gandalf and Nori in the halflings go their separate
23:41ways with the surviving halflings heading back west to eventually create the Shire in
23:46the books the Shire itself isn't created till much later in the timeline, but because they're
23:49changing so much on the show will probably see them create the Shire by like the final
23:54season then he winds up finding his staff lying on the ground notice before he finds
23:58it you this giant gust of wind before he sees it there imply that Tom Bombadil probably
24:03helped with that like give a little push check this on the ground all is a way to reward
24:07him for choosing the right path choosing to help people instead of choosing power his
24:12staff is meant to resemble the staff you see him wielding during fellowship of the ring
24:15he gets a newer staff when he comes back is Gandalf the white though then he goes back
24:20to Tom Bombadil's and says his name Gandalf that's what they're going to call me in the
24:24ideas of the different races all have different names for him like the Valor call him Olren
24:29the elves call him Mithrandir the dwarves call him Thargoon he's had many many many
24:34other aliases in his travels all over the world when Tom Bombadil says let the song
24:39begin and they begin singing together.
24:41That's a reference to a couple songs the songs he himself sings all the time in the books
24:46like Tom Bombadil is known for all of his songs, but also the idea of the song that
24:50the Aenar sing with the Louvatar like it's a Louvatar song and all the Aenar, the Valar,
24:54the Maiar sing with them.
24:56They sung creation into existence essentially the actual song that they're singing the episode
25:02though Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow is one of the songs that Tom Bombadil sings in
25:06the books all the songs that he sung earlier in the episodes were also from the books.
25:12Then they transition back to the dark wizards fortress as he watches the stars basically
25:16sensing what is transpired with both Gandalf and Sauron back in Eregion like he just kind
25:20of ruminating on what's happened then back in Khazad-dum when Durin says he's going to
25:25be ready to help Elrond and the elves again that's meant to foreshadow the war of the
25:28last alliance and the wars between the elves and Sauron which happened before the war of
25:33the last alliance like there's a lot of war that happens before the last alliance.
25:37We find out that the other six Dwarven Lords want their money back that they paid to his
25:41father as Tythe and not all the Dwarven Lords support him as his father's chosen heir.
25:47The idea that some are trying to make their own claim for the throne, including his brother
25:51who sounds like he's not a great terms with Durin.
25:53So it's kind of a game of thrones Stannis Renly situation like war the five kings situation.
25:58They also end their storyline this season on the Dwarven ring of power.
26:02Just to remind you that theoretically whoever would become king if it's not Durin would
26:06probably put the ring back on and we have the exact same problem that we had this season
26:09with Durin the third, but even though it seems like Durin the fourth has all these problems
26:13he has to deal with and he's still not even technically king yet the books have been out
26:18there for a long time.
26:19So we know eventually what does happen to Durin's line Gladriel then wakes up and what
26:23will become Rivendell.
26:24I think they're trying to echo Frodo waking up and fellowship with the ring after he's
26:28wounded and then saved by the elves and Rivendell when he says is a sanctuary protected by the
26:33elven rings the ideas that over the centuries Elrond protected Rivendell with the power
26:37of his eventual elven ring, which is why the orcs were never able to invaded literally
26:43becomes impenetrable to them.
26:45Then they basically hold a vote of the surviving elves of whether to go on the offensive and
26:49fight Sauron's forces or fall back and build their defenses and they all decide to make
26:53war so the scene is meant to set up the war of elves and Sauron from the books for season
26:58three going forward.
26:59If you haven't read the books.
27:00Those were the first wars fought against Sauron my assumption right now based on the way things
27:05are going is that season three will release in 2026, but I don't think they have officially
27:10or at least announced that they've renewed, but the way that everybody talked about with
27:13the show owners talked about the actors talk about it sounds that they have already renewed
27:16it behind the scenes.
27:18The other big reminder is that later this year.
27:20They're also releasing the war of the Rohirrim movie, which is a completely separate part
27:24of the timeline in a completely separate group of people making it like it's not the same
27:27people that are making the show, so there's a lot more Lord of the Rings related content
27:31coming out later this year.
27:33There's so much going on in the episode.
27:34If there's any big Easter eggs or references that you spotted that I didn't talk about
27:38in the video or my previous videos just write them below in the comments everybody click
27:42here for all my Deadpool and Wolverine deleted scenes bonus features alternate endings alternate
27:47jokes and click here for all my rings of power episodes.
27:50Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys the next one!
