Lord Of The Rings_ Rings Of Power Season 2 Episode 7 FULL Breakdown & Things You Missed

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Lord Of The Rings_ Rings Of Power Season 2 Episode 7 FULL Breakdown & Things You Missed
00:00You will give me the nine.
00:06Welcome back everyone it's Charlie.
00:08This will be my full Lord of the Rings rings of power season two episode seven video there
00:12were a whole bunch Easter eggs and references were finally seeing the fall of a reggae on
00:16these last two episodes and the completion of the nine rings for mortal men.
00:21So will break it all down.
00:22If you're brand new to the channel be sure to subscribe to get all the episodes careful
00:26for spoilers.
00:27If you haven't seen the episode yet will sort of the beginning work away through shot by
00:30shot talking about Easter eggs WTF moments and book references the episode title is doomed
00:35to die a reference to the rest of the ring poem they been using the lines from the ring
00:40poem for the different groups of rings like the elven rings at the beginning of the season
00:44the dwarven rings from the ring poem during the middle of the season and now that nine
00:48rings part of the poem nine rings for mortal men doomed to die one for the dark Lord on
00:54his dark throne that apply wind up being the title of one of the episodes at some point
00:58or something similar to that in the lands of Mordor where the shadows lie one ring to
01:03rule them all one ring to find them one ring to bring them all in in the darkness bind
01:09them in the lands of Mordor where the shadows lie.
01:13So remember the whole idea is that Sauron has forced Celebrimbor to finish creating
01:18the nine rings for mortal men in this episode.
01:20Galadriel takes off with them.
01:22It's only episode seven.
01:23We have one more episode left at some point those nine rings have to wind up on nine different
01:27people's hands in the next couple seasons on top of that Sauron has yet to create the
01:32one ring of power.
01:33There couple references that later in the episode, but part of the idea that Galadriel
01:37talks about during the prologue of fellowship of the ring that movies she says Sauron deceived
01:43everyone and that's bit of a theme in the episode where Celebrimbor finally comes to
01:46his senses inserts confronting Sauron saying that he's such a good deceiver that he's even
01:51deceived himself, but one of his greatest tricks that he pulls is that he never told
01:56anyone about his plans to create a master ring to control all the rings of power pretty
02:02much anyone from any of the races any the main characters on the show are only worried
02:05about the rings that exist right now they have no idea that there's going to be a one
02:10ring of power that will be able to control all them that feels like something that is
02:14going to save for like late season three maybe even like season four supposedly there's
02:19a five season plan will see how they plot that out because they're basically gonna have
02:22to end the series whichever season that winds up being with the war the last alliance in
02:27charting the timeline the way they're doing the speed run version of the books.
02:31I mean they're changing a lot from the books, but they're also doing a really big speed
02:34run version of it to they'll show him finishing crafting the one ring of power at the beginning
02:39or like towards the middle of the final season.
02:43So there's still a lot that has to happen between now in the creation of the one ring
02:46of power.
02:47You still have the idea that he has to put those nine rings on nine different people's
02:51hands he still has to make it to Numenor there's a whole big plot there with the downfall of
02:56Numenor that hasn't even gotten halfway there yet.
02:58We didn't really deal with that in this week's episode or what's happening in the east with
03:02the stranger in the halflings.
03:04So there's still a lot to wrap up before the end of this season.
03:08My early theories that season three will largely be the story of Sauron going around and putting
03:12those nine different rings on nine different people's hands and we'll find out who the
03:16Nazgul wind up being the title of the episode doomed to die also seems like a reference
03:21to Celebrimbor and Eregion just in general because what's happening here is known in
03:25the books as the fall of Eregion like it was always destined to happen the opening scene
03:30starts with Celebrimbor still inside Sauron's much more powerful illusion in the forge around
03:36the forge thinking that he's having a nice morning coffee doing Ilúvatar's work like
03:40he's doing God's work finishing these rings were gonna save Middle-earth we get a montage
03:45of him forging the nine in the music they set it to is a more ethereal like a lighter
03:49version of Sauron's ring theme where the shadows lie they been playing it all season several
03:54times anytime Sauron shows up anytime people talk about the rings anytime they make any
04:00of the rings watch them release like a 10 hour cut on YouTube of ASMR of Celebrimbor
04:05just forging the rings last week a lot of people were asking where did Sauron get that
04:09bag of Mithril that he gave to Celebrimbor to finish the rings will they answer later
04:14in this episode that it wasn't Mithril at all.
04:17It was also part of the illusion.
04:18It was just more of Sauron's black blood like the goo that we saw at the beginning of the
04:23Part of the idea with the Valar and the Maiar is that people like Morgoth for instance way
04:27more powerful actually poured his essence like his power into the planet and that's
04:32why in present day of the Lord of the rings like throughout the rings of the power like
04:35everything that happens after the first stage after Morgoth is captured why essentially
04:39bad things happen why people are evil at all.
04:43It's all because Morgoth polluted the planet with his evil metaphorically, but also literally
04:49a really good example.
04:50This phenomenon is the black rot that you see in the tree of Linden you have to imagine
04:55a thing like that happening all over the planet on a low level Morgoth was responsible for
05:00that largely there's actually a lot of Morgoth lore that they dump in this episode Sauron
05:05really goes on a tick about how he got tortured day and night and he almost takes to this
05:10weird masochistic place where is like you know I began to enjoy the torture like what
05:14is going on here you're getting freaky Charlie Vickers the actor did a great job of portraying
05:20Sauron in this like really cold unfeeling evil way like he absolutely does not care
05:25at all about everyone suffering all around and particularly Celebrimbor and he did a
05:30great job of showing you the depths of how crazy town banana pants Sauron is at this
05:36point like Celebrimbor says you're so good at deceiving people you have deceived yourself
05:41basically finding a way to justify all the evil things that he Sauron has been doing
05:46by making it seem like he's helping everyone when really obvious that's not the case, but
05:50early in the episode here before Celebrimbor fully figures out what's actually going on.
05:54He says part of the ring poem nine for mortal men.
05:58He said the thing inside the thing again that's been a theme this season season to
06:02the many moments where people have either said the title of the show inside the show
06:06or things from other parts of the legendarium inside the show really good example that is
06:11when Sauron called him the Lord of the rings obviously that was a lie to because Sauron
06:16is the real Lord of the rings Celebrimbor called the rings rings of power literally
06:21the name of the show the interesting thing, though, because we're talking about the nine
06:24rings for mortal men.
06:26We talked about the dwarven rings a couple episodes ago originally men and dwarves were
06:30not meant to get any of the rings originally Sauron intended for all the rings to be worn
06:35by elves alone because they are immortal beings.
06:39This gets into the whole phenomenon that Bilbo Baggins talks about during the Lord of the
06:43rings trilogy about how he feels like too much butter and jam scraped over bread.
06:48Because what happens is one of the side effects of the rings is not meant to be a power of
06:51the ring is just a side effect of the rings and it's all the rings of power, not just
06:55the one ring of power that Bilbo has they extend their wearers lives, but if you're
07:01an elf you're mortal you have unlimited life.
07:04So you don't really feel that effect, but if someone from the mortal races like Bilbo
07:08Gollum or one of the men wear them any of the rings that they might be wearing do not
07:12give them more life.
07:14It just stretches out the life that they already have like literally stretching them out over
07:19toast making them feel thinner like Bilbo says he feels thin to Gandalf like his soul
07:24in his body both feel very thin this is something that winds up happening to the nine men that
07:29become the Nazgul over time they literally just continue living until they fade away
07:36into the unseen realm that's would have happened to Bilbo or Gollum for instance if they would
07:41have continued wearing the one ring indefinitely they would just slowly faded into the unseen
07:46realm that they've been pulled permanently into the unseen realm, but that doesn't happen
07:50to a mortal beings.
07:52So that's why elves would've been immune to that part of the reason why Sauron changed
07:56his plan and decided to give rings to the other races is because he felt like it be
08:00easier to take over the planet essentially part of the ideas that he's using the rings
08:04to sow discord amongst the different races so that they won't band together against him
08:09we get a little bit that later in the episode where you see him finger puppeting people
08:13even people who are wearing the rings that are just in proximity to him like that's how
08:17powerful he is even in this weakened state after he's been killed once by Adar each time
08:23his body is destroyed he's a little bit weaker, but at this point right here.
08:27He's still pretty close to 100% power levels part of the ideas that if he's ultimately
08:32successful and everybody's wearing their rings all the different races are wearing all the
08:36rings and he's wearing the one ring of power he be able to finger puppet pretty much everybody
08:41on the planet this same way that he does to the guards here.
08:44That was why his master plan was power over flesh not power of the flesh power over people's
08:50minds not just their bodies, which is what Morgoth's plan was his plan was mostly just
08:55to conquer the world the old way just go around basically being the crap out of everybody
09:00after he failed to do that Sauron basically tried to scramble and come up with a smarter
09:05plan like work smarter not harder and that's where his plan to create the rings came from
09:09Celebrimbor starts having more Sauron induced hallucinations making him think he's seeing
09:14crazy things are not seeing things he starts to notice patterns though that's what the
09:19mouse is all about like he knows the mouse is on a loop.
09:23So he starts to notice patterns and other things like the candles don't burn the fire
09:26in the forge doesn't die down ever.
09:29So that's how he slowly sort of wakes up to reality not fully not until he actually goes
09:34outside and sees the battle itself happening.
09:37But at a certain point he realizes that he's been tricked when he sees the dark twisted
09:41version of himself in the mirror that's as he appears in reality when the illusion falls
09:46that like he briefly sees himself as he actually is right now when Sauron asks him if he's
09:51fallen that's a bit of a wink at Adar as in fallen elf like a dark elf almost when they
09:56mention the secrets of the rings song that's actually Sauron's whispers that you hear anytime
10:02anyone gets really close the rings like a couple different people actually heard the
10:05whispers coming from the rings.
10:07It's basically his spirit influencing the wares controlling their minds because the
10:11rings themselves have their own low level consciousness, especially the one ring of
10:15power mostly because Sauron poured so much of his actual essence into the rings literally
10:22in the case of the nine and the one ring of power, but not in the case of the three rings
10:27for elves in the way they depicted the creation of the dwarven rings.
10:31He was able to influence their creation, but only slightly modify them when it came
10:35to making the nine rings like he literally just poured a ton of his blood into the rate
10:40that literally baked himself into the nine rings.
10:43The same thing is can happen when he forges the one ring of power is one of the reasons
10:47why Sauron could never ultimately be defeated until they destroyed the one ring of power
10:52because so much of Sauron's life force was tied to the actual one ring that was why during
10:57return of the king when the ring is destroyed.
11:00He is ultimately destroy like they don't have to actually go up and like stab him or anything
11:03like that are Gandalf doesn't have to zap him with any power when they say the line
11:08all things must and that's a reference to Sam and Frodo sharing the line when they threw
11:12the one ring of power to mount or tried to and technically was Gollum stealing the one
11:16ring and then falling into mount doom.
11:18So technically Gollum is the one that actually destroyed the one ring and even then technically
11:23that didn't kill him.
11:24He literally just destroyed his body to the point where he would never be able to reform
11:28himself into physical form.
11:30So we never be a threat to anyone on the planet ever again to like the end of days.
11:34The Dagor Dagorath when Morgoth was prophesied to return and they would have like this end
11:39of days kind of end of the world battle and it would destroy the world and then Iluvatar
11:43would remake the world and it would be like Arda 2.0 their couple references to that were
11:48Sauron talks about seeing quote unquote the end.
11:51He calls it his end versus Morgoth's end and what he's talking about is like literally
11:56the end of the planet the end of the timeline part of the idea here to is that the end of
12:01all things here is the ultimate end of Celebrimbor and Eregion because he doesn't survive a lot
12:06of what's happening during these events are like he has to sacrifice himself to try and
12:10stall for time.
12:11So the collateral can get away with the nine rings.
12:14We had a couple early shots of Sauron walking around outside seeing things as they are with
12:18the battle raging most the city is already in ruins from the siege weapons.
12:22They begin to put enough smoke into the sky.
12:24So the orcs can attack during the day notice that Sauron uses this is another opportunity
12:29to undermine Celebrimbor and convince everybody that he's gone total crazy town into not listen
12:35to anything that he might say about me being Sauron whatever comes out of his mouth is
12:39a total lie.
12:40Believe me, the person who is definitely Annatar and totally not somebody else pretending to
12:44be Annatar.
12:46You also feel really bad for Mirdania during this episode R.I.P. she's so down bad for
12:51Sauron like she's so caught up in his lies.
12:54She has no idea when he says he'll see to it that she's duly rewarded when the time
12:59comes that feels like he just plans to give her a quick death like that's his version
13:03of a reward like I will not torture you when the time comes.
13:07If you remember season one was like the end of him wanting to share power.
13:11He was trying to make Galadriel his queen.
13:14So to speak like he didn't have romantic feelings for Galadriel like you want to get
13:17married to or anything like that, but she was the only person that he briefly wanted
13:23to be his co-ruler slash Queen to rule the planet after that after she denied him.
13:29He basically gave up on that idea and all he cares about now is just wielding all that
13:33power himself.
13:34He will not share power with anyone that's also a line this reiterated during the events
13:39of the movies to Gandalf basically tells Saruman because Saruman wants the one ring of power
13:44himself is like no no your master does not like to share power the orcs then use the
13:49siege weapon in the nearby mountains to Dan the river allowing them to cross.
13:54If you wondered why that is like why can't they cross the river before this is because
13:58orcs cannot swim not so great in the water in the scene like the orcs are very well organized
14:03and very good at making work.
14:05That's because Adar is leading them and you have to remember that he's basically the oldest
14:09elf on the planet next to Kyrdan the shipwright.
14:12So you basically have one of the greatest battle commanders on the planet this living
14:16right now leading your army.
14:17So of course you can to be way more organized and like a traditional army over in Khazad-dûm
14:22during the third goes even deeper into his madness because of the ring Narvi turns against
14:27him to with the other workers trying to remove it from his finger and help the elves of Rhaegion
14:31with during the fourth essentially installing during the fourth as the new reigning king,
14:36but they run into a bit of a hitch because the ring itself makes during the third so
14:39powerful that he was of killing most of the men to try to stop him.
14:43They tease the idea that during the third is going to use the power that the ring gives
14:48him to start mining himself and will eventually wake the Balrog they talk about the creature
14:53that he's going to awake obviously that's the Balrog I don't know if this is something
14:57that I missed in an earlier episode, but I thought that the dwarves were unaware of the
15:01existence of the Balrog in Khazad-dûm but apparently they know about what's going on
15:05with it.
15:06There's a brief reunion scene with Durin and Elrond who are like the best friends in
15:10the entire world like is actually pretty great reunion moment when he calls him title haired.
15:15I think that's also the show sort of winking behind the camera at Robert Aramayo's curlier
15:19version of the Elrond hair as opposed to Hugo Weaving's straight haired Elrond from the
15:24movies that a lot of people that like how they can reconcile that like will his hair
15:27just turn straight at some point when he goes to Rivendell and creates it which we will
15:31probably see in a future season like will probably see Elrond making Rivendell in like
15:35season three or season four at some point, but at least that this part of the episode
15:39Durin agrees to help the elves like you will have my axe in the books the dwarves did wind
15:45up helping the elves, but not till later in the timeline because as you see later in this
15:49episode the dwarves do not show up because they're worried about the Balrog like if you
15:54take the army to help the elves that who's going to protect Khazad-dûm from the Balrog
15:58that shows up originally their plan was to have the dwarves bring their mirrors and shine
16:02the sun on the orcs basically roasting their entire army like meat on a fire.
16:08The only problem with this lot of people who have read the books like wait a minute wait
16:11a minute you're getting way too ahead of yourself here with the stuff is happening in Khazad-dûm
16:15with the Balrog in the books the Balrog doesn't actually lay siege to Khazad-dûm and attack
16:20all them till the third age like much much later in the timeline.
16:24So it's way too soon for the Balrog to start going crazy right now.
16:28If you remember though Sauron saw the Balrog in the fire when he came to Khazad-dûm that's
16:33because he knows that the Balrog is like he can sense that is there and he wants the dwarves
16:38to wake it so that it will just completely wreck the kingdom all because Sauron wants
16:43the Balrog to serve him in his war to conquer the planet.
16:47The Balrogs were originally Morgoth's chief lieutenants next to Sauron like Sauron just
16:52called the shots so to speak the Balrogs were like the real power that Morgoth wielded when
16:56he wanted to get something done he would send them out.
16:59So the idea that one of them is just chilling out in Khazad-dûm Sauron really likes like
17:03okay I'm gonna need that guy pretty soon.
17:05One of the things you notice to from some of the other races is that most people do
17:09not like Sauron even the orcs for instance do not respect Sauron like they hate Sauron
17:14the only reason why a lot of these creatures were serving Morgoth like for instance the
17:18Balrogs is because Morgoth was so powerful is basically the reason why Sauron continue
17:24to serve him to because a certain point Sauron didn't want to have anything to do with them
17:28either as he explains every time he displeased him Morgoth would torture him.
17:33That's how powerful he was they could torture Sauron later in the episode Adar says that
17:37he's trying to prevent Sauron from taking control of his orcs and just abusing them.
17:43Part of the idea is the Sauron can't really do that until he has the one ring of power
17:47once he has that then everybody will start to be afraid of him the way they were afraid
17:51of Morgoth then we get Celebrimbor confronting Sauron over the truth of the matter and he
17:57reveals himself to him when he says he's the person trying to keep the storm at bay.
18:01What he's talking about is the theoretical return of Morgoth like Sauron is afraid of
18:07Morgoth coming back his whole thing is creating a lasting order on Middle-earth, but the thing
18:12is is that it's is very evil order can like a Darth Vader sense of order lawful evil.
18:18He will crush you with his order we see the illusion break when he throws Feanor's hammer
18:23through the window.
18:24He sees with the battles going on outside note to self someone pick up that hammer before
18:28it's all over because it's a priceless heirloom really love Celebrimbor's performance during
18:33all is the actor did a great job and notice how Charlie Vickers performances Sauron goes
18:38down during this just completely cold and uncaring he's gonna let's Celebrimbor break
18:43down there in front of him.
18:44He absolutely does not care about anything that's happening.
18:47All he wants him to do is finish the nine rings are you done yet are you done with the
18:51nine rings when he reveals that Celebrimbor inadvertently baked his own blood like his
18:57black goo essence into the nine rings that's also meant to foreshadow what he does when
19:02he creates the one ring of power basically pouring a ton of his essence into the ring
19:06literally I have learned so much from him true creation requires sacrifice and into
19:15this ring he poured his cruelty his malice and his will to dominate all life.
19:22So if it wasn't clear they're trying to say that Sauron got the idea for the one ring
19:26of power how to really make it work from his work with Celebrimbor like Celebrimbor gave
19:32him the idea the whole idea that the one ring of power would not work unless he literally
19:36sacrificed himself by like putting his body his essence into the ring itself that was
19:41what the whole line was about true creation requires sacrifice.
19:45So the ultimate creation like were talking about the one ring of power requires the ultimate
19:50sacrifice then we see the unfortunate death of Mirdanya RIP Sauron uses his power to trick
19:56them one more time making it seem like Celebrimbor is the one that pushes her off the wall and
20:01basically tells him straight out that he'll spare the city also a lie here he can't do
20:05that because technically Adar will destroy the city and trying to get Sauron if he finishes
20:10the nine which he agrees to do when he says he's going to create a perfect and lasting
20:14peace obviously that's meant to be his domination over the world not just over everyone in general
20:20but over everyone's minds in their thoughts he will control everyone's thoughts finger
20:25puppeting the entire planet the only people that are supposed to be immune to the effects
20:29of the rings of power like the one ring of power like the other Valar in Valinor then
20:34Elrond and Gil-Galad's forces right into charge the orcs who reveal that they have
20:39Galadriel to get them to back off.
20:41It becomes a bit of a war of words which is actually more to Elrond's liking like he's
20:45a diplomat like he's used to actually negotiating with people like this Adar is still trying
20:50to get Galadriel's ring of power wanting to use it in combination with Morgoth's crown
20:55to kill Sauron we know that won't work the way he thinks it will.
20:59But we also know from the books because we've seen everything that happens after this in
21:02the timeline that ultimately Adar will not be successful Adar then drop some Elven lore
21:07on Elrond telling him some Silmarillion history.
21:10His great-grandmother Melian who was a Valar basically saying that she was very wise very
21:14beautiful and you look kind of like her.
21:16She was the wife of Thingol king of Doriath during the first age.
21:20The interesting twist and how this sort of ties back to Elrond in his friendship with
21:24Durin the fourth is that Thingol died as a result of a bitter feud with the dwarves of
21:28his area over the Noglamere a necklace made with both Dwarven and Elven partnership that
21:34had a Silmarillion in it.
21:36Those dwarves are not the same dwarves from Khazad-dum, but they ambushed and eventually
21:40killed him and now in present day you have Elrond who's like best best friends with the
21:44future king of the dwarves in Khazad-dum, but you have to remember there seven different
21:49groups of dwarves.
21:50So he's just friends with the dwarves in Khazad-dum the reason why Adar remembers Melian's beauty
21:56and wisdom is because he saw her during the first age as he is one of the oldest living
22:00elves on the planet.
22:01Like I said, he's part of the first group of elves that awoke on the planet and were
22:05captured by Morgoth before the Valar found the elves.
22:09So Adar is about the same age maybe just like a tiny bit older than Cirdan the shipwright
22:14making him basically the oldest elf on the planet.
22:17He's basically like a living walking library of history later in the episode.
22:21He also mocks Elrond for forgetting some of his elven lore because one of Elrond's
22:26jobs is essentially a lore master in addition to being a diplomat.
22:30The cruelty that Adar says his bravest orcs endured is meant to be a reference to the
22:34tortures experiments that Morgoth then Sauron put them through Elrond challenges him to
22:40single combat, but that's just bit of a play to stall for time so that he can actually
22:43cozy up to Galadriel and give her a tool to escape with that was what the kiss was about
22:48like people like why is he kissing Galadriel seems kind of tender no no no that was just
22:52to distract everyone in the room so they wouldn't see him passing that little tool to Galadriel
22:57I don't know if Elrond has been married at this point, but eventually Elrond winds up
23:01marrying Galadriel's daughter.
23:02So Galadriel is canonically Elrond's mother-in-law.
23:07Maybe we'll see that in the future season at some point supposedly Galadriel's husband
23:10Celeborn also exists somewhere inside rings of power.
23:14We just haven't seen him on the show yet.
23:16Like a Khazad-dûm, Durin the fourth gives a rousing speech like a king would because
23:20he's going to be the future king and talks about Sauron dropping some more lore when
23:25he calls him Sauron the stoneheart stealing secrets from their forebears what he's talking
23:30about is Sauron used to be apprenticed to Alay the Smith who created the dwarves just
23:36like Fëanor was apprenticed to Alay that's why Fëanor became the greatest Smith in the
23:40history of the planet next to Alay.
23:43So the idea is that Sauron was basically an apprentice Smith to the Valar until Morgoth
23:48turned him evil and he turned to his side notice now in the episode Sauron has chained
23:53Celebrimbor to his desk watching him finish the nine personally like he's just hovering
23:57over him waiting for him to finish minute by minute like you done now are you done yet
24:01are you done yet the couple moments in the orcs encampment when they start to question
24:05Adar's intentions because Adar is so obsessed with destroying Sauron he's willing to get
24:11all these orcs killed.
24:12If it means getting Sauron later in the episode you see him crying over the caskets of some
24:17of the dead orcs.
24:18So it is confirmed that he does care about them like he is truthful when he says what
24:22heart he has left does beat for them.
24:25But I think that's also meant to make Galadriel sympathize a little bit more with him like
24:29she sympathizes because what Sauron has done to him what Morgoth has done to him.
24:34But I think what they're trying to set up here is the idea that Sauron will be the one
24:37to ultimately kill Adar in revenge for killing him at the beginning of the second age Arondir
24:43shows up to help save Galadriel, but he's actually really there to kill Adar and she
24:47convinces him otherwise like I said I think it'll be Sauron to be the one to actually
24:51kill Adar we get a bunch of great scenes of Celebrimbor and Sauron they really want Celebrimbor
24:56to go out like a boss just because he spent all season being finger puppeted left and
25:00right being played like a fiddle by Sauron Sauron claims that he was treated just as
25:05badly by Morgoth and then goes into this big diatribe about how he was tortured.
25:10Like I said, he gets super freaky that part of the episode like wait a minute what he
25:13talking about here.
25:14But if it wasn't clear from his speech here part of the idea is that Sauron was actually
25:18just as happy to see the Valar defeat Morgoth is anybody else like he did not want Morgoth
25:25around he was so afraid of him got tortured all the time he wanted him gone.
25:29Then he talks about the Dagor Dagorath talking about seeing the end clearly basically the
25:33end of all things is what he means seeing the end of the timeline when he says he saw
25:37the end since he awoke.
25:39That's when he like literally awoke before the creation of the universe like this is
25:43when the Aenor were created by Iluvatar there couple times during season one where he references
25:48point in history where he talked about like the breaking of the first silence when they
25:51all started singing basically bringing everything into creation.
25:55He mentions Morgoth's wish to destroy all the things that the Valar and Iluvatar created
26:00on the world all their works that was basically Morgoth's mission to reshape the world in
26:04his own image because he couldn't create his own world.
26:08But even Celebrimbor senses that Sauron has gone completely crazy town banana pants.
26:13He winds up using one of his tools in the ring presses here to cut off his own finger
26:17so that he can squeeze his hand outside the lock whose will is the stronger like is that
26:22they really want to give him some heroic moments to go out on just because he felt like such
26:26a tool all season.
26:28He then stalls Sauron for time so the Galadriel can get away with the nine, but like is eventually
26:33we have to meet the nine the Nazgul so those rings are going to wind up on nine different
26:37humans hands at some point next season.
26:40I haven't really talked about the actual battle scenes lot of great battle scenes like they
26:44do action real well like the show itself for all the complaints the people levy against
26:49It actually looks visually great.
26:51They really want this episode to feel a lot like helms deep same basic vibe Adar then
26:56sends his Hulk Damrod the hill troll in to wreck everyone, including a lot of orcs is
27:02they're worried about to like he'll kill our own.
27:04We don't care.
27:05I want to destroy the city and hope smash Celebrimbor then says Sauron's hand will never
27:14touch another ring again.
27:15We know that's not true because not only does he get some of the rings himself back, but
27:20he also makes the one ring of power putting it on his hand already explained how his power
27:24of mind control here works against the other elves.
27:27Once he gets the one ring of power on his hand in the other rings on everyone's hands.
27:31He can do this to almost everybody on the planet is a couple great fight scenes between
27:36Elrond and Damrod the hill troll who's able to break the wall just enough to allow the
27:41orcs to enter and lay waste the city.
27:43So RIP to Oregion this is the fall of Oregion, but they do let Elrond take him down and notice
27:50the smile that the chuckle that he goes out on because Damrod is kind of impressed that
27:55Elrond it like hey that's actually pretty good you I wasn't expecting you to be able
27:58to kill me, but also he's laughing darkly because he knows that he was successful in
28:02breaking the wall and he knows the orcs are going to destroy the city and they really
28:07want to go out on a downer Empire strikes back kind of ending because Elrond sees both
28:12the dwarves are not coming and they have almost no forces left.
28:16So Adar just walks up and takes Galadriel's ring of power from him, which they foreshadowed
28:20earlier in the episode basically saying that ultimately that's what would happen making
28:24a scene like all hope is lost.
28:26But remember Adar does not really exist later in the timeline as far as we know he has Sauron's
28:31crown and we know the Sauron's going to be wearing that later in the timeline.
28:34So ultimately no matter what Adar has in terms of power Sauron will kill him and take his
28:39crown back in probably his greatest fear he will enslave all the orcs that was the one
28:45thing that Adar did not want to happen.
28:47They in the end credits with a heavy metal theme song they wrote for season two.
28:51It's called the last battle of Damrod in the soundtrack because he was killed by Elrond
28:55so like is basically Damrod's war theme music really hardcore way to go out in episode before
29:01the finale their bunch of Easter eggs and references is there's anything you spotted
29:05in the episode that I didn't talk about in the video just write them below in the comments
29:08my full episode 8 finale video will post next week after they release it is a bunch of stuff
29:13happening right now.
29:15Click here for my Agatha all along episode three video they went full Mephisto you never
29:19go full Mephisto and click here for all my rings of power episodes thank you so much
29:24for watching and I'll see you guys the next one!
