VENOM THE LAST DANCE TRAILER_ Why Knull Needs Venom & The Celestials

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VENOM THE LAST DANCE TRAILER_ Why Knull Needs Venom & The Celestials
00:00Oh, yes!
00:01Strict dress code.
00:02You son of a...
00:04Why do you keep knocking people out?
00:06We're back.
00:07You are so hot.
00:08Sexiest man of the year.
00:10I've won sexy man awards before.
00:12Of course you have.
00:15My creator has found us.
00:17We have something he needs.
00:19There's an army coming that cannot be beaten.
00:22Let's finish this, buddy.
00:26Venom, the last dance.
00:27Eddie Brock!
00:28You look hot.
00:29You know, I stole this off a guy who pissed on me.
00:33You made it awkward.
00:35How does Tom Cruise do this?
00:41Eddie, I'm with you to the end.
00:44So romantic.
00:46Oh, yes.
00:48Oh, yes.
00:49Welcome back, everyone.
00:50It's Charlie.
00:51Marvel and Sony are releasing a couple new Venom the Last Dance trailers because tickets
00:55are going on sale this week.
00:56There's a bunch of new footage, so we'll break it all down.
00:58We have some more details about both Marvel and Sony's long-term plans for the Null character.
01:03What's going to happen to Tom Hardy's Venom and what Sony is going to do with all of its
01:07Spider-Man spinoff movies that it's been doing going forward that have not had any Spider-Man
01:13in them.
01:14Internally, their official name for it is the Sony universe of Marvel characters.
01:18Most people think of it as the Sony-verse.
01:20You can call it whatever you want to.
01:22Per the creator of the Null character in the comics, they have big plans for Null.
01:26The reason why they're using him as a multiverse character is to help them set up the future
01:30of Sony movies and take it in a different direction than what they originally planned
01:34a couple years ago.
01:35All before it became Morbin time in the bottom started to fall out financially from a lot
01:40of the stuff that they were doing with the movies.
01:42It is kind of weird that they can earn so many billions of dollars, multiple billions
01:46of dollars on Tom Holland Spider-Man movies in the MCU and make back-to-back bangers with
01:51the Spider-Verse movies, but they have so much trouble with their other live-action
01:56Hopefully it will not be Kraven time when Kraven happens later this year.
01:59Like hopefully things will go well for like the next two movies that they have planned
02:02to release.
02:03So if you're brand-new to the channel be sure to subscribe to get all the videos when we
02:06get a little bit closer.
02:07I will do some ticket giveaways.
02:09They're supposed to go on sale next week, but just starting at the beginning of the
02:13Most the new footage focuses in and around the Vegas area like it seems like that's where
02:16the climax of the film takes place.
02:18Just because you start seeing all the Xenophage that Null is controlling come for Venom in
02:23the Vegas area.
02:24This scene of him not being allowed inside the casino the way he's dressed like in his
02:28casual clothing actually reminds me of Tobey Maguire Spider-Man 2 when Bruce Campbell's
02:33character would not let him inside MJ's play just because he was late to arrive.
02:42There are actually some creative people working on these Venom movies that worked on the original
02:46Tobey Maguire Spider-Man movies too.
02:48So that's why sometimes you get the same vibe from the jokes themselves.
02:52The Venom symbiote headbutts him, knocks him out.
02:55There's actually a lot of scenes like that in all the trailers they've released with
02:58the Venom symbiote just going crazy on people slapping people around making people piss
03:03There been a couple scenes where they've actually shown Eddie using Venom effects without actually
03:07having the full symbiote expressing itself like with Venom's tongue sticking out of his
03:12mouth super long, but no other part of Venom expressing itself on his body.
03:16There are a couple scenes where you actually see Venom tendrils coming out of him with
03:20sharp points.
03:21So it does look like we'll see him creating more weapons with the symbiote when he walks
03:25into the casino in the tuxedo.
03:27Normally you would just think that the Venom symbiote would turn itself into a tuxedo like
03:32a Venom tuxedo just because the Venom symbiote can make itself look like anything, but the
03:37way they play the clip they make it seem like he actually literally steals that guy's tuxedo
03:41off of his body and then just wears it.
03:43They have a couple jokes about the symbiote thinking Eddie needs to be voted sexiest man
03:47alive and Eddie talking about being voted sexiest man alive before they don't really
03:51address it during the last Venom movie, but he actually was something of a celebrity during
03:55the events of the first Venom movie.
03:56The idea was that he had been disgraced though and he had stopped being a reporter that was
04:01their early way of adapting his comic book backstory, but doing it without getting too
04:05deep into the Spider-Man of it all the daily bugle New York City kind of stuff you can
04:10chalk up a lot of those changes.
04:11Also the idea that he didn't have the Spider-Man symbol on his chest like that whole backstory
04:15they tried to separate from Spider-Man's backstory there were loose references to it,
04:19but they really did try to separate him from the Spider-Man of it all the way the director
04:23and the other people involved with that first Venom movie talked about it just the way things
04:27were between Marvel and Sony at the time.
04:29It was just a completely different era.
04:31Whereas now the really more trying to work together, especially because of Tom Holland's
04:36new Spider-Man contract like Sony really is pushing hard to bridge both the Tom Holland
04:42Spider-Man MCU stuff with the stuff that they're doing over on the Venom side of things
04:47this scene of him hitching the ride outside the plane just seems like it's when he's trying
04:51to escape from Orwell Taylor and his men the jury there based on the jury group that he
04:56puts together in the comics Orwell Taylor was a former military general he might still
05:00be a military general during the events of this movie just because they change things
05:03from the comics a bit, but it sounds like from the trailer footage he learns from the
05:07talks and symbiote about what's going on with no in the fact that they believe that
05:12Venom is the real threat here like as long as Venom is alive in with Eddie Brock as long
05:16as their bonded their threat to the entire planet all because no one needs the Venom
05:22symbiote to conquer the multiverse.
05:24That's one of the other big changes they're making to the Noel character for the movies
05:27in the comics.
05:28He's not a multiverse character like there are many different versions of Noel in each
05:32different universe, but in the movies are saying that there's one version of Noel across
05:36the entire multiverse because the way the symbiote hive mind works across the multiverse
05:41all of the symbiotes are connected to him because the symbiotes are pieces of his body.
05:46He's the person who created the symbiote hive mind in the first place of the could all communicate.
05:50It also acts as sort of this metaphysical alternate dimension kind of space to the you
05:55can actually travel into, but I don't know if the movies are going to get that crazy
05:58with it inside the comics characters that are bonded to symbiotes like Eddie Brock for
06:03instance can die in make it into the symbiote hive mind and then be resurrected out of it
06:09the been a lot of theories based on trailer footage about how Eddie Brock could wind up
06:12traveling back to the MCU and wind up in New York City in proximity to Spider-Man at the
06:17end of his movie like a post credit scene situation the symbiote hive mind would be
06:21a way of making that happen.
06:23But I don't know if the movies gonna get that crazy.
06:25They tend to dumb things down like make it way simpler to follow.
06:28So we might simply just find some other way to travel across the multiverse on accident
06:32quote-unquote most of the movie seems to be building up to them sacrificing their lives
06:37to stop know like that's why the symbiote is telling him I'm with you till the end
06:41dot dot dot there calling it the last dance like the last time they might be together.
06:45But also the last time that they might be alive sort of like you go into the movie
06:49and Sony wants you to think that is Butch Cassidy in the Sundance kid kind of situation.
06:54But when they jump off the falls at the end of the movie in the venom movies here is them
06:59jumping off and they wind up in another universe that just happens to be the MCU and there's
07:04still a ton of theories about who's playing the Noel character.
07:06You don't get a real great shot of his face.
07:09They're probably holding that back to like the last possible minute.
07:12I don't know why they would do that unless it was going to be some really big actor.
07:15We get a little more of Juno temples Patricia Robertson character.
07:19She's actually a character from the comics who does wind up getting a symbiote and you
07:23notice on her neck.
07:24There's some weird lines coming up it does look like she actually does get a symbiote
07:28during the movie there a bunch of different symbiotes they actually capture there in their
07:32facility that they're studying.
07:33So pretty easy to assume that one of them will wind up bonding to her lot of people
07:37think that this particular new symbiote might be lasher we already know they're doing toxin
07:42even though it doesn't seem like they've actually shown us toxin at least as we've seen in the
07:46trailer footage so far.
07:47You only hear toxins voice as you're seeing Patrick Mulligan speaking, but it's like the
07:51flanged venom voice, but it's meant to be toxin.
07:55My early guess here based on the way the presenting this footage is that toxin informs them about
08:00all this Klyntar lore and history about their race is are studying all the different symbiotes
08:05they learn about the threat of Noel coming to planet earth with the Xenophage and they're
08:09trying to build a symbiote army of their own, which is what all these different symbiotes
08:14are for.
08:15That's what he's talking about in the trailer where you hear she would tell IG for saying
08:18that there's an army coming to earth the can't be beat.
08:20How do you beat an army of Xenophage and Klyntar, but with more Klyntar more symbiotes.
08:26The only problem with that lot of comic book fans will point this out is that Noel who
08:30wants venom controls all symbiotes.
08:33They're gonna have to explain the movie why he hasn't been able to do that before like
08:36while the symbiotes escaped to earth to escape Noel, but why isn't he able to control them
08:41across the universe is probably some king in black story that the trying to set up in
08:46they're probably trying to introduce the concept of the primal symbiote when venom
08:50says that they have something like the venom symbiote itself has something that Noel wants
08:54that he needs to conquer the multiverse.
08:56There are a couple things that could be there's always the primal symbiote or there is the
09:01codex the primal symbiote is the original symbiote is also known as the necrosword from
09:06the Thor comics gore the God butcher winds of wielding it not knowing that it's the primal
09:11That's why you pricing people talk about how this movie is tied to some of the Easter eggs
09:15from Thor love and thunder will see if they try to do that if they are bringing Noel to
09:19the MCU in some weird way they could always try to bring that together.
09:23But I don't think that Taika Waititi made Thor love and thunder with gore the God butcher
09:27in the necrosword thinking that much about the Noel character for everyone asking if
09:32it's the codex that the symbiote has that Noel needs.
09:35That's like a completely separate concept.
09:37It's way more complicated inside symbiotes.
09:40In symbiotes there are things called codices which are like pieces of a living abyss.
09:45They're meant to be like anti-life black icor necropower live rubber is an eldritch substance
09:51originating from the primordial cosmic void that existed before and between the iterations
09:56of the multiverse.
09:57So we are talking about multiverse related things here.
10:00So if Sony really is trying to tie the venom movies to the MCU Tom Holland movies using
10:05the Noel character make him a multiverse character the codex actually would be a solid guess
10:09for what it is that he needs.
10:11But the idea is that whoever is the king in black usually it's Noel, but eventually venom
10:15becomes the king in black are able to control this anti-life necropower this eldritch substance
10:21in between the multiverse.
10:23So that's what Noel is trying to get from the venom symbiote.
10:26He would be able to take over the entire multiverse eventually the early theories.
10:31That's the reason why a lot of the symbiotes ran to planet earth at the beginning of the
10:34first venom movie like they were trying to invade earth.
10:36They were just trying to escape from the Klyntar race and Noel.
10:40I mentioned the concept of the king in black in previous videos.
10:43So that was a big run that they did recently in the comics with the Noel character.
10:46But the idea is that the king in black at any given time is the appointed caretaker
10:50of this living abyss space between the universes between the multiverse by the celestials themselves
10:56in the mid to be sort like the counterpart to the beyonders.
10:59But inside this in between space with Donny Cates did during the king in black run is
11:04that he explained that Noel was meant to be the appointed caretaker of this in between
11:09void space for the creation of the seventh version of the universe before the big bang
11:14he went up rejecting that duty and then trying to use his power to take over the entire multiverse
11:20So it does sound like Sony is trying to adapt a version of king in black in combination
11:24with what's happening in the MCU with secret wars in the lead up to all that stuff.
11:29Here's we get to the way they've changed their plan for the upcoming movies.
11:32So there are a couple things that Sony is doubling down on like most of the stuff that
11:36they've been earning money on like what's been making money for us will just keep doing
11:39that Tom Hardy isn't gonna make like 10 more venom movies though.
11:43So the idea is they really want to go out with a bang and sort of push into new territory
11:47like set something bigger up in Noel is the way they're doing that they want to pay up
11:51a couple things that they have not been able to do yet.
11:54Namely have venom team up with Tom Holland Spider-Man.
11:57He doesn't have the Spider-Man symbol on his chest.
11:59So we will eventually see a version of that at some point in a sounds like based on what
12:03Donnie Cates is saying like he said that he talked to Sony and they have big big plans.
12:07It sounds like they're planning a big Noel crossover movie between venom Spider-Man maybe
12:12other characters to outside of secret wars outside of Tom Holland Spider-Man four five
12:17and six their couple scenes with Reese Ifans character in this mystery young boy that they
12:21have not named yet like they haven't given a name to who Reese Ifans is playing in this
12:27Everybody keeps calling him the lizard just because he looks like Kurt Connors from Andrew
12:30Garfield's amazing Spider-Man movies who we just saw in Spider-Man no way home.
12:34Both of those characters, but it is totally possible.
12:37They're just yanking our chain in there can be playing completely different characters
12:40and they'll just say that their variants of those MCU in those amazing Spider-Man characters
12:45like this little boy could be a variant of Peter Parker as we've seen with Morbius and
12:50madam web in the past Sony is known to set a big Easter eggs like this.
12:54Kind of like the last minute remove all those references that you wind up finding out after
12:58the movies come out like always gonna be these big characters.
13:01But then the last minute Sony just removed all those references deleted a bunch of scenes
13:05that didn't seem like they were actually trying to set up Spider-Man stuff eventually was
13:08Sony is planning on doing besides this big Noel crossover stuff down the road like their
13:12version of avengers infinity war and avengers endgame, but on the Sony side of things with
13:17some marvel characters like Tom Holland Spider-Man is there also making live-action miles Morales
13:22Spider-Man movies.
13:24So that sounds like it's going to be their priority going forward because they're not
13:27can be making more venom solo movies in venom previously was their big money earner.
13:31But if there's any other Easter eggs or references that you spotted the new trailer footage that
13:35didn't talk about in the video write them below in the comments and let me know what
13:39you want them to do with this big crossover movie that the trying to do with all the different
13:44Spider-Man related characters in the future Sony wanted some Spider-Man in their venom
13:48in their venom movies.
13:49It just seem like Noel is the answer to that will probably get some more footage for this
13:53pretty soon, but is a bunch of big stuff coming up.
13:55So be sure to enable alerts for my channel my video for the penguin episode two will
13:59post next click here for that will update the link as soon as I post that and click
14:03here for all my other venom in Spider-Man Noel videos.
14:07Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys the next one!
14:18Transcribed by
