AGATHA ALL ALONG EPISODE 5 FULL Breakdown, Marvel Easter Eggs & Things You Missed

  • 2 days ago
AGATHA ALL ALONG EPISODE 5 FULL Breakdown, Marvel Easter Eggs & Things You Missed
00:00Welcome back everyone it's Charlie this will be my full Agatha all along episode 5 video
00:11couple really big reveals obviously what's really going on with teen AKA Billy getting
00:16his full-on magical crown.
00:18So will break it all down.
00:19I know there's a lot of questions about what his powers are going to be in the MCU compared
00:23to scarlet witches powers there couple big confirmations about what's going on with Nicholas
00:28So if you're brand-new to the channel be sure to subscribe to get all the episodes careful
00:32for spoilers.
00:33If you have not seen the episode yet just starting at the beginning go through shot
00:36by shot talk about Easter eggs and WTF moments probably one of the best episodes of the season
00:41so far.
00:42So we'll see how they top this the back half of the season big reminder that they'll be
00:46nine episodes total sore about halfway through the episode title was darkest hour wake thy
00:51power which is a reference to the next line of the ballad of the witches wrote that song
00:55that they sing each of the titles of the episodes is based on lines from the ballad
00:59of the witches road, but it's also aligned to Agatha and Billy waking their powers again
01:05or Billy for the first time technically Billy coming into his power notice he forms the
01:10magical crown just like scarlet witches magical crown.
01:14Now he doesn't wield chaos magic the exact same way that she does like there's only one
01:18scarlet witch in the MCU, but all of his powers and his abilities are basically the exact
01:23same as scarlet witches.
01:25So the way his powers were to the way he wields magic is the same way that scarlet which wheels
01:30power you also notice the way he uses his fingers like the little finger movements are
01:34just like scarlet which is finger movements when she's using her chaos magic like mother
01:40like son he's gonna be real mama's boy inside the MCU like Tony Stark like Thor like a lot
01:45of Marvel characters.
01:46One of the big differences between them in a witch like Agatha Harkness or other magic
01:50users like Doctor strange or Loki is the scarlet which for instance in now Billy to because
01:56he's just like her don't actually need to speak spells or like learn from books how
02:00to cast spells or incantations they can basically point it something and just make it happen
02:06what the probably do though is they'll find a way to differentiate their abilities just
02:10a little bit so they aren't exactly the same when they're together on screen and really
02:14big avengers movies or when we eventually see scarlet which show up and he meets her
02:20or I guess meets her again technically because this be the second time another lot of questions
02:24about how Billy can be Billy like didn't he die when the hex went down.
02:28We saw a version of him in another universe in the 838 universe during Doctor strange
02:32multiverse of madness.
02:34How is he suddenly back in Joe lock teenage form what they're doing on the show is trying
02:38to adapt a version of his comic book origin.
02:41So the idea in the MCU is the scarlet which created Billy and Tommy out of nothing inside
02:46the hex just because it's the way her chaos magic ability works when she brought the hex
02:50down their bodies were destroyed, but their spirits lived on.
02:54There's a lot of theories about her laying the protection spell the sigil on him to protect
02:58him when he wasn't powerful enough to protect himself and now that he's come into his power
03:03the sigil might fall off because he is powerful enough to protect himself.
03:07So theoretically in next week's episode he will be able to speak his name with the sigil
03:12won't stop him from speaking who he is.
03:15But here's the thing in the comics after Billy and Tommy were essentially destroyed the way
03:20they came back in the later young avengers comics is that their souls were reincarnated
03:25into completely different bodies with other families.
03:28So like Billy was reincarnated into the body of Billy Kaplan born to another family.
03:33So he grew up thinking that he was Billy Kaplan until he learned the truth that he was scarlet
03:38witch's son and he had a twin brother named Tommy who had also been reincarnated into
03:43the body of another family's kid.
03:45So that's kind of the vibes are going with with this version of Joe locks Billy like
03:49his soul which is reincarnated into another body and there's a brief reference about the
03:53timeline here to like why is he a teenager and not younger during the episode one of
03:58the rules of the Ouija board like one of the disclaimers say that is for ages three and
04:03up the reference there is also meant to be a bit of a joke is that Billy is really only
04:07about three years old chronologically.
04:10Even though biologically he looks like he's a teenager.
04:13You remember Wanda vision was about three years ago because is how long Agatha was stuck
04:17in scarlet witch's spell and that's around the time she created Billy out of nothing
04:22the probably be a couple explainers in the next couple of episodes to explain how this
04:26all works.
04:27But also the idea of reincarnated souls and other bodies I think that's why they were
04:31using Nicholas scratches spirit talking to Agatha during this in the whole concept of
04:36the Ouija board and speaking to the spirits of the dead.
04:39The idea that Billy was a reincarnated soul in another person's body.
04:44The real question is why he was reincarnated was it because of something the scarlet witch
04:48did before she died and is also a reminder that scarlet witch's soul can also come back
04:54as well to it.
04:55Billy's can also be reincarnated everybody is waiting for that Elizabeth Olsen cameo
04:59seen at some point the other reference with the title is darkest hour is a reference to
05:04that downer ending empire strikes back stop making it seem like things really hit the
05:08fan like oh no what's going on now has Billy gone evil going after all the coven that's
05:13also a bit of a wink at scarlet witch during Doctor strange multiverse of madness where
05:17she became the antagonist briefly she kind of lost it a little bit also lost a little
05:21bit during Wanda vision where she was holding people trapped inside the hex during the scene
05:26at the end where Billy chucks them all into the swamp of sorrows to make a never ending
05:30story reference of these are sucked under in the mud that far away look in his eyes
05:35makes it seem like he's not totally in control of what's happening here like he just doing
05:39it automatically based on emotion kind of the same way the scarlet witch did when she
05:44created the hex when they asked her how she did like Agatha asked her how did you do this
05:49like she was just full of all this emotion and it just came out of her in the form of
05:53the hex this kind of what's happening with Billy here throwing them all in the mud.
05:58He will probably you know early theory he will save them from dying before they'll get
06:03sucked under completely like hoops I kind of lost myself there for a second.
06:06Sorry about that.
06:07You can see him reacting to this to like wait a minute.
06:09Why do I have a crown on my head right now what's going on here so much like my early
06:16theory is that he still thinks that he's Billy Kaplan and he doesn't fully know the scarlet
06:20which is his mother because notice at the end of the episode Agatha says you're just
06:25like your mother, but she does not speak the name scarlet which she just says your
06:30So you see that look of confusion on Billy's face like what who you talking about when
06:34they actually started the episode with a recap of Agatha's backstory that we saw during WandaVision
06:39how she killed her mother her original coven back in Salem in the late 1600s to remind
06:44you of both her history with her and her mother in her mother's coven and her connection to
06:48the Salem seven from the comics.
06:50They're basically changing them in the MCU and saying that they're the descendants of
06:54those original witches from the coven that Agatha killed looking for revenge.
06:59But the Salem seven are a group from the comics connected to Nicholas scratch.
07:02But in the comics Nicholas scratch also survives to adulthood and becomes a leader in the Salem
07:08So it's like a completely different vibe in the comics.
07:11Also in the comics they have animal like abilities.
07:13They look kind of like animals at times, but in the MCU there just saying their powers
07:17are turning into animals.
07:20The opening scene starts on the Salem seven entering the witches road through the seeming
07:23hole where they summoned Rio the portal where she entered the road through the ground in
07:28the way they explain is they left a magical door open quote unquote like they didn't close
07:32the portal itself.
07:34They find objects that Agatha's coven left behind and use it to track them down Lillia's
07:39woken by a vision that she has of them finding them in the future because remember she reads
07:43time she alerts everyone and they take off notice how Rio seems kind of eager here you
07:48watch Rio's reaction to like any big thing that happens in any of the episodes.
07:52It's usually the opposite of the way the other witches react there a lot of theories
07:56during episode one when she found Agatha that she was also connected to the Salem seven
08:01like maybe Rio had something to do with the Salem seven tracking Agatha down in Westview.
08:06But there also a lot of moments in the episode where Rio sticks up for Agatha and tries to
08:11make excuses for her also trying to keep her mother's spirit from keeping her like no no
08:16you can't have Agatha she belongs to me like when the other witches are mad at Agatha for
08:21having killed all the original which is from her coven leading to the Salem seven coming
08:25after the Rio says will she only kill those which is because they were trying to kill
08:28her Jennifer also calls Rio a creepy lurker and she has no retort for that.
08:34I think because death lurks everywhere like metaphorically and kind of literally because
08:38Rio is we all theorize is a version of death is a cosmic entity.
08:43She be omnipresent like death is everywhere all around you all the time.
08:48The idea though is that the Rio that we're seeing here interact with them is just like
08:51a small piece of her consciousness taking physical form briefly her true form is vast
08:57and cosmic like she's incredibly powerful.
09:00Like most of the other cosmic entities that you see they kind of tease that during Thor
09:03love and thunder a little bit Agatha's joke about the moral the story being always finish
09:08what you started is meant to be both a reference to how she should have finished off the witches
09:13children back in the day like Thanos stout you should have gone for the head.
09:17But it's also foreshadowing for them having to finish walking the witches road completing
09:21all the trials finish what they started when Billy suggest they all use the hex and Bezen
09:26to escape the Salem seven.
09:28That's just another name for a witches broom in the of the special ceremony where they
09:32all pair up to actually create them their couple jokes about how they say they don't
09:36ride brooms because it's been co-opted by pop culture like it is very cringe thing to
09:41do now riding on a broom, but secretly they all love it and really miss it once they actually
09:46riding through the sky in the other joke here is them playing into the trope like some
09:50of the tropes about witches are true like they do right on brooms with the night sky
09:54past the blood moon.
09:55So is them actually doing witchy things they even release the funny promo before this episode
09:59where they were joking about actually doing real witchy stuff this week next time on Agatha
10:05all along we do some classic which Rio seems like she's having the time of her life just
10:11like walking the road for her is a big carnival ride.
10:14For as a cosmic entity.
10:15She doesn't have the same consequences of the other witches on the road like it's not
10:18possible for her to die on the road the same way it is for the other witches when Lillia
10:23tells Billy to pray to the divine mother.
10:25I think that's meant to be another version.
10:27The MCU mother goddess a.k.a. the mother made in croat the triple goddess that Agatha worships
10:32and then references later in the episode.
10:34The thing that's in her broach there might also be a connection to Rio like she said
10:38she's the original a.k.a. like the green which is in the first green which.
10:43So part of Rio's MCU version of death might be based on that mother goddess character.
10:48But I think she's just meant to be mistress death in the MCU and they're just giving her
10:52aspects of other characters like saying other characters from lore are just different representations
10:57of her.
10:58But it's all meant to be the same mistress death character.
11:01I also think Lillia telling Billy to pray to the mother is also a bit of a wink at his
11:05mother being scarlet which the most powerful magic user in the MCU universe like pray to
11:11your mother because she's crazy powerful notices they all have the time of their life
11:15riding on brooms to the sky.
11:17Even Agatha seems like she's enjoying herself for the first time in centuries her weird
11:21look at Rio seems like she's just thinking back on when they were together a long time
11:25ago all the killing that she got up to stealing power from other witches which she does later
11:30in this episode in Rio claiming their bodies because she is death mess what she does seems
11:35like they used to do that a lot and will get some more flashbacks to that like with her
11:38killing witches and Rio just claiming the bodies the power of the witches road draws
11:43them back to the ground for the next trial Rio having the most unhinged reaction just
11:48screaming for fun.
11:50They step into a very Baba Yaga looking house in the woods like right out of a horror story
11:55the genre theme this week seems like it's 1980s horror supernatural movie like vibes
11:59from the poltergeist movie from exorcist just a lot of supernatural horror.
12:04Also because the whole trope of the Ouija board notice some of the banners above the
12:07door Westview and Eastview Agatha has an evil number three on her jersey.
12:12She's wearing here for this slumber party theme because it is the third trial that they're
12:16on and it is her trial also purple is her color.
12:20Most of the colors they wear is color coded to their comic book characters couple big
12:24Easter eggs and some of the specific outfits, though, for instance, Billy's outfit is meant
12:28to be the 80s version of his comic book Wiccan outfit complete with headband which is also
12:34a callback to his Halloween outfit from WandaVision on top of that the blue headband is both a
12:39reference to the comics headband that he wears all the time, but also to the crown that he
12:44has over his head in the MCU.
12:46Once he comes into his power like the same with Scarlet witch wearing the crown that
12:50she creates out of magic.
12:52So I think the idea is that in the MCU he won't wear the headband from the comics all
12:56the time he'll just have a crown that will form when he's using magic in a really big
13:00way like not all the time, but when he's really weaving some powerful spell.
13:05You notice the Billy lost his spell book of notes while they were on the brooms that might
13:08come back to haunt them later like the Salem seven will probably find that book and use
13:12it to tell them when Agatha says take the training wheels off to him.
13:16That's also foreshadowing for him coming into his power and starting to use it throwing
13:20them all in the mud.
13:22They say that it's the blood moon when the veil between the living and the dead is that
13:25is thin is meant to be the souls of the dead like the MCU version the afterlife we actually
13:30saw that during moon night like they literally traveled to the do what the Egyptian afterlife
13:35the way they explain the afterlife in the MCU is that your consciousness after you die
13:39just travels to another dimension based on your belief system or a contract you formed
13:45with a higher cosmic being like a God.
13:48So that's why Mark Spector spirit went to the do what because even though he didn't
13:51believe in the Egyptian pantheon he formed the contract with Conchu one of the Egyptian
13:56gods for instance Iron Man Tony Stark of the 616 universe.
14:00Even though we're talking about Robert Downey junior coming back as Doctor Doom that's like
14:03a separate universe version the 616 original Tony Stark from the MCU when he died would
14:09have gone to another reality another dimension based on his belief system.
14:14This is also a way to explain how they can speak to Nicholas scratch who's still in kid
14:18form because that's how old he was when he died and how will also probably find out about
14:22Scarlet witch and what happened to her after the events of Doctor strange multiverse of
14:26madness later on the series her spirit is still out there just in another dimension
14:31when they talk about the veil being thinner between the living and the dead.
14:34You can also look at that as a reference to the relationship between Agatha and Rio because
14:39Rio is literally death, but in reality, the big part of the trial that this references
14:43is Agatha's confrontation with her mother's spirit.
14:47Notice this time because the trial is set in the 1980s.
14:49They all have watches from that era denoting the countdown timer.
14:52I think at one point my dad had a watch like that.
14:55I don't know if I was ever old enough to have a watch that look that nice those are actually
14:58pretty expensive back in the day.
15:00Notice the depiction of death is on the cover of the Ouija game box the point Reyes poster
15:06in the background seems like a parody of a horror movie because everything in the trial
15:10is based on horror genre.
15:12One of the rules of the game is that you're not allowed to ask about death.
15:15I'm sure Rio was chuckling under her breath a little bit like you point to her a couple
15:18times in the episode and each time she seems like she's having the time of her life just
15:22having fun like you're not allowed to ask about death because death is literally sitting
15:27right here don't want to give that away before the end of the series.
15:30They'll probably some big episode where they all confront that because Agatha knows exactly
15:35what's going on with Rio, but none of the other witches or even Billy knows what's going
15:38on with Rio seems like the first real big mysteries that they were revealing were what's
15:43going on with Nicholas scratch and what's going on with Billy AKA Wiccan from the comics
15:49next will probably get more to the idea what's happening with Scarlet witch and what's really
15:53going on with Rio.
15:54They said that the rest of the rules of the actual game like don't take your hand off
15:57the board or you be possessed by spirit setting up Agatha being possessed by her mother's
16:02spirit that's the closest I felt to you in centuries.
16:05The additional disclaimer like I said for ages three and up is meant to be a joke about
16:09Billy because in chronological age.
16:12He's only about three years old when they start the game Agatha calls for the mother
16:16maiden crown the mother goddess she worships the triple goddess of her broach the TV with
16:21the static in the background seems like a poltergeist movie reference is a quick joke
16:26about Mrs. Hart trying to contact them.
16:28But is also meant to be an Agatha joke because remember Agatha keeps getting her name wrong
16:32because her real name was not Mrs. Hart was Mrs. Davis.
16:35So is them figuring out that is Agatha all along because they know that that's not her
16:39real name.
16:40Like wait a minute.
16:41This is just you messing with us.
16:43They try the game again in this time it's death that contacts them Rio also chuckles
16:48a little bit because she's sitting right there was happening in part of the trial is that
16:52they punish Agatha.
16:54So the idea is I think the trials completed, but maybe not in the way that originally they
16:58were supposed to complete the trial part of the idea think is that she was meant to make
17:02peace with her mother never loving her.
17:04But that's not exactly what happens.
17:06They believe the punishment is ordered by the trial itself is that they have to physically
17:11hurt Agatha like they need to tire down slicer up blaster with their power which she does
17:16eventually wind up using to power herself back up again.
17:20Then she's actually possessed by her mother's spirit because they broke the rules the game
17:24and they go full exorcist movie she even looks a little bit like Linda Blair did during that
17:28movie notice when her mother's spirit actually does show up Rio says she hate goes and she's
17:33not allowed to keep Agatha like no she belongs to me because Rio is in love with Agatha.
17:39But it was weird to see Rio's reaction to the actual spirit itself.
17:43Like maybe it has something to do with the cosmic rules governing what death is allowed
17:47to do.
17:48Maybe she doesn't have power over spirits the same way they make a reference to Agatha
17:52trying to deal with her traumatic past with her mother her upbringing.
17:56I think the ideas that her mother never left her like she tells her I should have killed
18:00you after you were born you were born evil, but instead of Agatha making peace with that
18:04like she was probably supposed to be punished by having to make peace with that Alice blast
18:09her mother's spirit away in Agatha turns evil and begins sucking her power out.
18:15So R.I.P.
18:16Alice who turns into another husk, but we do get a big Nicholas scratch reveal Billy
18:21sees that it's Nicholas scratch the spirit of her dead son contacting them who begs Agatha
18:26to stop in everybody hears the little boys voice and he sounds about eight or nine years
18:31old so that was about how old he was when he died will probably learn more about what
18:35really happened to him that the circumstances behind how he died, but I think they're trying
18:39to imply that he was collateral damage of the Salem sevens fight to try and kill Agatha
18:44all these many centuries all those teasers for the dark hold in earlier episode just
18:48made it seem like the quest for the dark like Agatha's quest for power led to Nikki becoming
18:54a collateral damage.
18:55Not that she traded Nikki for the dark hold or anything like that just that he became
18:59collateral damage for that quest my early theory is that we might actually see the spirit
19:04of Nicholas scratch at some point like will actually see what he looked like on screen
19:08maybe in a flashback or maybe is an actual ghost my early theory is that that's part
19:13of Agatha's character arc during the series like this is meant to be the redemption of
19:16Agatha in some way she will like slowly come to terms with his death eventually notice
19:22then that Billy following the rules of the game like he's always a stickler for reading
19:25the manual and following the rules this actually can help them later on by putting the game
19:29on the goodbye symbol opening the door for them to get out and now the idea is that Billy
19:35hates Agatha and kind of hates the rest the coven to because the rest the coven feels
19:39like Alice's just collateral damage like it just rules the road.
19:43You know, we're all here for more power people die.
19:45That's the way it goes in Agatha even though she seemed kind of remorseful at first seems
19:49a little non-repentant after Billy tries to denounce her like how dare you Agatha sees
19:55that her power has started to come back in like bits and spurts, but not completely like
19:59she's not crazy powerful, but it started to come back like she's on her way to getting
20:03it all back.
20:04She will probably be tempted to kill the other members of the coven and take their powers
20:08will to when Lilia says death comes for us all it's ironic because Rio is right here
20:14behind them.
20:15She came for all them technically to help them, but also part of the bargain that she
20:19made with Agatha like what you get out of this.
20:21Well you get your power back if you still the power and kill those of the witches and
20:24I get their bodies.
20:25So technically she actually wants all these other which is dead to there's also a moment
20:30when Agatha is almost left behind with her mother spirit and she says I can be good just
20:34like she said in the flashbacks when her mother's coven was about to kill her.
20:39Then I get the reveals that she knows Billy is scarlet which is son saying you're just
20:43like your mother referencing the events of Wandavision the way that Agatha is playing
20:47this is meant to be like the twist at the end of episode seven where she reveals and
20:51traps scarlet which like I've been watching you this whole time.
20:55You're not the only magical girl in town.
20:57Then they play that banger of the Agatha all along theme song except the twist this time
21:02is that Billy's power manifests and he controls all that mind controls in the same way the
21:08scarlet which did with the sword agents outside the hex almost making them kill themselves
21:13Billy chucks all them in the bog because he's had enough of them.
21:16But like I said, if you look at the faraway look in his eyes.
21:19It seems like he's not totally mentally all there right now.
21:23The other important thing you might have noticed when he's doing this to look when he's using
21:27his power against them or you notice is missing is Rio aka death cosmic entity I'm guessing
21:33that he's not powerful enough to mind control death the same way they just wouldn't make
21:38sense sorely theory when he comes to his senses and rescues them Rio also walks up chuckling
21:45to like you just bemused by everything that's going on because she already knows everything
21:49about him.
21:50She knew that this was Billy not Agatha's son Nicholas scratch the way the on the cliffhanger
21:55revealing his magical crown above his head actually play the Billy Eilish song you should
22:00see me in a crown my early theories that they begin next week's episode with him sort of
22:05coming to like realizing what he's in the middle of doing like oh my God, I'm killing
22:08them and then saves them and they all kind of make nice with each other that they make
22:12peace briefly and then he starts questioning Agatha what you mean by that.
22:16I'm just like my mother and they start digging into the whole idea that he really is Billy
22:20Kaplan aka Wiccan from the comics scarlet which is son.
22:25The next big question after that is about scarlet which eventually coming back and where
22:29is Tommy like what's happening if he came back where to Tommy come back to my early
22:34assumption about that is that they'll save that for like another TV series because supposedly
22:38they're working on another WandaVision spinoff besides the vision TV series was like two
22:43more WandaVision based series happening.
22:46You also notice his crown you can see giving off the blue light of his magic from the comics
22:50he also had blue magic during the WandaVision series to you can actually seem in the trailers
22:55here wielding it with the pentagram here not exactly sure what spell he's weaving this
22:59will probably happen in a future episode, but overall I think this is a much stronger
23:03episode than previous episodes.
23:05Even though is one of the shortest episodes of the series so far like they're finally
23:08actually getting somewhere revealing some big details about the characters confirming
23:12a lot of our theories.
23:13I think most people thought that he was going to wind up being Billy everybody post all
23:17your reactions in the comments below and all your theories about the other big questions
23:22like what's going on with scarlet which are we can see Nicholas scratch again on the series.
23:26How did he really die and where is Tommy now all we have to do is just play the waiting
23:31game for Elizabeth Olsen to come back for another cameo scene in some way.
23:36My full episode 6 video will post next week after they release it.
23:39So be sure to enable alerts for my channel so you don't miss that there's a bunch other
23:42big stuff happening this week were in the middle of penguin episodes they been bangers
23:45so far supposedly episode for the next one is going to be the best one so far everybody
23:51click here to learn about the scarlet which movie they're actually working on right now
23:55and click here for all my Agatha all along episodes thank you so much for watching and
24:00I'll see you guys the next one!
