• 2 days ago
AGATHA ALL ALONG EPISODE 6 Breakdown, Wandavision Easter Eggs & Things You Missed
00:00You must be bonerific 69.
00:06Welcome back everyone it's Charlie that was the most bonerific episode of Agatha all along
00:11this time we should be saying it was Billy all along it was Wiccan all along their whole
00:16bunch Easter eggs and references the episode was pretty much a Billy backstory explainer
00:21episode to explain how he did come back after Wandavision.
00:25If you're brand-new to the channel be sure to subscribe to get all the episodes will
00:29just start at the beginning and work our way through shot by shot talk about Easter eggs
00:32WTF moments in all the foreshadowing because there is a lot of stuff that they use during
00:37the episode to set up future movies and spinoffs want is dead where on the street is sword
00:43use vision for parts cannot believe they got Evan Peters to come back as is Ralph boner
00:51character now known as bonerific doing one man shows in Paramus, New Jersey love the
00:57fact that he was willing to give them the information in exchange for their attendance
01:01at his show.
01:02Just because it was doing so poorly like please I need to get some bodies and some seats another
01:06lot of questions about what happened to him after the events of Wandavision to he kind
01:10of alludes to it during here.
01:11But there a lot of deleted scenes from Wandavision that they released in the last year or so.
01:15So I'll talk about that we get to that part of the video there couple funny jokes about
01:19him still having abilities after the events of the hex, but the actual episode title was
01:24familiar by thy side, which is a reference like the next line in the ballad of the witch's
01:28road that's the whole trope they've been doing episode to episode each of the titles have
01:32been lines from the ballad of the witch's road, but that's also what they call Billy
01:36before this to as in a which is familiar.
01:39Like I said is mostly meant to be Billy's backstory explaining what happened to him
01:42after Wandavision how he came back inside teens body aka Billy Kaplan now confirmed
01:48to be Billy Kaplan, which is a little more comic book accurate, but as they tend to do
01:51in the MCU movies the TV shows they change some aspects of his comic book story, but
01:57the actual opening scene we see Billy Kaplan aka the original version of teen before young
02:02Billy Maximoff soul inhabited his body preparing for his bar mitzvah which happens at age 13
02:08just giving you an idea for when this took place basically coinciding with the Wandavision
02:12finale this tree from his ceremony inside the Jewish faith is meant to represent the
02:17tree of life, but because were in the marvel universe.
02:20You can also look at this is a wink at Loki's multiverse tree aka the world tree Yagdrasil
02:25they before the actual ceremony and you notice on the cards here it reads the magic mitzvah
02:31confirming that his name was Billy Kaplan, but also the magic term to like this in the
02:35Billy Kaplan before Billy Maximoff came along was obsessed with magic also notice the way
02:41they spell magic with a K they also subtitle that in episodes of you watch the episodes
02:45with subtitles anytime someone like Rio or Agatha talks about magic itself.
02:50They use it with a K these are meant to be Billy Kaplan's mother and father he's wearing
02:54blue which also happens to be the color of Billy Maximoff's magic when it manifests in
02:59the blue light is party afterwards.
03:01So lots of blue coloration here and there's also a lot of Easter eggs inside Billy Kaplan's
03:06life foreshadowing things that happen on the road mostly because the road is this magical
03:10alternate dimension that conforms itself to each specific which.
03:15So scarlet which went and walk the road on her own.
03:18It would look different for her.
03:19They use this early party scenes to show you that he had a good relationship with his parents
03:23his friends his school generally his life was meant to be very pleasant.
03:27He goes to a palm reading and you find out that his parents hired Lillia for the party
03:31setting up a bunch of future stuff.
03:34The reason why she doesn't recognize him later during the events of episode one when Agatha
03:38came to find her is because of the way the sigil works confirming that she's the person
03:42that put the sigil on Billy.
03:44The minute she put it on him.
03:45She forgot everything about him or ever meeting him that a long journey lies ahead of you
03:51this journey will be one of great transformation and when she talks about the long journey
03:56the great transformation.
03:57She sees it's foreshadowing for his eventual death.
04:00Billy Maximoff yoinking his body transforming into Billy basically also his literal journey
04:07in walking the witch's road when the lights flicker that's her powers actually working
04:11like magic is being channeled here.
04:13She's not just pretending like she was initially when Agatha showed up the lifeline being broken
04:18into is literally reference to his actual death when she tries to play it off like it's
04:23no big deal saying that he's changing becoming a new you he literally becomes Billy Maximoff
04:29when she says the tower reverse that's her seeing the future of her trial and what will
04:34probably be the events of episode seven.
04:36I think it's a reference to gravity reversing here in the traders with everyone flying through
04:40the air within the world of tarot.
04:43The tower is widely associated with danger crisis sudden change destruction higher learning
04:48liberation which is basically all the things that are happening to Billy in the last couple
04:52episodes when he mentions the early Argento vibes that's the horror filmmaker Dario Argento
04:58one of his most notable works is the three mothers film trilogy a triumvirate of ancient
05:04witches who were determined to rule the world foreshadowing him eventually joining the coven
05:09to walk the road.
05:10We find out that she's the person that actually drew the sigil my early theory was it was
05:14actually Billy the tried to do it himself is actually a bit of a surprise, but the reason
05:18why she calls it out later saying that it's kind of sloppy work Agatha also clowns on
05:22it to so technically Agatha was clowning on Lillia because Lillia is the person that made
05:26it the ideas that she forgot after making it just because that's way the sigils work
05:30like the witch who cast it would not remember that she cast it which is why right after
05:34this when she sticks it in his jacket pocket.
05:37She doesn't remember that needs to go to Billy Kaplan.
05:40She just says this needs to go to somebody I don't remember who because she literally
05:43does not remember who they mentioned something's happening with the anomaly in Westview.
05:48That's what regular people outside the hex called it inside the MCU.
05:52It's the same thing with the blip in the snap like Danos's snap was called the blip by normal
05:57people in the MCU because they didn't see that he was snapping his fingers.
06:01They just heard that a purple space alien killed half of all life in the universe.
06:06This is also to remind you that Billy said he was from Eastview which is where this is
06:10taking place.
06:11Why Billy Kaplan here was outside of the hex when this is all going down.
06:15He notices the sigil the hex coming down.
06:18This is the finale one division like I said like this all going down the last couple moments
06:21of the episode.
06:22His mother's distracted by the hex crashes and it kills Billy RIP to Billy Kaplan lot
06:29of people asking if he had the sigil why didn't the sigil say Billy Kaplan from dying my assumption
06:34just based on the way that Rio talked about magic being kind of ambiguous in that way
06:39is that the protection sigil wasn't meant to protect him in that particular way we hear
06:44his heart stop slowly and all sudden young Billy and Tommy's voices saying goodnight
06:48to each other as the hex is coming to look the last couple seconds as the hex is coming
06:53down their bodies are destroyed in the way they play this young Billy's soul immediately
06:58jumps into Billy Kaplan's body like no time goes by as he comes to he immediately screams
07:03Tommy because like he just remember seeing Tommy across from him in his bed in the reason
07:08why he jumped into this particular body of Billy Kaplan is because it was just like the
07:12nearest dead body available is meant to be a callback to Rio's other comment about the
07:17way magic works with the summoning spell being ambiguous about summoning her because she
07:21just happen to be the most powerful which closest by the other side of this to is the
07:26sigil doing its work.
07:27So Billy Maximoff doesn't remember everything about the hex he just knows that he is not
07:32this Billy Kaplan person, but it doesn't fully have all of his old other memories to as Billy
07:38So he basically spends the next three years trying to figure everything out.
07:41You notice that Alice is one of the firefighters on the scene.
07:44He actually sees the other witches from the coven in various places across these three
07:48years all because they're within a three mile radius that was the whole deal in episode
07:53one Agatha said that one of the rules of being a which you can basically find enough within
07:57a small radius to form a coven maybe there's also some aspect here were because of his
08:02power he's drawn to other witches or other witches are also drawn to him and he basically
08:07has to play this off as if it's amnesia with him trying to figure out where he is who these
08:12people are what's going on just in general basically start his performance pretending
08:17to be Billy Kaplan because that's who everybody thinks that he is.
08:20We also find out that he has telepathy.
08:22They were super clear about this during one division, but Ralph boner later clarifies
08:26that young Billy was telepathic you do kind of hear a little bit that going on during
08:30one division.
08:31If you go back and you watch those episodes, but it's not a result of the crash or anything
08:35like that.
08:36He was always meant to be telepathic one of his many abilities.
08:39Most of his powers inside the MCU are the same as scarlet which is powers like he has
08:43reality warping he has the same access to magic that she does, but it's not chaos magic
08:48the way that Agatha talks about it later.
08:51She says that he has big magic as in crazy powerful magic on par with scarlet which maybe
08:57not quite as powerful, but eventually someday he might become as powerful notice when they
09:01go back as a trying to figure everything out the dog immediately knows that it's not really
09:06Billy Kaplan some sort of a sixth sense that animals have a suppose inside Billy's room
09:11you notice that Billy Kaplan like I said was obsessed with magic in a lot of fantasy based
09:17tropes here all over the room a lot of this looks familiar to because their tropes that
09:21we see things that we see inside the witches road like he's got the Houdini posters maybe
09:25he was a real magician inside the MCU to like Houdini did actually have magic inside
09:30the marvel universe the mystic rock poster is a reference to the story that he told Alice
09:34about his mother going to see Alice's mother perform the music this poster in the middle
09:39also feels like a reference to the events of the witches road the things that are happening
09:43there there's a goofballs poster which feels like a Goonies parody.
09:47I don't know why they had to call it goofballs instead of just calling a straight-up Goonies
09:51that's probably meant to be a reference to the coven itself on their adventure through
09:54the road like the coven itself is kind of like the Goonies this picture on the doorway
09:59of the woods seems like a depiction of the actual witches road.
10:02The castle that he has sitting here nearby probably a reference to the castle during
10:06Lillia's trial that they see then he starts practicing his disguise playing it is if he
10:11is Billy Kaplan we get the next time jump to three years later.
10:15He's got that boyfriend that texted him earlier.
10:17He shows in the sigil without really knowing what it is they sort of set up the idea that
10:22he's trying to be honest with the people close to about what's really going on and
10:26what he's trying to find out and even though Agatha literally talks about it at the end
10:30of the episode.
10:31They start to foreshadow that he's trying to find out how to get his brother Tommy back
10:36we go back to his room which is full-on turned into this Charlie day meme conspiracy board
10:41trying to learn what's really going on.
10:43They call the hex in Avengers training exercise gone wrong, but Billy doesn't believe that
10:47like all how that's cute that you believe what they told you that just with the government
10:51inside the MCU told people that happened in Westview like that I know we did that on
10:55purpose we notice he watches Jennifer's YouTube channel on the regular she seems like she
11:00uses to sell her skincare products which we learned are actually bogus don't use those
11:04they can have all kinds of harmful chemicals in them.
11:07Then they watch a clip of the news from back three years ago of a recording of the Wanda
11:11vision finale with the hex coming down any spots scarlet witches rune inside the hex
11:16as she was busy fighting Agatha this is where they start to clarify that he doesn't have
11:20Billy Maximoff's memories anymore because of the way the sigil is working.
11:24You also notice in the background to zoom and enhance is a carry poster from the movie
11:28that's meant to be a callback to the way that Rio clawed her way out of the grave earlier
11:32this season.
11:33Like I said all over his room, especially early on to you see Easter eggs that things
11:38that they do in the other Agatha episodes along the road.
11:41He knows that the people in Westview refuse to talk about the hex and scarlet which after
11:45it happened which we learned about during episode one when Agatha starts asking questions
11:49like no no no we don't talk about Wanda first rule of Wanda vision you don't talk about
11:53Wanda or the hex is sort of like a Voldemort situation like don't say her name.
11:58Then they set up the Ralph Boner cameo scene cannot believe they got Evan Peters to come
12:03It was hilarious Billy apparently found him on reddit claiming to be someone who used
12:07to live inside the hex and just has information about it literally used to live with Agatha
12:11Harkness against his will which he jokes about later she stole my house completely
12:17ruined the market value, but they basically play it off as if he's turned into a conspiracy
12:22nut because of what happened in his username on reddit is bonerific 69 nice nice pick.
12:29So a lot of people asking what happened to Ralph Boner after the Wanda vision finale
12:33there were supposed to be another episode of Wanda vision and they were also on top
12:37of that once they cut it down to nine episodes there were a bunch of scenes that they were
12:40not able to film or they had to cut out from episode nine one of those deleted scenes was
12:45meant to show you what happened to Ralph Boner and how he escaped the hex.
12:49There was a big action scene when he still had his Quicksilver powers he was going to
12:53help Monica Rambeau Billy and Tommy and they were going to get in a fight with Agatha's
12:57rabbit which was going to transform into a full-blown demon senior scratchy it was going
13:02to be a version Nicholas scratch senior scratchy was going to be a demon in bunny form.
13:07But after that fight went down he was meant to escape the hex you to see him cutting his
13:11ankle bracelet off images high tailing it out of Westview apparently in the Pyramus
13:16New Jersey where he started his one man show, but when they meet he basically gives him
13:20the plot of Wanda vision with Scarlet witch did with the different sitcom plots just the
13:25general tropes episode to episode and then on top of that once Billy reads his mind please
13:30don't ask about Agatha Harkness he explains further how Agatha Harkness took over his
13:34life it wasn't clear what happened is that Agatha Harkness followed Scarlet witch wanting
13:40her power.
13:41So she just waited for an opportunity to do that and used Westview she basically inserted
13:46herself inside Scarlet witches hex spell like she wasn't initially part of the hex to begin
13:51with when she did that she basically just moved into Ralph Boner's house and used her
13:56magic to transform him into that version and used him to gaslight Scarlet witch to make
14:01her even crazier.
14:02That was why she was confused about her being her brother like Pietro is that you are you
14:07my Quicksilver you don't really look like Aaron Taylor Johnson, but I guess you're my
14:11brother if you say you're my brother that nice lady he held hostage in his attic was
14:15Monica Rambeau he mentions Billy and Tommy as well to to set up the idea of Billy Kaplan
14:20Billy Maximoff here remembering that he is Billy Maximoff and remembering his brother
14:24Tommy like oh that's the thing that I was wondering about my brother Tommy that's what
14:29I need to find all because the sigil made him briefly forget his brother Tommy you also
14:35notice he mentions what happened with sword white vision.
14:38He believes Scarlet witch is dead, which is basically the events of Doctor strange multiverse
14:42of madness just explain the inside the MCU in present day here everybody thinks the Scarlet
14:47witch is dead in part of the idea with vision just kind of moving off into the distance
14:51is setting up the vision series that will see in 2026 like he's still out there somewhere,
14:55but we don't know where or what he's doing because they're saving it for that TV show
15:00this tease up Billy's research into Hackett the Harkness while he listens to Lorna Wu's
15:05version of the ballad of the witches road.
15:07The reason why there's no immediate search results for Hackett the Harkness in the MCU
15:11is because she used her magic over the centuries to stay hidden in in the digital age like
15:16the creation the Internet that just continues in that form, but eventually he starts seeing
15:21references the Salem witch trials Hackett the supposed history people who also troll
15:26these different forums in the wikipedia's here this other which specific version of
15:30wikipedia and he starts seeing Hackett the across the centuries across the last hundred
15:35years or so to don't know who this warlock username person is you can let me know in
15:39the comments is it Wong is it like one of the other characters it feels like longer
15:43Doctor strange wouldn't be posting on these forums though this seems like her in the 1800s
15:48we'll see that in some future flashbacks either episode seven or episode eight maybe
15:53even episode nine will get more Hackett the flashbacks just in general.
15:57We find out that she was there when the Hindenburg crashed.
15:59They imply it.
16:00Maybe she had something to do with that.
16:01Like maybe she caused the Hindenburg to crash.
16:03She was also at the Titanic when it sank.
16:06Maybe she also caused it to sink.
16:08They even imply that she was in a relationship with Dolly Parton at some point the Jolene
16:12song quote unquote about a love affair was really about her then he spots that she was
16:17the only survivor of the witch's road and starts learning more about the witch's road
16:20and remembers these actually literally listening to a song about the ballad of the witch's
16:25road then using his little list here to confirm that it is Tommy that is his main first goal
16:31in getting people back like first Tommy then we look into getting mom back.
16:36So for those you wondering who's going to be cameoing later in this series.
16:39I think the chances of Tommy showing up by the end of the series are pretty high.
16:43Maybe some sort of scarlet which reference to her in the background Joe Locke claims
16:48that he is not met Elizabeth Olsen in real life, but that could just be him lying that
16:53we basically get the rest of the events of episode one when he went to Westview to find
16:56Agatha Harkness and it's meant to be the events of episode one, but from his perspective and
17:01they mostly played like a comedic scene showing all the funny things that Agatha did when
17:05she was still trapped inside the spell thinking that she was the mayor of Westview briefly
17:10stops at his old house because you remember he does know that he is Billy Maxmoff now
17:15in the reveal the reason why he broke into Agatha's house was because the spell to break
17:19her out required a personal item of hers which he uses as her brooch.
17:24Also the idea that it was personal to Agatha closely personal because it had Nicholas scratches
17:28hair inside the brooch notice you can also see her talking to Rio, but you can't see
17:32Rio that's because of the way Rio exists as the cosmic entity death in the emcee mistress
17:38death she can make it so that she only appears to people she wants to see her couple other
17:43noticeable funny details here to she's wearing one of Ralph Boner's t-shirts from one of
17:48his family reunions he points out a bunch of true crime genre tropes like you're trying
17:53to cast me in this different role, but that's not really who I am he breaks the spell.
17:58Then there are a couple time jumps for the present day showing you a couple key moments
18:02like her trying to deduce who he really is behind that sigil you basically see what it
18:06looks like from his perspective like he speaks his name and it sounds normal, but from someone
18:11else's perspective like Agatha's they can't hear the name.
18:15Then we jump back to the actual present day of the end of episode five with Agatha clawing
18:19her way out of the mud.
18:20I'm sure Catherine Hahn loved filming this scene with all that goop all over her Billy
18:25breaks the sigil himself because like Agatha said they're broken when they're no longer
18:29needed and he no longer needs it.
18:31So now anybody can hear him talk the truth about himself.
18:35She proceeds to make fun of him implying that eventually he will crave power.
18:39Just like everyone else including her like all you don't want power now, but just wait
18:42eventually you will part of this I think is Agatha trying to make him go dark like you're
18:47just like me kid there lot of questions about this next detail to she claims she figured
18:52out it was Billy Maximoff from the start claiming that he and Scarlet witch have the same tell
18:57but won't tell him what the tell is like he has no idea my early theory is the way he
19:03twiddles his fingers just like the way the Scarlet witch does when they're trying to
19:06use magic.
19:07You also realize Agatha tries to make Billy think that he killed Lily and Jen which he
19:11did not because we see footage of them in later episodes they'll be back.
19:15I believe right now they're just trapped below the witch's road in this underground cell
19:20here not really clear what this space is, but will probably find out next week's episode
19:24all because next week's trial is supposed to be Lilia's trial their couple other interesting
19:29things that Agatha reveals her to like she kind of figures out how he came back by himself
19:34even though he won't fully revealed to her and he doesn't understand himself even to
19:37begin with.
19:38She basically describes it as seeing an empty vessel and just jumping into it and it being
19:43against the rules of magic which I think they might get into when they do more of Rio's
19:47back story in future episodes like I think the idea in the MCU is that the rules of like
19:52just cosmic existence are that when you die your soul your spirit has to travel to another
19:57dimension kind of like on moon night where you see him die and then go to the duat maybe
20:02there's going to be some kind of consequence for him breaking that rule will see about
20:07But the way the talks about it is that he can sense Tommy's soul somewhere in the universe
20:11like the multiverse somewhere, but he doesn't know exactly where so that's why he's walking
20:16the witch's road to literally find out where his brother is and bring him back then probably
20:20to get the rest the family back together like then we find mom and then we find out what
20:24happened with dad what they'll probably do though is they'll just extend that over the
20:28next couple of WandaVision spinoff supposedly there's going to be another WandaVision spinoff
20:32in addition to the vision TV show will see what that unnamed spinoff is going to be maybe
20:37like a Billy and Tommy show they have a little standoff Billy makes it seem like he's going
20:41to try and take her out, but he can't get his magic to work right.
20:45But the way they play this Agatha clowning on him makes it seem like it's more of a mental
20:48block in he has to throw a tantrum currently with the only way for him to use magic is
20:52for him to completely lose it just based on the progression episode to episode with
20:57the characters are developing will probably see him get a little bit better at controlling
21:01it by the finale, but this is just a way to explain why he's not walking around all the
21:05time now with his full crown on like scarlet witch would walk around with her full outfit
21:10on all the time couple other really interesting follow-up details here to they address Doctor
21:15strange in the multiverse of madness and why scarlet witch went to another dimension looking
21:20for Billy and Tommy instead of just looking across to the other town right next door for
21:26this version of Billy her version of Billy Agatha tries to play it off like scarlet which
21:30didn't care enough to look for him, but I think that's meant to be a misdirect let you
21:34just messing with Billy's head in reality.
21:37The reason why you didn't see scarlet which searching in Eastview for that version of
21:41Billy because she probably would've been able to sense him was just because they didn't
21:44know they were going to be doing this plot when they actually film Doctor strange multiverse
21:48of madness.
21:49They wrote the events of that movie when they were writing Wandavision.
21:53So this is a long before they ever conceived of doing the Agatha TV show select all this
21:57plot was created after Doctor strange multiverse of madness was done was them sort of dealing
22:03with those continuity issues like waited why didn't you just look over across to the other
22:07town also one of the problems they ran into with like the plot jumping back and forth
22:11between Wandavision in Doctor strange multiverse of madness and now Agatha is it was different
22:16people making all those different things like the person who created Wandavision is
22:21also the person who ran Agatha all along, but the people that did the movie completely
22:25separate group that were not really talking with the people that did Wandavision or watching
22:29those episodes generally that causes a lot of chaos behind the scenes when you're trying
22:33to make everything connected Agatha then references Robo Papa AKA white vision we don't know where
22:39he is, but that's meant to be a teaser for the vision TV series in 2026.
22:44Like I said, they'll explain that during that show.
22:46Also expecting to see Tommy on that show to there's another funny moment with Agatha getting
22:51his name wrong to she calls him Toby which she's been doing to Mrs. Davis all season
22:55long just keeps calling her Mrs. Hart there was even the joke with Mr. shart during episode
23:00five they call a truce then walk down to find the next trial and you notice that the witches
23:05road is now yellow as in yellow brick road because next week's episode is all about dealing
23:11with those pop culture tropes in depictions of witches which Lillia does not like and
23:15feels are incorrect like they all play different versions of popular witches from the movies
23:20overall I feel like was a pretty solid episode give us a lot of backstory confirming a lot
23:24of fan theories about how Billy actually came back most of this I had figured out, but there
23:29were a couple details that I was surprised by everybody post all your reactions in the
23:33comments below and if you did spot any specific Easter eggs or references that I didn't talk
23:37about in the video just write them below in the comments I'll post an episode seven
23:41trailer video tomorrow in my full episode seven video will post next week after they
23:45release it.
23:46So everybody click here for that episode seven video update the link as soon as I post that
23:50and click here for all my other Agatha all along episodes it really was Billy all along
23:56thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys next one!
