AGATHA ALL ALONG EPISODE 6 TRAILER Billy Returns As Wiccan & Things You Missed

  • 2 days ago
AGATHA ALL ALONG EPISODE 6 TRAILER Billy Returns As Wiccan & Things You Missed
00:00Welcome back everyone it's Charlie this will be my Agatha all along episode 6 trailer video
00:28There are a whole bunch of Easter eggs references.
00:30We finally started to get some big reveals about what's going on with Billy aka Wiccan
00:34inside the MCU.
00:35So we'll break it all down.
00:37If you're brand new to the channel be sure to subscribe to get all the videos, but obviously
00:40the big deal here is the cliffhanger at the end of episode 5 where Billy Wiccan seemed
00:45like he tried to kill the rest of the coven witches with the exception of Rio people like
00:50where's Rio when this is happening why is she here if she does wind up being a version
00:54of death does that have something to do with that.
00:56My assumption is that she was back in the trial.
00:59She was still getting ready to leave the room.
01:01She was busy claiming Alice's body because she's probably death.
01:05I do have some early theories about all the witches of the coven coming back to life by
01:09the end of the series like the be some twist where everybody's revealed to secretly be
01:13alive or they'll come back to life like there's this footage of Jennifer clawing her way out
01:18of the dirt the same way that Rio clawed her way into the witches road when they called
01:23her with the spell.
01:25Maybe this is what happens to you after you die in the witches road like they bury you
01:28in the dirt and then use crawl your way out in the real world.
01:33So it's totally possible that Mrs. Davis is just chilling out right now while they think
01:36that she's dead, but she's just day drinking in the real world and Westview having fun
01:40with her historical society, but now the big reveal is what's really going on with Billy
01:45like why is he here was he looking for probably to do with scarlet which in his brother Tommy
01:51what is it that he was from Agatha if he's so powerful so much like your mother within
02:00the MCU.
02:01If you haven't read any of the young avengers comics or any comics featuring Billy Kaplan
02:04a.k.a. Billy Maximoff a.k.a. Wiccan he's meant to be the successor to scarlet which inside
02:10the Marvel universe, but also eventually become much more powerful than her all of his abilities
02:15work similar to hers like he has reality warping his level of magic is about the same.
02:20But the way he exists now you remember he's a teenager he still basically a baby in terms
02:25of learning to use his abilities.
02:26He's not nearly as powerful as the scarlet which was during Doctor strange multiverse
02:30of madness.
02:31But now I'm starting to think that it was Billy who put the sigil on himself because
02:35the way it works on the cast or two he probably just forgot that he put it on himself and
02:39when you see the W in the M on his lips during the first couple of episodes is actually for
02:43William Maximoff his true name and I think part of the reason for using the Ouija reference
02:49for Agatha's trial is to explain how spirits can possess people's bodies.
02:53How Billy was able to come back and possess the body of Billy Kaplan here inside the MCU.
02:59So it's like young Billy's soul from Wandavision who died during the events of Wandavision
03:04when the hex came down just possessing the body of a completely different teenager who
03:08died in the MCU Lego there's an empty body here all just borrow this, but it sounds like
03:14there's still a lot that Billy doesn't know and that's why he needed Agatha so badly she
03:19has all this information about the way magic works inside the MCU and he needs those answers
03:24but in the new footage we actually see Agatha with mud all over her making it seem like
03:28either Billy winds up coming to his senses and saving them from the mud or Rio help save
03:33them from the mud.
03:34She also be pissed at Billy tried to kill Agatha because she's in love with Agatha like
03:38please don't kill her.
03:39I need her for the future.
03:41Also Billy needs her for the future to it seems like water under the bridge because
03:45the way they play it like that a couple Pratt falls here with Agatha falling on her face
03:49like they're covered in mud and she seems like she's none the worse for wear like okay
03:52let's just move on here move on to the next trial.
03:55There was supposed to be a trial for every person that was there on the witch's road
03:59and based on the footage it does seem like we get trials for all the characters at different
04:03points because remember is going to be nine episodes total.
04:06So I'm assuming episode eight will be like the last trial and then episode nine was be
04:10like the conclusion to all that wrapping everything together.
04:14We haven't seen a trial for Billy himself yet, which seems like it takes the form of
04:18the flashback episode that is a bunch of flashbacks during this footage explaining what happened
04:22him up to this point how he actually came back from Wanda vision why he really sought
04:27Agatha out rescued her from Scarlet witch's spell and whether or not he's been lying to
04:31them about everything this whole time he's always had his power and just been hiding
04:35it using the sigil my assumption is that at least partially correct like he did probably
04:39put the sigil on himself meaning that he would have had to have some of his abilities before
04:44this, but he still doesn't fully understand that which also explains why Agatha said that
04:48she didn't put the sigil on him because she was criticizing it calling it super clumsy
04:53like the work of a lesser which something that like a junior grade a beginner which
04:57would try to do we haven't seen a lot of the Agatha flashbacks yet that are in the trailer
05:02which seem like their their own episode by itself or maybe part of Rio's trial when they're
05:06explaining her backstory.
05:08It seems that the also give Rio her own episode where they explain all of her backstory to
05:13like they done for all the different characters and we haven't seen Lillia's trial yet which
05:18based on the footage I'm guessing is the wizard of Oz themed one in the tower where they all
05:22become characters from the wizard of Oz like you see Agatha becoming the wicked witch of
05:26the West because of course she's the wicked witch of the West Lillia seems like she's
05:30going to be Glinda the good witch of the East and I'm not super familiar with the wizard
05:34of Oz lore, but I'm assuming that makes Jennifer one of the witches of the north or the south
05:38in Rio just representing one of the other ones are Billy representing the wizard of
05:42Oz himself just based on the footage in the trailer.
05:45It seems like Billy's trial is Agatha and Billy inside this makeshift morgue with her
05:49waking up in one of the freezer drawers that they put the bodies in and she seemingly uses
05:53her power to unlock Billy's mind or memories this probably has something to do with him
05:57losing the sigil maybe Agatha tries to break Billy sigil paying off her explainer from
06:02early this season about how sigils work.
06:04The idea was is that they're broken in their broken when they're not needed anymore and
06:09now that Billy's power is manifest he's revealed himself.
06:12He doesn't really need the sigil anymore and because you see her using her power with her
06:16hands on his head.
06:17It seems like breaking the sigil might have something to do with unlocking more those
06:21flashbacks to Billy's back story to explain what's happened since the events of Wanda
06:26It looks like we're also getting some flashbacks to like different perspectives from the first
06:30couple of episodes when he was breaking Agatha out of scarlet witches spell.
06:34So like more scenes from the first couple of episodes, but from different perspectives
06:38like there's the scene here of Agatha saying I can't protect you from what's coming which
06:42we didn't see in the first couple episodes that's probably from Billy's flashbacks with
06:46him talking to Agatha in her speaking from inside the spell.
06:49It also seems like there's more Agatha in Rio flashbacks to much earlier in the timeline
06:53like hundreds of years ago to explain how Agatha met death aka Rio how their relationship
06:59started white Agatha started killing other witches to take their power in the first place
07:03because you see her killing a bunch of other witches they might try to get into the idea
07:07of what made her turn evil in the first place.
07:10Because remember she said that she couldn't control it when she was killing Alice.
07:13But that didn't seem totally true like she actually seem like she didn't start stealing
07:17her power till after her mother had left her body will probably just get more flashbacks
07:22to explain the full context of that.
07:24Also to explain what really happened to Nicholas scratch the just feels like the some key flashbacks
07:29that were missing for Agatha story that they'll deal with in the last couple of episodes.
07:33Because my early theory is they'll save Rio's trial like Rio special episode for like the
07:38final one.
07:39So like episode eight of episode nine to explain what's really going on with her in the idea
07:44that death is the final trial Agatha will finally have to make peace with Nikki's death
07:49and make peace with death metaphorically like make peace with Rio.
07:53Because remember the first episode she said do you even remember why you hate me then
07:57later Rio implied that they were in a relationship in Agatha hated her for having to claim Nikki's
08:03body because it was quote unquote her job like death has to go around claiming souls
08:07the dead that led to Agatha breaking up with Rio and early theory that's one of the reasons
08:12why she wanted the dark old and she wanted scarlet which is power during Wanda vision
08:16so that she could find a way to bring Nikki back from the dead whatever winds up being
08:20Rio's trial like death's trial will probably be Agatha eventually making peace with that
08:26then the complete resolution during episode nine sort of tying everything together and
08:29teeing up the return of scarlet which herself Elizabeth Olsen and what's going on with Tommy
08:35right now all because I think were theorizing here in this has been a theory for like the
08:38last couple years since we thought that Wiccan was going to show up in the MCU on the series
08:43seriously is been like two years since they announced they were going to do it were like
08:46you know what I can see Billy during the series.
08:49The early theory is that will get like a full scarlet which cameo during the finale will
08:53just see her body or like see a version of scarlet which in some different form like
08:58her spirit Billy will learn what really happened or in what he needs to do to actually bring
09:02her back, but at least in the finale she'll still be lost to him currently like she's
09:07not going to be alive and well in the finale and while is learning about that he'll learn
09:11about what happened to his brother Tommy and he'll seek out to then go rescue them and
09:15bring them both back, but that'll probably like a cliffhanger at the end of the finale
09:19like some sort of post credit scene or like some sort of ending scene all because there
09:23are a couple more WandaVision spinoffs that are doing and supposedly the scarlet which
09:27movie which just seems that they can spread all that plot over those movies and those
09:32TV shows.
09:33So like this is the beginning of the slow return of scarlet which to the MCU because
09:37she is supposed to show up during avengers 5 and avengers 6 like somewhere in between
09:41there like all these upcoming big movies.
09:43The avengers movies will slowly see all these characters come back.
09:47They didn't say what that other WandaVision spinoff is going to wind up being will they
09:51could be some sort of young avengers related project with like Tommy coming back Billy
09:55and Tommy or something like that probably not going to hear a bunch of information about
09:58that for the next couple years the pike mostly in a focus on promoting the vision series
10:02after Agatha is done just because like that's the next big WandaVision spinoff were not
10:07supposed to get the vision episodes to like 2026.
10:09So it will be a while before we see all these characters come back when it comes to actual
10:14scarlet which like what is actually going on with her right now if her body was destroyed
10:18and she just stuck somewhere in limbo somewhere that a lot of theories about them revealing
10:23her being in stasis somewhere outside of the main MCU dimension based on the way that moon
10:28night canonizes the afterlife of the MCU this series just supports a lot of what they set
10:33up in moon night the whole idea is that when you die in the main MCU universe your consciousness
10:38just goes to another dimension based on your belief system or if you have a contract with
10:42another higher entity like a cosmic entity or another God.
10:46So at the end of Doctor strange multiverse of madness when it seemed like scarlet which
10:49his body was destroyed.
10:50Those that flash of chaos magic it's possible that her magic just protected her and put
10:55her into stasis in some alternate dimension if they using a lot of which tropes from pop
11:00culture during Agatha all along you make like the wicked witch and sleeping beauty being
11:04in stasis imagine scarlet which is like the sleeping beauty of that situation.
11:09She just waiting somewhere kept in stasis by her chaos magic for Billy to find her and
11:14rescue her bring her back to the main MCU dimension now waiting for everybody to start
11:18posting their scarlet which sleeping beauty fan art after the series is done she's mommy's
11:25not sleeping honey she's just resting resting the next real big TV show inside the marvel
11:35universe will be daredevil born again which sounds like it's going to be absolute fire
11:39like total peak cannot wait to see those episodes next year it'll be completely different vibe
11:44way more earth based up completely separate plot they've already released the first trailer
11:48for that a couple different times is like the same trailer I've already done a couple
11:52videos for so I'll post a link at the end of this and down the description below cannot
11:56wait to see Jon Bernthal come back as the punisher just wreck everyone during that my
12:01full Agatha episode six video will post next week after they release it.
12:04So be sure to enable alerts for my channel so you don't miss that click here for that
12:08daredevil born again trailer and click here for all my Agatha all long episodes thank
12:12you so much for watching and I'll see you guys next one!
