• 2 days ago
THE PENGUIN EPISODE 4 Breakdown, New Batman Villains & Things You Missed
00:00Welcome back everyone it's Charlie.
00:08This will be my full penguin episode 4 video.
00:10There are a whole bunch of Batman Easter eggs references we got a big flashback to explain
00:15what really happened 10 years ago why Sophia got locked up in Arkham asylum and confirmed
00:20a lot of fan theories to is probably the best episode of the series so far.
00:25If you brand-new to the channel be sure to subscribe to get all the episodes and careful
00:29for spoilers.
00:30If you have not seen the episode yet will just start the beginning work our way through
00:33shot by shot talking about Easter eggs in WTF moments starting with the episode title
00:38Chen Tani a reference to the toast that she gives during the episode and in real life
00:42the Italian toast that's given sometimes the types of toast you usually hear people give
00:47is salute when they clink glasses meaning good health Chen Tani is meant to be a real
00:52life Italian toast that's also given which is meant to wish all the clinkers the people
00:57that are cheering each other a hundred years, but the ironic thing in playing into the whole
01:01theme of the episode here the way things go down in real life when you make that toast
01:06all the people that are cheering each other don't actually expect to get those hundred
01:10years which is also meant to be the sly reference to Sophia making the toast and killing the
01:15entire family like there's no way you're gonna get a hundred years because I'm gonna kill
01:18you right after this Chen Tani call an ambulance call an ambulance, but not for me if it wasn't
01:27clear it was Sophia that was the one to kill the entire family like she didn't hire other
01:31hit men to come in and do it for her.
01:33She did it herself using the gas everybody after this episode going to make sure that
01:37your gas isn't leaking to the silent killer also very efficient and very clean way for
01:43her to get rid of the entire family making herself the new head and giving herself the
01:47fresh start that she said that she deserved that was the whole point of her toast.
01:51I can't wait to have a fresh start, but obviously meant to be an ironic twinge is the music
01:56changes to very ominous sounding as she goes about killing everyone.
02:00So RIP to all the Falcons pretty much not everybody, but most of them.
02:04The episode itself was really meant to be more of a flashback like the last of us long
02:09long time episode where you see what happened to Sophia 10 years ago in how she got thrown
02:13in Arkham asylum like I said it confirmed a lot of fan theories about what really happened
02:18and why she was called hangman basically Carmine Falcone was the one that strangled all the
02:23women because during the Batman movie they also revealed that that was his go to move
02:27like he loved strangling women at the 44 below club all the women with the exception of Sophia's
02:32mother that were killed were women that worked at the 44 below if it wasn't clear Catwoman's
02:37mother would've been one of these women who he killed like one of the seven women in present
02:42day though.
02:43The reason why Catwoman learned these secrets and why she revealed the strangulation twist
02:47is because her friend had gone missing recently and she was just like the latest person that
02:52Carmine and strangled and then killed making it seem like she hung herself and that's where
02:56the hangman name came from.
02:58Because all the deaths were women that look like they hung themselves, but really was
03:02Carmine strangling them in the making it seem like they hung themselves using the Gotham
03:06City police that he controlled in the court system to hide all the relevant evidence proving
03:11that they were defending themselves like all the special wounds the extra evidence
03:14against him that eventually when she put two and two together that he also killed his wife
03:19her mother having her thrown in Arkham pinning all the murders on her and getting her all
03:24hocked up hoping that she would either die inside Arkham or just go completely crazy
03:28and never escape.
03:30They also revealed how she got out of Arkham after 10 years like the reason why she got
03:34out is because Alberto swore that he would find a way to get her out and when he became
03:38head of the family after Carmine died.
03:40He gained the power to actually make that happen.
03:42That was why she been released right before the beginning of the series.
03:45Because that was when Alberto became head of the family.
03:48He also use Julian rush her boyfriend who used to work there also helping treat her
03:53what's not totally clear though, because there a lot of things they reveal all these flashbacks
03:57to Arkham is what his angle is is he lying to her or is he telling her the truth when
04:02he says that he's really on her team.
04:04He's not meant to be someone from the Batman comics though like he's a totally new creation
04:08for the show.
04:09They definitely made Doctor Ventress seem like an analog for Hugo strange is not meant
04:13to be Hugo strange.
04:14There is a Ventress in the Batman comics is a Batman villain, but his name is Floyd Ventress
04:19in his alter ego is a villain is mirror man not to be confused with mere master who's
04:25a completely separate flash villain.
04:27He definitely seemed like he totally evil though in on Carmine's payroll and was trying
04:31to induce the craziness in her like giving her all the shock therapy and then putting
04:35her on the bliss meds.
04:36The actual opening scene starts right at the end of last week's episode with the penguin
04:40swearing is going to show Sophia how trustworthy he is just as he bails on her when the Maroney's
04:45arrived to kill him for betraying them.
04:48It's hilarious how quickly he turns on a dime against Sophia are making it seem like he's
04:53against Sophia his secret power is talk no jutsu.
04:56So it'll be interesting to see the way he talks his way out of the next situation when
05:00Sophia eventually catches up with him because if she was just thinking about killing him
05:04before this like she was on the fence about killing him.
05:07She definitely wants to kill him after this episode because it now seems like it's confirmed
05:11her in her mind that he did kill Alberto thank you very much Mrs. Maroney basically telling
05:17her to her face.
05:18Oh, you didn't know he killed your brother.
05:20We basically get the rest of this scene before Victor shows up to save him from their perspective
05:25just to show what happened with the Maroney's once they did show up.
05:28She lets them know that she knew about the bliss and it was going to render the drops
05:32operation which penguin promise them completely irrelevant in a short amount of time.
05:37The whole idea that the bliss is meant to be this revolutionary drug is going to completely
05:40take over the city.
05:42Then Victor shows up crashing the car penguin escapes and that's the last we see of him
05:46in this episode basically pivoting to Sophia for the entire episode with the flashbacks
05:51and back in present day all the flashbacks for most the episode are meant to set up her
05:55revenge at the end of the episode.
05:58Very sweet revenge at that sweet kind of like the icing on the cake for all this to
06:03her select metaphorically and literally she got the icing on the cake.
06:07This episode revenge and cake a dish best serve cold, but as she starts passing out
06:12she calls Julian rush the psychiatrist boyfriend from Arkham that we also saw treating her
06:16outside with that weird red light therapy.
06:19I'm sure will learn more about what's going on with that weird hypnotherapy notices a
06:23bunch of other numbers on her phone to Todd Oliveri is one of the production staff on
06:27the show behind the scenes like a lot of time when they have lists they need to show
06:30you with a bunch of different names the put a bunch of production people on those list
06:33just for fun is a 211 mystery Gotham number that she called Joe Alferi isn't someone we
06:39met yet is a Robert name obscured by her fingers Frank Francisco a bunch more blurred out numbers
06:45if you can spot some of these blurred out ones to write them blow in the comments who
06:48you think that they are when she passes out notice she falls on the stack of newspapers
06:52with headlines talking about the mob rivalry going on right now the wake of Carmine Falcone's
06:57death basically all the different mobs in town all the different crime organizations
07:01are trying to claim each other's territory.
07:03It's a bit of a free for all.
07:05So in addition to Sophia taking over the family in this episode.
07:08She also has to deal with that in the background to like there are a bunch of other mobs that
07:12are vying for the Falcone's territory that she has to deal with, but her passing out
07:16cues up the flashback to 10 years ago to explain everything that happened and confirm a lot
07:20of the fan theories we find out she's an upstanding member of the community.
07:24She's running a charitable foundation called Lucy house named Isabella after her mother
07:28who's dead at this point we actually heard her voice in the tapes that they watched in
07:33other flashbacks in a party episode with her and her brother when they were still little
07:36kids as she said in earlier episodes penguin during this period is her driver in their
07:41relationship seems pretty friendly like she makes fun of them, but in a friendly kind
07:45of way at this point in the episode.
07:47He still pretty low in the totem pole of the grand scheme of things, but there couple moments
07:52in the episode where you see people Alberto and then her later when she's all shaken by
07:57all the evidence that she sees about the dead women and she connects the dots learning that
08:00her father was behind everything when she winds up insulting penguin which then leads
08:06him to informing on her sort of setting up the idea that he probably wouldn't have informed
08:11on her if she hadn't insulted him in that way.
08:13One of his great weaknesses is his incredibly short temper, but it was informing on her
08:19about talking to the reporter that got him the promotion inside Falcone's organization
08:23when he made him in charge of the 44 below club at the iceberg lounge all because he
08:28felt like he could trust penguin to be discreet like he was gonna go around talking to reporters
08:33about all the missing women over the years that would show up at club 44 all because
08:37you remember there were other women the got killed after this to like the end of this
08:41episode in the flashbacks 10 years ago was not the last time that he killed a woman later
08:46in the timeline during the Batman movie that was Catwoman's whole mission at the beginning
08:50of the film.
08:51She was trying to find out what happened to her missing friend and then learns that it
08:53was Carmine Falcone that strangled her like he did with her mother in a bunch of other
08:58So after throwing Sophia in Arkham Carmine just went on to continue strangling women
09:03through the years.
09:04It's also kind of implied that this whole charitable organization in her mother's name
09:08Carmine is just been using to launder money because it's also one of his go to moves like
09:13he was using the Wayne foundation another charitable organization to launder a bunch
09:17of money for the mob.
09:19But at least at this point in the episode like right at the beginning of the episode
09:22Sophia doesn't know all the shady stuff that Carmine has been doing like the foundation.
09:27She probably thinks the foundation is just a charitable foundation and nothing else.
09:32We meet the summer Gleason reporter who is from Batman the animated series.
09:36She starts Sophia on connecting the dots in her head to the similarities in all the dead
09:40women in the way that they died.
09:43She begins to get suspicious with her father where she starts talking and eating and notices
09:47reaction when she mentions her mother like I think most people who are watching the episode
09:51had figured out what was really going on before this happen in his reaction just kind of confirmed
09:55a lot of those details like up he definitely killed their mother later in the episode they
09:59connect the dots in a more literal way, but I think they were pretty clear with the foreshadowing
10:03here in a lot of the clues we get the first flashback to even earlier when she was younger
10:08and she found her mother's dead body.
10:10Also in the second version this flashback we see the rest the scene like what happened
10:14right after this moment you see the Carmine was in the next room like he had just hung
10:18up her mother's body to make it seem like she killed herself and then found Sophia that
10:22what what are you doing here.
10:23I just hung a body up all this is crazy and even though I mention this in earlier video
10:27the other obvious thing here we have to talk about you knows the recasting.
10:31So Mark strong you probably recognize from a ton of stuff he's already played two different
10:35live-action DC characters before this to Dr. Savannah in the Shazam movies in Sinestro
10:40in the Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern movie was like he's collecting DC characters like
10:44infinity stones now Matt Reeves said the reason why it's not John Turturro is because when
10:49they needed actually film these scenes.
10:50He wasn't available.
10:51So they had to recast the character Mark strong obviously a solid choice for that notice during
10:56their conversation over dinner to he implies that he was using Sophia to gain access to
11:01the congressman through the wife at the charity more mob related power plays controlling politicians
11:07very standard business for him Alberto at this point seems like he could care less about
11:12any the family business though like he even all these tasks and he's completely undependable
11:16like he absolutely can't stand him, but he loves Sophia and at least before he turns
11:20on her later in the episode throwing her Arkham.
11:22He wants to hand the family to her and notice his reaction when she's like they're never
11:26going to support me.
11:27I'm a woman.
11:28They're gonna want somebody else to run the family when he tells them the family will
11:32do what he tells them to do.
11:33I think part of the idea is the never really intended on giving her control the family.
11:38He just wanted her to become the public face of the family and eventually he would retire
11:42to behind the scenes, but still rule from behind the scenes giving the real orders they
11:47reveal his birthday is coming up, which is why the entire family comes to show up for
11:51that party when they drop Alberto off notice that he calls penguin by the penguin name,
11:57which is meant to be derogatory term inside the Batman universe.
12:00He absolutely hates it when people call him penguin is because of his deformities when
12:04she asked Alberto about the woman at the 44 below club.
12:07He's about to tell her the truth.
12:09It sounds like he actually was like yeah pop probably killed all those women notice penguin
12:14is also listening in on their conversation like he almost overhear something really secretive.
12:19I think this is meant to set up his eventual betrayal of Sophia when he informs Carmine
12:23what happened with the reporter when she meets with the reporter again and sees the actual
12:27evidence she connects the dots mentally to her mother's death and realizes that her father
12:32was behind all the killings, but because she's so horrified and is so fresh in her mind.
12:37She doesn't want to think about it, which is why she snaps at penguin later leading
12:42to him making a snap decision betraying her to Carmine at the party later she has the
12:47scene with Carla her friend now remember this is meant to pay off the scene that they had
12:51earlier when she saw her after she got out of Arkham like I haven't seen you in 10 years.
12:54This is the girl that I had while you were busy in there is just meant to connect the
12:58dots across the timeline and sort of pay off the revenge she gets against Carla for also
13:02betraying her and not supporting her.
13:04They make some jokes about Lucas brand-new wife who we later find out cheated on him
13:09with VD for a long long time in the reason why she spots penguin inside the house which
13:15he normally wouldn't do in a brand-new shiny suit is because he just got his promotion
13:20from Carmine who rewarded him for informing on Sophia with the reporter.
13:25Remember the whole idea is that what he gained out of all this is that he was put in charge
13:29of the club 44 below Carmine rakes her over the coals for talking the reporter when he
13:34mentions Kenzie that's actually meant to be a character from the Batman movie.
13:37One of the corrupt detectives that Carmine Falcone control who was involved in covering
13:42up a lot of the dead women over the years.
13:44He's also the same police officer that arrest her later when penguin is driving her away
13:48from the party cow woman wound up trying to kill him during the events of the Batman movie
13:52after she found out that he was connected to the death of her friend at 44 below Batman
13:58wound up saving his life.
13:59But then he was thrown in black a prison where he resides today.
14:03They imply that Kenzie was one of the people inside the Gotham City Police Department that
14:06would get rid of evidence surrounding a lot of the different killings like all none of
14:10these women were definitely hung in nothing else happened to them.
14:13So that nobody continued digging into how they died that after Sophia confronts him
14:19over the death of her mother basically connecting the dots to his face Danny really turns on
14:24her like he was pissed off before.
14:26But you see the look on his face turns to absolute murder is really when she mentions
14:30her mother that I think he comes up with the idea to pin everything on her and have her
14:34thrown in Arkham.
14:35I think before this he was just planning on exiling her for a little while.
14:39So the idea is that when he has penguin drive her home.
14:41He also tips off Kenzie and has him arrest her.
14:45We also find out the reporter is dead.
14:46So it sounds like Carmine also had the reporter killed right after this they pin everything
14:51on her naming her hangman in the papers because that's how all the different women seemingly
14:56died even though that's not the case they were all strangled in the comics Sophia's
15:00name was also hangman, but in Batman dark victory when the characters mostly feature
15:05a couple different comics she really did kill all those people, but they do want to show
15:10you the penguin didn't know what was going to happen with her getting thrown in Arkham.
15:14He didn't realize it was going to take it that far, but even though they make him seem
15:17a little more sympathetic in that respect.
15:19Like he didn't mean to get her thrown in Arkham he actually doesn't really care about her
15:23that much when it comes down to it.
15:25He really only cares about himself Matt Reeves said this whole show is meant to be penguin
15:29Scarface moment in the Batman universe in Tony Montana is not a good person does not
15:34do good things.
15:36But this also connects with that moment with a penguin was telling Victor not to believe
15:40everything he heard about Sophia when the news was calling her hangman because he knows
15:45that she didn't kill the reporter because he been driving her around 24 7 and was there
15:50after she was with the reporter.
15:52So at any time penguin could have come forward and said no I've been driving her around everywhere
15:56she couldn't have killed that reporter.
15:59That's added to the list of reasons why Sophia wants to kill penguin.
16:02There are many reasons now she was a finding out the entire family is turned against her
16:06in written letters to the judge saying that she's crazy based on some of their reactions
16:11in present day when she confronts them with this later at the dinner.
16:14It makes it seem like what Carmine did is he just forced the different family members
16:18to sign a piece of paper without telling them what was on the paper or what they were signing
16:23so even though they are complicit with her getting thrown in Arkham and nobody spoke
16:26up to help her technically they probably didn't know exactly what was happening when
16:30they were signing all those papers her lawyer basically tells her there's nothing that she
16:34can do she's can have to go to Arkham immediately in they can one is that the idea that Carmine
16:39controls all the court systems the judges most the police department most the politicians
16:44in the area.
16:45So it's pretty easy for him to do whatever he wants to do.
16:48So he wants to get you thrown in Arkham and for them to throw away the key.
16:51It's pretty easy to do that.
16:53They show that Alberto is basically the only person who's with her at every step of the
16:57way trying to support her in trying to help her get out, which is why she's so affected
17:01by his death late in the timeline like why they were so close.
17:05But basically it sounds like Carmine controls at least part of Arkham in wants her to just
17:09stay there forever either being killed by another inmate or driven to complete insanity
17:15by the doctors setting up her whole motivation for revenge against the entire family all
17:21the Arkham scenes in the flashbacks were great showing how they basically manhandle
17:24her as she's admitted treating her like an animal essentially it would've been the same
17:28for both Joker Riddler any other Batman villains that got locked up there to part of the idea
17:33is they want to make it seem like the doctors in the guards at Arkham are the real villains
17:38not the actual Batman villains that are locked up there we meet the doctor Ventress who is
17:42based on that Batman villain mirror man from the comics giving up all kinds of Hugo strange
17:47vibes, but the way that Sophia explains that she had many doctors that came and went while
17:52she was there.
17:53So like Doctor Ventress didn't last for a long time.
17:55I think the way they play the episode in all of Ventress's scenes implied that he was on
18:00Carmine's payroll, but not her boyfriend Julian rush or at least it seems like he wasn't on
18:04Carmine's payroll.
18:06She start seeing some of the other inmates in the women's wing here where she's staying
18:10this one isn't from the comics is a random one that she has the confrontation with later
18:14The first one she actually speaks with though is magpie in is from the Batman comics.
18:19She started out working in a museum then went crazy in her whole go to move when she took
18:24the name magpie was making booby-trapped copies of museum pieces they just want to show you
18:30how badly everyone is treated there at Arkham like the food is terrible.
18:34The way the guards treat them is terrible all the doctors basically abuse them in every
18:38way possible and a lot of it seems like it's in pursuit of the development of this bliss
18:43drug they're passing around if you were confused about the whole conspiracy to try and drive
18:48her crazy.
18:49I think the idea is that Ventress wanted to mess with her head maybe on Carmine's orders
18:53to drive her to insanity with a combination of the shock therapy as well is making the
18:58other inmates attack her on whim is also possible the doctor Ventress was just doing that messing
19:04with the patients to study them like rats inside a maze just for his own research or
19:09his own enjoyment.
19:11So it's possible that he had no connection with Carmine and he just did this to all the
19:15inmates on the regular just because he wanted to they really want to make him seem evil.
19:20That's why I made all the Hugo strange costs because that's kind of his go to move in the
19:23Batman comics is basically experimenting on all the inmates.
19:27We also find out the magpie character has been working for the doctor in exchange for
19:32the bliss drug to help drive Sophia more insane even faster.
19:37The point where it actually seem like Ventress really was working with Carmine was when he
19:41wrote the report saying that she was unfit to stand trial.
19:44Because why would he do that unless he wanted to keep her in Arkham and why we want to keep
19:48her in Arkham.
19:49I would care about that if it wasn't because of what Carmine told him to do their couple
19:53moments during her flashbacks to Arkham where Julian rush tries to advocate for like I didn't
19:58want this to happen.
19:59I didn't know that the doctor was going to write this report about you keeping you in
20:02here for those you that think that he is trying to help her like he's ultimately on her side
20:06there was a moment in the flashbacks where he did turn to Ventress and say what if she's
20:10telling the truth about all these deaths that she didn't actually kill these women in Ventress
20:15tells him be careful like don't speak up about this.
20:19So even though I do think that Julian rush had something to do with what's going on with
20:22the bliss at Arkham like somebody had to be behind developing this and creating it.
20:26It is possible that he just trying to be nice to Sophia Alberto comes to visit her the scene
20:32plays out like her vision from earlier in the series when she had the previous flashback
20:37when he says he's going to make it his mission to get her out of here.
20:39Like I said they pay that off when he became the head of the family and gain the power
20:43to do that with the help of Julian rush who claims that he quit his job at Arkham because
20:48he was so remorseful over what was happening with her when she wakes up in present day
20:52inside his apartment in his office there that we saw earlier I was expecting her to find
20:56something a little more sus around the place, but she really only finds the medication that
21:01he's been giving himself.
21:02She implies that because of his remorse like it's caused him to have his own mental problems
21:07all the crazy stuff that they did to the inmates that he was also complicit with in the past.
21:12But the idea here when she confronts him is that the tables have turned like she is now
21:15the person in control pushing him around as she eventually pushes the family around at
21:21the dinner later when she says it's the world is broken and she does deserve a fresh start
21:26that's her giving herself a little pep talk the call to action setting up her killing
21:30the family taking over the family and what she's doing with the bliss her whole long-term
21:34goal to distribute it all over the world that we have that amazing dinner scene at the end
21:40where she basically confronts the entire family calling them all out.
21:43I was kind of expecting this to go full red wedding from the game of thrones with like
21:47all them dying at the dinner table here you can let me know if you like the way they did
21:51in the episode of your hoping for like a bloodier more graphic death you notice when she does
21:56walk in though she says that the opposite head of the table because she is taking over
22:00the family she's going to sit at the head of the table metaphorically and literally
22:03now the reason why the family is mad to see her is because they're mourning Alberto's
22:08death and they were expecting her to leave to go to Sicily like oh you're still here
22:13when she interrupts Lucas toast her line of dialogue that she starts with is the same
22:17as her speech at the beginning of the episode in the flashbacks forgive me I've never been
22:21one for speeches she points out the last time they were all together like this was
22:25that flashback to 10 years ago right before she got thrown in Arkham and when she says
22:31she doesn't fit into the family anymore.
22:33It's meant to be an ironic statement because instead of leaving the family like you would
22:37normally expect she kills the family is basically the start of a new Falcone dynasty under her
22:43as she makes the ironic Chintani toast giving the episode its name she stares at a picture
22:49here this is her and her brother when they were children.
22:51The reason why she leaves the window half open is that she can save VD from the gas
22:56because she needs him for later will explain that in a second.
23:00Then she takes Carla's daughter to the greenhouse promising her the cake that she wanted sparing
23:04her from the gas also not wanting her to see all the dead bodies like she saw her mother's
23:08dead body at that same age true to her word.
23:11She does give her the cake you also get a couple more close-up scenes of her bare skin
23:15you notice the scars all over her upper body.
23:18Those are from her time at Arkham all the fights that she got into which she admits
23:22to the little girl about having done terrible things like I got locked up in Arkham I had
23:25to do terrible things to survive.
23:27She then promises to always protect her nothing bad is ever going to happen to you sweetie
23:32then wakes to find the bodies of all the dead family members RIP Falcone's as they play
23:37the Sarah Vaughan version of so long my love they confirm the way she killed everyone when
23:43she puts the gas mask on and puts the valve back on down in the basement that same basement
23:48were penguin killed the Moroni captain and the reason why she spared VD says we need
23:52to talk is because she needs help running the family is actually a lot of groundwork
23:56that she needs people for and VD is just connected in the way that she needs they already showed
24:01how they used him to get their whole bliss operation started.
24:05She needs him for that.
24:06She also needs his help with killing the penguin and basically just dealing with all the other
24:11mob factions in town that are coming for the Falcone's territory right now, which is
24:15still an ongoing thing, especially the Moroni's so part of the idea is that Sophia's like
24:20you know what I don't need most you but I need like a couple you so couple you get to
24:23live overall it was a fantastic episode.
24:26Like I said best one so far Kristen Milioti probably gonna get some nominations for awards
24:31after this season.
24:32If there's any other Easter eggs or references that you spotted during the episode that I
24:36didn't talk about during the video just write them below in the comments and let me know
24:39what your favorite moment from the episode was really cool to see her get her revenge
24:44against the family.
24:45Now we get to see how penguin is gonna talk his way out of this situation.
24:48Talk no jutsu.
24:50My full episode 5 video will post next week after they release it.
24:53There's a bunch of big stuff coming up this week to so be sure to enable alerts my channel
24:57so you don't miss any of that everybody click here to learn about Henry Cavill coming back
25:01to the marvel universe after Deadpool and Wolverine and click here for all my penguin
25:05Batman episodes thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys the next one!
