• last year
00:00Welcome back everyone it's Charlie the trades are all reporting this week that the new Hal
00:12Jordan green lantern is finally been cast and it looks like Josh Brolin dropped out
00:17at the last minute when they were haggling over how much money they were gonna pay him.
00:20So will break it all down even though it would have been hilarious for Josh Brolin to be
00:25the next Hal Jordan in the movies after Ryan Reynolds would've been a lot of poetic justice
00:29because he made fun of Ryan Reynolds for being green lantern so much the person they
00:33actually wound up casting still has a funny connection to Ryan Reynolds Deadpool movies
00:37and to Josh Brolin separately.
00:39So if you're brand-new to the channel be sure to subscribe to get all the episodes I will
00:43do weekly episode videos for the green lanterns HBO series when it starts there saying they're
00:48gonna be filming early next year meaning they would release until 2026 that's the same year
00:52the releasing the Batman to Matt Reeves been talking about that like were in the middle
00:56of the penguin episodes right now.
00:58I'm also doing videos for that been fantastic so far and were supposed to get that new Supergirl
01:03movie that year to that is connected to the DC you the Batman the penguin stuff is not
01:09the green lanterns HBO series is mostly meant to be an earth-based series like true detective
01:13with Hal Jordan mentoring a young Jon Stewart they use the words true detective many times
01:18when describing the series basically a true crime green lantern series the Hollywood trades
01:24are now reporting that Kyle Chandler is their new Hal Jordan in the DC you the Friday night
01:30lights green lantern clear eyes full rings can't lose the war of light to the Sinestro
01:34core your eyes full hearts.
01:40Even though we make all the green lantern jokes you have to think that all the characters
01:43being a little bit older than you normally expect older than say like in the previous
01:47movies Sinestro has taken the yellow ring and he's probably either pretty close to creating
01:52the Sinestro core or he has already created in James Gunn's DC you most people know Kyle
01:57Chandler from Friday night lights, but he also did Godzilla king of the monsters is
02:01also been a ton of other movies and TV shows that you probably know him from somewhere
02:05the interesting thing about all this the fine print like zoom in and hands the trades are
02:09saying that the contract that he signed for this green lantern series is only for the
02:14HBO TV show there's no film component meaning that he didn't sign on for the upcoming movies
02:21is actually pretty big deal like a lot of people immediately assume that meant they're
02:24gonna Ned Stark him going full game of thrones by the end of season one killing him off like
02:29he sacrifices himself to save Jon Stewart and then theoretically Jon Stewart becomes
02:34the younger green lantern that joins the future Justice league team when they come together
02:38in the DC you what it could also mean is they just plan to use him in different ways in
02:43the future of the DC you but he's not meant to be like the main green lantern on that
02:48Justice league.
02:49They're more focused on putting Jon Stewart on the Justice league, but having watched
02:52an HBO TV series or two.
02:54Don't you just expect them to try and kill him off by the end of season one.
02:58Like that just feels like something they would do Kyle Chandler is a fantastic choice.
03:02He's a solid actor and if you see them on Friday night lights or any of his true crime
03:06related stuff like detective style conspiracy theme work good example is is Godzilla king
03:10of the monsters character that's kind of the vibe of how Jordan they're going for in the
03:14green lantern series now this time we join the fight grizzled old two days away from
03:20retirement green lantern mentoring a young Jon Stewart hopeful, but a little more jaded
03:26than say like the young version of Ryan Reynolds how Jordan green lantern and because were
03:30talking about the future new Justice league team there is a proto version of the Justice
03:35league that we got footage of from the new Superman movie with Mr. terrific hawk girl
03:39Nathan fillions Guy Gardner green lantern remember we already have a green lantern were
03:43going to see next year in the Superman movie and even though you don't actually seen walking
03:47around on set there's metamorphosis part of this group to, but they're doing him with
03:51a lot of visual effects all the moment to be wearing matching white outfits with highlights
03:56based on their original comic book suits I'm not a big fan of the look of the suits like
03:59I'd rather see an actual green lantern suit like an actual hawk girl suit more like the
04:03comics, but I think part of the idea is that you're meant to mock them like this is meant
04:08to be a parody of a Justice league team more like Justice league international because
04:12I think this group is sponsored by Maxwell Lord in the events of the Superman movie because
04:18Maxwell Lord's company symbol is on all their suits in the Justice league during Justice
04:23league international was the one that Maxwell Lord spent most of his time working with the
04:28way that James Gunn talked about the character his version of Maxwell Lord will be more like
04:31that comic book version not like Pedro Pascal's like he said he'll be different from all the
04:35Maxwell Lord's that we've seen before he's can be played by Sean Gunn his brother you
04:40may remember him as Kraglin from all the guardians of the galaxy movies.
04:44So they part of the idea is there meant to feel kind of like a proto version of the Justice
04:47league, but not the actual Justice league and their suits kind of look like the terrific
04:52team suits from the comics to maybe towards the end of the movie they'll give Superman
04:56the idea to start putting a team together eventually, but the whole idea is that were
05:00not going to see the actual real Justice league team like the new main Justice league team
05:05for a good long while in the DCU the way that James Gunn talked about it he's plotting it
05:10out in a chapter situation, but more like Marvel's phases he just calling them chapters
05:15to this first block of movies that he announced in TV shows is just DC chapter one gods and
05:19monsters he didn't say what chapter two is going to be, but it's like Marvel phase one
05:23phase two phase three were like you and each phase with the big Avengers movie eventually
05:29will play build up to that first Justice league movie in the next like four or five years
05:33the only thing they haven't confirmed so far is who's going to play Jon Stewart and everybody
05:37likes that new actor from rebel Ridge will see who they wind up actually casting and
05:41they haven't said who their new flash is going to be in universe probably because were so
05:45hot off the heels of Ezra Miller in the flash movie like they just want to let the dust
05:49settle on that like give a good long while to get people time to forget about that.
05:54So we don't know if the new main flash of the DCU will be Barry Allen or Wally West,
05:59but because it seems like James Gunn's Justice league might be based more on the animated
06:04Justice league with Hawker on the team.
06:06There's a good chance that Wally West could be the flash that winds up on that Justice
06:10league team.
06:11You might remember that Michael Rosenbaum of all people Lex Luthor played that version
06:15of Wally West.
06:39I talked a lot about Michael Rosenbaum's version of Lex Luthor when I was talking about the
06:42Superman movie just because James Gunn acknowledged his version of Lex Luthor as the best Lex.
06:48The whole joke there though is that he's probably not can have a cameo inside the Superman movie
06:52like I'm not expecting it to happen like he is really good friends with James Gunn, but
06:56he acknowledges himself like Michael Rosenbaum understands that he's not going to be in some
07:00of those movies.
07:01There's always the chance that he could show up in like a completely different role though
07:05I'm still kind of salty that he didn't come back during crisis on infinite earth style
07:09the TV shows as his version of Wally West in live-action that would actually been awesome
07:13not coming back is Lex from smallville, but coming back is his Wally West.
07:18But if you think about it this way.
07:19If they're going with an older Hal Jordan that probably means that their Barry Allen
07:23is also a bit older and Wally West is old enough like adult flash now that is not kid
07:29flash anymore and he can be on that Justice league team this actually James Gunn explaining
07:34what the story of the Green Lanterns HBO series will be and how it connects to all the movies
07:38The next thing is a big premiere HBO television series called Lanterns.
07:45This is a story of a couple of Green Lanterns John Stewart and Hal Jordan and we have a
07:49few other Lanterns peppered in there but this is really a terrestrial based TV show which
07:54is almost like true detective with a couple of Green Lanterns who are space cops watching
08:00over precinct earth in it they discover a terrifying mystery that ties into our larger
08:06story of the DCU.
08:08Some you also might remember the funny connection that Kyle Chandler has to Ryan Reynolds Deadpool
08:12movies and Josh Brolin.
08:14So when they were making Deadpool 2 several years ago.
08:17First they wanted Brad Pitt for cable like he was their first choice of course he turned
08:20that role down, but did decide to come on into the banisher cameo scene then supposedly
08:26Ryan Reynolds and the original director Tim Miller who dropped out of the movie at a certain
08:30point disagreed on who should play cable one wanted Kyle Chandler and the other Josh Brolin.
08:37So of course Josh Brolin one out made for some great Thanos jokes pre Disney buying
08:41box and Deadpool coming to the MCU.
08:44But the idea is that before it was basically Josh Brolin stealing a job from Kyle Chandler
08:48and now Kyle Chandler is a yoinking a job from Josh Brolin supposedly the other people
08:53they also wanted for the role were Chris Pine who just showed up as Steve Trevor in a couple
08:58different Wonder Woman movies inside Zack Snyder's DCEU there was no way that they were
09:03going to bring him back after playing Steve Trevor.
09:06Matthew McConaughey who was also just in Deadpool and Wolverine is cowboy Deadpool all because
09:11they're doing true detective with Green Lantern characters in the DC universe and he just
09:16did true detective season one.
09:18There's probably no way that he was gonna sign a long-term contract to appear in a whole
09:22bunch of movies like he would've done a one-off cameo, but that was about it like there's
09:25no way they could afford him and Ewan McGregor who I think is an amazing actor like love
09:30is Obi-Wan Kenobi love all the weird stuff that he does outside of the Star Wars universe
09:35like he does a ton of different stuff and it gets super weird and even though I'm sure
09:40he could turn in an amazing performance.
09:42He just is not scream Hal Jordan to me like when I think of Hal Jordan.
09:45I don't think of Ewan McGregor.
09:47So honestly, if it's not going to be Josh Brolin I feel like Kyle Chandler actually
09:50is a really solid choice.
09:52So everybody post all your reactions to Kyle Chandler Green Lantern in the comics like
09:57what do you think about him playing an older version of Hal Jordan mentoring Jon Stewart
10:01and do you think they're gonna Ned Stark him by the end of season one is a bunch of
10:06big stuff coming up or in the middle of the penguin Batman episodes has been fantastic
10:09so far.
10:10My episode 2 video will post next Sunday after they release it everybody click here for my
10:15episode one video and click here for that footage from the new Superman movie with the
10:19new villain that they're using.
10:21Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one!
