• last year
00:09As our laws
00:12This is the symbol of
01:16Seni hiçbir zaman buraya getirmek istememiştim
01:21Çünkü bu sırrı öğrenmeni istemedim
01:25Ama madem sen öğrenmek istiyorsun
01:30Hepsini anlatacağım
01:48Babanla yakın arkadaştık kardeş gibiydik
01:53Onları bu mezarlara koyanları bulmak için yıllarımı verdim
01:58Onları bulup cezalarını kesecektim
02:03Bulamadım onları
02:05Hiçbir iz bırakmamışlardır çünkü
02:08Ama peşlerini hiç bırakmayacağım
02:12Önünde sonunda bulacağım onları
02:27Bade sen bana babanın emanetisin o yüzden seni bağrıma bastım o yüzden sana kızım dedim
02:50Peki ya o tuttuğun tetikçi Eydat Halit miydi?
03:01Benim adımını yazdığı zarfta
03:06Annenle babanın katillerini bulma işini ona vermiştim
03:10Ama başaramadı
03:14Beceremediği tek iş bu oldu zaten
03:43Bir süredir şirketin başındaki kişi benim
03:45O yüzden beni sorgulamanız daha doğru olacaktır Sayın Savcı
03:48Ateş Bey
03:50Bakın dedeniz için kaygılandığınızı onu korumaya çalıştığınızı anlamıyorum sanmayın
03:54Ama durum sizin düşündüğünüzden çok farklı
03:57Konuyla ilgili bilginiz var mı yok mu bilmiyorum ama
04:00Sizin başkanlığınızdan önceki dönemlerde kaynağı belli olmayan çok fazla para giriş çıkışı olmuş
04:06Ayrıca bir sürü şeyde sümen altı edilmeye çalışılmış
04:09Ve maalesef bunların hepsinin altında Ömer Gülsoy'un imzası var
04:13Anlayacağınız bizim muhatabımız o
04:19Peki ne olacak dedemin akıbeti nasıl ilerleyecek soruşturma
04:23Şöyle önce hesaplar bir incelenecek
04:26Tabi bu inceleme biraz zaman alacak onu şimdiden söyleyeyim
04:29Sonra da
04:33Dedenizin hapse girmesi söz konusu Ateş Bey
04:36Gülsem Hanım da gelecekti bir yaramazlık yoktur umarım
04:48Heyecandan gelemedi kayınvalidem mutlu haberimizi evde almak istedi herhalde
04:53Test sonuçları çıkmış mı bir kontrol eder misiniz
04:56Tabi hemen bakıyorum
05:07Hayırlı olsun Aleyna Hanım hamilesiniz
05:11Çok teşekkür ederim Doktor Hanım
05:13Duydun mu kocacığım baba oluyorsun
05:16Yok bu olamaz
05:18Siz emin misiniz Doktor Hanım bir yanlışlık olmasın bu kız gerçekten hamile mi şimdi
05:22Yok Yaman Bey yanlışlık falan olamaz
05:24Yani sonuçlar kesin eşiniz iki haftalık hamile
05:28Bebeğin babası ben değilim
05:31Babalık testi istiyorum ben o zaman
05:34Yani tabi eşinizle isterse bu mümkün
05:38Tamam yapalım Doktor Hanım
05:41Benim alnım ak vicdanım temiz
05:44Okey sıkıntı yok
05:46Fetüsü daha çok güçlü yani en az üç ay beklemeniz gerekiyor
05:50Yoksa kaybetme riski oluşabilir
05:52Bu göze alabileceğimiz bir şey değil
05:54Yani ben şimdi iki buçuk ay test sonucu mu bekleyeceğim
06:04Ateş olabildiğince hızlı gelmeye çalıştım
06:14Nedir durum
06:16Çok teşekkür ederim geldiğin için sorgu da hala
06:18Anladım ya şimdi yanlış anlama sana bunu sormam gerekiyor
06:22Sizin birlikte çalıştığınız avukatlar yok mu bu durumda
06:24Var olmaz mı
06:26Onlar yüzünden galiba işler de biraz bu hale geldi ama
06:29O yüzden benim dışarıdan bir görüşe ihtiyacım var Güneş
06:31Anladım ama ben şu an sadece size hukuki danışmanlık yapabilirim
06:36Yeter o bile yeter ya bana bir şey söyle ne olur bana bir şey söyle
06:39Ben ne yapabilirim de bu adamı bu jandarinin içinden kurtarabilirim ne olur
06:43Şimdi bahsettiğimiz kişi aynı kişi değil mi bu adam
06:47Yani aslında deden olmayan kişi
06:50Olsun yine de dedem o benim
06:54Gerçekten dedemi buradan kurtarmanın bir yolu var mı
06:59Şimdilik en mantıklı olan şey mevcut ceza bedelini ödeyip en azından hapis ihtimalini ötelemek
07:11Ateş ben dedemle biraz görüşebilir miyim lütfen lütfen biraz çok az
07:15Sadece iki dakikanız var
07:17Teşekkür ederim
07:21İyi misin
07:23Bak ben buradayım tamam mı sen sakın sıkma canını
07:25Ben seni kurtarmak için elimden ne geliyorsa fazlasını yapacağım tamam mı dede
07:29Böyle kendini sıkmak ömrü size iyi kapılmak kolay
07:31Tamam mı
07:33Sen dağ gibi arkamdasın ya evlat
07:35Benim sırtım yere gelmez
07:39Sağ ol eksik olma
07:41Buradayım ben
07:56Sen eve taksiyle gidersin
08:00Aa bir dakika bir dakika bir dakika
08:02Şöyle aşko kuşko bir poz verelim de
08:05Dosta düşmana malzeme olsun
08:08Ya ne yapıyorsun sen ne fotoğrafı ya
08:10Aa ne demek ne yapıyorum
08:12Sosyal medya için ilk evli mutlu çocuklu fotoğrafımızı çekiyorum
08:16Profil hesabımın ismi de
08:19Karnımda böbüş yanımda kociş
08:23Senin de ismin kociş oldu yani
08:25Beğendin mi
08:27Sen gerçekten kategori dışı bir ruh hastasısın ya
08:29Anlamıyor musun kızım sen ben boşanıyorum senden
08:31Anladın mı bitti finish finito
08:37Sen ben karnımda bizim çocuğumuzu taşırken zor boşarsın beni Yaman efendi
08:48Tamam sen Mehmet beyle konuş bakalım
08:50Bilgi almaya çalış
08:55Ne yaptınız
08:57Çözebildiniz mi durumu
09:01Gerçekten hamile
09:04Hem doktor söyledi hem de kandı çıktı
09:06Yapma ya
09:08Yani ben seni dedem için aradım aslında neredesiniz söyleyin geleyim
09:11Ya bizde bir girişim yok hala savcının kararını bekliyoruz
09:15Bir şey soracağım
09:17Sen Feraye ile konuştun mu
09:19Hayır daha konuşmadım
09:21Senden duysun bence
09:23Bak biz iyiyiz idare ediyoruz
09:27Hadi görüşürüz
09:31Anlaşıldı anlaşıldı tamam
09:52Atölyemizin açılışına hepiniz tekrardan hoşgeldiniz
09:59Dilerim hepimize başarı getirsin
10:13Hocam hayırlı uğurlu olsun
10:17Hayırlı olsun
10:19Hocam hayırlı olsun
10:21Hayırlı olsun
10:23Hocam hayırlı olsun
10:25Hayırlı olsun
10:27Hayırlı olsun hocam
10:35Ee ne oldu anlat hemen
10:37Anlat ne dedi doktor
10:39Hamile değilmiş dimi
10:43Ne Feraye
10:45Bende bal köpüğüm nerede diyordum
10:47Meğersem canlı Meltem'e güzel haberi vermeye gelmiş
10:52Ne haberi Yaman
10:56En güzel anı kaçırmamışım
11:00Feraye bak
11:02Bu Yaman ile benim aşk meyvemizin ilk fotoğrafı
11:04Ömer Yaman bebek
11:08Yani şu an çok belli olmuyor tabi ama
11:10İdare edeceksin artık
11:14Yaman bir şey söylesene
11:16Bu mümkün değil dimi böyle bir şey mümkün değil
11:20Bebeğin babası ben değilim yemin ederim sana
11:22Çocuk benden değil
11:24Ah yazık doktorun yanına da böyle söyledi
11:28Ama neyse ki iki buçuk ay sonra bunu da kanıtlayıp sokarım gözünüze
11:36Dayanamıyorum ben bir şey yapmak dayanamıyorum
11:38Asıl sen bir şey yapacaksın Feraye Hanım
11:42Mesela Ayça'yımıza çok fazla dolaşmayacaksın
11:44Kocamdan uzak duracaksın
11:48Yaman beni seçti
11:50Benimle evlendi ve benden çocuk olacak anla artık
11:54Ben seni seçmedim
11:56Seninle evlenmek de istemedim
11:58Tamam mı ya senden çocuk yapmayı bırak
12:00Ben sana asla dokunmadım ya
12:02Şimdi o bebeğin babası her kimse
12:04Bir an önce onun yanına git
12:06Ya anla be artık anla anla
12:08Ben seni sevmiyorum tamam mı
12:10Bir kadın olarak da sevmiyorum insan olarak da seni sevmiyorum
12:12Her şey senin o şeytan annenin
12:14Bana şantaj yapması yüzündendi tamam mı
12:16Ulan insan biraz gururlu olur ya
12:18Bırak düş yakamları artık
12:22Neden şantaj yaptı ki annem sana
12:28Ne yaptın sen
12:32Yanıma gelir misin lütfen
12:38Beni çok ayağı kırıklığına uğrattın Feraye
12:40Hocam inanın benim suçum değil
12:42Yani ben
12:44Hatalı sensin ya da değilsin fark etmez
12:46Bir daha bu atölyeye gelirken
12:48Özel hayatını taşımanı istemiyorum
12:50Özür dilerim hocam
12:58Bunları gördünüz mü
13:02Yaman lütfen şimdi olmaz
13:04Sen git ne olur
14:34Ya Güneş
14:40Ya ben ne desem sana nasıl teşekkür etsem inan bilmiyorum
14:44Ben düşünürüm bir şeyler
14:48Şaka bir yana
14:50Ne zaman istersen
14:52Danışmak ya da ne bileyim
14:56Direkt ara
14:58Direkt arar
15:08Sağ ol.
15:28What happened?
15:30What did Yaman do when he found out you were pregnant?
15:32Mom, did you threaten Yaman to marry me?
15:36I did.
15:38I'm not regretting it.
15:40I'm begging you.
15:42My dear mom.
15:44I don't know what you've done for me.
15:46I have no idea.
15:48You're such a mother.
15:50You've made your daughter both a throne and a fortune.
15:52But she's your next granddaughter.
15:56Her paternity test is in two and a half months, mom.
15:58She'll kiss you goodbye.
16:00That's great.
16:02The one who convinced Yaman to marry me...
16:04...will get his granddaughter out of Yaman.
16:08Two and a half months.
16:18Thank you, master.
16:20It's been the same flavor for 20 years.
16:22It takes a lot of work to preserve it.
16:24Thank you, sir.
16:26Here you go.
16:30That's a lot, brother.
16:32If you do your job well, you'll earn a lot.
16:36Thank you. We'll be waiting.
16:38We'll be waiting.
16:58I'm Bade.
17:06How do you know?
17:08From my father.
17:10I think he values you a lot.
17:12He keeps all your information in sealed envelopes.
17:14Come on.
17:16Why did you find me?
17:20We sent you to us.
17:22You can adapt to me.
17:24I'll tell you something.
17:26I may not be Nural Bakırcı's real daughter, but...
17:28...I've learned a lot from her.
17:32What do you want from me?
17:36What do you want from everyone?
17:38That's what I want.
17:40Why should I work for you?
17:50This is yours, isn't it?
17:52Which finger is it?
17:54It was a gift from a woman I loved.
17:56When they cut my finger...
17:58...they took it from me.
18:00The best part is that it came out of...
18:02...Nural Bakırcı's safe.
18:08He sold me.
18:10I'm not surprised anymore.
18:12Do you know that?
18:14I'm not surprised anymore.
18:16I'm not surprised anymore.
18:18I'm not surprised anymore.
18:20I'm not surprised anymore.
18:22I'm not surprised anymore.
18:24That's his general attitude.
18:28What do you want?
18:30Do you want me to take Nural down?
18:32Now you understand me very well.
18:34We started speaking the same language.
18:36Halit, this is your last mission.
18:38I'll give you money.
18:40You will live the life you want...
18:42...in the place you want.
18:44It will be like a kind of retirement.
18:48Right now?
18:50Wait to hear from me.
18:58Isn't it weird?
19:00When I came here...
19:02...I thought I would feel different.
19:04But when I looked into your eyes...
19:06...I felt good.
19:20I'm not the only one who cares about Yaman.
19:22He wants me to be ruined because of this.
19:24He hurts me on purpose.
19:26He came to the workshop today...
19:28...and he humiliated me.
19:30I'm in a bad situation.
19:32Anyway, I'm going home now.
19:34We'll talk about it when he comes back.
19:36I'm hanging up.
19:38I'm hanging up.
19:40I'm hanging up.
19:42I'm hanging up.
19:44I'm hanging up.
19:46I'm hanging up.
19:48I'm hanging up.
19:58Damn it.
20:10Listen to me once.
20:12I just want to talk.
20:18Why don't you listen to me?
20:28God, help me.
20:40What am I going to do?
20:42What am I going to do?
20:44I'm going crazy.
20:46What am I going to do?
20:50Okay, Yaman.
20:58No, I can't do this to you.
21:00I can't.
21:02What am I going to do?
21:04What am I going to do?
21:06What am I going to do?
21:14I have to.
21:16I have to.
21:26I need your help.
21:36I need your help.
21:52Feraye, I'm here. Where are you?
22:00Ateş, Bora is after me.
22:02I had to call you.
22:04Feraye, calm down.
22:06Okay, Feraye, calm down.
22:08How can I calm down?
22:10He found my house.
22:12I don't know how he found it.
22:14I don't know what to do.
22:16I'm going crazy.
22:20Why didn't you open the door?
22:22Because Yaman was very affected by what happened recently.
22:26I don't want him to get hurt.
22:28I'm afraid.
22:30I'm afraid he'll bleed his hand.
22:32I'm afraid.
22:34Calm down.
22:36You're right.
22:38Okay, calm down.
22:40I'll take care of it.
22:42I'll get rid of Bora.
22:44Let's go.
23:14What are you doing here?
23:18What are you doing here?
23:20Don't be ridiculous, Yaman.
23:24What's going on?
23:28Why are you bringing Feraye home?
23:36Yaman, let's go home and talk later.
23:38No, we'll talk now.
23:40Feraye, do you know what time it is?
23:42I've been waiting for you here for hours.
23:44I've been looking for you.
23:46Look at me.
23:54Come on, brother.
23:56When was your divorce case?
24:00Why are you here now?
24:02Then make a logical explanation to me.
24:04Do you want a logical explanation?
24:06I came home.
24:08I ran into Bora.
24:10She started chasing me.
24:12I hid.
24:14I called Ateş and asked for help.
24:16Why don't you ask me for help?
24:20Because I didn't want you to get hurt.
24:24Feraye, it's not my job to protect the woman I love.
24:26It's not my job.
24:28Don't do it.
24:38Yaman told Aleyna that you were pregnant.
24:40I didn't even suspect it for a moment.
24:42You saw me in your brother's car.
24:44Do you know what you're accusing me of?
24:46I'm going home.
24:54Are you okay?
24:58Look, I...
25:00I felt so uptight again.
25:02Aleyna's lie...
25:04And when I saw you...
25:08It's like I've never woken up from a nightmare.
25:10But we're awake.
25:12Look at us.
25:14We're side by side.
25:16We're looking into each other's eyes.
25:20Yaman, we're strong together.
25:24We can't let such fears separate us.
25:55Hey, Ateş.
25:58You called me. I'm here.
26:01I saw your message.
26:03What's the matter?
26:04What's the matter?
26:24Do you know what the real issue is?
26:26If you're a little curious, I'll tell you later.
26:34I know you don't believe me.
26:43I didn't realize you were here.
27:07My dear.
27:09There's something important I haven't told you.
27:19That horrible night.
27:23The night your parents were executed.
27:28I was there.
27:30I was there, too.
27:34I was about to catch the killers.
27:39I heard my mother scream.
27:42I ran to the house they were in.
27:45When I got in, your father was already dead.
27:51Before my mother breathed her last, she told me...
27:56Hide him. Hide Bade.
28:01She told me to protect Bade.
28:07I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
28:10I'm sorry. I was so jealous of you.
28:13It doesn't matter.
28:15You know the truth now.
28:18It doesn't matter.
28:25I did something terrible.
28:27I thought you killed my parents.
28:30That's what I wanted.
28:32That's normal.
28:34Because I didn't tell you everything.
28:36No, you don't understand.
28:39I caught someone to kill you.
28:43What did you do?
28:53He'll come tonight and kill you.
29:15It's over.
29:17Don't worry about me.
29:19I'll be ready.
29:24It's over.
29:49It's over.
30:05What are you doing here?
30:07Normally, I don't aim so high.
30:13But this time, I'll look you in the eye.
30:17What's your problem?
30:20This time, it's my turn.
30:25Look, this is between us.
30:27I did my job perfectly.
30:33Without leaving a trace.
30:35You gave him the money.
30:37I did my job.
30:39Without hurting you.
30:41Without questioning.
30:47Why did you sell me?
30:55All these years.
30:58You've done so much.
31:00You didn't question.
31:02Are you questioning when it's about you?
31:08Even God forgets a tenant killer.
31:13He's questioning my past.
31:17You'll die.
31:32You pulled the trigger.
31:34You killed my father and my mother.
31:36You killed my mother.
31:44You won't even have a tombstone while rotting under the ground.
31:48You won't even have a tombstone while rotting under the ground.
32:06Don't be sad, mom.
32:09Rest in peace, dad.
32:12I'll avenge everyone who left us.
32:14I'll avenge everyone who left us.
32:17Your father is not a simple man, Bade.
32:20He and Burak work for someone named Ragip Osman.
32:25He's a dirty mafia guy.
32:28I don't remember such a name.
32:30It's normal.
32:32Because your father, your real father, died suddenly two months after he died.
32:37They said the recordings weren't enough.
32:40He was suspected, but the case was closed.
32:43Anyway, that's not the point.
32:45Let's get to the point.
32:47When Ragip Osman died, he replaced him, of course.
32:50A huge mafia empire.
32:53Unrecorded business, a lot of shady business, black money.
32:56You know what's next.
32:59So everything is for power, right?
33:01Let's say it's more for money.
33:04Aren't they the same thing?
33:06It depends on the man.
33:08Actually, there's something I want to tell you about your mother.
33:18Your mother is a teacher at a private school for hearing impaired people.
33:23Because she's also hearing impaired.
33:30So my mother is hearing impaired.
33:33But you told me you remembered my mother's words.
33:38You lied.
33:41Let's see who's the lucky one to shoot you, Burak Bakir.
33:44Let's see who's the lucky one to shoot you, Burak Bakir.
34:01I killed the king of the detectives. I can't tell anyone.
34:18What's up, Mr. Ateş?
34:23You have a gun in your hand.
34:25Mr. Ateş, what poem did you write?
34:28I was going to write a novel.
34:30Be a poet.
34:32You stop, you stop, you stop.
34:34You take your feet, I'll take mine.
34:42Ulan Bora, Ulan Bora.
34:45Did you get it?
34:48Ulan Bora.
34:59What's going on?
35:00What's going on?
35:07Good, good.
35:09You lock me up.
35:12You tie me up. I don't know, but take care of your son.
35:17Aren't you his brother?
35:21You take care of him.
35:24I'll give you infinite credit.
35:27What are you talking about, Hasan?
35:30I'm not talking nonsense.
35:32I'm telling the truth.
35:34We both know that very well.
35:37But you need some time.
35:43I have an offer for you.
35:47I know what's going on with the Gülsoys.
35:50The company will go bankrupt.
35:53Omer will go to jail.
35:56I know all about it.
35:58You can change all of them.
36:04What do you care?
36:06That's right.
36:08What do I care?
36:10But I have a son.
36:14Come and sit on my chair.
36:16I love the world in front of you.
36:18I'm giving you the power I've gained in 20 years.
36:22Think about it.
36:24You can save the Gülsoys.
36:25But if you become...
36:33...my son...
36:35...Boran's brother...
36:39...I have only one wish.
36:41Kill your brother.
36:51Good night.
36:53Thank you, Fikir.
36:55Good night, Mr. Ateş.
37:25I love you.
37:30I love you.
37:38I love you.
38:00I didn't come at the wrong time, did I?
38:03No, no.
38:05Can I come in then?
38:07Of course. I'm so sorry.
38:09I have to tell you this. Come in.
38:16Would you like some tea?
38:18Maybe later.
38:21Güneş, I'm sorry.
38:23I came at the wrong time.
38:25I don't know why I came.
38:27I don't know what I'm doing here.
38:30I think I just wanted to talk.
38:32Especially about that...
38:34...thing I'm so curious about.
38:38About who your father is?
38:42I couldn't tell anyone...
38:44...because it's something I can't even confess to myself.
38:47But your friendliness...
38:49...your help...
38:51...your existence...
38:53...it was all good.
38:57So you decided...
38:59...I wasn't someone special.
39:04Güneş, you listened to my whole story.
39:06I gave you a lot of headaches that night.
39:09I think you deserve to listen to the end of your story.
39:14...my father...
39:16...was Vural Bakırcı.
39:39I'm sorry again.
39:41I went too far.
39:43I shouldn't have.
39:45I'm sorry.
39:49Yes, it was nonsense.
39:59I'll be in my room for a while.
40:08I'll go to the bathroom.
40:10Yaman, please.
40:13What happened, Feraye?
40:19Until this baby issue is clarified...
40:23...until everyone learns the truth...
40:28...let's not get close.
40:31What are you saying, Feraye?
40:33What I'm saying isn't possible.
40:35It is.
40:38It's not because I believe in Aleyna.
40:41But I have to do this.
40:42That's why I'm here.
40:45I'm not saying we shouldn't meet.
40:47Let's meet and talk.
40:51But not too much.
40:56...everyone learns you're telling the truth.
40:58I'm sorry.
41:11Bora, you stay here. I'll open the door.
41:14Yaman, please.
41:17Yaman, don't open the door. Please.
41:21Yaman, don't open the door. Let's call the police. Please.
41:52I told you...
41:54...you'd stay away from my husband.
41:57I'm not your husband.
42:05As long as my daughter has Gülsoy...
42:10...whether you like it or not, you're her husband...
42:13...and the father of the baby in her womb.
42:21As far as you're concerned...
42:24...you'll stay away from my son-in-law.
42:27Otherwise, I won't let you live in fear.
42:30I won't let you face the world.
42:56I won't let you face the world.