Gulcemal - 37

  • last week
01:14Yeah, I'm on down music
02:47Fuck I said, I'm so close to the
02:53I'm gonna send me to see you. I'm so
02:58Gonna say yeah, man
04:51I'm Mr. gelmiş benim müjümü uyanmış babasının yüzük parmağımı uyanmış
05:03Babası bugün biraz huysuz
05:08benim müjüm
05:11Hasta olmaz öyle bir şey bak bakayım bana ben şimdi anlarım benim güzel kızım benim müjüm benim kirpim
05:18Bakayım sana söyle bakayım
05:24Yine anne nasıl yaparsın böyle bir şey bu asla kabul edilemez
05:32Nasıl yapabiliriz
05:36Olur muyum ben aç karnına istiyorsun kalkar kalkmaz
05:43Bak benim bir fikrim var söyleyeyim sana
05:46Baba kız arasında
05:49Bak şimdi şöyle yapacağız kahvaltı edeceğiz böyle ama böyle
05:52kurma kurma kurma kurma kurma kurma kurma kurma kurma kurma yiyelim yiyelim yiyelim sonra
05:59Yerim yerim bakıyım öyle koklayayım
06:05Bu eller yıkanmamış önce eller yıkanacak sonra sofraya oturacağız demedim mi ben sana yıka bakalım ellerini
06:12Gel şimdi abla ellerini yıkasın tamam mı ellerini hemen yıkayalım sonra kahvaltı hadi bakayım
06:19Ama iyi ki varım ben ya yine Mert Çakır ailenizin avukatı bir uzlaşmacı tavrıyla yine bir problemi daha
06:27Hain haline mi dedin oğlum sen?
06:29Hain mi?
06:30Dedin sen sana bunun yanlısı hesabını çok fena
06:34Söylerim sana
06:36Oğlum nerede?
06:39Ay anne aklım çıktı
06:45Oğlum nerede?
06:49Oğlum nerede? Oğlum geldi
06:53Bak konuştuk ya canım benim
06:55Hatırlamıyor musun?
06:59Akşam gelecek Arman uçağı akşam inecek
07:01Arman değil Gül Cemal
07:03Gül Cemal geliyor
07:05O geldi
07:07Ben onu çok bekledim o geldi
07:09Aklın karışmış yine senin
07:11Aklın karışmadı geldi o geldi
07:13Ben biliyorum biliyorum geldi
07:15Burada mı?
07:17Hayatım bir doktora yine götürsek mi?
07:19Bu ilerliyor belli ki yani
07:21Aldım aldım randevu zaten götüreceğim bu hafta
07:23Bana bak benim aklım başımda
07:25Ben aklımı kaybetmedim daha geldi diyorum sana geldi o
07:29Anneciğim anneciğim
07:31Rüya mı gördün bakayım sen yine?
07:33Hayır ben rüya görmedim
07:35Gül Cemal geldi diyorum o geldi biliyorum gördüm
07:37Canım benim
07:39Abim gelemez
07:43Gelemez anne
07:45Ben de çok isterim geri dönsün ama dönemez anneciğim
07:49Çünkü abim öldü
07:51Hayır ben gördüm
07:53Ben onu çok bekledim
07:55Ben biliyorum ölmedi öyle bir şey yok
07:57Ben biliyorum
08:05Bak yıllar oldu
08:07Neyse üstünden ne olursun
08:21Anneannem üzülmesin ağlamasın
08:25Sen niye ağlıyorsun?
08:27Sana da mı dondurma vermediler?
08:37Anladın değil mi anneciğim
08:39Bir kere önemli olan titremeyeceğiz
08:41Tamam mı?
08:43Kollarımız güçlü olacak
08:45Onun için de ne yapacağız?
08:47Yemek yiyeceğiz
08:51Hazır mısınız Cemal Bey?
09:07Babaya gitti
09:13Baba da aynı böyle bir gemiye binmiş biliyor musun?
09:17En mutlu günlerini böyle bir gemide geçirmiş
09:19Hatta sen büyü
09:21Biz de böyle bir gemiye bineceğiz
09:23Sonra uzaklara gideceğiz
09:25Değil mi?
09:29Bu yazdıklarını da baban okuyacak
09:31Deniz fısıldayacak
09:35Sen okuma yazma bilmiyorsun diye ben yazıyorum ama
09:37Okuma yazma öğrenince sen yazarsın
09:39Hem bilmiyorum artık
09:43Anneden gizli baba oğul konuşacaklarınız vardır
09:45Nasıl yani?
09:47Benden gizlim mi var senin?
09:51Babanla benden gizli konuşacakların mı var?
09:53Allah Allah
09:55Neymiş onlar acaba?
10:01Simit mi istiyorsun?
10:03Alalım anne
10:07Buraya dön
10:09Dön bakayım
10:17Biz dört tane simit alalım mı?
10:19Hemen tabi abla
10:23Simit canavarı
10:25Şöyle vereyim
10:27Tabi Allah bereket versin
10:31Gel bakalım buraya
10:33Bunları alalım
10:35Ha bu arada
10:37Benden gizli sakın olduğunu unuttum sanma
10:39Öyle simit dedin
10:41Konuyu değiştirdin ama
10:43Anneannenle deden kahvaltıya beklemiyor olsa
10:45Alırdın müsaadeni
10:47Annem benim yavrum
10:49Hadi gel gel
10:51Hadi gel
10:53Gelirken gözlemeyle yumurtayı da alır mısın?
10:55Ellerim dolu
10:57Geldim geldim
11:01Gözlemede mis gibi kokuyor valla
11:03He yani
11:05Nerede kaldı bu kız ya?
11:07Merak etme gelir şimdi
11:09Tamam o zaman ben bir çay alayım
11:11O gelene kadar sen de ister misin?
11:13İstemez miyim koy tabi içelim
11:17Ah ah be Firuze
11:19İpeyi öyle özledim ki
11:21Gözümde tutuyor valla
11:25Keşke bir an önce akşam olsa da gelseler
11:27Ah bilmez miyim o hasreti
11:29Bilmez miyim
11:31Yıllarca çektim ben
11:33Bana bak biz giyinelim kuşanalım
11:35Geze geze gideriz vakit geçer
11:37Yoksa bana akşam olmayacak
11:41Kırılmazsan sana bir şey söyleyeceğim
11:43Ben gelmesem olmaz mı?
11:45O kadını görmeyi hiç istemiyorum
11:49O köprünün altından çok sular attı Firuze
11:53Hem Zafer eskisi gibi değil artık
11:55Kadının aklı gitti yahu
11:57Kim bilir seni görse
11:59Belki de hatırlamayacak
12:01Hatırlar veya hatırlamaz
12:03Beni ilgilendirmiyor
12:05Ben ne onu ne de bana yaşattıklarını unutmuyorum
12:07Sen nasıl istersen
12:09Ne dersen başım üstüne
12:13Gel kızım
12:15Kim gelmiş
12:17Gel gel
12:21Aslan oğlum benim
12:23Gel kızım hoş geldin
12:25Sana hemen mamlu çay koyayım kızım
12:27Ver anneciğim
12:29Geç otur otur
12:33Sen simit mi aldın?
12:35Ne gerek vardı?
12:37Ben gözleme yapmıştım kızım
12:39Cemal'in canı çekti de
12:41İnşallah soğumamıştır sürecik de ondan
12:45Bunları yiyeceğine önce bir soluklan
12:47Bir lokma su iç
12:49Ne oluyor ardından atlı mı kovalıyor?
12:51Baba terbiye edeceğim ya bir ton işim var
12:53İç üstünden verdim
12:55Dinledim sana
13:01Afiyet olsun sana
13:03Nasıl da yedin kocaman lokmayı
13:05Aslanım benim
13:07Acıkmış acıkmış
13:09Yiyecek tabi
13:11Şimdi nasıl silip süpürecek ortalığı
13:13Aslanım benim
13:15E kızım
13:17Senin hem madem bu kadar çok işin var
13:19Cemal'i bize bırak biz gelirken getiririz
13:21Doktora gideceksiniz ya
13:23Kızım atla deve bir şey değil
13:25Alt tarafı sağlık ocağına gidip ilaç yazdıracağız
13:27Hem sonra aslanımla parka da gideriz biz
13:29Öyle mi?
13:31Gider misiniz parka?
13:33E tamam o zaman
13:35O zaman madem alan memnun
13:37Satan memnun bu kız kaçar
13:39Annenle dedeyi üzme tamam mı?
13:43Minik kurabiyem
13:45Hadi öptüm
13:47Hadi bakalım dikkatli ol
13:49Şunu al yolda yersin
13:51Ben kaçtım
13:53Ben sizi alırım akşam birlikte geçeriz
13:55Tamam mı?
13:57Hadi öptüm
14:05Ya sen bir şey yapma yapma
14:07Sen sofrayı kur yeter kızım ya
14:13Sarı bey ne yapıyorsunuz ya
14:15Elinize telefon
14:17Pardon Befa bey pardon
14:19Alo ne diyordum
14:21Sen sofrayı kur yeter
14:23Tamam mı?
14:25Ben gerisini halledeceğim diyorum
14:27Akşam 8 gibi damlarım ben
14:29Getireceğim kebap şiş ne varsa
14:31Hiç uğraşma bence ben söylerim aşçıya hazırlar bir şey
14:33Yaptırma sen hiç
14:35Ya ne zahmeti ya
14:37Armağan benim kardeşim sayılır ya
14:39Adam yıllardır yurt dışından yeni gelmiş
14:41Bir türküş kebap gecesi yapmayalım mı?
14:43E tamam tamam iyi hadi koymuşsun sen onu kapıya zaten
14:45Şimdi de tam boş yaptırma artık
14:47Ama bak geç kalma akşam tamam mı?
14:49Tamam tamam bu iş bende
14:51Hadi görüşürüz
14:53Minik ne yapıyorsun ya?
14:55Abi suluyorum
14:57Nasıl yapayım?
14:59Çiçek suluyorsun ya
15:23Hadi oğlum hadi
15:29Gene mi hazırladın o çantayı
15:31Onu alma bu sefer çok ağır o
15:33Yorulacaksın tamam mı?
15:35Çatma kaşlarını
15:37Babası kılıklı
15:39İlle de almak mı istiyorsun?
15:43Firuze hadi
15:45Kalabalığa kalmadan çıkalım sonra çok sıra bekleyeceğiz
15:47İyi diyorsun da bak yine doldurmuş çantayı
15:49Bırakmak da istemiyor
15:51Küçük keçi
15:53Ya bırak ne istiyorsa alsın
15:55Hadi gidelim
15:57Ağır yorulacak
15:59Ya kendi taşıyacak nasıl olsa
16:01Hadi kapatalım ağzını da
16:03Öyle taşısın kıyamam ben
17:22O günden sonra güzel canavarın evinde kalmaya başlamış
17:29It's so beautiful!
17:53I love you!
18:01This is the boy you wanted.
18:04I made the stars fall on his hair.
18:07Come on, get dressed.
18:24Our story will live in these paintings.
18:28I promise.
18:53I can't believe I gave birth to this boy.
19:06He's playing with that huge bag on his back.
19:09He's just a kid. It means he's not heavy.
19:12It's not that light.
19:15Keep an eye on him. I'll go get some medicine from the pharmacy.
19:26Cemal, slow down!
19:36Hello, Narin!
19:38I missed you so much!
19:53Really? I'm glad to hear that.
20:10Ms. Zafer, I got your medicine from the pharmacy.
20:23Let me get you some water.
20:25I don't want it.
20:27But you can't do that.
20:29I said I don't want it.
20:31You said you didn't want to hear it, but about the house in Bursa...
20:35My son is here, you know?
20:37Mr. Arman?
20:40No one believes me.
20:42You don't believe me either.
20:45But he's here.
20:47I know.
21:04Yes, I have a job here for an hour.
21:08Okay, I know we'll get up.
21:10I'll be there, don't worry.
21:12See you.
21:31I missed you.
21:36I missed you so much.
21:39I missed you too.
21:41I missed you with all the things you missed, North Istanbul.
21:57Okay, see you.
22:00Did you get the medicine?
22:02Forget about the medicine, Firuze. I couldn't see Cemal. Where is he?
22:05He's playing.
22:11Oh my God, where is this boy?
22:13He can't even tell me where he is.
22:15Oh my God, help me.
22:17Girl, did you see a boy with a huge bag?
22:22Oh my God.
22:24Sir, a four-year-old boy was playing with his backpack here.
22:28Did you see him?
22:30No, sir, I didn't see him.
22:32Son, there was a boy with a huge backpack on his back.
22:34Did you see him?
22:36I saw him. We were playing with him just now.
22:39Where did he go? Tell me.
22:41I don't know.
22:43Ma'am, did you see a boy with a huge backpack?
22:46No, I didn't see him.
22:54Did you see him? He had a huge backpack.
23:04Did you see him?
23:05Did you see him?
23:06Did you see him?
23:07Did you see him?
23:32He saw that no one can see inside the beautiful monster, you know?
23:35The monster that no one can get close to, the monster that everyone is afraid of.
23:42Actually, he was very loveless.
23:45Then, no one loved him, so he cheated on him.
23:50That's why he didn't fit in anyone's life.
23:53Then he saw it beautifully.
23:56And he taught him to love.
23:59Do you know how?
24:02From here.
24:04From here.
24:06From the deepest part of your heart, from the deepest part of your heart.
24:10Loving him very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very much.
24:17Then they got married beautifully with the monster.
24:21And they were very happy forever.
24:33What happened, mom?
24:37No, mom, I'm not sad.
24:40I'm not sad. My prince is here.
24:43Why should I be sad?
24:45I'm even glad that they got married beautifully with the monster.
24:50They were happy.
24:52That's why I'm glad.
24:55Let's sleep now.
24:57Oh, oh.
24:59Let's sleep now.
25:01Oh, oh.
25:02Let's not sleep.
25:05Oh, oh.
25:10Okay, let's open it.
25:19Look how nicely dad is laughing, right?
25:22When your dad laughed, you realized that he was really laughing.
25:26Do you know why? Because he laughed very little.
25:29But when he laughed, it was obvious that he liked it very much.
25:32He liked something here.
26:23Who are you handsome?
26:27Are we going to stay like this?
26:28Won't you let go of my leg?
26:31Oh, my God.
26:36Come here.
26:39You are a very beautiful thing.
26:40God bless you.
26:45Don't you have parents?
26:46Where are your parents?
26:53Where are they?
26:54Where are they?
26:56Don't you have parents?
26:58Did you disappear?
27:01You are such a sweet thing.
27:02God bless you.
27:25We found our trouble as soon as we got to the square.
27:28But a sweet trouble.
27:32Shall we find mom and dad?
27:34You are very sweet.
27:39Come on, let's go.
27:55God, help me.
27:56God, help me.
28:00No, no, no.
28:02The child is nowhere.
28:03As if the ground crumbled and fell to the ground.
28:05Where is this little boy?
28:06Where is he?
28:07God, help me.
28:09I don't know.
28:10But we need to call the doctor as soon as possible.
28:12Don't call, don't call.
28:13Don't call?
28:14Did you lose your mind?
28:16The girl lost her child.
28:17How can I not call?
28:18I can't tell the doctor.
28:21I can't say I couldn't take care of you.
28:24You don't change at all, Firuze.
28:26Is this something to hide?
28:27The girl lost her child.
28:28Her child.
28:30I saw it, I saw it.
28:31It's beautiful.
28:32Just the way you want it.
28:33I'm just making little arrangements for myself.
28:36No, no.
28:38Everything is great.
28:40Thank you very much.
28:41See you.
28:42Bye bye.
28:51What is it?
28:52What's going on?
28:53Why are you acting like this?
28:55My daughter.
28:59We came to the park.
29:01Cemal was playing.
29:03What happened?
29:04Did he fall?
29:05No, no.
29:07Cemal is not here.
29:09We couldn't find him.
29:11What do you mean he's not here?
29:12What do you mean he's not here?
29:14Dad, talk to me.
29:15Dad, where is Cemal?
29:16Where is my son?
29:18I don't know.
29:19You'd better come as soon as possible.
29:20What do you mean I don't know?
29:21Where is he?
29:22Where did this boy go?
29:23How do you not know?
29:26Which park are you in?
29:28Near the port on the beach.
29:31Oh my God.
29:33I'm coming.
29:34Okay, okay.
29:36She's crazy.
29:38Come on, let's call him.
29:39Come on.
29:40Where should we call him?
29:41We looked everywhere.
29:42He's not here.
29:43I can't wait like this.
29:44This boy.
29:45Maybe he's hiding somewhere.
29:46Maybe he's playing somewhere.
29:48We can find him.
29:49Come on, let's call him.
29:50Okay, maybe.
29:51We'll find him before he gets here.
30:01Excuse me.
30:03The boy is missing.
30:05Do you know his family?
30:06No, we don't know.
30:08I haven't seen them.
30:15Excuse me, brother.
30:17Yes, brother.
30:18The boy is missing.
30:19His parents must be somewhere around here.
30:22Have you seen them?
30:23No, I haven't seen them.
30:24Okay, thanks.
30:30Come here.
30:37Do you know the boy?
30:38Have you seen him before?
30:39No, I don't know him.
30:46The boy is missing.
30:47Have you seen his parents?
30:49No, I haven't seen them.
30:58Let's sit here for a while.
31:00Come here.
31:15You're very positive.
31:17You know, we're in a bit of trouble.
31:22You always have a smiling face.
31:23A smiling face.
31:28Can I look at your bag?
31:32Give it to me.
31:35Maybe mom put something useful for us.
31:38A phone number, identity.
31:39A toy car.
31:41This will definitely help us.
32:01She said Portugal.
32:04I'll be with you.
32:09I don't want to leave your side ever again.
32:10Do you know that?
32:13Why did she say Portugal?
32:15Because you're the best person in the world.
32:19No one hurts me when I'm with you.
32:23And happiness in my heart shines like the sun.
32:33Sugar orange.
32:36Do you know that's my favorite book?
32:37I guess you don't know how to read or write.
32:39Does my mom read you?
32:51There's nothing here either.
32:59What are we going to do now?
33:10You can't ask questions like that.
33:14They'll help us at the police station.
33:16Should we go to the police?
33:18Let's not go.
33:21What's there?
33:29Are you hungry?
33:34Come on, let's eat.
33:36Come on, let's eat.
33:41Come on.
33:50What should I give my brother?
33:51Make us two and a half.
33:53Make us two and a half.
33:55Two cups of ayran.
33:57The kid's not cold.
34:02Hot ayran.
34:03I wish you could talk.
34:05You'd tell me where your parents are.
34:07I'd take you right away.
34:12You're so sweet.
34:13Praise be.
34:14My name suits a kid who smiles like you.
34:21Actually, you deserve this name.
34:25Here you go.
34:27Here's a little something for you.
34:29Enjoy it.
34:31Do you have a wish, little one?
34:36Don't you want some ayran?
34:40Do you have fruit juice?
34:42Do you have feta cheese?
34:43Yes, brother.
34:45Don't you want gazoz?
34:52Recai, bring two cups of tea for my brother.
34:55Let me see.
35:02Here you go.
35:06Don't you want tea?
35:07Do you want porti?
35:10Okay, I'll bring two portis.
35:21Enjoy it, Pasha.
35:25You really are a gentleman.
35:41It's been a long time. I've missed you.
35:55What are we going to do?
35:56What are we going to say to Deman?
35:57It's like he's gone mad.
36:01Dad, where is Ceren?
36:02Where is she?
36:03I don't know.
36:04We looked everywhere.
36:05She's not here.
36:06What do you mean?
36:07I don't know.
36:08What do you mean?
36:09Okay, calm down.
36:10Calm down.
36:11We'll find her.
36:12What if she fell into the sea?
36:13What if someone kidnapped her?
36:14Don't think about bad things.
36:15Don't worry.
36:16We'll definitely find her.
36:17Don't worry.
36:18No, he can't talk.
36:19He doesn't want help.
36:20What are we going to do?
36:21We called the police.
36:22The police will come.
36:23Don't do anything stupid.
36:24I can't stop.
36:25I'm looking at the beach.
36:26Wait, I'll come with you.
36:27Let me know when the police come.
36:35Did you hear?
36:37Let's go to the police station and find your mom.
36:39Besides, your mom must have missed you a lot.
36:47Did you miss your mom too?
36:53Okay, we'll find your mother, okay?
36:57I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
36:59I have a four-year-old son.
37:01I have a blue beard.
37:03Wait a minute.
37:05Can you see?
37:09Where are you?
37:11I'm so sorry.
37:13Did you see my son here?
37:15How much is our debt?
37:17200 is enough.
37:19I'm so sorry. Did you see my son?
37:21I didn't see him.
37:23I'm so sorry.
37:25Oh my God.
37:27Let's take out the money.
37:29A little more money.
37:31Take it.
37:33God bless you.
37:35Recai, take the debts, son.
37:37I hope you find it, mom.
37:39My one and only.
37:43Get well soon.
37:45Mom, where are you?
37:51No, I'm sorry.
37:53Was it your daughter?
37:55I saw the girl.
37:57I took a picture of her.
37:59I'm so sorry.
38:01Did you see my son?
38:03I would like to help you.
38:05But I didn't see him.
38:07There are tradesmen over there.
38:09You can ask him.
38:11I'm so sorry.
38:13I'm so sorry.
38:15I'm so sorry.
38:17I'm so sorry.
38:19I'm so sorry.