Rocky and Bullwinkle in Mucho Loma

  • la semaine dernière
00:00**Sous-titres par**
00:30Les gens qui vivaient là-bas étaient tellement fatigués qu'ils ont passé la plupart du jour et de la nuit à s'améliorer.
00:38Dis-moi, José, tu es en mode. Es-tu trop fatigué pour jouer à Tiddlywinks?
00:42Je suis trop fatigué pour Tiddly, mais je vais prendre 40 Winks.
00:45C'était à peu près à ce moment-là que Guadalupe Rodríguez a fait sa entrée intemporelle dans Mucholoma.
00:50It will be chill today, but add to Molly, but oh by golly, blame it all on Sam or Sally.
00:59The arms of Morpheus were fractured.
01:01Hey, you with the big mouth, you are under arrest.
01:04What for I under arrest, Senor Sheriff?
01:07See the ordinance, numero 425, being a loud mouth during siesta.
01:12It was one year later that a tight-lipped Guadalupe walked out of jail, mounted his loyal steed,
01:16rode at least 200 miles without saying a word, halted in the middle of nowhere and said,
01:21Dirty cotton-picking tom!
01:24Revenge had burned deep into his tone-deaf head.
01:26And his plan for attaining it was at the very least bizarre.
01:29First, he stole a branding iron, one with an O at the end.
01:32Next, he made off with a black cowboy suit that had once been worn by Sunset Carson.
01:36That night, when all of Mucholoma was peacefully slumbering,
01:39a masked rider galloped in and raised an unbelievable ruckus.
01:44Hey, hey, hey, everybody up! Nobody go to sleep!
01:47The dam is breaking! Rise and shine, open it up!
01:50Lights were frantically lit, but not the citizens.
01:52They stumbled out of their beds, alarmed by the uproar.
01:55Doggone, this mud is ruining my Dr. Denton's.
01:58Don't worry about the mud. Look what's coming.
02:01Down the street he dashed, pausing long enough to stab his hot branding iron here, there, everywhere.
02:06The mark of zero.
02:09Thus begins a terrible tale.
02:11A tale of endless nights in which the masked marauder tormented the town,
02:14not so much as allowing a child to close its eyes and sleep.
02:17Red-eyed, thoroughly distraught, the town council held an emergency meeting.
02:23Senores, please, no bickering.
02:25Now, we must hire someone to capture this notorious night rider with the big mouth.
02:29Any suggestions?
02:31Let's call in the lone ranger.
02:33No, he's got problems of his own.
02:35He just found out how much he's a girl.
02:37Suppose we leave this perplexed group and look in on our heroes, Rocky and Bullwinkle,
02:41whose touring sedan has come to an unscheduled stop atop a hill overlooking Mucho Loma.
02:46I think we made a wrong turn when we left Tallahassee.
02:49Well, you had the map, Bullwinkle.
02:51I had what map, Rod?
02:52The one I told you to keep under your hat.
02:54This is not a hat. This is a hat rack.
02:56A me check a bed me go.
02:58Well, chances are we're lost then and probably out of gas.
03:00I shall check the gas tank.
03:02And so he did while Rocky surveyed the town below.
03:05I sure hope there's a garage down there.
03:07Well, I checked the gas tank. It's still there.
03:09I know it's there. Is there any gas in it?
03:12I shall check.
03:14Say, Rock, I can't see inside the tank. Got a match?
03:17You strike a match and we'll blow up.
03:19It must be a joke. Bullwinkle was smart enough not to use a match.
03:23You're right, sir. I shall use my lighter.
03:27You couldn't call it a complete mistake, for it not only catapulted the moose back into the car,
03:31but sent it reeling down the hill at a breakneck clip.
03:34We're not doing so well during the days, also.
03:36I wasn't too sure myself that Rocky and Bullwinkle would be in this story
03:39until we saw them parked half an hour away from each other.
03:42I'm sure they'll be back.
03:44I'm sure they'll be back.
03:46I'm sure they'll be back.
03:48I'm sure they'll be back.
03:50I'm sure they'll be back.
03:52I'm sure they'll be back.
03:54I'm sure they'll be back.
03:56I'm sure they'll be back.
03:58I'm sure they'll be back.
04:00I wasn't too sure myself that Rocky and Bullwinkle would be in this story
04:03until we saw them parked high on the hill just above the town.
04:06I don't see any sign saying this is Mulholland Drive.
04:09Neither do I. I'm afraid we're lost.
04:11They were also perilously low on fuel.
04:13And you know what they say, there's no fuel like I haven't got the guts to finish it.
04:17A check of the gas tank brought immediate results.
04:21Bullwinkle, you ought to know better than to expose a lighter to a gas tank.
04:25That was last episode, Rock. This is this one.
04:28Down the hill they rode in a direct line for the town hall.
04:31Senors, something tells me that help is on the way.
04:36They were on the way, all right.
04:38Caramba, our beautiful town hall is a mess.
04:41Yeah, it's a mess hall now.
04:43Honest, fellas, we're awfully sorry this happened. You see...
04:46But the forthright little squirrel couldn't explain his way out of it.
04:49In jig time, they were in a cell.
04:51Say, Mr. Sheriff, could you tell us what we're in for?
04:53For about three years.
04:56Oh, chin up, Rock. That'll go by like 1095 days.
04:59There was one consolation. At least they could get some sleep, or so they thought.
05:05Sure enough, no sooner did the sun go down than Zero made another attack.
05:11Can you see what's going on, Bullwinkle?
05:13Yeah, there's a guy who looks like Warner Baxter out there.
05:16Oh, it couldn't be Warner Baxter.
05:18How about Warner Brothers?
05:19All night long, a figure in black galloped back and forth, creating a horrendous racket.
05:23It wasn't until dawn that he retreated back into the hills.
05:26Well, at least now we can get some shut-eye.
05:29No, no, señores. It's time for you to receive your sentence.
05:33But you told us last night we'd gotten three years.
05:35That was for destroying the town hall.
05:37Now you get a second term for destroying the mayor's apartment.
05:41We in Mucholoma English Translation Much Mod are very forgiving.
05:46You hear that, Rock? He is forgiving us.
05:48Si, I am all forgiving you 99 years in jail.
05:51However, I'm going to cut that down to 98 years.
05:54Your Honor, you do that and you'll never catch that noise-making bandit.
05:58Momento, señores. What do you know about Zero?
06:01He used to run around with a little fella named Glory asking.
06:04Right, and we're the only ones who can make him stop riding through town.
06:08But we'll only do it if you let us go free.
06:11If we let you go after Zero, how do we know you won't stop until you are out of the country?
06:15Hold a hostage.
06:17Sure, we'll let you keep the sheriff here.
06:19All right by you, sheriff. All right.
06:21An hour or so later. No, no, I guess it was more like a half hour.
06:24Well, check that. Make it 45 minutes.
06:26Our plucky heroes left on their perilous quest.
06:29The narrator sounds a little confused.
06:31Yeah, must be the tropic zone.
06:33No, it's my watch.
06:34Anyway, although they scoured the area, not a sign of Zero did they find.
06:38No sense in going any farther. Let's camp before it gets dark.
06:41Do you think it's safe? I mean that Zero guy is liable to sneak up on us and...
06:45This was one of the few times the moose was right.
06:47But while they set up camp, directly above them on a plateau stood a huge boulder.
06:51The same unsteady boulder we've used many times before.
06:54And behind it, already hard at work prying it loose, was Zero.
06:58Oh, drop anything important to catch our next thrilling episode,
07:02Rock Meets Rock, or Thud and Blunder.
07:07The last time we looked in on Mucholoma,
07:09it was staggering under the nightly attacks of a noisy night rider.
07:13Ok, everybody out of the pool, nobody gonna sleep.
07:16Here we go, 23 skidoo.
07:18Actually, this night rider is Guadalupe Rodriguez.
07:22Oh, please, tu vas mourir, señor Loudmouth.
07:24We must get some eye shot.
07:26Never. I have sworn revenge in Zepandistan.
07:31The night rider became known as the notorious Desperado Zero.
07:36That's my mark.
07:37Luckily or unluckily, depending on whose side you're on,
07:40Rocky and Bo Winkle entered Mucholoma and were hauled before the judge.
07:4499 years in jail.
07:46But what for, your honor?
07:47For jaywalking. It's jaywarding.
07:49Whatever it was, the only way of evading imprisonment was to go out and bring Zero in.
07:54Just as we closed last time, the boys were encamped at the base of a towering plateau,
07:58unaware that the crafty Zero was attempting to smash their plan.
08:02I gonna smash something else besides plans.
08:04Meanwhile, just below...
08:07I don't seem to have a rock, Rock.
08:09Here, I'll toss one.
08:12Well, it's a good thing I didn't need a mountain. You probably would have thrown the world.
08:15Shh! Somebody's up there.
08:17And somebody up there doesn't like us.
08:19It seemed like a good idea to camp somewhere else.
08:21But no matter where they tried to bed down,
08:24some large, definitely hostile object always seemed to come perilously close.
08:29See? That's what I told you. This Zero is gonna be tough to capture.
08:33We'll find another way, that's all.
08:35Say, those wanted posters, could any of those people be Zero?
08:39I doubt it. This one here is Joaquin behind you.
08:42What's he wanted for?
08:44Don't you think a name like that is criminal?
08:46Senor behind you is serving time in Guadalajara.
08:48Well, he can't be Zero.
08:50This man is a criminal.
08:52He's not a criminal.
08:54Senor behind you is serving time in Guadalajara.
08:56Well, he can't be Zero.
08:58This next one is Chichi Vasquez, a very shady lady.
09:01What did she do? Sell umbrellas?
09:03Well, she can't be Zero either.
09:05Of course not. She's a lady.
09:07That's no lady. That's my wife.
09:09Look at this last poster, Boinkle.
09:11Guadalupe Rodriguez wanted for singing songs.
09:14Well, let's look him up. You never know. He could be Zero.
09:17Once more, the little squirrel had hit the nail on the head.
09:20At that very moment, near a well on the fringe of town,
09:22Guadalupe was washing his branding iron,
09:24the iron that Zero used to leave his mark.
09:39Mr. Rodriguez?
09:41Who is there?
09:43It is us, Rocket J. Moose and Boinkle J. Squirrel.
09:46That isn't us.
09:47We'd like to have a few words with you, Mr. Rodriguez.
09:50How many words? One or two?
09:52Say, that's a dandy-looking sword you're polishing.
09:54This? Oh, my goodness.
09:56Why are you trying to hide it?
09:58Say, that's a branding iron with a zero at the end.
10:01You must be a rustler.
10:03Rustler? My eye. He's Zero.
10:05Oh, please, senors. I'm a victim of circumstance.
10:08Well, I'm afraid you'll have to tell that to the sheriff.
10:10Ah, but before they could apprehend the wily bandit, he whistled,
10:13and out came Esmeralda,
10:15who sized up the situation and used her head accordingly.
10:19Will it be a long, wet winter for our heroes?
10:22The answer lies in a watery grave,
10:25or drown among the sheltering ponds.
10:31Thanks to a wanted poster in the Mucho Loma Jusca,
10:34Guadalupe Rodriguez wanted for singing song,
10:37Rocky and Boinkle finally got a line
10:39on the true identity of the bandit Zero.
10:43Must be a jelly, cause jam don't shake like that.
10:46Ah, pardon me, senor, but they said you're Guadalupe Rodriguez.
10:50It would have been futile for the timid-looking fellow to deny it,
10:53for he was caught iron-handed.
10:55That branding iron you're cleaning is the one Zero uses.
10:58Which can mean only one thing.
11:00What's that, Boinkle?
11:01I was kind of hoping you wouldn't ask.
11:03Well, it meant that Senor Rodriguez was the one, the only...
11:06May Bush!
11:08Let's grab him!
11:09Unfortunately, Zero's valiant steed, Esmeralda, ran to the rescue and...
11:14deposited our heroes at the bottom of the well.
11:17Save me, Rock, I can't swim!
11:19Oh, for goodness sake, there's only a foot of water down here.
11:22Yes, they wouldn't perish from drowning.
11:24Yeah, but we might from starvation unless we can climb out.
11:27Pull on the rope, Boinkle, see if it's strong enough to hold us.
11:30The magnificent moose complied.
11:32Did you hear what he called me?
11:34Please pull on the rope.
11:35He never used an adjective like that before.
11:38Pull on the rope, Boinkle!
11:40I suppose he's shining up to me for something.
11:42Maybe alone.
11:43Boinkle, a few ropes!
11:44Okay, Rock!
11:45And his mighty muscles strained, tugging desperately at the rope's end.
11:48Testing its every fiber.
11:50Investigating every single strand of that life-giving...
11:55Magnificent moose, huh?
11:57You're just having one of your wordy days, that's all.
11:59Well, we can't climb out.
12:01I guess it's the old one, too.
12:05Yep, he flew like a veritable bird of paradise spreading its multicolored...
12:09Oh, come on!
12:11Forgive me.
12:12Rocky plummeted out of the well and in no time lowered a ladder,
12:15which enabled his comrade to also escape.
12:18Now what, Rock?
12:19Now we got a score to settle.
12:20We're going to catch that zero guy.
12:22His flying tail all a-bristle, Rocky led the way back into Mucholoma.
12:26It wasn't easy getting through the mud,
12:27but Rocky was determined to reach Old Berry's 5 in 10.
12:30Si, señor.
12:31Do you have any Halloween costumes?
12:33Oh, si.
12:34But why should anyone dressed like a moose and squirrel require a costume?
12:38These, sir, are our naturals.
12:40A bit of bargaining,
12:41and seconds later behind the old red barn at the far end of town...
12:44It's starting to get dark, Bullwinkle.
12:46Zero will come riding into town just like he always does and...
12:49Bam! We'll have him!
12:50Right! Bam! We'll have him!
12:52You're not afraid?
12:53I'm fearless!
12:54Good! Put on the costume!
12:56Why the costume, Rock?
12:58We're going to trap Zero with it.
13:00Like the man of the five and dime said,
13:01if I am dressed like a moose, why, on the name of Rudolph, has to have...
13:04With darkness spreading fast, there was no time for an explanation.
13:07Rocky took out a coin, flipped it...
13:10Bullwinkle was correct.
13:11It landed on Rocky's tail and it came up heads.
13:13Always a good loser,
13:14Bullwinkle withdrew to the confines of the barn.
13:16A moment or two later, he appeared as...
13:18Mother of Pearl, I'm dressed like Zero!
13:21With one exception.
13:22Your branding iron has an X at the bottom.
13:24You, Bullwinkle, are the bandit X.
13:27I know there's not much time left in this episode,
13:29so can you tell me how I'm supposed to trap Zero?
13:31I'm afraid there's only enough time to look in on the other end of town.
13:34Bang, bang, bang!
13:35Sure enough, Zero has galloped in to stage another of his noisy attacks.
13:38What is Rocky's plan?
13:40Will his trap work?
13:41Don't miss our next magnificent episode!
13:44Oh, there I go again.
13:45The Unsatisfied Costumer, or...
13:48Why Not Try Brand X?
13:53Oh, quickly, we must get to the north end of Mucholoma,
13:56for last time you may not recall,
13:58Rocky instructed Bullwinkle in the art of wearing a disguise.
14:01I look like the bandit Zero.
14:03Except for one thing.
14:04My antlers?
14:05Your branding iron.
14:06Whereas Zero's had a zero, Bullwinkle's had an X.
14:09Don't you see?
14:10Zero'll come riding into town, you'll jump out,
14:12and he'll probably be so shocked at seeing another bandit,
14:15he'll probably turn right around and never come back.
14:17That word, probably.
14:18Couldn't you make that undoubtedly?
14:20There was no time for any changes,
14:22for just as we closed up shop last time,
14:24the object of their attention,
14:26and it wasn't Pinky Tomlin,
14:27rode into town determined to make more noise
14:30than he'd ever made before.
14:32Yoo-hoo, town!
14:33Here's your pig, my bandit.
14:35Come to make sure you don't get no sleep.
14:38Everybody, shine and rise.
14:40Eggs on the table, hockey out of the pool.
14:43Here we go.
14:44The Twelve-O-Two is leaving for Memphis.
14:46Hey, that sounds like Zero.
14:48Sounds more like Daddy Warbucks.
14:50Down the muddy main street, the noisy Desperado Road,
14:53poking his hot branding iron everywhere.
14:55Here he comes.
14:56OK, Bullwinkle.
14:57Jump out and give him the shock of his life.
14:59Bullwinkle jumped out
15:00and into the deepest mud hole in town.
15:03Stay back, Rock.
15:04Don't let the Hokey Finokee get you, too.
15:07He was on the verge of getting out.
15:09As the first rays of sunlight
15:11poked themselves up over the hills,
15:12the sun and Bullwinkle came out.
15:15Hokey smokes all night wasted.
15:18Yeah, and that doggone Zero feller
15:19got away Bill Scott clean.
15:21Not quite, senor.
15:22What an agonizing situation,
15:23to get free of a mud hole
15:24only to find a row of rifles pointing at you.
15:27Say, what's going on here?
15:29Please to step aside, little one.
15:30We only wish to shoot Zero.
15:37Yeah, but he's only dressed like Zero.
15:38Don't try to confuse us.
15:39Aside from the silly hat,
15:40he is the spitting image of our hated enemy.
15:42Despite the little squirrel's objections,
15:44Bullwinkle was unceremoniously
15:45dumped into the Mucholama jail.
15:48The very same jail I was in in episode two.
15:50Outside his cell window,
15:51an angry mob thought of taking matters
15:53into their own hands.
15:54Tar and feather the rascal.
15:56Deport him to Bayonne, New Jersey.
15:58Write a letter to his mother.
16:00That's when Rocky brought the judge
16:01to Bullwinkle's cell.
16:02Your Honor, he is not Zero.
16:04He is Bullwinkle.
16:06I shall ask three questions.
16:07Number one,
16:08what would you call a Japanese fighting plane
16:10during World War II?
16:14What was little Annie Rooney's dog named?
16:17Senor, you are the one we seek.
16:19Yeah, but he isn't.
16:20He's too smart to be a bandit.
16:22Tell him what your IQ is, Bullwinkle.
16:25You just slammed the lid on my coffin.
16:27Where's our sheriff?
16:30Since we caught Zero, we can siesta.
16:32I wish I could siesta.
16:33She lives in Frostbite Falls.
16:35Well, I guess there's nothing anyone can do.
16:37Goodbye, Zero.
16:39Goodbye, Rock.
16:41Oh, um, here's a cigar
16:42in case you'd like to smoke.
16:44It is okay for him to have this.
16:46What harm can a cigar do?
16:48What good can it do with what I'd like to know?
16:50Just make sure you lay it near the cell window.
16:52You'll get a bang out of it.
16:56Oh, if only he did understand.
16:58For inside that outer wrapping was a stick of TNT.
17:01TNT that could blow the back wall down
17:03and provide an avenue of escape.
17:06Will it come off?
17:07Don't miss our next explosive episode,
17:09The Inferior Decorator,
17:11or Wall-Eyed Moose.
17:15You may not realize it,
17:16but you are about to witness
17:18the stirring conclusion of a long story.
17:21A timid little minstrel was thrown into jail
17:23for singing during siesta.
17:25This so infuriated his Latin blood,
17:28he became the masked bandit, Zero,
17:31and rode through the village of Mucholoma
17:33keeping everybody up all night.
17:37It fell to our heroes to bring the noisemaker in.
17:40Either that, or spend 99 years in jail.
17:44Bullwinkle, dressed as Zero,
17:45was mistaken for the Loud Knight Rider,
17:47and as we closed our preceding chapter
17:48was languishing in a cell.
17:50I tried to free Bullwinkle,
17:51but the judge refused,
17:52finally in desperation.
17:54Which is the only way we do things on this show.
17:56I gave Bullwinkle a cigar.
17:58But I don't smoke, Rock.
17:59You don't have to.
18:00Put it near the window.
18:01Yes, the stogie contained a lethal stick of TNT.
18:04Rocky and the judge left the building
18:05while the befuddled moose examined his cigar.
18:08Put it near the window.
18:10Must be a smelly cigar.
18:11So saying, he struck a match, applied it to the end.
18:15What he did next was unbelievable
18:17for anyone else but Bullwinkle.
18:18He nonchalantly tossed the burning cigar
18:20out of the window.
18:21Hulk, he smokes that TNT,
18:23he'll never blow the jail wall down now.
18:25The TNT exploded,
18:26knocked down the chimney,
18:28which landed on an awning.
18:30The blitz catapulted across the street,
18:32crashed through a window.
18:34The sharp pieces of glass
18:35severed the base of a telephone pole.
18:37The pole collapsed right into,
18:39you guessed it, Bullwinkle was free.
18:43Run for it, Bullwinkle.
18:44Alas, the muddy streets of Mucholoma,
18:46English translation, much mud,
18:48held our antlered friend fast.
18:49So, attempting to escape, to whose go?
18:52Citizens, shoot him.
18:54No, wait, I tell you, he's not zero.
18:57Okay, little one,
18:58we gonna give you just one minute
18:59to prove that statement.
19:00There wasn't a dry forehead in their group
19:02as our valiant hero struggled to come up with a proof.
19:04You got 30 seconds.
19:06One idea after another
19:07flitted through his nimble squirrel-like brain.
19:0915 seconds.
19:10The task seemed insurmountable,
19:12and then...
19:13I got it.
19:14Why, George, he's got it.
19:15What have you got?
19:16Rocky didn't answer.
19:17He merely flew to a nearby wall,
19:18picking up the branding iron
19:19with the X along the way.
19:21Then, dipping it in the mud,
19:22he drew a large, muddy version
19:23of a tic-tac-toe game.
19:25Let me see.
19:26X, zero, X, zero, X, zero, X.
19:29Go ahead, Rock.
19:30Put another X down at the bottom
19:32and you win the game.
19:33But it isn't my turn, Bullwinkle.
19:35It's zero's.
19:37The temptation was too great.
19:38Out of nowhere,
19:39the masked loudmouth appeared
19:40and with a flourish
19:41applied his mark to the wall,
19:43winning the game
19:44but losing his freedom.
19:45Señor Zero,
19:46you are under arrest
19:47for a million years.
19:49The trial lasted three weeks.
19:50Rocky and Bullwinkle
19:51appeared as witnesses.
19:52You see, Your Honor,
19:53Guadalupe didn't know
19:54he was breaking the law
19:55by singing during siesta.
19:57I agree.
19:58Okay, we parole him.
19:59That is,
20:00if there is anyone here
20:01who will take him.
20:02There was,
20:03and to this day,
20:04if you ever visit New York City,
20:05go see the New York Mets
20:06play baseball.
20:09Who'll be working the scoreboard?
20:11We should score a run
20:12so I could take a break.
20:14As for Rocky and Bullwinkle...
20:16That was a brilliant idea,
20:17viewers rock,
20:18that tic-tac-toe game.
20:19Thanks, Bullwinkle.
20:20Oh, don't thank me.
20:21It wasn't my wall
20:22you muddied up.
20:24the judge would like
20:25very much to see you.
20:27Whose wall was it, Bullwinkle?
20:29I'll give you three guesses.
20:30Be with us again
20:31in another 30 days
20:32for another adventure
20:33with Rocky and Bullwinkle!
20:38Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
