Rocky and Bullwinkle in Wossamotta U

  • la semaine dernière
00:00Le Grand Col de Minnesota
00:02Le Grand Col de Minnesota
00:25Notre histoire s'ouvre aujourd'hui sur la campuse d'un grand collège de Minnesota,
00:27l'université de Wasemata.
00:29à l'intérieur de l'édifice d'administration, un important rendez-vous s'est déroulé.
00:33Je ne veux pas vous alarmer, mais ça a l'air d'être un désastre pour vous.
00:37Qu'est-ce qu'un désastre ? Oh, mon Dieu, un désastre !
00:41Qu'est-ce qu'il dit ?
00:42Le chancelier dit qu'on est en face d'un désastre !
00:45Dis quoi ?
00:46Désastre !
00:47Je ne connais pas les mots !
00:48Qu'est-ce qu'il dit de la campagne ?
00:51Messieurs, à moins que nous fassions quelque chose rapidement,
00:53nous allons rencontrer notre démon.
00:55Qu'est-ce qu'il dit ?
00:57Désastre !
00:58Les filles de la campagne chantent du chant du désastre !
01:00S'il vous plaît, ce n'est pas le moment pour de la fierté !
01:03Notre enregistrement a diminué de 80 %,
01:05nos bâtiments s'éloignent,
01:06et ce qui est encore pire...
01:08Oui, oui !
01:09Ils prennent la machine à la coke du lounge de l'université !
01:12Oh, le horreur !
01:13Mais pourquoi ? Pourquoi ?
01:15La réponse est simple, messieurs.
01:17Qu'est-ce que chaque université réussie a que nous n'avons pas ?
01:20Des élèves bien curés ?
01:22La lumière électrique ?
01:23L'adresse de la Fondation Ford ?
01:25Non, une équipe de football réussie.
01:29En fait, nous avons une équipe de football ?
01:31Oui, Wassamata U avait une équipe de sorte,
01:33mais elle n'avait pas score un but en 22 ans !
01:36Et c'est l'heure que nous l'avons !
01:37Oh, je ne sais pas, il me semble décevant de détruire un record parfait comme ça.
01:40Mais le coach Rocky Canute avait quelque chose à dire sur ça.
01:43Je suis d'accord, nous avons la meilleure équipe de football que l'argent peut acheter.
01:46Oui, oui !
01:47Mais comment allons-nous payer pour ça ?
01:48Comment d'autre ? Nous allons tirer quelques enseignants d'anglais.
01:51Oui, qui en a besoin ?
01:53Nous parlons tous l'anglais déjà.
01:55Certains d'entre nous en parlent.
01:56Tu insinues que je suis stupide ?
01:59Que tu es quoi ?
02:00Stupide, stupide, stupide.
02:02On va courir toute la nuit, on va courir toute la journée.
02:04Et c'est ainsi que tout s'est arrangé.
02:06Cinq professeurs ont été tirés, et cinq scouts de football ont été employés.
02:09D'accord, les gars, je veux que vous dénoncez la ville,
02:12calmez le paysage,
02:14et surtout, battez les arbres.
02:16Pourquoi battre les arbres ?
02:17Le genre de gars que nous voulons, ils y vivent probablement.
02:20Maintenant, allez-y !
02:21Les scouts ont cherché, haut et bas, les Canadiens pour la glorie du football.
02:25Ils ont touché tous les bâtiments dans le pays.
02:27Quelques-uns d'entre eux sont allés plus loin que ça.
02:29Ils ont été complètement perdus,
02:30et comme résultat, ils se sont rassemblés dans Frostbite Falls,
02:33où, comme le destin le ferait,
02:34Rocket Squirrel a choisi ce moment pour sauver.
02:37Oh, mon dieu, Bowinkle,
02:38je suis en train de faire un soufflé salami,
02:40et je n'ai pas de poudre Whiffle.
02:42C'est mort, c'est le frottement avec Portent.
02:44Qu'est-ce que c'est, le frottement avec Portent ?
02:45Cette photo, tu vois ?
02:46C'est Eddie Frost et George Portent, mes amis.
02:50Bowinkle, je dois aller à l'hôtel et revenir
02:52avant que le soufflé salami ne flotte.
02:54Arrête de sourire et parle.
02:56Donne-moi une main, Bowinkle.
03:00Dépêche-toi !
03:01Oup !
03:02Et, propulsé par la puissante mousse musculaire,
03:04Rocky Flash est sorti de la ville, à l'hôtel et de retour,
03:06avant que tu puisses dire Jack Robinson.
03:08Jack Robinson !
03:09Je suis là !
03:11Oh, mon dieu, je ne pouvais pas faire ça.
03:12Bien sûr, tout cela n'est pas passé sans notice.
03:14Tu sais ce que ça signifie, Chauncey ?
03:16Certainement, un soufflé flottant.
03:18Non, ça signifie que nous avons trouvé
03:20la sensation de football de l'année.
03:22Je pense qu'il est trop flottant pour un football.
03:24Et la taille.
03:25Pas le soufflé, la mousse.
03:27Il est de la mauvaise forme pour un football.
03:29Mais il est de la bonne forme pour un passeur.
03:32Et les deux Scouts se sont éloignés de Bowinkle,
03:33poignet en poignet.
03:34Apprenez-moi, mon gars.
03:35C'est un diplôme de collège.
03:37Un diplôme de collège ?
03:39Certainement, je peux le voir à la première vue,
03:41ton cerveau.
03:41Oui !
03:42Tu es intelligent.
03:42Oui !
03:43Tu es brillant.
03:44Oui !
03:44Alors pourquoi ne pas apprenez-moi ?
03:46J'oublie comment faire un B.
03:48Bien, peut-être qu'il se souviendra la prochaine fois
03:49dans un collège pour deux
03:51ou Rock s'envole.
03:56La dernière fois que tu te souviens,
03:57les trusteurs de Wasamaru-Yu
03:58se demandaient comment garder leur collège
04:00de ne pas tomber bankrupte.
04:01Qu'est-ce qu'un diplôme d'honneur
04:03pour Daddy Warbucks ?
04:04Toi, Nene, il n'est qu'un personnage de fait.
04:07On est réel ?
04:08Au final, bien sûr,
04:09ils ont suivi la direction de tant d'autres collèges.
04:11Ils ont décidé d'obtenir un équipe de football gagnante.
04:13Au résultat, les deux Scouts
04:14essayent de signer Bowinkle.
04:16Bowinkle, tu sais qui sont ces gars ?
04:19Pick and Pat ?
04:20Gallagher and Sheen ?
04:22Mull and Void ?
04:22Fair and Wormy ?
04:23Non, ils sont des Scouts.
04:25Si ils sont des Scouts,
04:26voyons-leur tirer deux pièces ensemble.
04:28Ils sont des Scouts de football.
04:30Voyons-leur tirer deux pièces ensemble.
04:33Voyons le petit livre de règles, Edgar.
04:36Trouble ?
04:37Il dit qu'ici, on peut enregistrer
04:38personne sauf une mousse.
04:40Laisse-moi le dire.
04:41Oh, Chauncey, ça ne dit pas mousse.
04:45C'est Mouse.
04:46Hot diggity !
04:48Allez, signe.
04:49Okay ?
04:50X !
04:51Bowinkle, tu sais comment écrire ton nom.
04:54Oui, mais je ne veux pas ressembler à un show-off.
04:56C'est pas...
04:57Humble, c'est moi.
04:58Oui, mais...
04:58Mr. Modesty.
05:00Quand il s'agit de humilité,
05:02je suis le plus grand.
05:03Je vois.
05:05Et donc, il s'est passé
05:06que quelques jours plus tard,
05:07Bowinkle Mousse est arrivé sur la campuse
05:09de What's the Matter You.
05:10C'est comme un magnifique rocher rêve.
05:12Il doit y avoir une cachette quelque part.
05:14Tu es sûr que tu as tout, Bowinkle ?
05:16Bien, tu vois,
05:17j'ai mes chaussures de belles-bottes
05:19et mes chaussures en trois tonnes.
05:20J'ai mon ukulélé et mon stylo.
05:23Tu as tes livres de texte ?
05:25Ne m'inquiète pas avec les détails, Rock.
05:27Mr. Mousse, je suis ton conseiller.
05:29Maintenant, à propos de tes cours.
05:30Je les porte juste pour lire.
05:32Non, non, tes cours.
05:34Je dois aller aux cours ?
05:35Bien sûr.
05:36Je t'ai dit qu'il y avait une cachette quelque part.
05:38Je te suggère de prendre
05:39l'introduction à la kinétique chimique,
05:41le calcul différentiel
05:42et l'histoire des guerres pélipénes.
05:44Prends-les, je ne peux même pas les prononcer.
05:46Oh, ils sont durs.
05:48Je n'aurai jamais le temps de jouer au football.
05:50Oh, tu es un joueur de football ?
05:52Le flash de Frostbite Falls.
05:54Tu veux voir mes clips ?
05:55De ton dernier jeu ?
05:57Non, de mon dernier coutoumi.
05:58Ce n'est pas nécessaire.
05:59Tu prendras les classes régulières
06:01pour un diplôme d'athlète.
06:03Quelles sont-elles ?
06:04Décorations personnelles,
06:06et lire des classiques modernes.
06:08Celui-ci a l'air dur.
06:09Quel classique moderne dois-je lire ?
06:12Dick et Jane à la mer.
06:14C'est mieux comme ça.
06:16J'ai peur que oui.
06:18Comment vas-tu, Flash ?
06:20Juste un fou, Mr. Scout.
06:22Tu sais qui c'est ?
06:23Bien sûr, le Scout Master.
06:26Non, c'est notre coach, Rocky Canute.
06:29Comment allez-vous, mon ami ?
06:31Merci, Amil.
06:31C'était un peu dur.
06:34Peut-être que tu devrais te déguiser, Moose.
06:36Dans quelques instants, Bo Winkle s'est retiré
06:38de son propre uniforme de football.
06:40Bo Winkle, tu n'as pas de pied.
06:42J'aime sentir mes pieds s'accrocher à la terre.
06:45En plus, ils n'avaient pas de 22.
06:48Allons voir un jeu, Moose.
06:50Un jeu déjà ?
06:51Je n'ai même pas commencé à pratiquer.
06:53Pas un jeu, un pas.
06:55Allons voir un pas avant.
06:58Comment ça ?
06:59Et Bo Winkle s'est retiré,
07:00a cassé son bras et a tiré un pas avant.
07:02Ça a travaillé...
07:05à 10 pieds et est tombé sur le sol.
07:08Comment ça, coach ?
07:10Coach ?
07:12Où est-il allé ?
07:13Au sol, c'est là.
07:15C'est la fin de la carrière de Bo Winkle ?
07:18Regardez notre prochain épisode,
07:20le jeu de balle caché,
07:21ou le but, c'est là que vous le trouverez.
07:27La carrière de Bo Winkle comme joueur de football
07:29a eu un retour quand le coach Kanute a dit...
07:32Tu penses que tu peux passer, Moose ?
07:34Je ne sais pas. Je vais étudier.
07:36Non, je veux dire un pas avant.
07:38Oh, ça. Bien sûr.
07:39Comment ça ?
07:41Et Bo Winkle a tiré un pas avant
07:42qui n'a pas travaillé plus de 10 pieds.
07:45C'est un pas avant.
07:46Il est allé avant, n'est-ce pas ?
07:48Retourne-toi, Moose.
07:49Non, attends. Je pense que je sais ce qui est faux, coach.
07:52Laissez-moi envoyer la balle.
07:54D'accord. Un, deux, trois.
07:58Maintenant, Bo Winkle. Alleeez !
08:01C'est Allee Oop qui l'a fait.
08:03Le football a zoomé dans l'air,
08:04dans le terrain, sur le poste de but,
08:05hors du stade et à travers le campus
08:07vers le bâtiment d'administration.
08:10Maintenant, chancelier, ce stade va vous coûter
08:12seulement 7 millions de dollars
08:13et nous pouvons commencer à construire sur...
08:15Beaucoup d'argent, monsieur Herdlicker.
08:16Je ne pense pas que nous...
08:18Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
08:19C'est un football.
08:20Comment est-ce qu'il est arrivé ici ?
08:21Par la main, je dirais qu'il a été tiré ici
08:22par votre nouveau full-back.
08:24Eh bien, ne restez pas là, Herdlicker.
08:26Construise quelque chose.
08:27Et immédiatement, le travail a commencé
08:29sur un stade tout nouveau pour What's the Matter You ?
08:31Pendant que sur le terrain de pratique,
08:32Bo Winkle et Rocky ont travaillé avec le reste de l'équipe.
08:35Alleee Oop !
08:37Je l'ai eu ! Je l'ai eu !
08:40Pas si dur, Bo Winkle.
08:42C'est le troisième pass de recevoir
08:44que nous avons perdu aujourd'hui.
08:45Nous ne le perdons pas, Rocky.
08:46Ils le récupèrent dans le prochain Cody.
08:48Mais le pass n'était pas le seul talent de Bo Winkle.
08:50Quand il a mis sa tête en bas et a chargé,
08:52il a pu tirer une partie de la ligne opposée.
08:55C'est ce que j'aime,
08:56un joueur qui utilise sa tête.
08:58C'est aussi bien pour mettre des chaussures.
09:00Il est temps pour What's the Matter You
09:01de jouer le premier match
09:02avec l'Institut Technique de Watchmakers.
09:04Ou comme il s'appelle, Tic-Tac-Tic.
09:06Ce n'était pas un jeu.
09:07C'était un massacre.
09:09Allee Oop !
09:12Ding !
09:13Allee Oop !
09:16Ding !
09:17Un instant avant la fin du match,
09:18avec What's the Matter You qui a gagné 66-0,
09:20le coach Canute a tiré Bo Winkle.
09:22Tout a changé immédiatement.
09:26Dans les 60 secondes suivantes,
09:27Tic-Tac-Tic a gagné 60 points.
09:29Mais alors, la finale a sonné.
09:31Un grand échec comme celui-ci
09:33ne s'est pas rendu compte.
09:34Wow ! Regarde ce que les journalistes
09:36disent sur le match, Rock.
09:37Je ne vois rien.
09:38Regarde ici.
09:40What's the Matter 66, Tic-Tac-60.
09:42Le type est trop petit pour que je puisse lire.
09:44Mais au fur et à mesure que la saison progresse,
09:46les réponses sont de plus en plus grosses.
09:48What's the Matter You, 90.
09:51Barely Normal, 0.
09:53What's the Matter 89, Pretty Polly, 0.
09:56What's the Matter 150,
09:59Des Coins Grammar School, 0.
10:02Un petit mélange dans le schéma.
10:04What's the Matter was the only team in the nation
10:06which was undefeated and untied.
10:08Pas untied, we're just a little loose, is all.
10:11But on television, every silver lining has a dark cloud
10:13and our show is no different.
10:15For in a downtown bat cave in a large city,
10:18some professional gamblers were posting betting odds
10:20on next week's game.
10:22Oh, boy.
10:23You see the odds on What's the Matter You?
10:24200 to 1.
10:27Well, Natasha, this is it.
10:29This is the time for me to turn over a new leaf.
10:32You know how I am, honey bun.
10:34Always destroying things,
10:36wrecking them, smashing them up.
10:39Well, now I'm going to do just the opposite
10:41of breaking things.
10:43You mean...
10:45I'm going to fix a game.
10:48And he's just the fixer to do it, too.
10:50Oh, don't fail to see Wager at Dawn
10:53or Early to Bet.
10:57Well, the latest sensation of the sports pages these days
11:00is What's the Matter You?
11:01And it's forward-passing phenom,
11:03Bullwinkle Moose.
11:04Look, Natasha, 200 to 1.
11:07Some score, darling.
11:08Score nothing.
11:10Those are the betting odds on What's the Matter You.
11:13Boris, why are you smiling that sneaky little smile?
11:16I know Moose can throw passes.
11:18I wonder if he could throw a whole game.
11:20Meanwhile, it wasn't all cleats and shoulder pads
11:22for our heroes.
11:23Eager to make good grades,
11:24they really had to burn the midnight oil.
11:27How come we're burning the midnight oil, Rock?
11:29They turn off the electricity at 10 o'clock.
11:33Knit one, purl two.
11:33Knit two, purl one.
11:34Knit one, purl two.
11:35What are you doing, Bullwinkle?
11:36Studying for a test.
11:37In what?
11:38My toughest class, advanced crocheting.
11:41Knit one, knit two.
11:41Purl one, purl two.
11:42Yeah, but why so fast?
11:44I'm cramming.
11:45Not that life at What's the Matter You
11:46was all work and no play.
11:48There were lots of typical collegiate
11:50good fellowship and hygiene.
11:52Howdy, fellers.
11:53How about seeing how many of us
11:54can pile into a phone booth?
11:55I don't think we've met, old boy.
11:57I know, but how about some typical collegiate
11:59good fellowship and hijinks?
12:01We can all go over to my place
12:03and swallow goldfish.
12:04There's enough for everybody.
12:06I just got my allowance.
12:07You must be insane.
12:09Come on, chaps.
12:10We're all going over to pick at Norman Mailer
12:12at the student union.
12:13Gee, Bullwinkle.
12:15What am I going to do with 300 goldfish?
12:17Well, why don't you...
12:18But although Bullwinkle didn't know it,
12:19he had an even more serious problem.
12:22Well, Natasha, it's great to be back on the campus.
12:26Boris, you went to college?
12:28Penn State?
12:29No, State Penn.
12:31But how we're going to convince Moose
12:33he should lose a football game?
12:35We got secret weapon, honey-bone.
12:37Oh, I love secrets.
12:39Let's see.
12:40Here is secret weapon.
12:44Boris, it's me.
12:45And thus it was that next day
12:47when Bullwinkle and Rocky left the practice field,
12:49they were confronted by a weeping figure.
12:54Hold it, Bullwinkle.
12:55That sounds like a lady in distress.
12:58Gee, didn't you ever read the hero's handbook?
13:01I can never get past the picture
13:02of General MacArthur on the cover.
13:04Well, chapter two says
13:06we should always help ladies in distress.
13:08Hi there, lady.
13:10Are you in distress?
13:11This dress, that dress, who cares?
13:13I'm distraught.
13:15Do we help ladies in distraught?
13:16What's the trouble?
13:18It's about next Saturday's game.
13:20With Hard Knocks College.
13:21Don't worry, we'll mobilize them.
13:24That's just it.
13:25My little brother is on that team.
13:27Your brother?
13:28Crazy Legs Kalbfuss.
13:30And if Hard Knocks doesn't win Saturday,
13:33they'll throw him off the team.
13:36They'll take away his sweater.
13:39And it's turning cool, too.
13:40They won't even let him watch American Bandstand.
13:44Is there no pity anywhere?
13:46So, your great, big, wonderful moose...
13:50That's me, all right.
13:52Maybe you could see to it
13:53that Hard Knocks wins next Saturday.
13:55Why not?
13:57Bullwinkle, you can't do that.
13:58I'm supposed to help ladies in distress.
14:00But chapter three says you never throw a game.
14:06You read your chapter, I'll read mine.
14:08What was that you called me, missy?
14:10A great, big, wonderful schnook.
14:14Sounds different this time.
14:15Well, has Bullwinkle fallen prey
14:17to Boris and Natasha's vile scheme so quickly?
14:19Be with us next time for standing room only
14:22or Bullwinkle sells out.
14:28Well, well, the Wasamata U football team
14:30continues to roll like a juggernaut over its opponents,
14:32sparked by the flashy passing combination
14:35of Rocky Squirrel and Bullwinkle Moose.
14:40But Boris Baranov, against all common sense,
14:42is betting heavily against Wasamata.
14:44Put all this on Hard Knocks College next Saturday.
14:47On Hard Knocks?
14:49Fellas, take off your hats.
14:51It ain't often we see such touching, childlike fate.
14:55Mister, you got our sympathy.
14:57Put your hats back on.
14:59I also got a fiendish plan.
15:01And what a plan it was.
15:02Natasha, disguised as a forlorn co-ed
15:04named Miriam Caldwell,
15:05convinced Bullwinkle that her brother
15:07was on the Hard Knocks football eleven.
15:09And if they don't win, he'll be thrown off the team.
15:12Never fear, Miriam, dear.
15:14Oh, poetry.
15:16Isn't it, though?
15:17And what's more, curfew shall not ring tonight.
15:19What's that mean?
15:21I don't know, but it sure sounds impressive.
15:23Bullwinkle, I don't think she even has a brother.
15:26Yeah, but she sure has long eyelashes.
15:28I think she's trying to trick you.
15:30Rock, I'm surprised.
15:31If she does have a football player for a brother,
15:34where is he?
15:35Where is this Crazy Legs Caldfuss?
15:37You called?
15:39You Crazy Legs Caldfuss.
15:41Just look.
15:42Crazy legs, all right.
15:43Well, that did it.
15:44The following Saturday,
15:45Bullwinkle just wasn't playing his usual game.
15:47At the end of three quarters,
15:48the score was still nothing to nothing.
15:53Bullwinkle, you fumbled!
15:55I bet those eyelashes are two inches long.
15:57As a matter of fact,
15:58the only reason Hard Knocks hadn't scored
15:59was that they were almost as bad a team
16:01as what am I to you?
16:02Two, seven, hike.
16:07Bullwinkle, you missed him.
16:08Go on, Whizzer, you're in the clear.
16:11And he was, too.
16:12But unfortunately, in donning his uniform,
16:14Whizzer Black had inadvertently tied together
16:16the laces of his right and left shoes.
16:18As a result...
16:20Boy, that's a lucky break.
16:22Eyelashes must be three inches long.
16:24Hey, you know who we haven't seen on the field yet?
16:27Among others, Prince Suvana Fuma.
16:29No, Crazy Legs Caldfuss.
16:31Probably saving him for the last quarter.
16:33This is the last quarter.
16:35Maybe they're four inches long.
16:37What are?
16:38Miriam's eyelashes.
16:41There in the end zone behind us.
16:43Sure enough, Miriam Caldfuss.
16:44Or as we know her, Natasha Fatah.
16:47Was in the stands cheering for Hard Knocks.
16:49Kill the moose.
16:51And look who's beside her.
16:53Crazy Legs, it was a trick.
16:56One, two, three, hut.
16:58Oh, what a dirty guy.
16:59I'll get you, Crazy Legs.
17:01Bullwinkle, no.
17:02You're running the wrong way.
17:04Nobody can make a monkey's uncle out of Bullwinkle Jay.
17:07Oh, boy.
17:08You know, Boobie, I don't like the look in his eyes.
17:11I told you moose had no sense of humor.
17:13Quick as a flash, Boris slipped out of his seat
17:15and disappeared into the crowd.
17:16Where'd he go?
17:17Bullwinkle, look out.
17:19Yes, by now, the mighty moose stood at the one-foot line,
17:21just 12 inches away from scoring the winning goal
17:23for his opponents.
17:24The Hard Knocks players struggled closer.
17:27Gee, these football fields are long.
17:29Boris was still ducking through the crowd.
17:31And where?
17:32Clear at the other end of the field,
17:33the Hard Knocks players leaped on Bullwinkle
17:35to drive him over the goal line.
17:37And at that moment, the referee raised his gun
17:39to signal the end of the game.
17:41Boy, we've had everything in this episode
17:43but the kitchen sink.
17:44What do you think this is?
17:46Well, is What's the Matter You?
17:48Doomed to its first defeat?
17:49We'll find out in our next excitement-riddled episode,
17:52Bullwinkle Scores Again or Fool's Goal.
17:59Well, in our last episode,
18:00Bullwinkle was just about to make football history
18:02at What's the Matter You.
18:03He's heading for the wrong goal.
18:05Right, for in the stands,
18:06Bullwinkle had spotted Crazy Legs Cobfoot.
18:08Doggone Crazy Legs.
18:10Here I've been taking it easy
18:11so he wouldn't get thrown off the team.
18:13Now I find out he's not even on it.
18:16Where'd he go?
18:17And Bullwinkle stopped just one foot short
18:19of the wrong goal line
18:20with a herd of tacklers coming after him.
18:23But just then...
18:24Bye-bye, birdbrain.
18:27Yes, Boris popped into sight
18:28clear at the other end of the stadium.
18:30Oh, bad, bad.
18:32Things had happened fast and furious.
18:34I'm fast and he's furious.
18:35So angry was Bullwinkle
18:36that he looked around for something to throw
18:38at the fleeting Boris.
18:39There was only one thing handy, the football.
18:41He hurled it just as he was hit
18:42by a cloud of tacklers.
18:45The ball zoomed over the heads
18:46of the astonished players.
18:47It was clearly headed right out of the stadium.
18:49But just as it reached the end zone,
18:51a furry streak intercepted it.
18:55It's a touchdown!
18:56We win! Yay!
19:03Is that the end, Boris?
19:05It's not my elbow, honeybun.
19:07Let that be a lesson to you, Bullwinkle.
19:09Always play your best game
19:11no matter what the provocation.
19:13Yeah, what the provocation, I always say.
19:16As a result of Bullwinkle's performance,
19:18Watsamata became the top-ranked team in the country.
19:20Their new stadium was packed every weekend
19:22with thousands of fans.
19:24Watsamata was making money
19:25hand over fist, over hand.
19:27Gentlemen, Bullwinkle Moose
19:29is the greatest football attraction
19:30since Blue Grains.
19:32Isn't that Red Grains, Chancellor?
19:34Let's not be controversial, Harkaby.
19:36Watsamata is in the black
19:37for the first time in history.
19:39At least we can afford to get some new teaching equipment.
19:41Yes, my world map is so old
19:43it still shows the Earth is flat.
19:45But nobody believes that.
19:47Our current event books say
19:48that McKinley is still president.
19:50And lots of people believe that.
19:52You mean he isn't?
19:53But now we can afford better teaching tools.
19:55Gentlemen, you must be mad.
19:57No new equipment?
19:59Of course. New athletic equipment.
20:02We can't afford to offend Coach Canute.
20:04And so, in rapid succession,
20:05Watsamata built an indoor baseball diamond,
20:07a 97-room home for Coach Canute,
20:09and a pink marble field house
20:11shaped like the Taj Mahal.
20:12It's lovely by moonlight.
20:14How about another test tube
20:16for the physics lab?
20:17Ah, ah, ah.
20:18We got to draw the line somewhere.
20:20Besides, it's time to meet
20:21the latest addition to our faculty,
20:23the world's greatest mathematical genius,
20:25Dr. Isosceles Digit.
20:27Dr. Digit, are you here
20:29to start a new math department?
20:31Are you kidding, Jack?
20:32I'm here to figure out
20:33new football plays.
20:34And meanwhile, what are those two heels
20:35without soles, Boris and Natasha?
20:37Yes, what of us, darling?
20:39Natasha, there's only one way
20:40to fix the game
20:41and beat that idiot Moose.
20:42And that is?
20:43We got to get our own football team.
20:46And within a few days,
20:47Boris had assembled
20:48the meanest, toughest gang
20:49of rascals and rogues in the state,
20:51the Mud City Manglers.
20:52Look at them, Natasha.
20:54Must I, darling?
20:55I just had lunch.
20:56And wait till you meet the coach.
20:58Darling, who could be mean
20:59and cruel enough
21:00to coach this mob of killers?
21:02Who else?
21:03You don't mean...
21:05All right, team.
21:06A little pepper.
21:07Last man out of the huddle
21:08is the first man dead.
21:10Boris is fearless leader.
21:13Yeah, he's doing a guest shot
21:14in this sequence.
21:16A guest shot?
21:17There goes a guest now.
21:20Well, what a team this is
21:21for our heroes to face.
21:22Be sure to see our next episode,
21:24Rogues Gallery,
21:25or hold that line up.
21:29Well, it was a big day
21:30for Wasamata Yu
21:31when the chancellor said,
21:32Many colleges are de-emphasizing football.
21:35Wasamata will re-emphasize it.
21:37One of the college's first acts
21:38was to sign up
21:39the Frostbite Falls Flash,
21:40Bullwinkle Moose,
21:41who, aided by Rocky the Flying Squirrel,
21:43proceeded to decimate the opposition.
21:45No, no.
21:46We just beat the other team.
21:47That's what the man said.
21:49Well, why don't he say what he says?
21:50But it looked like breakers ahead
21:51for Wasamata,
21:52for in a carefully guided hideout,
21:54Boris Baranov's Mud City Manglers
21:55were hard at work.
21:56They were a dreadful band
21:57of thugs and killers,
21:58coached by our old nemesis,
22:00fearless leader,
22:02and even he had to use
22:03a whip and a chair.
22:04All right.
22:05We'll try number 17.
22:08One, two, three.
22:11Strangler fumbled the ball again.
22:14I bet the coach
22:15gives him a light reprimand.
22:18I bet he gives him
22:19a severe reprimand.
22:22You were right.
22:23It was just a light reprimand.
22:26With a team of hard goons
22:27and criminals,
22:28fearless leader was at his best
22:29or worst.
22:30I want all of you men
22:31to read the sign
22:32I'm posting in the locker room.
22:34Play carefully.
22:36The life you save
22:37may be your own.
22:38But of course,
22:39being villains
22:40had certain advantages, too.
22:42Tackle practice.
22:43I want you to tackle that dummy
22:44as if it were a Wasamata.
22:46You run up.
22:55Fearless leader,
22:56all the sand is running
22:57out of the tackling dummy.
22:58All right.
22:59All right.
23:00Which one of you
23:01stabbed the tackling dummy
23:02in the back?
23:03It was me.
23:04You stabbed
23:05a defenseless dummy
23:06in the back?
23:08One of it.
23:09Well, congratulations, my boy.
23:11You are my kind of folks.
23:13From now on,
23:14you're captain of the team.
23:16That's the way to talk, coach.
23:18When I want your approval,
23:19I'll ask for it.
23:20Yes, fearless leader.
23:22All right.
23:23I'm asking.
23:26in the chancellor's office
23:27at Wasamata U,
23:29Hey, you guys.
23:30Yes, coach Canute.
23:32I got a letter here
23:33from a team I never heard of
23:34challenging us to a game.
23:37What's the team?
23:38The Mud City Manglers.
23:40No, no, no.
23:41A challenge game?
23:42No, no, no.
23:43They'll pay us a thousand dollars.
23:45It's a deal.
23:47And so in a short while,
23:48the wire services were buzzing
23:49with the news.
23:50Mud City?
23:51Never heard of them.
23:53Here's the picture of the team.
23:54How do they look?
23:55They sure got funny-looking helmets on.
24:00That's hair.
24:01Bo Winkle,
24:02those are girls.
24:04To drive the odds even higher,
24:05the Wiley Boris
24:06had dressed his entire team
24:07in curly wigs
24:08and mini blouses.
24:09Bo Winkle,
24:10this is terrible.
24:11It is?
24:12What kind of game
24:13can you play with girls?
24:14Boy, this really is
24:15a children's show, isn't it?
24:16Parcheesi, of course.
24:18The photograph caused a sensation.
24:20Girls challenged
24:21nation's number one team.
24:23Time for your chance
24:24to tackle Juggernaut.
24:25Little did the press
24:26of the nation know
24:27that the Mud City Manglers
24:28were a gang of thieves,
24:30and unspeakable Turks.
24:31All right, girls.
24:32And I use the term loosely.
24:33Time to check your equipment.
24:35Shoulder pads?
24:37Spike shoes?
24:39Poison for spikes?
24:41Switchblade knives?
24:43Brass knuckles?
24:45Hand grenades?
24:47Then we're ready.
24:48Just remember one thing.
24:50I want you to behave like ladies.
24:51Well, these are shady ladies indeed.
24:53And we'll see their fiendish plot
24:54unfold next time
24:55in Mailbags
24:56or Homely at the Brave.
25:03Hats off to you
25:04To thy colors
25:06Ochre and Alice blue
25:08We will e'er be
25:10Faithful and true
25:11Hail, Wassamata, hail
25:13Better we should be in jail
25:15Hey, Wassamata, you
25:17The straining...
25:19The stirring strains
25:20of the college fight song
25:21herald the big game
25:22between Wassamata, you
25:23and Boris Baranov's
25:24Mud City Manglers.
25:26But gee, Rock,
25:27the Mud City Manglers
25:28are girls.
25:29They look awful big
25:30for girls.
25:31I guess football doesn't appeal
25:32to the petite ones.
25:33And on the way
25:34to the football field,
25:35Boris and Natasha dashed
25:36into an illegal
25:37betting parlor.
25:38Okay, Manny,
25:39what's the odds
25:40on the big conflict?
25:41World War III,
25:42six to five
25:43in Pickham.
25:44No, no,
25:45the Wassamata game.
25:46Oh, an unbeaten team
25:47playing a bunch of girls?
25:49500 to one
25:50on Wassamata.
25:51I'll just take me some of that.
25:53I'll bet all this
25:54on Mud City.
25:55And I'll bet all this.
25:57Fearless leader,
25:58where did you get all the loot?
26:00that is the entire contents
26:01of the Pennsylvania Treasury.
26:03You carry the treasury
26:04wherever you go?
26:05You don't think
26:06I'd leave it with those crooks
26:07in my government, do you?
26:08Who says
26:09you can't take it with you?
26:11All right, boy,
26:12you got a bet,
26:13but you're throwing
26:14your money away.
26:15Who says?
26:16I hope he's wrong
26:17and you're right, Baranov.
26:18Oh, I am, I am.
26:19Because there's something else
26:20I always carry around with me.
26:22A cheery smile?
26:25My own firing squad.
26:27Oh, boy.
26:28Natasha, we really got
26:29to make sure of this one.
26:30But, darling,
26:31we already got fiendish plans.
26:32We can't take chances.
26:34This time our fiendish plan
26:35will have a fiendish plan.
26:36And back in our
26:37hero's dormitory room.
26:38Come on, Bo Winkle,
26:39it's time we left for the game.
26:41Just a sec, Rock.
26:42I'm still studying
26:43these new plays.
26:45The only play you know
26:46is the forward pass.
26:48you're not the quarterback.
26:49No, I'm the all-back.
26:52Oh, if our boys only knew.
26:54For at that moment,
26:55the Wasamata quarterback,
26:56Bob Waterbucket,
26:57was receiving a caller.
26:58I don't wear a collar.
27:00My neck's too big.
27:01Not a collar.
27:02A caller.
27:03A caller.
27:06Emergency telegram
27:07for Bob Waterbucket.
27:08That's me.
27:09Well, read it.
27:11It's got long words in it.
27:14Oh, very well.
27:15It says your aunt in Azusi
27:17fell down and broke her crown.
27:18You should rush right out there.
27:20But I can't.
27:21I gotta call the big game.
27:23In that case,
27:24here's another telegram.
27:25The president has just declared
27:26the national emergency you drafted.
27:28I'll get a deferment.
27:29I gotta call the big game.
27:31Oh, boy.
27:32In that case,
27:33here's my third and last
27:34emergency telegram.
27:35Nothing can stop me
27:36from calling that game.
27:37It's from a professional
27:38football team.
27:39They want to hire you for...
27:41You're not going to call the game?
27:44I'm calling it off.
27:45As a result of Waterbucket's
27:46sudden departure,
27:47Coach Rocky Canute
27:48had a tough decision to make.
27:50OK, Moose, you're quarterback.
27:54Aw, come on, fellas.
27:55Even the Moose should be able
27:56to beat a team of schoolgirls.
27:58But as we know,
27:59the Mud City Manglers
28:00are only disguised as girls.
28:01Actually, they're a tough bunch
28:02of thugs and plug-uglies.
28:04But, Borey,
28:05suppose the Moose
28:06remembers all the plays.
28:07What plays?
28:08I got the only other copy
28:09of the diagrams here.
28:11Then what was Moose studying?
28:13The diagrams I substituted for them.
28:15Which were?
28:16For three weeks,
28:17the Moose has been studying
28:18battle plans for the Civil War.
28:20Well, it looks as if
28:21the South may rise again.
28:23Don't miss
28:24Mine Eyes Have Seen the Gory
28:25or Moose is in the Cold, Cold Ground.
28:32Well, there's no turning back now.
28:33There really is going to be a game
28:34between the Mud City Manglers
28:35and the Wasamata U Pigeons.
28:37What's more,
28:38Bullwinkle is now our quarterback.
28:40And what's more,
28:41these are the diagrams
28:42of the plays we're gonna play.
28:43And what's more,
28:44they're the wrong diagrams.
28:46Yes, Boris had switched diagrams
28:47and the hapless Moose
28:48was now going over
28:49a set of battle plans
28:50of the Civil War.
28:51Or as we call it,
28:52the War Between the States.
28:54Now, wait a minute. Who are you?
28:55Colonel Jefferson Beauregard Lisa.
28:58Yeah, but you're not part of our story.
29:00No, I'm from the League
29:01of Confederate Correctors.
29:02The League of Confederate Correctors?
29:05Every time a program refers
29:06to the late unpleasantness
29:08as the Civil War.
29:09You show up and correct them?
29:11That's right, Chug.
29:12We call it
29:13the War Between the States.
29:15Yeah, but...
29:16I just can't abide the word civil.
29:18Meanwhile, in the locker room
29:19of the Mud City Manglers...
29:22if any of your opponents
29:23walks off the field
29:24under his own power,
29:25it means 20 lashes.
29:29All right, men,
29:30and I use the term loosely,
29:31take the field.
29:32The teams lined up
29:33and Wasamata kicked to the Manglers.
29:38Instantly, there was a huddle
29:39and when it broke up,
29:40nobody appeared to have the ball.
29:42Who we supposed to tackle?
29:43Come on,
29:44which of you girls has the ball?
29:46What do you think I am, a rat?
29:48You got it, lady.
29:49And before the astonished crowd,
29:50the Manglers strolled innocently
29:51down the field
29:52past the baffled Wasamata players.
29:53Then as they reached the goal line,
29:55one of the scoundrels
29:56pulled the deflated ball
29:57from under his mini-blouse.
30:03Any objections, wise guy?
30:06Miss, I'll thank you
30:07to keep a civil tongue in your head.
30:09Ah, ah, ah,
30:10a War Between the States tongue.
30:12Oh, boy.
30:13Now, wait, Mr. Referee.
30:15Did that really count six points?
30:17Well, of course not, Wacky, it...
30:19Oh, it counted seven points.
30:22Well, with the referee intimidated,
30:23the Manglers had it all their own way.
30:26Pass it, Bullwinkle!
30:36Incomplete, incomplete.
30:38The pass?
30:39The ball.
30:40Are yous ready, Gaitrude?
30:42Let's have it, Sibyl.
30:43Ah, ah, War Between the...
30:45I said Sibyl, not Sibyl.
30:47Sorry, my.
30:48Play the game, play the game.
30:50It was easier said than done.
30:52We're close enough to try
30:53a little field goal, Bullwinkle.
30:55Just kick it between the goal posts.
30:57Right, Rock. Hop!
30:59The kick looked good until two Manglers
31:01moved the goal posts.
31:03At this rate, we'll never win.
31:05We'll be lucky to lose.
31:06But on the next play...
31:09Bullwinkle, look at this.
31:11Good heavens, Rock,
31:12you've scalped the scat bank.
31:14Scalped nothing, this is a wig.
31:16Bullwinkle, they aren't girls at all.
31:19Oh, darn.
31:20What's the matter?
31:21I was going to ask the halfback
31:22to the prom tonight.
31:23Well, anyway, it's our ball.
31:25Yeah, but look at that defensive line.
31:27Hokey Smoke, they've dug trenches.
31:29And they've all got guns.
31:30Mr. Referee,
31:31how about calling a penalty?
31:33Oh, I will, Rocky.
31:35Five yards against Wasemade
31:37for delaying the game.
31:38Don't you have any courage?
31:40Yes, but I've also got a wife and kitties.
31:42And with the score seven to nothing,
31:44the hands of the clock crept closer to defeat
31:46our boys and triumph for Boris Baranov.
31:48Don't miss our next episode,
31:50Bullwinkle's battle plans or civil def...
31:53Ah, ah, ah, war between the states defense.
31:56That is not funny.
31:58Ah, no.
31:59I can't abide jokes, neither.
32:03In our last episode, you remember,
32:05Wasemade's football future looked very dim.
32:07First, Boris Baranov's Mud City Manglers
32:09had intimidated the referee.
32:10Intimidated, heck, I'm terrified.
32:12Then they had turned their defensive game
32:14into trench warfare,
32:15complete with barbed wire and gun emplacements.
32:17And to make matters even worse,
32:18Boris had stolen all of Wasemade's plays.
32:21Natasha, now I think I'll take up smoking cigars.
32:24Why now?
32:25So I can light one with these football plays.
32:27Other people use a hundred dollar bill, darling.
32:30Right now, these are worth a million.
32:32Yes, they were,
32:33for Boris had made hundreds of bets on the game
32:35in illegal gambling joints all over the nation.
32:37Hey, Manny, it looks like that girl's team
32:39is gonna beat Wasemade, you.
32:41Don't worry, lefty, I'm prepared.
32:43You're gonna pay off?
32:44You're kidding?
32:45You see that emergency box on the wall?
32:48In case of disaster, break glass.
32:50What's inside, money?
32:51Nope, a one-way ticket to Brazil.
32:54At that moment, the referee raised his pistol
32:56to signify the end of the first half.
33:00Lying flat on the ground,
33:01our heroes were safe momentarily,
33:03but the spectators in the end zone
33:04didn't make out as well.
33:06Manny, the Mud City Manglers
33:07just shot away the end of the stadium.
33:09What do you say to that?
33:11Adios, amigos.
33:13Adios, amigos.
33:17When our heroes finally made it
33:18under fire to their dressing room,
33:19gloom was written on every face.
33:21Except mine.
33:22I got despair written on mine.
33:24If only they hadn't stolen our football plays.
33:27Well, they left these in their place.
33:29Bowinkle, those aren't football plays.
33:31Those are battle plans for the Civil War.
33:34War between the states, you mean?
33:36Colonel Beauregard, you hear?
33:38Us members of the League of Confederate Correctors
33:40is everywhere.
33:41I've noticed.
33:41I just can't abide the word civil.
33:44Well, here, maybe you'd like to have these plans.
33:46My pleasure.
33:48Ah, Chancellorsville.
33:50There was a battle.
33:51What a cavalry charge.
33:53Looks more like an end run to me.
33:55Bowinkle, that's it.
33:56If the Manglers are going to use battle tactics
33:58on the gridiron, why can't we?
34:00Why can't we?
34:01Bowinkle, you've done it again.
34:03Come up with a brilliant plan and like that.
34:05Yes, sir.
34:06Now, there's just that one little question.
34:09What is it?
34:10This is the plan.
34:11Instead of football plays,
34:13we're going to use the battle plans of the...
34:16I was going to say war between the states.
34:19Us Confederate Correctors can never be too sure.
34:21And so, when the whistle blew for the second half of the game,
34:24it was a strange-looking team that emerged
34:26from the Wasamata U dressing room.
34:28Look at them fellas, Roof.
34:30They going to fight the war all over again.
34:33We Southerners been doing that for years.
34:35The ball was snapped and Bowinkle commanded.
34:37By the right flank.
34:40Well, the game started up again,
34:42but this time the Mud City Manglers were no match
34:44for the military genius of the flower of the Confederacy.
34:47In one great flanking motion,
34:49the Wasamata team turned the end of the line
34:51and swept down the field.
34:53Bowinkle, you did it.
34:55There's the goal just ahead.
34:57Bowinkle, why are you stopping?
34:59Which direction are we running in, Corporal?
35:02Well, south, of course.
35:04South, eh? I thought so.
35:06These plans call for us to go north.
35:08Bowinkle turned and began dashing toward his own goal line.
35:11On he went, swivel-hipping his way through the opposition.
35:14Dagnabbit, you said civil.
35:16All right, war between the states,
35:18hipping his way through the opposition.
35:20Oh, what can save the game for our boys?
35:23Maybe we could get some new writers.
35:25Don't miss our next hysterical, historical episode,
35:28Bowinkle Buys a Fence, or Tickets Charge.
35:38That loud wailing noise you hear
35:40is the sobbing of thousands of bookmakers all over the country.
35:43For every one of these illegal gamblers
35:45bet that unbeaten Wasamata Yu would trounce a girls' team
35:48known as the Mud City Manglers.
35:50Little realizing that the Manglers were owned by Boris Barinov
35:53and had been coached by fearless leader himself.
35:55Hold that line, fellows.
35:57Oh, they won't retreat, Barinov.
35:59How can you be sure?
36:01The second team is right behind them, with bayonets.
36:08Rocky's watched as the Manglers held Wasamata Yu's scholars for the first half.
36:12I'll never make another bet again as long as I live.
36:16Three to one, you do.
36:17You're on.
36:18You lose.
36:19Things looked a little brighter for our boys
36:21when Rocky decided to play the game according to some old battle plans
36:24of the war between the states.
36:26Now you're talking, Yankee.
36:28But even this idea backfired
36:30when Bowinkle decided to take the plan seriously.
36:33But Bowinkle...
36:34Cuddle loose to you, corporal.
36:36What direction are we heading?
36:39Yes, South. So what?
36:40The sheer plan says we march north. North it is.
36:43And with flags flying, Bowinkle began running toward his own goal line.
36:48Disaster was imminent, but as fate would have it,
36:50the clock suddenly marked the end of the quarter.
36:53What's the trouble?
36:55Now the teams change goals.
36:57Moose is now running in the right direction.
36:59Yes, at that moment, Bowinkle dashed into the end zone for a touchdown.
37:03Hooray! That's six points.
37:06But the referee, who was under some pressure, decided to...
37:09No, only three points.
37:11It's a handicap. After all, you're playing an all-girl team.
37:16Youse wouldn't want to take advantage of a lady, would you?
37:19But you're not a lady.
37:21Sir, Youse is a cat.
37:26Penalty on the play.
37:27About time. How many yards do we get?
37:30Get? I'm penalizing Wasamata 30 yards. Insulting a lady.
37:34Yeah, but that puts us behind our own goal line. That's a touchback.
37:38Right. Three points for Mud City.
37:40Three points?
37:41They get an extra point for being girls.
37:44Bowinkle, we can't win.
37:46That's the general idea, Squirtle.
37:48And who are you?
37:49I'm the leader of the all-girl team.
37:51You are?
37:52I'm the field spitalny of the grid aisle.
37:54Yeah, but those aren't really girls.
37:56I know that. You know that. But does the referee know that?
38:00Do you know that?
38:01All I know is this fella behind me has a gun.
38:04Aimed right at my 50-yard line.
38:06Bowinkle, that fella's intimidating a referee.
38:09Not very well. He doesn't look like one at all.
38:11No, I mean he's threatening that poor little guy's life.
38:14Well, that does it, Rock. Now my dandruff is up.
38:17Give me those battle plans. Ladies or no ladies. This is war.
38:21And it was.
38:24In the next ten minutes, Wasamata, you'll replay the entire last two years of the Civil War.
38:29War between the states.
38:31And this time, the South won.
38:33In that case, you can call it the Civil War.
38:35Yes, just before the final gun sounded, Rocky flashed into the clear.
38:42And zoomed for the goal line.
38:44Bowinkle, pass it to me. Olly!
38:47Ah, but that was the moment Boris Baranov had been waiting for.
38:50He quickly seized a large rock, painted it to look like a football,
38:53and hurled it right at the unsuspecting squirrel.
38:56Oh, don't miss our next heart-stopping episode,
38:59The Rock for Rock, or To Each His Stone.
39:06In our last quarter of the episode,
39:08our heroes were right on the verge of winning their game with the Mud City Manglers,
39:12or losing it, as the case may be.
39:15For Rocky the Flying Squirrel had just zoomed into the clear of the goal line,
39:19and shouted back at Bowinkle...
39:21The forward pass, Bowinkle! Olly!
39:24Oop! But the oop had come from Boris Baranov,
39:27who had thrown not a football, but a cleverly disguised rock.
39:30Would you like a nice squirrel coat, fearless leader?
39:33You got one, bad enough?
39:35No, but I know somebody who won't be needing one in a minute.
39:38But let us stop everything right here,
39:40and change our scene to an emergency meeting of the Bookmakers and Gamblers Protective Association.
39:45Fellow bookies, I would like to take advantage of this brief moment
39:48to remind you of our untenable position.
39:51A what?
39:52A lousy setup.
39:54Look, the squirrel is going to get clobbered, right?
39:57Now, if he loses the game, we got to pay off to Baranov, right?
40:01Wrong. There ain't enough money in the world to pay off at the odds we gave him.
40:05So what do we do? Skip town?
40:07Would I suggest a cheap trick like skipping town?
40:09Sorry, Mickey.
40:10I suggest we skip the country.
40:13Where do we go?
40:14Yeah. Who'd want crooks like us?
40:16Follow me, boys. I know a country that'll take anybody.
40:19But the villains had reckoned without the keen eyes and instant reflexes of our furry hero.
40:23OK, Smokes, that's not a football.
40:25And Ruggie swiftly zipped to one side.
40:27The heavy stone passed him and plummeted right for the timid referee
40:30who still had a gun held at his back by one of Boris' thugs.
40:33Duck, duck!
40:34Hey, what's he mean, duck, duck?
40:36Maybe there's a flock of them coming over.
40:38Hey, that ain't no flock of ducks. That's a...
40:43But where's Bullwinkle?
40:45You cold?
40:46Yes, out of the pall and smoke and flame that covered the gridiron galloped Bullwinkle Moose,
40:50the football dangling from his antlers.
40:52Quick, Bullwinkle. There's only a few seconds left.
40:55Now, what do we do, Badenov?
40:57Relax, fearless leader.
40:59Shoo, Mike. Look at this diagram of the end zone.
41:02Hmm. What are the circles?
41:04Landmines. I've mined the whole end zone.
41:07Explosive landmines in a football field? Badenov, that's a rotten thing to do.
41:12I just knew you would like it, fearless leader.
41:15Boris, I like to have you around. You're my kind of folks.
41:19Could I call you FL?
41:21I'm on my way up, Boris, and I'm going to take you with me.
41:24But alas, for the villain's plans, Bullwinkle dashed into the end zone,
41:27turned and galloped all the way across it, and didn't step on one mine.
41:34Six points.
41:35Wassamatta wins!
41:38So, you had landmines in the end zone, eh, Badenov?
41:42I can't understand it, fearless leader. I could swear I had one right.
41:47And you were right, fearless leader. You're on the way up, and I'm going with you.
41:53And so, Wassamatta, you finished its season unbeaten.
41:57Only one fly in the ointment, Bullwinkle.
42:00Well, that's about par for ointment. What is it?
42:02I didn't like all those gamblers escaping to some other country.
42:05Ah, if Rocky had only known, the Bucky's boat was even then approaching its destination.
42:10Well, there it is, man. Pennsylvania.
42:14And look, there's a reception committee to meet us.
42:18Hey, Charlie, if I ever get your ten, we goofed.
42:21Bet heavily, Schweinhund. It's a sure thing.
42:24And so we come to the end of another fun-filled episode of Rocky and Bullwinkle.
42:30You know, Rock, he sure got some funny ideas about fun.
42:43Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
